If it’s always sunny in Philadelphia, then why did it rain there on my gay wedding? Regardless, even a spring thunderstorm couldn’t wash away the joy of that outdoor event. Whatever the clouds above were doing I was on cloud nine, and it seemed that everyone from the wedding attendees to the city employees who later gave me my official marriage certificate was as happy for me as I was. (more…)
Tag: LGBTQ ideology
Last week I was having a good early morning over coffee. While reading a blog, I saw a reference to the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, a government agency I suspected was invented to employ people with no practical experience and psychopathic tendencies at high salaries. (more…)
The French-language news portal Breizh-Info has published a long interview in French with Hungarian Member of Parliament László Toroczkai, who is the leader of the opposition nationalist parliamentary group Mi Hazánk Mozgalom. The following is an English translation.
László Toroczkai has been a leading figure in Hungarian nationalism for 25 years. His biography has few equals in this political milieu. He began as a young parliamentary assistant working with the Hungarian Justice and Life Party, or MIÉP, in the late 1990s, which was a nationalist party that had parliamentary representation between 1998 and 2002. (more…)
This is a continuation of the debate on one white state or many between Greg Johnson and Gregory Hood. Greg Johnson’s opening statement is here. Gregory Hood’s is here.
Dear Greg,
I decided to collect into a single document my responses to your debate statement together with some afterthoughts and treatments of issues we did not have time to deal with during the debate itself. (more…)
We might be at a critical point in history. It is possible that the Left’s vilification of all things they dislike has reached its zenith, and will soon begin its downward arc towards a more realistic understanding of history. What’s driving it is the rise of transgenderism and its odious step-sibling, transgender identity politics.
The recent overwhelmingly hostile public response to this year’s Pride Month is encouraging. Pushback against the LGBTQ agenda should not be entirely surprising, as it’s been a long time in coming. Two years ago, governors from socially conservative states were vetoing anti-trans legislation, but nowadays, they’ve changed their outlook. (more…)
You can buy F. Roger Devlin’s Den sexuella utopin vid makten here.
You can buy F. Roger Devlin’s Den sexuella utopin vid makten here.
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F. Roger Devlin delivered this talk in Stockholm on May 27, 2023 to mark the publication of the Swedish translation of Sexual Utopia in Power (Den sexuella utopin vid makten) by Logik Förlag.
If you have any familiarity with my work, you know I publish mainly in the dissident Right press in the United States. Sexual issues do not typically occupy a lot of attention in this milieu. Sometimes I have even encountered confusion as to the relevance of my writings on sex to the political tasks of the nationalist, or identitarian, movement. The proper response, of course, is that any nation or race must reproduce itself sexually. (more…)
Jim Goad has produced a short video to accompany his latest essay, “June Is the Gayest Month,” on the signs that the Pride coalition is sparking a backlash by inundating America with ever-more ridiculous propaganda for the LGBTQ agenda in relation to Pride Month. See below. (more…)
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In recent times, Woke Capital has become increasingly aggressive. The results included strange virtue-signaling the likes of which would have been unimaginable until not long ago. How much can the Limousine Leftists rub our noses in their bizarre values before customers refuse to put up with it? As the proverb goes, “Get woke, go broke.” More to the point, how long will it take for the corporations to learn the lesson? (more…)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
“April is the cruellest month,” wrote T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) in his 1922 poem “The Waste Land.”
As we all now know — whether or not we’d rather forget it, they won’t let us forget it — June is now federally designated as Pride Month, but I doubt that on the surface, Eliot would have had a problem with the abstract notion of pride. (more…)
The Promise Keepers prayer sessions held in stadiums across the US during the 1990s were the first attempt of evangelicals and American football to team up to try to bridge the racial divide.
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The last week of the National Football League (NFL) season witnessed an outpouring of Christian faith. Players have never been shy about expressing their faith. They usually pray before games on the sidelines, triumphant quarterbacks will thank God in the sky after a touchdown, and victorious footballers love to credit God for why they won the game. But Week 18 saw an even more obvious display of faith. (more…)
Sam Brinton, who the Biden administration thought was the perfect choice to protect the United States from nuclear disaster.
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I believe that blind people have a right to be employed — but not as military snipers or crossing guards.
I believe that deaf people are entitled to a living wage — but not as record producers.
In the same spirit of fairness teetering toward cruelty, I believe that people who suffer from gender dysphoria and have lingering resentment toward a world that has bullied them their entire lives probably shouldn’t be in charge of deciding where our nuclear waste gets dumped. (more…)
Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon
New York: Harper & Row, 1980In his landmark 1980 work The Socialist Phenomenon (first published in Russian in 1975), mathematician Igor Shafarevich recounts dozens of socialist doctrines throughout history to demonstrate how their common features, even among those from many centuries ago, can still be found in the repressive socialist states of the day. (more…)