Tag: Tomislav Sunić
November 11, 2022 Alex Kurtagić
Rozhovor s Tomislavem Sunićem
1,329 words
In a pre-pandemic age, Canada Day was a large-scale convivial, nationalistic celebration in Canada’s federal capital of Ottawa with numerous other local events taking place across the country. (more…)
June 29, 2022 Nicholas R. Jeelvy
Východní záštita Evropy
1,627 slov
English original here
Nedávno jsem s jedním ze svých přátel mluvil o rusko-ukrajinské válce, konkrétněji o jejích dopadech na západní nacionalistické milieu. Spousta lidí, kteří se donedávna bez váhání označovala za odpůrce imperialismu, nadšeně přijala za svůj imperiální projekt anexe Ukrajiny, likvidace její státnosti a pohlcení jejího lidu do širokého ruského imperiálního náručí. Jiní, kteří ještě „včera“ z plných plic brojili proti „bratrovražedným válkám“, momentálně s velkou chutí povzbuzují vzájemné krvavé pobíjení ruských a ukrajinských vojáků v bratrovražedné válce. (more…)
1,909 words
Czech version here
Recently, I was speaking to a friend about the Russo-Ukrainian War and specifically, the effect it has had on Western nationalists. Many people calling themselves anti-imperialists have enthusiastically embraced the imperial project to annex Ukraine and erase Ukrainian nationhood, absorbing this people into the broader Russian imperial body. More people who until recently called for “no more brother wars” are now enthusiastically cheering as Russian and Ukrainian soldiers kill each other in a bloody brother war. (more…)
This week’s episode of The Writers’ Bloc features two men from the nations of the former Yugoslavia, host Nick Jeelvy with guest Dr. Tomislav Sunić, discussing the breakup of the country and the lessons today’s dissidents can learn from it, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
4,427 words
4,427 words
Philippe-Joseph Salazar
Suprémacistes: L’enquête Mondiale chez les Gourous de la Droite Identitaire
Paris: Plon, 2020This book results from interviews with leading thinkers of the race-conscious right — the so-called alternative right — which seeks to bring race to the forefront of political debate. The title Suprémacistes is, however, misleading; for the author, Philippe-Joseph Salazar, nowhere describes the people who are the subject of this study as supremacists (more…)
September 28, 2019 News Item
The Scandza Forum Returns to Copenhagen
Last Call for Tickets!On Saturday, October 12, 2019, the Scandza Forum is returning to the Danish capital after our successful event there in September 2018. Only two weeks remain until it happens!
As usual, we give you an all-star line-up of speakers: (more…)
Having gone to various types of conferences in my life — corporate, libertarian, etc. — I can say that the lasting benefits of these things tend to be less in the actual talks or panels themselves than in the social opportunities for hobnobbing, networking, and just plain socializing. Meeting like-minded individuals, discussing with each other how we arrived at our positions, exchanging book recommendations, and hitting the hotel bar is what you remember most about a conference.
Part 1 of 4
The European New Right (ENR), born in 1968 in France, is the only school of thought that offers a comprehensive philosophical alternative to both the Left and the mainstream Right; not a political alternative or a cohesive popular movement, but a body of thought, an interpretative framework with distinctive concepts, major texts and authors pointing to a solid intellectual alternative to the establishment. (more…)
September 4, 2015 Greg Johnson
Preguntas Planteadas Frecuentemente, Parte 2
English original here
Traducción por Francisco Albanese
8. Si recomendaras un libro de la Nueva Derecha Europea, ¿cuál sería?
Si quieres leer un libro de la Nueva Derecha europea, Why We Fight: Manifesto of the European Resistance (London: Arktos, 2011) de Guillaume Faye debería ser ese libro. (more…)