Donald Trump needs an intervention. But is there anyone he will listen to? Trump’s conversation with Elon Musk on August 12th offers some hope. After a great deal of autistic rambling, Trump actually started listening to Musk. Also, Trump’s great immigration betrayal on August 15th showed signs of his conversation with Musk, which mentioned AI: (more…)
Tag: Elon Musk
3,298 words
The media has gotten rather predictable. Today’s journalists seem like youthful guitarists who learn two chords and are thereby qualified to join a bar band. Once you’ve seen enough stories, the tropes start to look awfully familiar. For example, in news items about mass violence or heinous deeds attributed to “youths,” “teenagers,” or some other conspicuously nondescript reporting, what really happened? (more…)
1,992 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Meet Leonie Plaar, who goes by the moniker Frau Löwenherz as well as Leonie Löwenherz: far-left, Lesbian, and antifa, she is a most grotesque figure who exemplifies many of our troubles. Quite regrettably, she has a TikTok account with over 500,000 followers, while other social media accounts, namely her German-language TikTok and Instagram accounts, have just under 100,000 and just over 50,000 followers, respectively.[1] She has made various appearances on German television, some of which were made objects of derision and ridicule by a number of detractors. (more…)
1,927 words
The year was 2016. Donald Trump had just stunned the world by getting elected despite the entire media establishment being against him. The only support Trump had during his campaign was on the Internet, particularly the Alt Right, which was spreading across social media like a virus and pied-pipering the youth into White Nationalism. (more…)
1,749 words
What would become known as the Alt Right began to crystalize by the mid-2010s. The Alt Right introduced a style of White Nationalism that was so radically different than what came before that it was necessary to invent some terms to differentiate the two. Pre-Alt Right White Nationalism came to be referred to as White Nationalism 1.0 (WN 1.0). This encompassed groups such as the Klan, skinheads, the militia movement, and the efforts of individuals such as George Lincoln Rockwell, David Duke, William Pierce, and Tom Metzger. (more…)
3,463 words
I fought in the Optics War for six years. Then, last December I declared that the Optics War was over for several reasons. The Right Stuff closing down the National Justice Party project took the question of real-world activism off the table. Andrew Anglin and Nick Fuentes falling out over the Richard Spencer Question was a sign that old Optics War rules were no longer being adhered to by its most prominent figure. (more…)
April 12, 2024 Travis LeBlanc
Problém pozérů aneb nešíří se snad myšlenky pravicového disentu až příliš rychle?
1.888 slov
English original here
Ještě v dobách největší slávy „alt-right“ (přibližně první polovina minulé dekády, pozn. DP) jsem si nejednou postesknul nad tím, že hnutí až nevyvratitelně spravedlivé je do takové míry obýváno lidmi morálně nepříliš vábnými. Nebyla to jistě celá a dokonce ani většina alternativní pravice, ale stěží jste mohli ujít více než pár pomyslných kroků, aniž byste narazili na nějakého narcistního sociopata, narkomana, zhýralce nebo zástupce jiného z nepřeberného množství protispolečenských osobnostních typů. (more…)
March 27, 2024 Jason Kessler
Elon Musk a skutečná pravda o židovské moci
1.226 slov
English original here
Byznysmen Elon Musk v poslední době prokázal značný potenciál jako kritik ilegální imigrace, protibělošských nálad a dokonce i ze řetězu utrženého vlivu židovské lobby. Proto bylo pohled na jeho rituální ponížení během nedávné omluvné cesty od Osvětimi po boku Bena Shapira tak nepříjemný. (more…)
1,546 words
Back in 2008 I asked my dad how many Madonna songs he could name. He could only think of one: “Like a Virgin.” I found that amusing since Madonna had been an omnipresent cultural icon for a quarter of a century. (more…)
1,887 words
Czech version here
Back in the days of the Alt Right, I used to lament that a movement whose cause was so irrefutably just was filled with so many awful people. It wasn’t everyone or even a majority of the Alt Right, but you couldn’t walk a few feet in it without bumping into a narcissistic sociopath, a drug addict, a degenerate, or some other type of anti-social personality type.
But what could we do? If one has ideas that will cost one everything if publicly expressed, then it stands to reason that a high percentage of the people willing to express such ideas are going to be those with nothing to lose. (more…)
145 words / 57:41
Author Paul Kersey was Greg Johnson‘s special guest on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they discussed Antelope Hill’s reissuing of his book Whitey on the Moon, about NASA’s demise as the result of racial politics, as well as other matters. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Super-Jew Manlet Ben Shapiro Makes Elon Musk His Bitch and Tops the Pop Charts in the Same Week
Billionaire tech titan Elon Musk shone a light across all nations and gave hope to tired and huddled anti-Semites everywhere on November 15 when he replied, “You have said the actual truth” to a Twitter user who wrote that “Jewish communties [sic] have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.” (more…)
Czech version here
Entrepreneur Elon Musk has shown immense promise recently as a critic of illegal immigration, anti-whitism, and even the out-of-control Jewish lobby. That’s why it was disquieting to see him ritually humiliated during a recent apology tour of Auschwitz with Ben Shapiro at his side. (more…)