All liberal, socialist, and Marxist societies, regardless of their specific economic system, have one thing in common: They are all tied to the economy. (more…)
Author: Guillaume Faye
March 31, 2023 Guillaume Faye
Guillaume Faye:
Od soumraku k úsvitu2.655 slov
English version here
Poznámka překladatele do angličtiny
Následující projev zazněl 17. května 2005 v Moskvě a jeho francouzský přepis vyšel na ruském webu Athenaeum.
Přinejmenším ze tří důvodů mám za to, že stojí za to šířit tento projev v nacionalistických kruzích: první důvod si postupně začíná uvědomovat stále více anglicky mluvících nacionalistů – Guillaume Faye je dnes asi nejzajímavějším, i když ne vždy nejpřípadnějším mluvčím za geneticko-kulturní dědictví související s bělošským odporem. (more…)
2,066 words
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Translator’s Note: Comments in parentheses are Faye’s, bracketed ones are my own.
An artifact is a manufactured object which replaces the real, whose true nature is distorted. (more…)
2,735 words
Part 3 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 2 here)
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Will He Be Worthy of the Storm He Has Provoked?
Trump as a personality is one-of-a-kind, extravagant, unpredictable: his “impolite” behavior does not sit well with the habits of the ruling classes of most countries. (more…)
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)
The election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States could be an American and global earthquake, something unprecedented. Or a huge flop and an enormous disappointment for the groups that elected him. An analysis in three parts, of which this is the first.
The Victory of Populism
April 13, 2016 Guillaume Faye
¿El Genocidio Intencional de los Pueblos Europeos?
Translated by Guillaume Durocher
Because of negligence – or rather due to the complicit will of the catastrophic Madam Merkel – over one million “refugees” have crammed themselves into Germany since 2015. With all the problems that that entails. Unprecedented. We’ve gone from the drip-drip to the open faucet. Greece is submerged. (more…)
February 13, 2016 Guillaume Faye
La Invasión migratoria, parte 3:
Un remedio importante -
February 13, 2016 Guillaume Faye
La Invasión migratoria, parte 1:
Un Diagnóstico Aterrador