Although we’ve been through worse, 2023 was one of those years I’m happy to see in the rear-view mirror at last. Since the plandemic began, Clown World mutated into Scary as Hell Clown Like John Wayne Gacy World, and it hasn’t improved much. Throughout the past year, my browser’s start page never failed to bring in digital flotsam proving the point. There’s much clowning to be had, but it’s not so funny anymore. (more…)
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The first day of August is one of the four cross-quarter solar holidays. It’s known as either Lammas or Lughnasadh, depending on whether you’re of the Saxon or the Celtic persuasion. (If “Blessed be!” is a common greeting for you, then you get it. If not, I’ll just say welcome to the hottest part of the year — and this year’s been a doozy.) It’s one of the traditional harvest festivals, which of course has a secondary meaning: death.
Things often get pretty wonky for me on August 1; if it’s not the Grim Reaper dropping by for a social call, then it’s some other fine mess. Also, the day falls on a Full Moon this year. (more…)
The French-language news portal Breizh-Info has published a long interview in French with Hungarian Member of Parliament László Toroczkai, who is the leader of the opposition nationalist parliamentary group Mi Hazánk Mozgalom. The following is an English translation.
László Toroczkai has been a leading figure in Hungarian nationalism for 25 years. His biography has few equals in this political milieu. He began as a young parliamentary assistant working with the Hungarian Justice and Life Party, or MIÉP, in the late 1990s, which was a nationalist party that had parliamentary representation between 1998 and 2002. (more…)
It’s June, and what was once Bride Month is now Pride Month. So that means it’s time to celebrate, everyone! Mothers and fathers only get one day each every year, but 175ers get 30 days — and surely that must be faaaabulous! (more…)
The recent overwhelmingly hostile public response to this year’s Pride Month is encouraging. Pushback against the LGBTQ agenda should not be entirely surprising, as it’s been a long time in coming. Two years ago, governors from socially conservative states were vetoing anti-trans legislation, but nowadays, they’ve changed their outlook. (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “June Is the Gayest Month,” on the signs that the Pride coalition is sparking a backlash by inundating America with ever-more ridiculous propaganda for the LGBTQ agenda in relation to Pride Month. See below. (more…)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
“April is the cruellest month,” wrote T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) in his 1922 poem “The Waste Land.”
As we all now know — whether or not we’d rather forget it, they won’t let us forget it — June is now federally designated as Pride Month, but I doubt that on the surface, Eliot would have had a problem with the abstract notion of pride. (more…)
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You might not have heard, but Spain is currently undergoing its own version of a George Floyd moment. Scaled down, of course — nothing can really match American production value — but nonetheless, there is a storm brewing, one resembling what much of American sociopolitics has been reduced to: racism and victimhood grifting.
A storm — although in actual fact, it’s more like a tempest in a teacup, as is often the case with these sort of black grievances. It all started last weekend when the Real Madrid Football Club went to Valencia to play that city’s main football (or soccer, if you prefer) team. (more…)
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Part 7 of 9 (Chapter 1 here, Chapter 5 Part 1 here, Chapter 6 Part 1 here)
The other most recent example of the progressive top-down technocratic elite transformation of society is the LGBT agenda. As the LGBT scholar Gary Mucciaroni explains, “sexual politics” in America is “a narrative about a heterosexist majority that has used religion and ideology to maintain its cultural and legal privileges.” The literature of the LGBT movement has always self-consciously identified itself as an elite, minoritarian revolution against this heterosexual majority. (more…)
Ever since Rachel Dolezal became famous for pretending to be black in 2015, her story has fascinated me. On the one hand, she is a traitor to her people and an unstable basket case. On the other, she is a talented white person who has been failed by modern Western society. She has an artist’s temperament and, like the proverbial “canary in the coal mine,” is acutely sensitive to the rootlessness that plagues white people today. (more…)
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Man Runs Over and Kills Republican “Extremist” With His Car
In case you haven’t heard — because almost no one in the mainstream media has made a peep about it — in the early morning hours of Sunday, September 18, a drunken North Dakota man purposely ran over and killed an 18-year-old male after a “political argument.” He then fled the scene, called 911, and told them he thought his victim was a member of a Republican “extremist group.” A police affidavit states that the perpetrator “admitted to striking the pedestrian with his car because he had a political argument with the pedestrian.” (more…)