There are a lot of labels that those on the Dissident Right are throwing around, both as an alternative to the term Alt Right and in an attempt to delineate their own ideological positions. Together, they comprise a hodgepodge of political traditions and ideologies, including traditionalist, Neoreactionary (NRx), reactionary, propertarian, New Right, Dissident Right, (more…)
Month: April 2019
DSM V is the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The book first appeared in 1952, and the American Psychiatric Association, which publishes DSM, calls it “an authoritative volume that defines and classifies mental disorders in order to improve diagnoses, treatment and research.” The glib might call DSM V the psychiatrists’ bible. The cynical might view it as a retail catalogue for the big pharmaceutical companies.
Czech version here
Edred Thorsson
History of the Rune-Gild: The Reawakening of the Gild 1980-2018
North Augusta, S.C.: Arcana Europa, 2019Edred Thorsson is one of a small handful of serious characters I am proud to know. To many, he appears to be an odd combination of “contradictions” (though these are only apparent, as I will explain at the tail end of this essay). First, he is a goði and Runemaster who speaks Old Norse with a Texas twang. (more…)
“Unlike other presidents, I keep my promises,” Trump boasted in a speech delivered on Saturday to the Republican Jewish Congress at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. Many in the audience wore red yarmulkes emblazoned with his name. In his speech, Trump condemned Democrats for allowing “the terrible scourge of anti-Semitism to take root in their party” and emphasized his loyalty to Israel.
Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller ended his investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election on March 22. It was clear from the get-go that the probe was a Stalinist, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” sort of investigation. (more…)
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Recently, David Cole beat me to the punch with a brilliant article entitled “Stop With the Golems, Already!” It deals with a topic that has been rolling around in my mind since the kerfuffle caused by Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar’s tweet about the Benjamins. Basically, Omar revealed a powerful truth behind the support Israel enjoys in the US government – that it is more or less bought and paid for. (more…)
Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)
C. Max Stirner: Nineteenth-Century Shitlord
But we can sharpen our focus a bit more; Stirner’s contemporary popularity and perceived relevance may derive from a more specific connection. Since few outside of a small, hate-filled and self-inflated academic clique thinks Marx is “hip,” I’d like to keep the focus on Stirner as a Dissident Right harbinger.
Over the past years, I’ve made some efforts to keep fit and educate myself in the manly arts. So far, I’ve been able to slim down, quit smoking, quit porn, moderate my caffeine and alcohol intake, (more…)
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Democrats are showing skepticism towards America’s Greatest Ally.™
Freshman Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, a hijab-wearing Somali, ignited debate on Israel this year simply by noting the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) tremendous influence. In February, Omar tweeted that AIPAC controls politicians with its financial contributions. “It’s all about the Benjamins baby!” she said in a since-deleted tweet. (more…)
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Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Jacob Blumenfeld
All Things are Nothing to Me: The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner
Winchester, UK: Zero Books, 2018“Your Holiness would perhaps prefer to be called Leo, or Pius, or Gregory, as is the modern manner?” the Cardinal- Dean inquired with imperious suavity. (more…)
John Schlesinger’s 1967 adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1874 novel Far from the Madding Crowd should be a universally recognized cinema classic. But although it received generally positive reviews and did well in England, today it is virtually unknown, even among my friends who are film buffs.
I am going to comment on the movie only, not the book, which I have not read. (more…)
Here is the video of Greg Johnson’s talk at the Scandza Forum in Stockholm last Saturday, March 30. Greg discusses the many trends which indicate why those on the Right should be feeling optimistic about the future, given that our metapolitical efforts are beginning to bear fruit, and why the desperate situation that Right-wing terrorists and their supporters feel that they have been forced into simply isn’t borne out by the facts. (more…)
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Just a few months ago, I set off on a trip with some members of The People’s Party of Canada (PPC) to attend a rally for Maxime Bernier and the founding of the party. The individuals I shared the ride with were full of excitement and renewed vigor for democratic participation in the political process. The motto to distill the mood can be summarized as, “Finally we can vote on our values and not on cynical strategy!”