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Donald Trump wasn’t the only one who dodged a bullet on July 13, 2024. America herself had a brush with death.
What do you think would have happened if the idol of those 70 million Americans who own most of America’s 300 million guns had been killed on live television? I think there would have been retribution, leading to tit-for-tat violence, which could easily have spun into civil war.
Who would have been the targets? That’s easy: The death lists are already compiled online — from the most prestigious newspapers and magazines all the way down to antifa-infested ratholes — where countless liberals and Leftists have been openly laying the groundwork for this assassination by painting Trump as a fascist threat to democracy. Indeed, the Democratic Party’s main strategy for reelecting the vegetable Biden is the specter of the fascist Trump. They bet everything on Donald Trump’s demonization as well as that of the 70 million white Americans who support him.
Did they think that all this gaslighting was just a game? The obvious result is to incite violence against Trump and his supporters. So I’m going with the theory that violence was the intent all along. They’re not getting away with the “They know not what they do” defense.
This violence, moreover, is being openly celebrated by Leftists on social media. They are not mourning Corey Comperatore, the small-town firefighter who was killed in front of his wife and daughter. They are mocking Comperatore and mourning the fact that the assassin missed. They’re monsters. We can’t live with these people.
Yet for all their “literal shaking” about the MAGA threat, none of these haters seem remotely worried about Trump supporters. They would never behave this way if they seriously believed that someday the blood in the streets might be their own.
But hubris courts nemesis. Or, as today’s kids like to put it: “Fuck around and find out.” The Left has been fucking around since 2015. I am just grateful that, this time, they didn’t find out. Because there’s still a chance to deescalate this situation and reach a peaceful resolution.
For decades, White Nationalists have been warning Americans about the curse of diversity. Different peoples cannot share the same territory and political system without conflicts of culture, values, and interests. Like being stuck in a bad marriage, such conflicts produce mistrust, tension, alienation, inefficiency, long-simmering resentment, hatred, and violence. Sometimes they spin out of control, leading to wholesale civil war, ethnic cleansing, and even genocide. The greater the diversity, the greater the conflict, the greater the chance of apocalyptic bloodshed.
But the people in power didn’t listen. Within my lifetime, America has gone from a normatively white nation to a multicultural one. The white population has declined from close to 90% down to something like 60%. The non-white population has dramatically increased, as has the number of non-white ethnic groups. America is already too diverse to survive, much less thrive.
If the cancer of diversity continues to grow and metastasize, what will America look like in 20 or 30 years? You don’t need to speculate. You don’t need to take a trip in a time machine. You can simply visit any number of large American cities where whites are now the minority. They are nightmares of ugliness, alienation, corruption, and violence.
This is why millions of whites have fled the cities. But the borders and wombs of the Third World are wide-open. Moreover, the United States government and anti-white NGOs are pointedly dumping non-white migrants into predominantly white areas. Soon there will be no place to run. (There will never be an American Orania under the present regime. And if we replace the regime, we won’t need to retreat into an Orania.)
Although America is more diverse than ever, politically speaking we are divided into two large camps: Team Blue and Team Red.
Team Blue is multicultural America, a coalition of self-hating white liberals and Leftists, feminists, sexual minorities, and Jews and other non-whites. Their flag is the intersectional rainbow flag, which is not just symbolic of their coalition. It is also symbolic of the world they wish to create. For none of those stripes can come together to produce white children.
Team Red is the American people: tens of millions of Americans, overwhelmingly white. Their flag is the stars and stripes. They generally vote Republican, albeit with decreasing enthusiasm. Donald Trump is their candidate. But more than that, he is their symbol, their avatar.
This is why Trump is so intensely hated by Team Blue. Trump is not hated for what he has done. He did very little. Trump is not hated for what he promises to do, which was politically mainstream a few decades ago and probably won’t be implemented anyway. No, Trump is hated for what he symbolizes: white America.
Representative, multiparty democracy depends on the willingness of different parties to trade offices and to bury partisan differences to work together for the greater good of society. But that’s no longer possible in America. Team Red and Team Blue are not just different political groupings within the same nation. They are becoming different nations, neither of which feels safe being ruled by the other.
White Nationalists have long known that Team Blue is not engaged in politics as usual. They are not interested in civil debate. They want to censor disagreement as “hate.” They are not interested in trading power in a democratic system. They think we are too dangerous to be trusted with power. Hence their desire to replace us with a more tractable non-white electorate. Team Blue doesn’t want to live and let live. They want to live and let die. In short, this isn’t politics. This is war. Worse than that, it is increasingly open genocide by anti-white race replacement. The sooner we recognize what is happening, the sooner we can fight back.
White Nationalists have been warning Americans for decades about the Left as well. But, again, we have been largely ignored. We have been ignored because we speak harsh truths that most people wish to evade. We have been ignored because we offer facts and logic, whereas most people respond to images and emotions. We have been ignored because we talk about the long run, whereas most people are fixated on the present and immediate future. Most people don’t listen to reason and avoid suffering. First they suffer, then they learn.
But this assassination attempt has the eyes of the world focused on it. It makes our message very concrete and very real. America’s system is anti-white. Trump is hated because he stands for white America. They hate him, because they hate us. They want to kill him, because they want to kill us. The bullet Trump dodged was fired at us. If they are celebrating the death of Corey Comperatore, they will celebrate all our deaths as well. We can’t live with people who literally want to kill us. Life vs. death is what I call an irreconcilable difference. We need a national divorce.
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The Decade of Truth, Reawakening the Old Trump, and the Future of White People in America
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A Legacy of Betrayal at the Heart of the GOP’s White Vote Strategy
Ten Questions for the Left
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 604:
The Clintons in Plato’s Cave
Gee, that was powerful. Some real zingers in there. “The bullet Trump dodged was fired at us.”
I think a lot of the pall over the dissident right now has to do with the fact that the center of action has shifted to Trump and generalized Maga. Like you said they are finding out what we’ve been experiencing all along.
Trump’s attempted assassination was a reminder that even more crazy things are about to happen in American politics. All White People have a chance to influence history with great acts. Join the American Freedom Party so we can set up an Ethnostate just for White Folks! We can win for White America! You got this, everyone!
Join: https://www.americanfreedomparty.us/join/
Inspiring article. Sums up my feelings as well. It’s fascinating to me, as a former leftist, to observe individuals simultaneously decry fascism while celebrating or openly wishing for the death of their political opponent. I’m reminded of the old saying that you can’t reason with unreasonable people.
Anti-Whites killing and wounding Whites with impunity: I’m not sure how White Nationalists – or the White race as a whole – have ‘dodged’ anything.
Trump shouldn’t matter to White Nationalists because he’s not pro-White. Trumps DoJ initiated the Charlottesville Witch-hunt.
He’s not ‘our guy’ and any emotional investment in him is a waste of emotional energy.
The GOP is not ‘pro-White’ even Gosar’s reputation for ‘pro-White’ is grossly exaggerated (and look what the GOP did to him on Trump’s watch).
If Trump gets elected, things will be just as bad (possibly even worse) for White Nationalists than under the Biden Puppet Show.
White Nationalism is a revolutionary movement. Revolutionary movements yield to nothing. They neither accept the Carrot of Compromise nor flinch from the Stick of Repression.
Until White Nationalists have the courage to consciously not play the game their enemies have constructed for them, there will be little advancement.
White Nationalism isn’t ‘Regular Politics Plus Racisms’.
White Nationalism is a total weltanschauung.
Great comment, especially the final line.
While initially surprised and concerned at the news, my thoughts soon turned to wonder that a shooting at a Trump rally hasn’t happened before. Not an attempted assassination, but that the White people who attend his rallies are in danger.
Or the crowds of White people who attend country music concerts. The shooting in Las Vegas in 2017 left 60 dead and 400 wounded. Did a major US publisher just put out a book revisiting that event?
He’s not ‘our guy’ and any emotional investment in him is a waste of emotional energy…If Trump gets elected, things will be just as bad (possibly even worse) for White Nationalists than under the Biden Puppet Show.
What on earth will it take for everyone to see this? I still feel ashamed for certain prowhite (?) folks who waited in line to witness the Donnie’s inauguration – and who have yet to change their minds about him.
Well that is the kind of division that will keep both the Dissident Right and the Conservatives apart. You can’t have it all. It will not work. Trump supports deportation so lets start there .Cancel Culture is another . Fight for those things. It is still a Democracy.
Respectfully, I disagree. ‘Conservatives’ and ‘the Right’ in combination are not an important constituency of the jews that run Trump. You’re a resource to be strip-mined for assets and then abandoned. Trump is a fund-raising opportunity at this point. No matter how much money or how many votes ‘conservatives’ and ‘the right’ give him, he’ll still do whatever the jews say and you cannot get your vote or your money back.
This last part is key.
The jews love scams where ‘the mark’ cannot retrieve their ‘investment’.
This is why the jews love politics. It’s the prefect place to run endless confidence games without breaking the law.
Like many people hypnotized by Trump and ‘conservative’ media, you believe that ‘illegal immigration’ is the ‘real problem’.
Non-White, non-European immigration of any kind must be discontinued and reversed (repatriation).
The lesson of revolutionary politics is that ‘reform’ should just be an invitation to further agitation, not an opportunity to give up on the actual policies you actually want.
‘Compromising’ instead of withholding resources (money, votes) until you get what you actually want is why ‘conservatives’ have consistently failed.
‘Conservative’ politics depends on failing to grasp the revolutionary nature of their demands when compared to the conditions their enemies wish to impose on them and failing to accept the task of revolution.
This is why ‘conservatives’ always lose.
They don’t really think their enemies are really their enemies.
I would have a bit more respect for the leftist pigs if they stood by their violent rhetoric, some of which may have gone passed the line set by Brandenburg v Ohio; recall statements by Madonna, Johnny Depp, Kathy Griffin, so many others which I won’t quote because it is like uttering certain words on airplane even if modified by quotation marks or negating modifiers like “no” or “not.” For years they have stated that Trump and his supporters are an existential threat to “our democracy” (they mean theirs, not ours), comparing him unironically to Hitler (I wish he could follow after Franco or Pinochet). If a movement makes these claims for years (and they have), then that means they believe that any means necessary and available are justified to deal with that threat. And now they want to pretend they have been saying something else this whole time.
They are backtracking ONLY because the totality of the circumstances have really bad optics, not because of any change of heart. Many people see them as the liars they are, but I am not sure enough people do.
Waiting for the enemy to stop being your enemy is why ‘conservatism’ fails to achieve any durable victories. But ‘the left’ is a puppet of institutional players who use them to ‘astroturf’ what the ruling class wants. Sometimes the ruling class doesn’t know exactly what it wants, and that’s the situation now. But ‘freedom’ is the goal of this struggle. At least not ‘freedom’ for White people. The dispute is how best to get Whites to stand down and stop being ‘concerned’.
Because what jewish supremacists fear most is ‘white supremacy’ (White Nationalism) in any form.
What ruling class supremacists fear most is a coherent working class that operates in the interests of the working class.
However things turned out, the combination of ‘pro-Worker’ and (anachronistically) ‘pro-White’ was what made NSDAP Germany such a threat.
Which is why the ‘victory’ of WWII was a universal loss for Whites and a near-universal victory for jews and the White ruling class.
Everything ‘White’ has been being erased from that period forward.
In an argument on whether transgenderism should be tolerated, a prominent normy conservative balked (somewhat aggressively) at my assertion that parents (or any adults) advocating transgender lunacy should not be tolerated. Recognizing that it is child abuse, I submit authorities should get involved, potentially removing custody. The response to myself and others who objected as well was “these people have rights” and “that would make us as bad as they are.” Focusing on tactics rather than motivations, as motivations make the difference, seems to be a favorite parlor game for that sort.
It is important to recognize how arguing about ‘transgender’ is wholly driven by ‘the Left’ (jews, really). In my view, all the energy expended fighting ‘transgender’ is entirely wasted and is promoted by ‘the right’ and ‘conservatives’ in order to distract from anti-White racial issues. My view is that ‘transgender’ is mental illness and if the government and major institutions are going to promote mental illness, we cannot stop them. All we can do is destroy their ability to have access to ourselves and our loved ones. And the only way we can do that is to implement a separatism based upon economic independence from the ‘federal authority’.
There’s always going to be some weepy ‘Christian’ who ‘feels bad’ about ‘what happened’ to some ‘transgender’ person. You have to decide whether you’re going to be one of those people or not. I’m not. Let them hack themselves to bits. But when they come looking for help, tell them to go to the people who hacked them up. It’s got nothing to do with us.
Good article Greg.
All true. We can’t live together. Living together means agreeing to this monstrous rainbow jackboot coming down on us. And it means our self destruction. That’s what the neoliberal corporate center, the Jewish lobby and their useful idiots like that stupid woman you recently wrote about-who looks like she would be a good visual match for Crooks, want.
They want us to be bulldozed like Gaza under their ‘values’ and ‘democracy’, absorbed away into a brown smear with no other destiny other than to purchase the latest IPhone.
I’ve been quite critical of Trump-and apathetic about him in this election, while the energies that we all felt in 2016 have long since evaporated being replaced with something else that’s not quite sure what it is. But when something like happens it’s going to have an effect on everyone, and remind us, yes Trump the person is very flawed, but he has his qualities too, and he is still a very huge symbol of hope to millions as this piece lays out.
I always thought “stochastic terrorism” was nonsense. Now I understand that I was wrong and it was simply very effective projection.
Like this?
Stochastic Terrorism: Non-White academics promote violence against Whites with real-world consequences – Thuletide (wordpress.com)
Well said!
The American Left have been kicking a hornets’ nest for a long time. The trajectory of that bullet was the difference between the casting vote in the next Presidential Election and the first shot in the American Civil War 2.0. Your country is absolutely on a knife-edge right now.
Like any other US president in recent history, during his tenure, Trump was as much a Zionist shill as his predecessors who obediently carried out his master’s directions, behaving disgustingly overseas. He will do the same if he is selected again come November.
The American political brass deserves a lot of …[can be deemed as fed-posting].. for its crimes, both domestic and foreign; the latest episode being the mass-slaughter of indigenous men, women, and children of Palestine with full US political backing and US-manufactured bombs.
I am not White. I don’t consider Whites as my enemies. The self-respecting amongst them are struggling for an honorable life for their progeny. Any sensible human being would respect that.
Over the past 8 years or so, I have corresponded with a lot of decent people in this sphere. It has been a wonderful experience.
I just sincerely hope these gentle folk are not led by criminals and scum.
To put it in crude terms which I think are true terms Jews want Whites to serve Jews as a stick with which Jews beat the world into submission. Jews don’t care if the stick gets broken. There are always more sticks.
We Whites must reject this filthy fate. This is not in our interest. It is not what we want. This is not appropriate to our nature in any way. We don’t want to serve the parasites who rule over us, we don’t want to supply the muscle for their crimes, and we don’t want to be degraded into a brown sludge and made extinct, which is what the Jews intend for us.
We need positive and explicit White identity and we need to secure our vital interests in our own lands.
We need to know who we are not, whose interests are not our interests, and whose lands are not our lands. We need to disentangle ourselves.
Continuing to be supporters and a collective Patsy for crimes like the violent Jewish genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza is no part of a path to White survival.
Well said, Joe.
The daily news out of Gaza and the west Bank is appalling. The crimes of the Netanyahu government and their consequences have yet to be fully realized by themselves,, and by we the perpetrators.
Fantastic as always Greg, there is not much left to be said about Liberals and their abominable, eradicationist, anti-White, regime.
Liberals are not misguided. They are evil. They have always been evil. They are monsters, that has placed White life in a crucible, and this cultural and institutional regime must be removed for the benefit of White life; globally.
However I want to focus on the would be assassin. Thomas Crooks, who was not a non-White; but yet another White anti-White, even if he did not understand himself to be anti-White, he was pursuing actions to the detriment of his race. White people(s) globally are the most psychologically abused people in human history, under intense generational propaganda. He surely thought his cause was a righteous one.
We keep seeing these regrettable, malformed, figures throughout history. I immediately thought of John Brown, another misshapen, zealous, lunatic. Who has now been elevated to secular saint along with that c*nt Martin Luther King; in an ever growing non-White and racially hostile culture and civilisation. Brown and his disastrous efforts are canonized within the Liberal cult of negrolatry – as the greatest work, or rather, the only reason a White person could feasibly exist, is to partake in his/her destruction, the destruction his/her kin, all in service of the holy other.
Brown’s crude spear and weapons are now sacred objects, holy relics to anti-“racism” displayed in a museum with his name sake. One can assume the would be assassin is being spoke of in reverence, and hushed tones by honest Liberals outside the mainstream – ( I do not use terms such as progressive, Leftist, anti-fa etc. Liberalism allows these anti-White entities to exist so I cast them all under the sub-structure of Liberalism) – That if Crooks had succeeded, his gun, or bullets casings would have been canonized, only after a few generations of deconstruction from critical race theorists. It would be reinterpreted from a scandal to social and racial justice; America and Democracy saved. From the “Fascist” threat.
Fascist meaning at this point, any political orientation that does not see the cultural, social, moral and genetic debasement, and elimination of White populations as its priority. They are correct of course. No matte the name they use, White Nationalism is the only legitimate threat to this world historical abomination formerly called the United States of America.
I am sure some never Trumpers such as David French are probably sad Trump’s head wasn’t opened on live television. Liberals wanted to share dead images of a would be “dictator” – some would have celebrated behind closed door, non-Whites having been freed from all restraint that binds even the most psychotic White anti-White, would celebrate openly, without fear of reprisal.
We now see calls to “deescalate” and turn down the temperature. Temperature they themselves raised. The entire Academic and Journalistic institutions need to be uprooted and destroyed. Every professor, and talking head at MSNBC needs to be in a cell; for life, but I am diverging.
What is it about Liberalism that pollutes the White consciousness to this extent? That a White half-life, but White all the same would seek to murder their own president, who ultimately will do little for the besieged White population?
This is my only jealousy of Liberalism. We simply must provide a moral-counter order, one that is not utterly dysfunctional, where White life and self determination can exist without question.
Do not blame Thomas Crooks for his misguided deed.. Blame those who shaped him
Xavi’er: July 15, 2024 … I want to focus on the would be assassin. Thomas Crooks, who was not a non-White; but yet another White anti-White, even if he did not understand himself to be anti-White, he was pursuing actions to the detriment of his race…
Exactly, Xavi’er, another White anti-White. David Sims, a very smart White man, explains from personal experience why Crooks did what he did:
Now that I’ve seen him, I know why Thomas Matthew Crooks tried to kill Donald Trump. He thought that he was saving the world.
He grew up listening to Jewish Marxist and globalist propaganda on the television day and night, year in and year out, and he believed what the talking heads and the celebrities on TV said about Trump.
He had not yet had his political education. He did not know how information is (mis)managed in the world around him. Although he was a smart young man, he didn’t have things correctly figured out and was still in error on the basics.
He thought that he was saving the world. He nearly damned it to whatever horror would have come about, if Trump had died. Nuclear war. Great Depression. Both?
From a search engine AI:
“Thomas Matthew Crooks received a $500 ‘star award’ from the National Math and Science Initiative in 2022, indicating his achievement in math and science. Additionally, he graduated from Bethel Park High School in 2022, which suggests that he had a strong foundation in math during his high school years.”
He sounds a lot like me, when I was his age, back in 1979. I was a liberal then. I believed whatever I heard on TV, too.
My own political education, and my philosophical maturity, came about when I was 35, in the summer of 1995.
That year, I entered into a debate in a chat room of the old dial-up MSN intranet against some racists from the National Alliance, then led by Dr. William Pierce, on the cause and significance of race differences in humans — and I lost.
While having my illusions shattered regarding racial differences, I also learned the extent to which the mainstream media dupes the public, tells them what to think and how to feel — who to love and who to hate, who is foolish and who is wise.
And most of what the Jews tell you, though their hired actors, are lies. Some of those lies are small ones, while others are big. They’ll sweeten, salt, and decorate their lies with truth now and then. And they are quite expert with deception by means other than outright lying.
But that’s what happened to make Thomas Matthew Crooks the person he was when he tried to assassinate Donald Trump on 13 July 2024.
“The Making of Thomas Matthew Crooks” at WhiteBiocentrism.com
It is ironic that as a politician and president, Trump does so little for the White Americans who provide about 90% of his support, yet it is precisely because he represents us in the eyes of our enemies that he is so feared and despised.
But I must say that, as a man, his defiant fist pumping in the immediate seconds after he was almost killed is impressive. If only he were able to combine that personal hardiness with an accurate vision of what is happening to us.
And thank you for giving Corey Comperatore the front-page honor he deserves.
“They would never behave this way if they seriously believed that someday the blood in the streets might be their own.”
Trump doesn’t represent white Americans. He represents Donald Trump. He’s a toxic narcissist trying to stay out of jail and doesn’t care a whit about ‘white Americans.’ The perfectly self-respecting white people who support Biden do so because they believe that he represents their interests more closely and/or simply don’t want to live under another 4 years of Orange Retard doing more dangerous and stupid things like running up the national debt, sticking the Trumpcine in everyone’s arms or bombing foreign dignitaries on behalf of Zionist donors. This whole article is a deceitful misframing. Did we forget the Trump Green Cards for Mickey Mouse Diplomas already? Stick a fork in CC, it’s done.
The perfectly self-respecting white people who support Biden do so because they believe that he represents their interests more closely….
Yes, the Biden who celebrates Whites becoming a minority in our own country as a good thing and trumpets White supremacy as the greatest danger to “our democracy,” he represents the interests of these perfectly self-respecting white people.
I guess you’ve passed over into The Void.
I would like to add a few other interests like putting elderly white women in prison for a decade for protesting outside an abortion clinic, constantly slurring half of the country as violent extremists, using our taxes to fund a white on white war that can never be won, filling his administration with sexual deviants, promoting the dumbest minorities to lifetime appointments, making our military anti-white and an absolute joke, etc. If that is who Buttercup(a very masculine, self respecting chosen name for sure) here considers self respecting white people then they/them would probably be better off sticking a fork in CC if they/them think it’s done. Good riddance.
This is a pretty bad take even in lesser-of-two-evils terms.
Trump is no White Savior. Who by now does not already know this?
Nevertheless ─ Hillary, Biden, Kamala, all are an order of magnitude more Kosher (i.e., far worse) than Trump.
Arizona is a swing state with 11 Electoral Votes that might go back to Red in 2024. So I’m holding my nose and voting Trump.
Donald Trump has proven himself under fire many times, including last Saturday. His record is far from perfect, but he did many good things during his first term as president. And he prevented many bad things.
If Trump wins a second term, he is certain to do better. The Biden regime has been 10 times worse so far, and is certain to get even worse. Right now, they are packing the courts with left-wing freaks and sickos. That has got to stop.
Not a big fan of the “national divorce” thing. We can’t give away any of the land our forefathers fought for. Other than that, well written.
There still is some confusion about the identity of the shooter. One troll with long female-length blond hair and glasses identified himself as Thomas Matthew Crooks, but it was a put-on. This was widely circulated soon after the shooting without verification by many news agencies. Many news sources have just dropped the whole thing without admitting to their mistake.
Absolutely, 100% correct.
“They’re monsters. We can’t live with these people.”
There will be monotonous cries for “unity” and “bringing us together” for a while, but as Andrew Torba said, “We can’t unite with Evil…. There will be no unity with people who hate us and want us dead…” I expect that Trump will try to advocate in his speech for the nation coming together, but with the events of July 13 and everything else taken together, I imagine that he has lost at least a few illusions, and hopefully will have advisers steering him away from too much accommodation.
A British journalist recently interviewed Andy Ngo, and asked why the violent rhetoric of the Left hasn’t been called out and denounced in America, as it should be. Ngo responded, “since 2015 the liberal media establishment started parroting Antifa’s talking points about Trump’s being a fascist. They’ve moved on now to say that he’s an existential threat to democracy and our rights…. The violence exists in this context where supporters of Donald Trump and America have been attacked since 2016 by people who declare themselves to be Antifa…. these are people who are the literal threats to the democratic process. They want to make people in the public feel afraid to engage in these activities.”
One photograph of Trump from July 13 will reinforce this awareness in the minds of some more Americans. As will a comparison between Corey Comperatore and the typical Biden supporter. It might not be enough to shed America of it’s current dangers, but electing Trump will be a step in the right direction.
“They would never behave this way if they seriously believed that someday the blood in the streets might be their own.”
They are behaving this way because they rightly believe we do not have what it takes to halt the destruction of our once Nation. One of our people, Corey Comperatore, was killed was murdered. The bodies on our side are continuing to pile up.
The problem with Trump is that he has the hopes of so many Whites invested in him. Some are nationalists and some just realize the decay we are in and hope for the better days of the past. I do not wish for Trump to be killed but if he wins another term, will things get better? or will the decay creep along while so many Whites just wait and see. In another 4 years the White population will be smaller and older and an even smaller share of the population.
If Trump had died I believe many Whites would finally realize the desperate state we are in and how much the government hates us.
This article by Greg Johnson is a recitation of pro-White common sense. It’s well done and timely.
There will be too much analysis of the theatrics of this failed assassination. We shouldn’t care. The fundamentals of the mortal predicament of our race haven’t changed.
Fanning the flames of another civil war, from Hungary no less.
1 in 3 white Americans approve of Biden, that’s a lot of white people who so-called White Nationalists or LARPing as white Christian Republicans “can’t live with.”
W-Nationalism, Schnationalism. Sayonara.
Pro-Whites don’t get to choose whether we can live with antiwhites. Antiwhites get to choose whether we can live with antiwhites.
Antiwhites have chosen chronic violent hatred, backed by propaganda, organization, and action, such that we cannot live with them.
We may perish. We may overcome and thrive. But in the long run we will not just live with antiwhites like this. They’ve cut off that option.
Any White person who still prefers Biden is a suicidal degenerate, including that would-be assassin. They are spiteful mutants, useful only to the Jews who run America.
I too hate to imagine what would have happened if Trump was successfully assassinated. After the Covid lockdowns and state-sanctioned violence following George Floyd’s overdose I think there would have been large swarths of white middle America saying, “fuck it.”
I think the left is also having the realization that an assassinated Trump does not bode well for them for this very reason. If there is one thing I have learned these past few years is that the law is a very malleable thing. Then there is the outright subversion of authority. It’s one thing for Mayorkas to cry out he is securing the border as he is opening the border and creating an app for people in the country illegally to help them out. It’s a whole other thing for him to deny requests for more secret service protection and then this happens.
I think we are far beyond the point where states should pass laws making subversion of federal office a state felony so that subversives like Mayorkas can be incarcerated.
Alejandro Mayorkas is a typical disloyal Jew. That’s how he got his current job.
“I too hate to imagine what would have happened if Trump was successfully assassinated.”
Nothing would have happened. Corey Comperatore is our latest murdered; for years we’ve been drawing multiple lines in the sand. We literally have an all out INVASION of our once homeland, yet, we tolerate it. Every year thousands of our people are attacked, raped, killed, murdered by illegals & nothing happens as it continues. So please spare us – if this, if that. Our Nation has been taken away from our children, because we allowed it and everyday that passes we continue to allow it.
This is the best and most ‘to the point’ post following the assassination attempt against Trump so far yet spoken or written.
I am hoping Greg Johnson will follow up with a book on all the subjects written here. Most White Americans have probably never heard these ideas before — that we all are on the chopping block, as was Trump. Perhaps the title could be “The Curse of Diversity — Why We Cannot Live with These People.”
I am sure that between the interim from now to Election Day or even January 20th, we will have produced a book which ‘explains our dilemma’ as Whites to the rest of the world.
We have definitely been given our marching orders in this post, so: Heads Up and Charge! (but don’t shoot anyone — we are above that nonsense).
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