All liberal, socialist, and Marxist societies, regardless of their specific economic system, have one thing in common: They are all tied to the economy. (more…)
Tag: Europe
Robert Lighthizer
No Trade Is Free: Changing Course, Taking on China, and Helping America’s Workers
New York: Broadway Books, 2023See also: “Intrigue in the Indo-Pacific,” “After the Empire of Nothing,” “The Fall of the Neoliberal Order,” and “Globalism”
It is no secret that Americans have suffered under the free trade ideology which came to the fore during the Clinton years. In the 1990s, for example, every small town in Illinois had a factory. (more…)
There is a growing sentiment, particularly amongst Christian conservatives and reactionaries, that the men of “The West” should — indeed, must — form an alliance with the Muslims who have flooded into our countries. Together we can wage a Crusade/Jihad (a Crusihad? A Jihsade?) against the degenerate drag queens and the libs on TikTok. (more…)
The following is the text of Gregory Hood’s opening statement in the “Ethnonationalism vs. Imperialism” debate with Greg Johnson that was held at the recent Counter-Currents Spring Retreat. Dr. Johnson’s opening statement, which preceded this one, can be read here.
It’s not a question of whether you want to live in an imperium or not. You’re going to live under an imperial rule of some kind. The only question is whose it’s going to be. (more…)
2,779 words / 15:14
Part 1 of 4 (Part 2 here)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
If I wanted to destroy a functional society — the sort that white Europeans have built and maintained for millennia — upending the family and harming children would be a high priority. Attacking a society’s children is far easier than other groups and offers significant benefits to those wishing harm. If you can get children to turn on their families ideologically, you can likely get them to do anything you want as they mature. Thus, if I wanted to sever the roots of a people and mold them into obedient serfs, I would start by attacking the children. (more…)
A previously unpublished exchange of letters between the Swiss neo-fascist activist Gaston-Armand Amaudruz and Julius Evola from 1958 was recently discovered among the former’s papers (scans of the original letters can be found here). Mr. Amaudruz was then part of the leadership of the New European Order (NEO), a pan-European neo-fascist movement that had been established in 1951. (more…)
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
This is intended as a response to Dr. Greg Johnson’s essay, “Against Imperialism.” (more…)
See also: Friendly Debate Advice for Christian Nationalists, Classic Tales, The Good Book, More of the Good Book, Doors & . . ., Malign Social Contagions; also Kevin Macdonald’s Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition, here and here, as well as Kathryn S.’s “Fortune of the Field Shall Cast from forth His Chariot.”
In 1995 the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), America’s largest Protestant denomination, voted to apologize for slavery and “lingering racism.” (more…)
December 9, 2022 Gunnar Alfredsson
War Is Our Father
Ernst Jünger
The Peace
Singapore: Rogue Scholar Press, 2022Ernst Jünger is representative of the German twentieth century in many ways; his books and essays are often visceral, violent, brutal, and profound. The First World War shaped much of his writing. Jünger articulated the new heroics of soldiers dealing stoically with the frightful carnage wrought by technology and envisioned a totalitarian future characterized by obedience beyond question. (more…)
November 17, 2022 Anton
Sex, politika a eurohostel
1.483 slov
English original here
Při své nedávné cestě do Evropy jsem pobýval v mnoha různých hostelech. Typický scénář: přijedu už později večer, vejdu do temné noclehárny, vklouznu do jedné z prázdných postelí a následující ráno se probudím a zjistím, že na postelích kolem mě spí vícero mladých žen. (more…)
181 words / 1:20:18
Sam Valleus was the special guest host on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where he welcomed Vincent James to the show, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:00:35 Vincent’s experience on Dutch television (more…)