The recent overwhelmingly hostile public response to this year’s Pride Month is encouraging. Pushback against the LGBTQ agenda should not be entirely surprising, as it’s been a long time in coming. Two years ago, governors from socially conservative states were vetoing anti-trans legislation, but nowadays, they’ve changed their outlook.
The LGBTQ movement is inherently unstable. Homosexuals have different interests from transsexuals, and transsexuals themselves are an incoherent group of women attempting to be men and men attempting to be women. Many trans people have other mental illnesses as well. In my review of Christopher Cantwell’s excellent book The Age of Entitlement, I predicted significant pushback against the LGBTQ agenda when I referred to the 2015 controversy over the Kim Davis marriage license for homosexuals:
At the time of the [Kim Davis] controversy, I felt it was a permanent end to conservatism. After reading the book under review, I realized that the gay identity movement had won a victory that they couldn’t keep. After all, Kim Davis was not a criminal, and she hails from a culture that mounted their guard on the walls of Londonderry while on half-rations and then went to civilize the North American wilderness. Davis also bore and raised four children. Her adversaries cannot have children, and they made sterile sexual behavior their primary identity. Furthermore, to accept transgenderism, one must also accept an obvious lie.
It is clear that a large number of Americans are tired of accepting the obvious lie of gender ideology, as well as LGBTQ ideology more generally. In March 2023 Dylan Mulvaney, a man dressed as a woman who has millions of followers on TikTok, received a Bud Light endorsement, causing many Americans to spontaneously boycott the brand. Bud Light’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch, has suffered tremendous losses, and the Bud Light brand may never recover. It is the first time that the threat of “go woke, go broke” has been unequivocally successful. The Target franchise was likewise targeted by a boycott over its Pride-themed merchandise aimed at children.
The effects of these boycotts continue to spread. The “woke” United States Department of Defense banned drag shows at all its installations, and Major League Baseball changed its online logo from a Pride-themed one back to its ordinary one after only a single day. Even video games are dropping Pride: Xbox abandoned a Pride theme for its label to the “burning fires of hell.” This was probably a deliberately crafted marketing ploy to push its new Diablo 4 game, but marketers carefully track and quickly respond to social trends. Disney’s “woke” version of The Little Mermaid similarly flopped, and there has been at least one fight between sub-Saharans at theaters showing it. As a result, the film has acquired a toxic ghetto vibe that will further reduce revenues.
The LGBTQ movement rose to prominence as a result of years of metapolitics. They made enormous strides in the 2000s by presenting themselves as responsible gay men in loving relationships. Resistance to the homosexual agenda was weakened when Jerry Falwell passed away in 2007, and although Barack Obama was opposed to gay marriage until 2010, he eventually changed his views and his administration leaned on schools and shaped the environment in many other ways to bring about this attempted revolution.
The movement’s current setbacks are the result of a new force which has arisen out of the ashes of the Nixon-era conservative movement. There is a new type of mainstream conservativism free of the theocratic neoconservative baggage that reached its peak under George W. Bush. Matt Walsh’s documentary What is a Woman and Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter have helped bring about a push for sanity. Walsh’s activities are particularly effective, and it is quite useful to study how he rationally answers hostile questions in a public setting. There have also been several recent mass shootings perpetrated by transsexuals, the most horrifying being the one at a Christian school in Tennessee.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.
On the racial front, it is interesting to note that the third anniversary of George Floyd’s death passed without comment in the mainstream media. Black Lives Matter is now facing bankruptcy.
LGBTQ activism and sub-Saharan racial activism are aligned. They are malign social contagions that damage the health of white Americans. I’ve started to wonder if there is something else going on under the surface, however.
The “civil rights” regime that has empowered the homosexual, trans, and sub-Saharan social movement is coming apart. While it appears triumphant in many ways, it has also suffered many setbacks in recent years. Americans voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020 despite the Left’s accusations of racism and use of other devil words against him. Trump remains popular and is polling better than Biden at the moment. Other cherished Leftist policies have only advanced through the courts, and Roe v. Wade was overturned in 2022. Ultimately, the “civil rights” regime requires the entire country to reject obvious realities. This is unsustainable.
The Left’s astonishingly shrill insanity of late could be a sign of liberal whites Ghost Dancing — which is what happens when a tribe under pressure drifts into a form of insanity as their way of life becomes increasingly untenable. Members of such a tribe revert to magical thinking and irrationality. They often wear peculiar clothing that reflects their tribal identity, and they come to believe that this has magical properties, such as the ability to deflect bullets. Ghost Dancers include Tecumseh’s Indian coalition just before the War of 1812, the Carlists of Spain in the 1800s, the Sioux in1890, the Xhosa, and more recently, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State.
Many on the Left, including its most extreme elements, are whites, and thus this Ghost Dancing analogy is admittedly not perfect, but many of these whites are insecure young women following a fad. When the fad fades, they’ll leave it.
The Left is practicing a clear form of Ghost Dancing at present that closely parallels the Xhosa’s version of Ghost Dancing: the Cattle Killing Cult. In 1856 a 15-year-old Xhosa girl named Nongqawuse had a vision that if the Xhosa killed their cattle and destroyed their crops, then on a certain day the white Anglo-Dutch settlers in Cape Colony would be swept away by divine forces, the cattle would be returned, and the Xhosa lands would be renewed. The Xhosa followed her advice, the divine forces failed to materialize, and mass starvation followed. Recently, there have been calls to drastically restrict the agricultural industry to prevent “climate change,” a cherished Leftist eschatological belief. The global face of this movement is Greta Thunberg. Among the suggestions being made is the mass killing of cows. In Ireland, there is a proposal to kill 200,000. In the Netherlands, the government has restricted fertilizer. The Sri Lankan government has followed suit, leading to problems.
Meanwhile, political repression by the Left continues. One of the voice actors from the cartoon Bob’s Burgers was arrested simply for having been in Washington, DC on January 6, 2021. Donald Trump has been indicted for a vague “crime” in New York, and was recently indicted again for “espionage.” Many of his key supporters, from Michael Flynn to Steve Bannon, have likewise been arrested for various “crimes.” The immigration restriction website VDARE is also under threat. These entities are all pointing out the endemic problems in the establishment, and the ruling class wants to put a stop to it.
The Left may seem dominant at the moment, but their growing desperation is indicative that they are feeling increasingly vulnerable. All activists should exploit this situation by continuing to build institutions, rising in their careers, and being good citizens.
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Good article. However, you may wish to the fix the date of Dylan’s endorsement – that was in March not May of this year.
Thanks. It was March.
The Right is not going to ‘win’ the culture war, but whites will prevail overall. This is beyond left/right politics. It’s whites vs diversity. Yet the frame-of-reference appears to be white rightist vs white leftist outwardly in a repeat of the Seven Years’ War (imperial powers facing off against each other around the world via their nonwhite subject-proxies).
With the LGBT thing it is as if white rightists are taking the bait of a leftist rope-a-dope or a feigned retreat by the Viet Cong in providing a pro forma rejoinder to the white leftists begging to be punched on the chin as part of their hypermodern tactical planning. The white rightists exhaust all their sociopolitical capital reacting to these pointless culture wars long after it was assimilated mainstream (same-sex marriage) or already falling into disuse (Roe vs Wade), making it appear like a strategic victory for leftists.
So what is the left actually winning? -Transsexualism corroding feminism, as if it is the capstone on the ouroboros eating its tail, and thus ‘freedom’ coming full circle. Women’s rights (and liberal democracy itself) eventually becomes a parody of itself. Anything and everything is now entitled to ‘rights,’ allowing men to strategically transmogrify into women (Sequential hermaphroditism), forcing the leftists to oblige this absurdist simulacra precisely because the only ‘Muh principles’ leftists possess is ‘Muh praxis’ and ‘owning the chuds,’ even though they do not actually want to (by resisting their reflexive TERF/misandrist impulse with extreme discipline), yet they have to because when rightists zig, leftists must zag (but in reality, ZOG).
And who are the real losers? -Diversity, because they are the ones most assimilating to postmodernity/hypermodernity as part of the unholy alliance against white rightists. Just like in colonial wars they are taking the brunt of casualties in the form of rapidly declining birthrates (despite already being the minority).
Diversity is accidentally conforming to this postmodern agenda. It started off as a popular front against white rightists, but gradually became subsumed by the entire feminism, LGBT, immigration, secularization etc agenda, thus sieving their transcending population growth. You’re more likely to see a nonwhite LGBT than a white LGBT now. And what are they ultimately going to win? Lower birthrates than whites and thus never eclipsing the white majority.
So, long after these anachronistic ideologies cease to mean anything, demographics will have moved dramatically more in our favor, just like during colonialism. The difference is instead of a white population explosion, there will be a nonwhite population implosion. Europeans withstood plagues, viruses, weather and warfare by acclimating, while nonwhites fell by the millions from merely interfacing with Europeans (unintended consequences of ‘contact theory’). The same metaphorical process is occurring today with this postmodern epoch/bottleneck/crucible. Europeans are built for endurance. Nonwhites are built for high-time preference. Never the twain shall meet in equity, especially on the battlefield.
Imperialism was colonialism (European settlers), whereas globalism is just neocolonialism (nonwhite settlers). The same battle is taking place in a continuation of roughly the same concept of the Great Game (white imperialists using nonwhite proxies against each other), but within our own countries this time around rather than on the global theater, and with the left taking the lead in the Current Year neoliberalism (globalism/neocolonialism). It’s as if white leftists and rightists have historically jockeyed against each other to advance the white race. Leftists are doing it now by unwittingly (or wittingly) suppressing nonwhite birthrates via postmodernism, whereas rightists tried to increase birthrates of whites (and nonwhites incidentally) via colonial Christianization.
This is an interesting analysis and I’d like to see more.
‘The white rightists exhaust all their sociopolitical capital reacting to these pointless culture wars long after it was assimilated mainstream (same-sex marriage) or already falling into disuse (Roe vs Wade), making it appear like a strategic victory for leftists.’
This is because – in the US, at least – ‘the left’ and ‘the right’ simply don’t exist as they do, perhaps, in Europe. The entire American ‘right-wing’ culture and political environment was complete destroyed in the aftermath of the Civil War. The North was ‘the Left’ and the South was ‘the Right’ and the South lost. The result is that ‘the Right’ in America is simply a method of criticism of labor organizing and social programs, in short, the American Right is simply the hand-maiden of plutocratic interests. Without direct support from plutocrats (like the Kochs), ‘the Right’ is, literally, non-existent.
The collapse of the Left/Right paradigm occurred when the Left embraced neoliberalism, an political-ecomomic ideology that was driven by self-loathing Whites and self-serving jews.
The Right is so weak that they depend upon their enemy self-destructing rather than providing a legitimate alternative.
Here’s a question: Are the people who are opposing the LGBTQ agenda because of the ‘T’ ready to oppose the rest of the Alphabet People?
Are ordinary people really prepared to attack the notion of ‘civil rights’ itself in order to get rid of trannies?
I don’t know.
The antebellum/postbellum footnote was indeed a paradigm shift, but not really related to anything we have today. That was more of the conclusion to the ‘federalism’ (centralism) question vs localism (and thus spawned the regionalism that morphed into the American Civil War) because it was postponed in 1787. That dated back to the American Revolution (Hamiltonian vs Jeffersonian), originally founded as a ‘confederation.’ The whole ‘states rights’ business, which had its last gasp in the 1960s/1970s when centralism concluded its triumph.
The left/right paradigm did not really exist in this country until deep into the 20th Century, and if anything really only crystallized into viability during the FDR/Truman presidencies because there was an actual opposition party. But then the Right consolidated the leftist status quo (anticommunist militarism, pro-Civil Rights, feminism etc), leaving perhaps no actual opposition party, even after the bipartisan neoliberal shift of the 1980s, until Trump. So from 2016-now and during 1932–1953 are really the only periods we have had any sort of left-right paradigm that was not a bipartisan consensus.
After Eisenhower became president, consolidating the New Deal, and even preempting the Left in Civil Rights (recharging this bipartisan jockeying to reach the same conclusion rather than forming an opposition – thus a consensus and a bureaucracy), the Center-Right became what we know today: A controlled-opposition akin to British Raj India (only 50,000 Redcoats conquered, occupied and colonized the entire Indian Subcontinent of 300 million peoples) because only a few dozen Israelites (ex-Trotskyite Democrat neocons) were able to not just control the GOP, but use it as a vanguard of a commandeered America and Western Civilization to advance the geopolitics of Greater Israel for a generation in a force of nature beyond elections, boycotts or protests.
The recent opposition to transsexualism was not organic. It was more or less prompted by the Dissident Right. LGBT was conquering everything in every direction like Genghis Khan to the point that the GOP were once again trying to get ahead of the curve (Bruce Jenner, Turning Point, Log Cabin etc) after it ceded the culture wars and race wars (opposing MLK Day until Reagan) because the controlled-opposition is designed to normalize and consolidate these postmodern gambits. The election of Obama was the final lynchpin buttressing the bipartisan consensus because the center-right became permanently unviable immediately afterwards (McCain, Romney, Cruz, Desantis etc).
So when you see the overturning of Roe V Wade it is just the Deep State throwing a bone to the Center-Right to ensure it still has a pulse to be reused as a bulwark of the controlled-opposition someday. In reality, this ‘states rights’ inertia is more of a minor nuisance today than when it had teeth decades earlier because an abortion can easily be obtained by Missourians by crossing the river into Illinois, in the same way the Illinois strip clubs are full-nudity, also ‘across the river,’ but clothed and unprofitable in Missouri. Yet technology and culture have evolved to where abortion and strip clubs are obsolete, but the anachronistic symbolism still fuels the Hegelian Dialectic.
You say push back. As I have posted elsewhere. I am in UK. Nearly every store in the city where I live have LGBTQ rainbow flags flying. Having their march through the city. Rainbow flag flying from Government Buildings.
Local media gives it lots of coverage.
I wish it was otherwise.
But why are they flying them? Because they like the idea of anal sex between men and clit-bumping between women or do they think they’re opposing ‘fascism’?
Most of this flag-waving is the result of superstition, of keeping the demon-stink of being a ‘fascist’ off of these establishments.
As long as it costs them nothing but the price of a flag to appease the gods of anti-fascism, they will do so.
People have been tithing 10% to the church for hundreds of years for the same – entirely superstitious – reasons, so I don’t expect the homo flags to come down until there’s a price to pay for keeping them up.
I have to smile when I read and author criticizing the ‘left’ for ‘political repression’ when every right-wing thinker for the last 300 years has been entirely supportive of political repression of political enemies.
The problem in America is that ‘the Right’ doesn’t exist outside it’s service to commercial interests. It hasn’t for a long, long time. Consequently, when the Right is in power, it only seems to implement policies that benefit commercial interests while the ‘cultural’ interests of its (mainly White, and largely working class) supporters never seem to get addressed.
What this article describes is a ‘Right’ that has failed so badly that its only hope is that its enemy destroys itself.
But, what’s clear is that even if the Left were to destroy it’s ‘clout’, the Right cannot fill the cultural and political vacuum.
The Right, in essence, has nothing it can sell to the public that the public is actually interested in buying.
Which is why pro-White politics needs to shuck off the aura of being ‘on the Right’ in order to advance.
We need to set aside all the hobby-horses of the sterile Left and impotent Right and chart our own course based on (1) asking White people ‘What do you want?’ and (2) promoting concrete policies that will deliver on those wants.
I am not seeing the desperation from the leftists here. They can’t put a foot wrong, and no matter how crazy the project, it seems to gain credence. Sure they may have sunk a piss-weak beer brand with the Dylan Mulvaney stunt, but of what import is that to them. Those incensed enough to boycott ‘Bud Lite’ are by definition part of the basket of deplorables and the stunning and brave will haughtily overcome such bigotry. Normal people are reinforced in their belief that the lunatics are running the asylum, but have no idea of the source of the chaos. They certainly wouldn’t suspect those wonderful Jews could be to blame.
We’ve had the problem and the reaction. Will we soon be provided with the solution, superficially attractive but liable to be laced with poison? Israeli Yoram Hazony’s Israel-friendly, somewhat anti-immigration National Conservative operation in Britain is a good example of this.
‘Somewhat anti-immigration’ is an improvement over Open Borders, which is the de facto Labour position, much though ‘Sir’ Grima Starmer may dissemble. Attendance at a ‘National Conservative’ event is still grounds for public denunciation in The Guardian, but Britain’s (or rather England’s) slow crawl towards a viable nationalist alternative is a sign of the mounting state dysfunction and social chaos, which is apparent to any who remember the 1990s (let alone earlier). If ‘National Conservatism’ is a stage on the way, then so be it.
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