Is the “Civil Rights” Regime Beginning to Crack?
Morris van de Camp1,139 words
By 1914, at the outbreak of the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had become unstable. The full story of how it got that way is beyond the scope of this article, but to put it simply, after 1867 the Hungarians gained control of parts of the Empire where there were not many Hungarians. This situation was greatly resented by the locals in the areas they controlled.
Today, the United States is likewise unstable. The lion’s share of what caused this instability is the minority sub-Saharan African population, which has an outsized role in influencing institutions and society. One can call this paradigm the “civil rights” regime.
The “civil rights” regime is a disaster. Take away the skin color and slavery/oppression narrative, and the “civil rights” regime becomes an example of a social arrangement that is obviously as wrongheaded as the social arrangement that helped bring down the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
The African population in America is a low 12% of the total. In locations where sub-Saharans reside in large numbers, the political scene is dysfunctional, corrupt, and crime-ridden. Sub-Saharans are also a drain on the economy. They produce no worthy cultural works and have no genuine inventions.
So what exactly gives them so much outsized influence in the US? Why do we live under a “civil rights” regime? There are several props that hold this regime up.
Negro Worship
At some point in the first half of the nineteenth century, Americans — especially native-born Protestants in the North — mixed that which is genuinely holy with veneration of African slaves. An example of this is the case of an ex-slave named Isabella Baumfree who changed her name to “Sojourner Truth.” There are a great many whites who fell for this heresy. She became a fixture of liberal causes in the United States for decades, including agitating against the South, promulgating “equal rights,” and promoting women’s rights.
It was only in the early twentieth century that the negro-worshipping nonsense was finally suppressed, but it has never gone away completely. During the BLM insurgency in 2020, sub-Saharans again became objects of worship.
Armed Sub-Saharan Soldiers
The island nation of Fiji is filled with racial tensions. In the late nineteenth century, British plantation owners imported Indians to work the fields. Originally a British colony, the nation was granted independence in 1970. At the time, its military was filled with native Fijians while the Indians controlled the economy. It was only a matter of time before this situation exploded. Eventually, the Fijians used the military to take full control of the government and worked for decades thereafter to dispossess the Indians, who have sometime suffered reprisals and causing many of them to flee the country. Fiji has also undergone a series of coups as a result of these tensions.
Fiji demonstrates that the military’s racial makeup is extremely important. One of the structures of sub-Saharan control emerges when there is an all-volunteer military in which armed Africans are integrated into every platoon. This is the situation we currently have in the United States. There is not a single regiment that the civilian political authorities could genuinely trust for deployment when dealing with an African race riot, for example.
This means that the American military is fundamentally at odds with the American populace as a whole. The United States isn’t suffering from a series of military coups like Fiji, but there are nevertheless some parallels. The military wasn’t deployed to stop the sub-Saharan/Leftist BLM insurgency of 2020, for example. The military leadership also lied to President Trump about the number of troops in Syria, made treasonous phone calls to the Chinese, and so on. These weren’t literal coups, but the effect was similar.
Sub-Saharans are now in key roles in the US military. While the Special Forces and other boutique organizations receive a great deal of the glory, it is in fact the paper-pushers and logisticians who are most important to the military, and that is where many of the politically correct reside. The non-commissioned officers (NCOs) are also important. Many of the most senior sub-Saharans NCOs put out slogans such as “Diversity is our Strength” while there are ongoing military disasters abroad.
The most serious problem, though, is that the military’s senior ranks think that there is no problem — even as cities burn.
The 1964 Civil Rights Act
Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980 with an unspoken mandate to reverse the problems stemming from the “civil rights” revolution of the early 1960s. He failed to accomplish that task. Reagan is part of a trend: Americans elect “conservatives” again and again with the intention of undoing the damage done by “civil rights,” but nothing changes. Why is that?
The reason is the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This cruel law has become an illicit second constitution. It has created a situation whereby any group that can be seen in liberal eyes as analogous to sub-Saharans in the American South of the 1950s will be granted considerable advantages. This situation has morphed into the absurd. During the Obama administration, for example, there were even threatening gestures made towards Russia, in part because of the country’s alleged denial of homosexuals’ “civil rights.”
Another structure of African control is the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and the associated gerrymandering of Congressional districts to increase the number of Africans in Congress. Congressmen coming from these districts tend to be more radical. Former Black Panther Bobby Rush is one such Congressman from a gerrymandered district.
Gerrymandering goes both ways — in some cases black voters are packed in districts where they are overwhelmed by conservative white voters, but on the main, gerrymandering and the 1965 Voting Rights Act increases black political power.
An End to the “Civil Rights” Regime?
The “civil rights” regime has been ongoing for 67 years now, if one considers that it started with the Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court ruling of 1954. Unstable social relationships last for around 80, years at most. Thus, “civil rights” is a rapidly aging social policy.
A case can be made that “civil rights” lost much legitimacy during the Trump administration. The main proponent of “civil rights” today is the Democratic Party and the American Establishment. Their behavior over the last four years has been insane. “Civil rights” is now imposed upon America with bayonets, election fraud, and Leftist terrorists empowered by law enforcement. The “civil rights” regime runs on easily-refuted lies. And now, America has suffered a calamitous military defeat shrouded in a Pride flag along with a Black Power fist.
The props of sub-Saharan power are starting to crack.
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Ha ha! You wish!
“The props of sub-Saharan power are starting to crack.”
The Tribe are the most important supporters of blacks and alas, I see no evidence they are weakening.
This article was more like a prologue. When it ended abruptly, I thought it was just getting started. I hope MvdC will consider elaborating on this topic in additional posts. One consideration to begin with is how a patriot President (if one can ever again win the office) could begin to remold the military into becoming either a) more (pro-)white, or at least b) less ‘woke’ (and less diverse). I have long been wary of the military. My late uncle, though he rose reasonably far through the ranks, was railing against special treatment for incompetent blacks as far back as the late 1970s (he was believed by many to have had a shot at general, but always said affirmative action, which was very much a reality of the military at least as far back as the 70s, ruined it for him – which is why in part he was Far Right until he died {he was also a pious Christian, any Christophobes please note}). I never liked or trusted military ‘diversity’, and I stopped being any kind of patriotard after the disgusting public response to the Rodney King beating and later riots (which I lived through as an LA resident at the time).
Suppose Ron DeSantis, who’s objectively not bad, is secretly a white nationalist, and wins the White House in 2024. He probably isn’t, but it might be useful to think of an actual person in this exercise. How could he improve the military so as to make it less of a threat to white interests? Could he sign an Executive Order banning affirmative action (and similar diversity-mongering policies) in the military? Could he sign orders actively de-woking it (say, by replacing CRT garbage with genuine patriot materials extolling the white military heroes of the past)?
I think the best things DeSantis could do would be to shrink the military in ways which ‘disparately impact’ minorities. Can threshold cognitive standards be substantially raised? My suggestion would be to try to change the entire conception of the Armed Services. We should seek to make military service much better paid, and much more prestigious. Smart whites should be enticed to join. We should emphasize increasingly complex weapons systems and procedures so as to have the excuse to raise modal military recruit mental ability. This might entail a (long overdue) strategic conceptual shift towards emphasizing American sea (surface and subsurface) and air (and now space, and even cyberspace) dominance, while eschewing future nation-building follies by dramatically shrinking the Army and Marines – and simultaneously increasing the numbers (and recruitment standards) of the various Special Forces (who do the useful work anyway). Is the Air Force still disproportionately white? What about the Navy? The Special Forces?
We should also try to remove all US troops from Europe at a minimum (probably from many other places, too), as well as sell off the military property, with the profits used to pay down some tiny portion of the National Debt. (We should also do all we can to boot Turkey out of NATO, though that’s unrelated to dewoking our own military; a gesture of goodwill towards our Eurofolkish cousins).
What else?
The “civil rights” regime is all too real but should not be conflated with sub-Saharan power. Of course there’s overlap, but much of the power and privilege Blacks have is artificially bestowed upon them by our hostile elites, and Blacks intuitively understand this and resent “White” society all the more for it. The same dynamic exists for feminist women. Our entire society is a joke.
I think when Jewish power is broken up (and I think it will happen as part of the dissolution of the former republic known as the United States), then it will all come crumbling down. All of it.
I was really hoping for more evidence of this supposed crack, but there was precious little of that. I do hope the author is correct, though, and I will say that I’ve noticed more normie whites (most of them working class, but not all) who are openly contemptuous of the ‘Groid worship culture in which we live. Not really sure if that’s enough, however.
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