I have noticed that a lot of writing about sex—not all, but a lot—is marked by a strange lacuna: it fails to mention that some people are simply born more attractive than others. Thick textbooks promising comprehensive coverage of “human sexuality” are capable of leaving out this little detail. Such reticence may be due to embarrassment. We all understand that natural attractiveness and unattractiveness are unearned; furthermore, these differences provide occasions for envy, disappointment, and conflict. It is understandable that some writers prefer to pass over such uncomfortable matters in silence. (more…)
Author: F. Roger Devlin
Catherine Ruth Pakaluk
Hannah’s Children: The Women Quietly Defying the Birth Dearth
New York: Regnery Gateway, 2024It is uncanny how many contemporary ideals find their common denominator in the rejection of procreation—much of environmentalism, the liberation of homosexuality and other nonprocreative sex, careerism for women, easy divorce, “family planning,” and the envisioning of human life as a process of individual self-realization, to name a few. (more…)
Patrick J. Deneen
Regime Change: Toward a Postliberal Future
Sentinel, 2023Patrick J. Deneen, a professor of Political Science at Notre Dame, came to prominence as the author of Why Liberalism Failed (2018), a book that contrasted our present circumstances with the rosy promises of previous generations of liberals. (more…)
Marcel Gauchet
Robespierre: The Man Who Divides Us the Most
Princeton University Press, 2024This 191-page study of Robespierre’s revolutionary career is not a biography in the usual sense. Such works have already patiently collected everything that can be known about the man’s life before the French Revolution, but the main lesson to be drawn from them is that nothing from Robespierre’s formative years is of much use for explaining his political behavior. (more…)
2,004 words
Edward Dutton and J. O. A. Rayner-Hilles
Woke Eugenics: How Social Justice is a Mask for Social Darwinism
Imperium Press, 2024The progressive left—social justice warriors, the “woke,” or whatever one wishes to call them—imagine that they are creating a new world free of racism and oppression. Their opponents think they are destroying all that is good and decent: respect for God, tradition, history, beauty, and even rationality. But the effects of men’s actions often bear little resemblance to what they intend. (more…)
July 10, 2024 F. Roger Devlin
Alain de Benoist k populismu
English original here
Následující text je překladem přednášky F. Roger Devlina z jarního setkání Counter-Currents 2023
Termín populismus se v Americe hojně rozšířil od vzestupu Donalda Trumpa, v Evropě pak ještě o něco dříve, jako negativně zabarvené zastřešující označení protiimigračních protestních stran. Po všelidovém hlasování o Brexitu a zvolení Trumpa prezidentem se v anglicky hovořícím světě vyrojily knihy o populismu jako houby po dešti. Vsadil bych si, že za mnoha z nich stojí zadání vypočítavých vydavatelů, kteří doufali ve snadný zisk z náhle módní materie. (more…)
Eric Kaufmann
The Third Awokening: A 12-Point Plan for Rolling Back Progressive Extremism
New York, Nashville: Post Hill Press, 2024Eric Kaufmann is best known as the author of Whiteshift (2019), a thick book on the future of white majorities in Western nations. The book’s thesis is that whites must be offered a bit of carrot as well as stick to reconcile us to being gradually phased out of the nations our ancestors created. (more…)
1,677 words
Martin Sellner
Remigration: Ein Vorschlag [Repatriation: A Proposal]
Steigra: Antaios Verlag, 2024Vienna native Martin Sellner founded the Identitarian Movement of Austria in 2012, maintained a highly successful YouTube channel before it fell to censorship in 2019, and is the author or co-author of four previous books. (more…)
Jason Kessler
Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech
Dissident Press, 2024A number of books have already been written about the suppressed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. I have already reviewed the excellent Charlottesville Untold by Anne Wilson Smith. Padraig Martin’s A Walk in the Park also enjoys a good reputation. (more…)
The Authentic Reactionary: Selected Scholia of Nicolás Gómez Dávila
Translated with commentary by Ramon Elani
North Augusta, S. C.: Arcana Europa Media, 2023Large linguistic communities such as the English and Spanish-speaking worlds are peculiarly liable to insularity. It was only in the late 1980s that a few adventurous German souls caught on to the existence of then-septuagenarian Colombian aphorist Nicolás Gómez Dávila (1913-1994). From there, awareness of his work spread to other European countries. (more…)
Renaud Camus
Enemy of the Disaster: Selected Political Writings
Blowing Rock, N. C.: Vauban Books, 2023Enemy of the Disaster is the first extensive English-language collection of Renaud Camus’ writings in opposition to what he was the first to name “the Great Replacement” of France’s — and Europe’s — people. The book consists of ten pieces written between 2007 and 2017. Co-translator Louis Betty also provides a useful introduction, though marred by his compulsion to triangulate against shadowy “white supremacists.” (more…)
2,746 words
Part 5 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 4 here)
A German war with Poland was now a certainty, but a new continental war involving Britain and France was not. The most important obstacle to the widening of the conflict was that Britain quietly viewed French participation as an indispensable precondition of her own involvement, and the French had not committed themselves to action against Poland. (more…)
1,907 words
Part 4 of 5 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here, Part 5 here)
Hitler’s cancellation of military operations for August 26 left him with only five days before September 1, after which, according to his generals, a military campaign in Poland would no longer be feasible. If war was to be prevented, it had to be done within this time. (more…)