Since I began to discuss and debate political and cultural issues publicly, I have been relentlessly pursued by midwits and their incessant “NAXALT” refutation of my points. Nearly any assertion made about a group is met somewhere with, “well, to be fair, not all Jews / blacks / women / Hispanics / immigrants / politicians, et cetera, are like that!” (more…)
Author: Richard Houck
3,170 words
Today I am nearly the same age that Kriss Donald would have been if he was still with us. Kriss was murdered by a Pakistani gang in his hometown of Glasgow, Scotland when I was about to go on spring break during my sophomore year of high school. Kriss was a small teenager: about 125 pounds and 5’7” (1.7 meters) at 15 years old.
I myself had a slight build much like Kriss’ at 15. I mention this because Kriss’ story changed my life in several ways, including inspiring me to take up bodybuilding as a hobby and lifestyle. (more…)
1,465 words
I started to seriously observe Lent with my grandmother on my mom’s side of the family about 15 years ago. She was Eastern Orthodox, and I am too – or at least I was baptized as such as a baby. On Fat Tuesday I usually stop eating around lunch. I fast on Ash Wednesday with no food, just water and black coffee. Then, sometime on Thursday I break the fast and start my Lenten restrictions (or Lenten sacrifice). (more…)
A university professor and an engineer built a hitchhiking robot over a decade ago named hitchBOT. The project was meant to be an interesting experiment relating to human interaction with technology, robots, artificial intelligence, and ultimately, trust. hitchBOT could not move, but he could speak, asking humans to give him a ride and make basic small talk. The robot roadway companion had a global positioning system, social media access, and a camera that he used to document his journeys. (more…)
December 29, 2023 Richard Houck
Reklama a válka proti bělochům
3.487 slov
English original here, Hungarian version here
Masový marketing mezirasových vztahů, zejména bělošek s černochy, se stal fenoménem natolik agresivním a všudypřítomným, že si jej začínají všímat i ti nejméně bystří příslušníci naší kultury. Při nedávné návštěvě obchodního centra jsem ve třech odlišných obchodech zaznamenal trojí vyobrazení reklamních párů. Dva z nich byly mezirasové, v obou případech běloška s černochem, na třetím byl bělošský pár. Asi nejvíc mě na celé věci zarazila skutečnost, že obyvatelstvo města, kde jsem se na nákupy vydal, tvoří z asi 97 % běloši a černoši představují méně než dvě procenta populace. (more…)
December 7, 2023 Richard Houck
Reklama a válka proti bělochům — pokračování
1.807 slov
English original here
Po zveřejnění článku Reklama a válka proti bělochům se mi sešla spousta komentářů, zpráv a příspěvků na sociálních sítích – článek vyvolal masivní vlnu podpory, za niž vám děkuji. Jedna z nich se týkala „zakázané německé reklamy na Sprite s orálním sexem“. Čtenář nás prosil, abychom se na reklamu podívali blíže. Zjistil jsem, že pravda o ní je možná ještě zajímavější, než tazatel tušil. Odkaz na video je zde. Plavovlasá běloška na něm klečí před černochem a my vidíme, jak si říká „teď bych si vážně dala Sprite“, zatímco orálně uspokojuje černého partnera. Nakonec ji po celém obličeji postříká silný proud zpěněného Spritu, na což reaguje „miluju Sprite“. (more…)
2,479 words
It was supposed to make our lives better, not consume them — or so we thought. Smartphones and social media are as ubiquitous as they are dangerous. They are a tool, but unlike most, they offer an easy on-ramp to behavioral addiction and cognitive decay. (more…)
July Fourth always inspires a nostalgic feeling in me. When I was a kid, the holiday roughly marked the halfway point of summer break. Then, and now, it also means the beginning of the dog days of summer. The term “dog days” originated with the ancient Greeks, who coined it to describe the longest days of the year, which brought with them the most oppressive sunlight. (more…)
There is a deep, hermetic lore known only to cultural insiders, a small circle of academics, and a handful of social rogues[1] — namely, the lore of the often-tense relationships between white gays and blacks in those urban neighborhoods that exist in the liminal realm between “ghetto” and “gentrified.”
I first noticed this as a child going to work with my dad in the early 1990s. Several neighborhoods in Columbus, Ohio were undergoing a sort of transformation. (more…)
Gaddius Maximus has recorded an audio version of Richard Houck’s recent series of essays on the war against white children (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). The recordings are listed below; to listen in a player, use the one below each segment or click on the title. To download the mp3, right-click on the title and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” (more…)
Part 4 of 4 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
The School Experience
While working on and thinking about this piece over the last few years, I spoke with several white middle-school and high-school students and conducted informal interviews about their experiences. (more…)
3,358 words / 20:43
Part 3 of 4 (Part 1 here, Part 2 here, Part 4 here)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Subsequent case law
Several education-related Supreme Court cases would follow over the years after Brown, coming from the Warren and then the Burger courts. Most people are not aware of the continued litigation that went on for decades in the post-Brown era. (more…)
1,908 words / 11:22
Part 2 of 4 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)
Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one below or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
The legal regime
A handful of laws and Supreme Court cases have truly shaped and continue to shape the day-to-day lives of Americans and their children. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) is one of those cases. Its consequences have been an unmitigated disaster for white children. (more…)