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So far, so good. Many fights ahead, but for now Mr. Trump can enjoy a brief honeymoon.
After the winter storms calm down, he is going to North Carolina and visit the flood disaster zones.
It is a great move for him to go there.
This was one of my main concerns:
I’ve often thought that “POW:MIA” flags were sort of outdated, mostly a relic from the Vietnam era, but ever since the January 6 thing, it took on a new meaning.
Trump releasing the POWs was my biggest issue.
I agree that Trump is off to a great start, based on his inaugural speech and the executive orders that he has already signed. Trump is president of the entire USA, so he needs to act like one, not like some ideal leader of the DR. And his actions against Woke, DEI, open borders, etc. show that he is willing to reasonably act in favor of whites who have been attacked these last decades. We have to remember that his constituents are all American citizens.
One of the frustrating things about the DR, or Alt-Right, or whatever it should now be called, is that so many members make their idea of the perfect the enemy of the good. And this has very detrimental effects. I was drawn to the Alt-Right years ago because of the growing anti-whiteness in culture, government, schools, etc. But the DR will never progress as long as it has the superior attitude which it often displays against “normies,” “Boomers,” Trump supporters, and so on. Or as long as it insists on using a certain German leader from the 1930’s and 40’s as a model.
If Harris had won, we would now be seeing a juggernaut moving to completely disable the First Amendment. The borders would still be wide open. DEI and Woke would get further entrenched.
Trump’s actions show that there still can be real, effective, positive impacts from an American election. It’s early in his term, of course, but so far so good.
Has anyone at cc done a review of patriot front? From what I’ve seen they are acting exactly like you suggest; and they are actually doing something rather than mocking people who say you can’t do anything but type.
they are a little over the top with founder/constitution worship but like you said, you can’t get everything you want. If cc is an intellectual pamphlet pf are the ones on the ground and they don’t even allow gen x in so it’s all youf.
Rousseau is an excellent presenter and his articulation of biological nation vs political/legal citizen status is simple and convincing.
I’m not against the general idea of small parties, but unfortunately they won’t be gaining traction any time soon in the current American political situation. Sad but true.
I think we would be more productive in throwing our efforts into helping to direct the Republican Party, because time is very short in America. Trump might accomplish a lot of good, but if the Democrats get back in they could reverse a lot of it. Since time is so short, and since MAGA is a step in the right direction, I think that MAGA is the way to go. It already has paid off with positive results. And it is in the process of transforming the GOP, more than any small party could have done.
Sometimes a Ross Perot can have a major impact, but usually only acting as a spoiler.
Should debanking be on the agenda? Even Melania and Barron Trump were debanked. The First Lady often has some sort of initiative. Having a woman take the lead on that one might be good.
Yes, debanking is a very serious problem. Nigel Farage, who seems to be fairly close to Trump, was also a victim of it.
I love that he took away John Bolton’s security clearance.
Where were you yesterday for your annual MLK day joke? Is your garbage still sitting at the end of your driveway?
Lmao!!! Haha hahahaha did he REALLY do that??? That’s worth electing him on its own merit! lol
Yes he did. There’s a piece on Revolver
It is a strange sensation indeed to return to a world where there are only two sexes.
Notice that little girl – at her age she is already showing a remarkable awareness and subtle skepticism about the world of adults.
Trump, Vance sworn in
Yes, we wish them well.
They have already started to implement their objectives.
But, while you are at it, give the usual commedy performers a shot …
Admit it, you will never forget that black pastor’s benediction prayer …, or Carrie Underwood singing a cappella … YMCA ?!
re swearing-in:
President Trump and Vice President Vance chose Bibles of personal and national significance for their swearing-in ceremony, continuing the largely symbolic tradition.
Trump selected two Bibles, according to the Trump Vance Inaugural Committee, though he did not actually place his hand on either of them. He recited the oath of office with his right hand in the air as first lady Melania Trump stood next to him, holding the stack of books.
One was a revised standard version that Trump’s mother gave him to mark his Sunday Church Primary School graduation in 1955, embossed with his name on the front cover.
The other was the Lincoln Bible, which was first used during that president’s March 1861 inauguration.
I recall reading that Trump doesn’t consider himself a Christian. So, I was sure that maybe those 2 books would be the old testament (only) + the talmud, maybe.
Apparently the issue with Trump not putting his hand on the Bible was due to John Roberts rushing the oath before Melania had a chance to move near Trump.
Haha! Oh my “I, James David Vance or whatever name I am going by these days!”
this has got to be a first but seriously, did Kennedy have all his children around him when he was sworn in?
It was Robert E. Lee Day where I live, not that it was celebrated. I 2017 I cut the cord: no more cable TV. I have a Roku streaming device and lots of DVDs. I thought I’d try to catch some of the inauguration and found Fox News, which was covering the event. I tuned in just in time! I thought his speech was excellent, much better and stronger than I expected. He even performed a symbolic gesture: restoring the name of Mt. McKinley. I felt flickers of loyalty and national pride. He followed up with executive orders that gave us many things that we want from him. He looked vital, genuine and determined. Biden and Harris looked like dried up dog turds.
Pleasantly surprised to see the J6 pardons. I was not expecting that many people to get a full pardon. I based this judgement partially on the fact that Trump failed to issue pardons to certain J6 protestors whose identities became known during his last 2 weeks in office (including at least one individual, Christopher Michael Alberts, who had already been arrested during this period), and partially based on statements from his VP and AG pick that suggested pardons would be granted on a case-by-case basis.
I was also very amused by Elon’s mini-Hailgate incident. Even though he probably didn’t intend to throw a Roman, I choose to believe that he did because it’s funnier that way (blood memory perhaps?) There’s something intrinsically wholesome about seeing another White man that triumphant and exuberant, even if the man in question is Elon Musk
The only part of Trump’s speech I found really irksome, but unfortunately predictable, was how he went out of his way to thank every demographic group for his victory EXCEPT for the group that gave him the most votes and the highest vote share (i.e. Whites). Ironically, we got more of an acknowledgement from the black preacher’s benediction than from the inaugural speech of the man supposed to be representing us. Republican politicians should be at the very least chastised when they do things like this.
Right. He thanked every major racial group except the one that actually voted for him. If blacks, Hispanics, or Asians sat the election out, his win would have been even bigger. So what’s to thank them for? For providing partial cover against the charge of being for white people, I guess…
I agree, however, it would be to our benefit if we acted with a natural strong ingroup preference. We are still the majority voting block but we are certainly not on the same page, actually, our worst enemies are White libtards. Imagine if we acted as one solid majority voting block?
He addressed the injustices against the J6 patriots. As promised. That makes it a good day.
I was pleasantly surprised that he did, in fact, pardon so many J6 prisoners. Also, very glad to see the birthright citizenship executive order. I think seeing Trump back at the presidential desk, making moves and taking bold action is giving a lot of white, patriotic, etc. Americans a reminder that we’re not so powerless after all and we can take control of our own destiny.
I don’t even want to reference the unsavory “obligatory pandering” parts of his speech (everyone knows what they were), because the rest of it was so satisfying to hear, and inspiring, honestly. I’m not going to pretend like I wasn’t psyched up and inspired by easily the bulk of it. And then there were the executive orders: J6ers released; 14th Amendment; Southern Border a national emergency; The Mexican cartel a terrorist agency; etc. How can you not respond to that? (A rhetorical question. The answer is sadly obvious: “because he isn’t perfect!”)
Anyone focusing on the flaws right now rather than the implication that the nation is more open to our ideas than it has been in decades is missing the picture in a big way.
If you are moping around like Eeyore (as David Zsutty put it), or thinking like an all-or-nothing baby because Trump didn’t “NAME THE JEW!” (like Jason Kessler refreshingly commented about on X), recalibrate yourself and figure it out.
I wish I could find the video again–and if someone tells me it’s fake I’ll be crestfallen–but assuming it’s not, how can one be anything but amped up when a twelve-year-old white boy in a MAGA hat and suit, asked what he’d say to illegal aliens, replies that he’d tell them, “Get the hell out of my country, you disgusting pieces of shit”?
No insufferable schoolmarms, please. Just for a little while. It’s not time for that and it’s not too much to ask. It’s a moment to briefly but effusively celebrate a pretty significant victory in a war we’ve thus far been losing.
I’ve noticed that some nationalist commentators seem more concerned with who is getting the credit for popularizing certain ideas. “But me and my group were talking about that 5 years ago! And the MAGAtards are just now talking about this? Forget them!” Or certain commentators seem more concerned that we might think Trump is “our guy” or truthworthy than they are happy Trump is doing helpful things. They seem terrified whenever we get a win from Trump, and each time it happens they jump to tell us to not get excited. “Sure, this might sound good now, but don’t forget who Trump is! this is likely a ploy, a psy-op, a setup! He’s only doing this because the zionists are allowing it or planning a bait and switch. Zionists are always in control. Don’t fall for it!”
Not to single him out, but Nathan Damigo is constantly posting like this on his telegram. It seems like he doesn’t think much of the intelligence of his readers and worries that they will become blind followers of Trump (or Musk in other situations) if we recognize that certain things that Trump (or in some cases Musk) is doing are good for us or give us opportunities.
I would have been like that if he hadn t pardoned (most) of the j6ers. That was my line in the sand. But that birth right citizenship is now in the nat consciousness? That’s a big deal. Maybe there’s a political solution. Maybe not, time will tell. It’s still disgusting to me to see Vances brown wife and children but here we are
One of the things I noticed was him thanking the black, Hispanic, and Asian community. No mention of the white community of course. Only time will tell if subtextually the whole thing about a golden age of America alludes to the implicit whiteness of what it is to be American notwithstanding Trump’s explicit mention of these other communities.
You haven’t WON anything, there is no actual victory to speak of. WNs can’t fight a war because they’re to concerned with bad optics and being palatable to the masses. They also have no will to fight and use Trump as a sweet, sweet melatonin hit to go back to sleep (just like the MAGA crew) since they have no actual vision of the future or desire to attain anything other than flapping gums.
I have no desire to take away your safety blanket that you so effervescently celebrate behind, but I will warn you of the weak roof above your bed so you aren’t totally caught off guard when it falls.
I’m assuming your approach to broadening the base and getting white people on board with explicit White Nationalism/race realism has been a fruitful one.
Any authors/personalities/thinkers you might recommend, to hone our tactics, O Vanguard, My Vanguard?
Right on cue!
Now is not a time for complacency. Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot.
That said, I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how much good Trump has done in the past week:
Retweeted Jeffrey Sachs video exposing Netanyahu’s role in maneuvering America into unnecessary counterproductive Neocon regime change wars for the benefit of Israel.
TikTok saved and Facebook censorship loosened, to the chagrin of the ADL.
Gaza ceasefire, exposing the guilt of Itamar Ben Gvir (who bragged that he had prevented a ceasefire on numerous previous occasions, and quit Netanyahu’s cabinet as a protest against this ceasefire) and the complicity of the Blinken administration (which could have stopped this genocide at any time in the past 16 months with a single phone call, if they’d been willing to exert pressure as Trump has done).
Mel Gibson appointed “Ambassador to Hollywood”.
Franklin Graham concluded his prayer by saying “Christ is King”.
Trump started his inaugural speech by saying “America First”.
January 6 political prisoners released from Merrick Garland’s dungeons.
A flurry of executive orders to close Alejandro Mayorkas’s open border.
Cheap energy to dampen Janet Yellen’s inflation.
DEI begins to be dismantled, both in government and in private businesses seeking Trump’s favor.
Elon Musk does his own “Hailgate”, and Jonathan Greenblatt is humiliated by being forced to claim it was unintentional.
Not a single executive order that Trump signed affects the 35 million invaders stalking you in a country that is already ~50% non white (soon to be 90% non-white S-African sh!thole). However, the sentiment among right-wingers seems that they’d rather go extinct than face that fact because striving for the survival of your race is seen as “coal poasting” and so blackpilling that it makes MAGA feel booboo in their tummies.
IMO White right wingers should use this 4 year respite to prepare for the collapse of the US which is inevitable due demographic realities—which is not a bad thing as it will force whites to take their own side for the first time in >100 yrs and it’s wise to prepare for an outcome that wasn’t the one you hoped for. Therefore I am feeling whitepilled, and when Trump will blackpill his base by stabbing them in their back I’ll still feel whitepilled because Trump is not end-all-be-all of the white race. Interesting century ahead.
Another great thing happened yesterday (and over the last few weeks) was Biden pardoning so many people. It’s great because Biden has abused his presidential powers and now it will be easier for Trump to do the same thing.
It is all a bit surreal, not to mention Melania’s Spy vs Spy outfit.
I saw an interesting internet comment based on Ben Garrison’s comic that the idea of the hat was a to block Biden from kissing her.
The inauguration included invitees who would not have made the list in the past: I wonder who composes the list? Did Musk have anything to do with that?
Day one of Trump-47 has been good. I like the pardons of 1,500 political prisoners. The loony-left has reacted with their usual hysteria.
There are many things to worry about, including the razor-thin GOP majority in the House. If they pass a tax-cut for the rich, it will repeat The same blunder they made eight years ago, when Paul Ryan was Speaker. That resulted in a loss of the GOP majority in the 2018 election, as Ryan intended. I hope they’ve learned from this experience. Instead, they should raise taxes on the rich. That would be a vote-winner.
Another vote-winner would be to reduce legal immigration.
I think for those which complain that he didn’t mention white people, the fact that Trump reversed an Obama order with Mount McKinley, and in fact DIDNT rename it Martin Luther King Jr Mountain, speaks volumes about who Trump really values. Sometimes it’s the things nobody is saying out loud that really mean something.
Whoopee, a mountain that most Whites don’t even remember on their day to day was renamed. How desperate we have become.
Totally misses the point.
The point here is that Trump doesn’t openly say “hey I’m here for the white people”. He doesn’t have to. It’s the things he does that speaks volumes. Sure he panders to the blacks and Hispanics, but that’s all it is, pandering. He doesn’t really care about them. He’s not interested in taking the pandering any further than “hey there’s one my favorite black Trump fans over there! I love the black people, they love me. I got more black votes than Obama” etc etc while he’s revoking Obama, LBJ, and Biden antiwhite orders and restoring the biggest mountain in North America to a white president’s name.
Half you people expect him to declare martial law and deputize all the white men to round everyone who isn’t white up and kick them out of the country. That’s just not going to happen. He’s done more in 2 days for white people than Biden did in 4 years.
I see the commendable pardons as approved chum to throw the starving White voters that will dissipate soon enough with crackdowns on judeo-criticism and the sly trinity attack of jeetjamming amerika by waylaying to lull a White racial awakening among prospective converts into accepting a seemingly more tolerable replacement horde of indians=tech=high iq to boomer-brained normies (“rather techy jagmeets to cannibal-kaboom-fentanyl trafficking oko chiwetalu al-aziz salazars”), while curry countermeasures like kash patel, haley, and the nerd vivek safeguard jews-only against retaliatory muslim violence from the terror cells of omar ahmed khadrs probably already here. And that dumb hat makes her look like Keyser Soze on the dock and White Nationalists are Dean Keaton.
Well, Uncle, that is one long sentence but I think there’s a lot of truth in there. The best we can hope for is that he has been given a terrible medical diagnosis (stage 4 something or other) and he is not afraid to live on the edge. JMO.
That right there is some righteous spontaneous blackpill prosody.
Blow man blow, lmao.
All’s well that ends well, but this is so far from over that it’s ultimate value can only be seen in terms of what it naturally leads to: if it proves just the opening salvo in a war that allows for (given Trump’s ideology, it can’t be intentionally for) white survival and thriving, then it was very good indeed; but if it’s just an optimism bender that leaves whites with a hangover that they’ll spend the next four years complacently sleeping off, then it probably would have been better had Harris won.
Loved seeing the the righteous contempt towards their enemies manifested in the pouting/scowling faces of Barron and Mother.
A Berserk-sized sword on his back would fit him well.
The many J6 pardons are good in themselves and they underline the reasonableness of the first demand that pro-Whites made of President Trump.
I see the propaganda media is gonna now complain about every J6 Pardon like oh, this guy used a stun gun on a DC cop, why does he deserve a pardon and the obvious answer is because the 2020 election was STOLEN and those “law enforcement officers” stood between sovereign citizens (PATRIOTS) and their right to a Constitutional Republic. President Trump should say, actually this guy gets a medal of freedom now that you’ve brought him up to me.
Trump rescinding LBJ’s “affirmative action”, executive order is a great opening punch. This is a first breeching charge to storming the house of anti-White discrimination and a vast portion of the Left’s patronage network. Hopefully this ends up in the Supreme Court and there are legal teams who have a solid strategic game plan and the resilience to fight this dragon and slay it over the coming years.
I wonder if the CC has resources to fire a salvo in the form of a class action lawsuit against New York on the back of this. It may even be worth filing an injunction halting work on the JFK upgrade underway. It willfully excluded all White male contractors. Perhaps this repeal makes an injunction and/or class-action suit a viable play. Even if it goes to the SC on appeal that is what we want.
I also thought his invocation of the American people and our spirit, defining us as tough, brave and gritty pioneers was fantastic. It was beautiful and even though he did not thank Us, we all know who it is he was talking about. We are The Americans.
Keep fighting boys.
I can see several benefits to Trump’s presidency:
1. Trump moves the Overton Window and breaks down taboos. We’ve already seen many topics normalized over the last 8 years.
2. Trump’s previous presidency helped normalize Nationalist views in Europe. Many Europeans view him as comparable to local populists. It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s the way people see things.
Trump is also requesting that Germany increase its defense budget. A stronger military increases martial spirit & considering the dreck that comes out of the Scott Ritter types (he was advocating Germany’s destruction for assisting Ukraine), it will give Germany much needed geopolitical leverage.
3. Trump’s administration is releasing the J6ers and will likely show favoritism towards those who support him. This is good for those with politically incorrect views.
4. The US’s economy will likely be better under Trump.
5. The social media elites are already relaxing a bit on censorship.
There are also things that I am concerned about:
– Trump’s Greenland scheme is going to give other powers justification to annex territory.
– Trump is already showing a tendency to repeat his words & make erratic statements. He is 78 and appears to be experiencing age related mental decline. He is not doing as badly as Biden, but the difference from 8 years ago is noticeable. He will likely be manipulated by those who know how to.
– The Israel Lobby is desperate and may pull something.
We are still waiting for that Epstein list.
Hopefully Trump’s promising “honeymoon” period lasts for a while. With half the nation and Jew-controlled media opposed to him it will be an uphill fight.
What a lovely landmark the Washington National Cathedral has been for more than 100 years. But with the recent anti-White history of the Episcopeoean Church, Trump should never have attended the service where he was scolded in a very public display by the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopelean Church, Mariann Budde from her bully pulpit. Her “sermon”:
In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families – some who fear for their lives. The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals – they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurdwara, and temples.
The pious bitch Budde and her partner, Rev. Hollerith, played instrumental roles in removing the stained glass windows commemorating the lives of Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The windows were installed in 1953 after lobbying by the United Daughters of the Confederacy. –A boast from WikiJews.
A more accurate description of the removal of those stained glass windows and the replacement of them by cathredal muckety-mucks is provided by Douglas Mercer, here: (183) Niggers In The Cathedral – White Biocentrism
“Six years after two stained-glass windows that honored Confederate Gens. Robert E. Lee and Thomas Stonewall Jackson were taken down the Washington National Cathedral has unveiled the pair of windows that are taking their place. The new windows, created by artist Kerry James Marshall, feature protesters holding signs that read Fairness and No Foul Play. Titled Now and Forever, the windows were unveiled on Saturday (September 23 2023). The new windows lift up the values of justice and fairness and the ongoing struggle for equality among all God’s great children, the Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, the cathedral’s dean, said on Saturday at the unveiling.”
How the mighty have fallen, eh? We replaced two noble heroes with some badly depicted spook activists holding up placards. We changed the grand chivalry of the past for the debased nonentities of the present. We removed bold adventure and courage and valor and put meagerness and poverty in its place. For decades those parishioners could look up and see the greatness of the past; but now that greatness is deemed vileness by the time serving stooge with the uber WASP name of Randolph Marshall Hollerith; and now the people in the Cathedral get a sorry dollop of the “moral” in the form of hackneyed images blaring a message of negro rights in a country where they used to have no rights at all we needed to respect. After all as anyone who’s been paying attention knows justice and fairness are just code words for White genocide. And now the White man has been murdered in the Cathedral.
“Rev. Hollerith said that the previous windows were offensive and they were a barrier to the ministry of this cathedral and they were antithetical to our call to be a house of prayer for all people. They told a false narrative extolling two individuals who fought to keep the institution of slavery alive in this country. The earlier windows had been a fixture at the house of worship in Washington, D.C., for more than 60 years. Created in 1953, the windows pay tribute to Lee and Jackson, showcasing scenes from their lives as well as the Confederate battlefield. The offending windows were removed in 2017. The cathedral had removed the old windows after Confederate symbols featured prominently in recent racist violence.”
I bet they were a barrier to the ministry. The National Cathedral belongs to the Episcopalians and the Episcopalians are the ultra-Jewish infested wing of the already Jewish infested religion, they are the lunatics who stand out for their massive lunacy even among the lunatics. They long ago abandoned any pretense to believing in the divinity of Jesus Christ (that they say, absurdly, would be fascism) but they take on board every last one of his fatal teachings: love, compassion, meekness, humility, kindness. These beliefs are the downfall of any people who subscribe to them, and the Episcopalians not only subscribe to them: they are their religion. So you can see why someone with the fighting spirit of Jackson, and the chivalric nobility of Lee, would offend them and get in the way of their mealy-mouthed love fest of surrender and total subservience. Indeed such men must deep down frighten the average mild-mannered nobody who enters the confines of this “National Sacred Space.” They know in their hearts that men willing to defend their home and hearth with honor and violence belong to a world they cannot even fathom and which scares them. Much better to see a group of lazy negros picketing, that’s something they’ve been taught to readily comprehend—and bow before…
Read more at the link, and view photos of White architectural handicrafts of the so-called National Sacred Space and of the windows that were removed and of the ones that replaced them.
Did anybody notice the epic dig aganst biden/harris/obama (even BUSH) that trump slipped into the beginning of his address?
First he acknowledged JD Vance’s presence. THEN, called each of them out by mame.
IMMEDIATELY after this, begins his diatribe on how deeply our great nation has fallen and is circling the drain.
Masterclass on subtle but sharp trolling.
I love that Trump invited all those former presidents and made them listen to him going over all their failures. I also enjoyed seeing Schumer, Hakeem, Klobuchar stand by while he signed EO after EO.
My highlights: the Jan 6ers freed, end to birthright citizenship, 2 genders, Mt. McKinley, end of LBJ’s AA. I think he may have spoken about Ashli Babbitt, and I hope he goes after that murdering cop, Byrd.
Next, I’d love pardons for Chauvin and the McMichaels (Arbery case).
I forgive Trump for not pardoning the J6ers in 2021. He’s won me over.
Trump is off to a good start, but the real work comes with securing the border and deporting as many illegals as the corrupt System will allow. Trump MUST build the Wall. He should push further for a permanent militarization of the border. These actions require Congressional legislation. More significant Congressional action is needed to remove all the lawfare obstacles to actually deporting the now 40 million criminal trespassers colonizing our country. Trump must emphasize to his MAGA base (ideally, via a nationally televised address, one also posted everywhere, from Truth Social to X to anywhere else) the steps needed actually to deport the aliens (as well as the heavy costs we bear to keep them here).
Trump must force Congress to make radical and permanent changes (ones that only a future Democrat trifecta government – Presidency, Senate and House – can undo) as fast as possible, as GOP will likely lose the House in ’26 (it’s interesting that this time the GOP House vote total was way above that of the Democrats, yet due 100% to Blue state gerrymandering, we barely eked out a tiny majority). Trump and Congress must set the immigration parameters so as to be oriented towards perpetual alien deportation, so that as long as GOP controls one branch of government, deportations continue on autopilot.
As I wrote in my C-C piece, Who is Trump?, DT appears to be a very different man than the one who took office in 2017. So far, he looks like it — resolute and contemptuous of the usual detractors — and I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly and resolutely he pardoned the J6ers. I’m not sure if he can pardon Derek Chauvin, as his is a state crime, but there must be something he can do to free this man. This horrific miscarriage must not be permitted to stand.
Ukraine and the Levant are my big worries with DT. He kept HRC and Kamala out of the White House and for that we are ever in his debt.
Yes to freeing Derek Chauvin, but another (almost forgotten) political prisoner, James Fields, should be rescued from the dungeon as well. Fields panicked when his car was surrounded by a threatening mob, tried to drive away, and struck a protester who died. It was surely not an intended homicide, but the poor guy was sentenced to life in prison plus 419 years for state charges, with an additional life sentence for federal charges.
State terrorism. Fields should be pardoned. If our president doesn’t have the legal power to do so, he should lean on Virginia’s governor, a Republican, who might like to stay on Trump’s good side.
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