One Small City Destroyed, One Giant Leap Backward for Whites
Dave Chambers
The Haitian National Centre for Geospatial Information (CNIGS) is the closest thing Haiti has to a space program. Possessing no spacecraft launch facilities, satellites, or even telescopes, its sole purpose seems to be to collect satellite data that is donated to it by the French Space Agency which is then used to help Haitians to cope with the many disasters which strike their country. Compare this to NASA’s achievements and you’ll see why Haitians may be less capable than Ohioans at space exploration. (Image source: Recovery Observatory Haiti)
1,969 words
55 years ago, almost to the day, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the surface of the Moon. This event is not discussed nearly enough. As I see it, the Moon landing is one of the greatest achievements in the 300,000-year history of the human species. No earthly life form had ever traveled to another celestial body until three brave, white explorers completed their daring journey on July 20, 1969. That iconic date should be counted among the most glorious in the history of White America.
Not one of the great powers of past ages can claim to have sent the first man to the Moon. For myself and my fellow white Americans, that is an achievement that can be claimed by us and us alone. The moment Armstrong stepped onto the Moon’s surface, a new, uniquely American chapter was contributed to the epic, ongoing tale of the white race and its exploits. Here is what the great White Nationalist Dr. William Pierce, writing in National Socialist World, had to say about the Moon landing at the time:
JULY 20, 1969, will certainly go down in the history of our race as one of the most significant dates of all time. For the moon landing is the culmination of a centuries-old dream – a dream which has always been peculiarly Aryan.[1]
Neil Armstrong, the first to fulfill that dream, was an Ohioan from the town of Wapakoneta in the west-central region of the state. Just over 50 miles south of Wapakoneta lies the city of Dayton, which can count among its sons Wilbur and Orville Wright, the inventors of the airplane. In that same part of Ohio is the city of Springfield, the subject of this article. Springfield is currently inundated with thousands of migrants from Haiti, a most unfortunate fate for any municipality.
Springfield is not a wealthy community, and has had to cope with the deindustrialization of the Rust Belt, the resulting population loss, and the opioid epidemic. Between 1999 and 2014, median income decreased in Springfield by 27%.[2] As of 2022, the 72.8% white city had a median household income of $45,113, with 22.7% of its residents living below the poverty line. City Manager Bryan Heck has penned a desperate letter to senators Sherrod Brown and Tim Scott, pleading for federal funds to assist his beleaguered city. The following is an excerpt from that letter, which was republished by the New York Post:
Springfield’s Haitian population has increased to 15,000 — 20,000 over the last four years in a community of just under 60,000 previous residents, putting a significant strain on our resources and ability to provide ample housing for all of our residents.[3]
Haitian immigration has been increased under the Biden administration through what is called the CHNV program. As Andrew R. Arthur, writing in April for the Center for Immigration Studies, explains:
In lieu of detention, the administration created the CHNV parole processes, an acronym for its beneficiaries, nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. CHNV is an executive policy unmoored from any congressional sanction complete with carrots (incentives) and — at least initially — sticks (deterrents).
CHNV started with a much more limited parole program for Venezuelan nationals that the administration implemented beginning in October 2020. As a DHS press release for that program explained, Mexico had then agreed to accept Venezuelan migrants who entered the United States illegally, so if would-be illegal entrants from that country wanted to come to the United States, they had to apply for that parole.
That Venezuelan parole program was capped at 24,000 parolees total, and it did have some short-term impacts: Southwest border apprehensions of migrants from that country dropped from nearly 25,000 in December 2022 to just over 3,000 in January 2023.
Apparently sensing that it had found a winning strategy, in January 2023 the White House announced it would expand Venezuelan parole into CHNV. Unlike the 24,000 total cap on paroles under the earlier program, however, CHNV program would offer parole to up to 30,000 nationals of those four countries per month (360,000 per annum). Those paroles were the carrots.[4]
Arthur then goes on to describe the effects of the new program:
CHNV Parole has been up and running for nearly 14 months now, and through the end of February, some 79,000 Cubans, 151,000 Haitians, 64,000 Nicaraguans, and 91,000 Venezuelans have entered the United States through those processes and been paroled into the country — roughly 386,000 foreign nationals in total.
That’s 31,000 new arrivals more than the current population of New Orleans, and none had a visa to enter this country, nor a legal right to be here. Needless to say, those paroles were over and above the annual immigration limits Congress has set.[5]
In addition to the housing shortage, Springfield is struggling under the weight of the newly-arrived Haitians in other ways. An article by Warner Todd Huston for Breitbart News informed readers that the expenses incurred from providing translation and legal services for Haitians were taking a toll on the city’s finances. The problem in Springfield has gotten progressively worse. As Huston writes:
For a few years, longtime residents were unbothered by the growing Haitian community, but over time, clashes have begun to occur as Haitians have become more obtrusive by driving illegally, piling into apartments and homes by the dozens, filling local schools with children who need special care in education and language services, and increasingly becoming a focus for government spending.[6]
According to Huston, this made the people of the city “uneasy”, but then
that uneasiness turned to outright anger when an 11-year-old child paid the price with his life for all this immigration. The incident occurred in August of last year when migrant Hermanio Joseph drove a 2010 Honda Odyssey into oncoming traffic causing a school bus filled with children on their way to their first day of school to spin out of control and flip over.
The accident left 11-year-old Aiden Clark dead and a dozen other children injured, some seriously.
The migrant, who had only been here a bit longer than a year, did not have a driver’s license and had never passed any state driving exams to obtain one.[7]
A piece in Al Jazeera reported that another Haitian migrant crashed his car into a Springfield church just days after the bus accident. It also explained that the city’s school district “has had to accommodate double the number of students needing English language assistance by hiring more bilingual assistants,” and that a local medical center “has seen the number of paediatric patients needing French or Haitian Creole services jump from 38 in 2020 to 416 last year.”[8]
Of course, residents were never asked if they wanted 20,000 Haitians dumped on their doorstep, nor do they have any recourse to get them to leave. In the aftermath of Aiden Clark’s death, angry citizens attended a city meeting to question officials about the Haitains’ presence. There, City Manager Heck told the crowd that “when other countries are in crisis, the federal government — not the state, not the local government; it is federal government — allows immigrants into our country.”[9] Last October, the Dayton Daily News quoted immigration lawyer Kathleen Kersh as saying that “[t]he Haitians that I’ve met all have permission to be here. The federal government knows they are here.”[10]
Haiti is a place that a sane country should never, under any circumstances, accept immigrants from. Independent for most of the past two centuries, Haiti has been a testament to the inability of sub-Saharan Africans to build and sustain an advanced society. Right next door, on the same island, sits the Dominican Republic, a predominately Mestizo nation that has completely sealed its border with its black neighbor.[11] Evidently, the Dominicans do not want Haitians any more than the people of Springfield do, and for good reason. Haiti boasts a mean national IQ of 67, 13 points below that of the Dominicans and 31 points below that of the United States. Right now, Haiti is going through a particularly turbulent phase of its history as the existing government has collapsed and various gangs have seized power. In 2022, Haiti had a murder rate of 18.02 per every 100,000 people, three times greater than the American rate. However, that number is surely far higher now, as the country’s crime rate more than doubled between 2022 and 2023.[12]
Needless to say, these Haitians have not and will not improve Springfield. They have already proven themselves to be a threat to public safety and a drain on public resources, and there is no reason to expect that to change. Due the very presence of these people in the city, the quality of life for Springfield’s white population will suffer in innumerable ways. It will suffer each time a white resident’s car gets hit by an unlicensed and uninsured Haitian driver. It will suffer each time a white student is bullied or assaulted by one of their Haitian “peers” in the city’s public schools. It will suffer each time a white woman or girl is sexually harassed, or worse, by one of their foreign “neighbors.” It will suffer each time a white parent has to tell his young child that it isn’t safe to play outside, or tell his teenage son or daughter that it isn’t safe to venture out after dark. The list goes on and on.
The occupation government in Washington has waged a demographic war against the people of Springfield. No community of 60,000 could manage a sudden deluge of 20,000 migrants from what is quite possibly the world’s worst country. As the anarcho-tyrants who misrule white America inflict terror upon of Springfield via biological weapons in human form, this poor community is well on its way to becoming another casualty of the Great Replacement. How long will it be before the inevitable white exodus from the city commences, and Springfield effectively ceases to be a part of Western Civilization? History suggests that those who can afford to flee will do so, and that the unfortunate souls who are left behind will become foreigners in their own hometown as it sinks ever lower toward the Haitian standard of civilization.
In Neil Armstrong’s home state, the race that went to the Moon is being pushed aside to make room for a class of invaders who have never been able to advance their own country above a state of primitive barbarism. Thus, it is fair to say that the destruction of Springfield represents a giant leap backward — for whites and for mankind as a whole.
[1] Kevin Alfred Strom, “William Pierce on Apollo: First Step on an Infinite Journey,” National Vanguard, July 20, 2019.
[2] Uri Berliner, “Springfield, Ohio: A Shrinking City Faces A Tough Economic Future,” NPR, September 19, 2016.
[3] Therese Boudreaux, “Ohio city facing ‘significant’ housing crisis due to migrant influx,” New York Post, July 10, 2024.
[4] Andrew R. Arthur, “What Is ‘CHNV Parole’ — and Why Should You Care?”, Center For Immigration Studies, April 1, 2024.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Warner Todd Huston, “Biden Floods Ohio Town with 20,000 Haitian Migrants: 10 to a Bedroom,” Breitbart News, July 10, 2024.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Stephen Starr, “How a child’s death caused an Ohio city to turn on its Haitian community,” Al Jazeera, December 12, 2023.
[9] Vicky Forrest, “Crowd questions Springfield leaders on immigration issues after bus crash,” Springfield News-Sun, August 30, 2023.
[10] Lynn Hunley, “Haitian immigrants reshaping Springfield: 5 key takeaways from our reporting,” Dayton Daily News, October 12, 2023.
[11] Widlore Mérancourt et al, “Dominican Republic closes border with Haiti, further stoking tensions,” The Washington Post, September 14, 2023.
[12] Richard Roth and Hira Humayan,“Haiti’s crime rate more than doubles in a year,” CNN, April 26, 2023.
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Great strides have been made in space exploration, particularly during the first twenty years since manned space flight commenced, and those strides no doubt owe much to the culture of excellence which still pervaded most of the West in the 1960s. Some questions remain though. Why have no foreign or U.S. missions replicated the moon landings, even unmanned ones? Where has all the archival material disappeared to? Why do Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin but above all Armstrong appear so uncomfortable and evasive in their public appearances discussing their gargantuan achievement? Why did Buzz Aldrin tell a young girl that “we didn’t go”? What was Armstrong hinting at when he talked about “removing the layers of truth’s protective veil” at the White House 25th anniversary celebration in 1994? These are just some of many questions.
Of course whether or not one is wagged by what Dave McGowan called “the Moondoggie” there is zero doubt that the demographic shift lamented by Mr Chambers is only serving to delay an eventual lunar reprise.
You listed a bunch of vagueness and hearsay that only a moron would take seriously.
As someone who looked over the “evidence” against the moon landing, I’m not surprised
Well, I’m not a moron and I take the question a lot more seriously than I do your clumsy rhetoric.
It is always okay to ask questions ─ but as a historically-minded guy with a background in technology, I don’t think these objections are really very good.
For example, it is widely claimed that mission data tapes were “erased.” Well, nobody keeps what Librarians call old “metadata,” and it would have been procedure to re-record tapes like that.
This does not mean that they did not archive anything. If you go to a public or academic library and ask the Zoomer at the desk where the card catalog is, you might get a blank stare, but a lot of stuff is also preserved. Well, that information is sorted by computer now and the metadata itself usually requires a deeper dive. You are not going to find old card catalogs with all the old metadata, some of which is meaningless today, unless something was explicitly preserved. All libraries do “weeding,” for example.
So while it would be cool for specialists to have more ancilliary stuff like antique computers and telemetry sets, much gets preserved ─ even if few still understand it, and what gets preserved is not always what historians will be the most happy with.
I would not know the first thing about forging horseshoes and shoeing a horse, but my Great-Great Granddad who was a blacksmith did it all the time, and with fairly-simple technologies. We would probably not do it today like they did in 1900, however.
Landing men on the Moon and bringing them back safely to the Earth was every bit as complicated in the 1960s and ’70s as the Portuguese sailing a ship around the Cape of Good Hope in the 15th century.
Somebody might have tried it before, but it was then less costly to buy Oriental spices and whatnot from Arab traders. So far there have not been too many compelling commercial reasons to go back to the Moon other than for scientific exploration.
I’m one of the people still alive who was lucky enough to have watched the Moon Landing live on TV on July 20, 1969 in the early evening in Arizona. Perhaps because my Dad and Uncle were aerospace engineers who had worked on rockets and nuclear missiles and on a few NASA contracts, it was a high water mark for me. They preferred NASA projects over nuclear armaments, but funding Big Science is always sketchy at best.
At one time it seemed like we could do anything as a people, and then just a few years later it was stagnation and inflation, and countries (or their rabble) storming our embassies. Suddenly these kinds of technical specialists as were prized by NASA and many other workers were almost unemployable. One of my Dad’s engineer friends even hanged himself like in the TV show Mad Men. With National Geographic Negroes with distended bellies everywhere plastered in the media, suddenly Whitey on the Moon was almost not an accomplishment to be proud of.
Why have no foreign or U.S. missions replicated the moon landings, even unmanned ones?
Because this all was for propaganda only, and now such kind of propaganda is not more needed. And manned space flights are not needed at all. The unmanned satellites do all useful work for the mankind, the manned space flights do not.
It wasn’t solely for propaganda, but it is always easier to get funding that way compared to Science.
For example, the excuse to cancel the Superconductor Supercollider in Texas in 1993 was because some Godless journalists used the cheeky term “God Particle” a bit insensitively. It also saved a lot of money letting somebody else discover the Higgs Boson, and President Bill Bubba was hoping to cash in on a post-Cold War peace dividend.
Yes, robots can do most space exploration cheaper, and I would say that such projects are deserving of twice the budget that they now get. This does not mean, however, that all manned missions are useless.
And also I think very much money was then officially masked as “used for space programs and Moon landing”, but in reality was used for some another aims, mostly very secret and subversive, like something what the CIA and DoA did without any responsibility for the Congress, the public and media.
What I would share here is that politics has been increasingly playing into funding. My NASA Defense Colleagues at Goddard, Maryland have described a censorship and de-funding of satellite programs whose mission is not observing outer space but inner space, specifically tracking global warming.
I used to think likewise that the moon missions were sort of pointless powerlifting exercises. However, I’ve recently read that a lot of ancillary technologies were greatly advanced by the moon project. For example, in the book, The Chip by Reed(highly recommended), he explains that integrated circuits got a much needed boost in demand from the moon project. There probably would not have been enough revenue in the private sector to get them off the ground and make them practical without this large government project and demand from NASA. Also, a lot of the technology goes into cellular phones came out of the moon project. Much like at CERN, the great particle collider, when you bring lots of smart people together, there are lots of serendipitous byproducts. That’s where Timothy Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
Beautiful architecture is not needed either, but it and space exploration redound to the glory of our people. In a healthy civilization, not one overrun with financial bean-counters, some effort and money would be expended on beauty and glory.
some effort and money would be expended on beauty and glory
Yes, why not? But from private sources only. If Musk wants to do something in the space, he can and may do it, because he uses his own money. The state budget money, collected of the taxpayers, could and should not be used for those expensive toys.
” […] some effort and money would be expended on beauty and glory”
“Yes, why not? But from private sources only.”
That was an argument that American steel magnate Andrew Carnegie made in an 1889 essay known as The Gospel of Wealth.
That is, Carnegie argued that private billionaire business geniuses like himself (6.7 billion net worth in today’s dollars when he died in 1919) were the best ones who should be deciding what monies and resources to be spent on High Art and philanthropy.
A tightfisted Scotsman, Carnegie would have much rather dedicated an impressive public feature in some dusty railroad town than give his own workers a raise or a decent health plan or a pension.
Cartnegie’s “Gospel” was not necessarily wrong, however, as many small burgs in the United States are still enjoying today the benefits and the timeless beauty of their old Carnegie Libraries, for example. Carnegie Libraries were nothing like the glitzy new construction in Las Vegas, which is designed to last a few decades at most.
Carnegie believed that old, urbane (and in those days White) plutocrats supposedly had the business and cultural acumen to choose the best winners for the Big Philanthropy and that a thousand flowers would bloom for the benefit of the whole world. Carnegie especially valued the self-made man. (I won’t even go there.)
But Big Science like space exploration, observatories, particle physics, etc., etc. isn’t necessarily a vanity project. These are resources that are all very much in the public domain and have to be thought about accordingly.
The Internet and computer operating systems and other platforms are effectively public infrastructure like clean water and sewer systems, and we treat things like Google and Microsoft merely as private innovators at our national and racial peril.
One of the problems, in my opinion, with the American system as it is currently constructed, is that philanthropies and semi-secret “non-profits” and Churches are exempted of taxation for income and property.
This means that it is practically a cottage industry attempting to devise favorable ways to calculate income and trusts that niggle the taxman.
And this also means that multi-millionaires and multi-national corporations that often rival many nation-states and are effectively “too big to fail,” can just donate to each other’s Leftist and Globalist “good causes” ─ like Race-mixing and combating anti-Semitism ─ for a big American tax break. Woo Hoo!
This is pretty much how “Democracy” is financed. There is nothing populist about it.
Pretty much all major corporations are infatuated with supporting Cult Marx. Why they do “Woke” so earnestly is complicated and maybe counterintuitive, but is not that hard to understand given the Internationalist nature of both Capitalism and Communism, both of which see human beings as interchangeable parts.
And does anybody really believe that the Ford Foundation today expresses the worldview and petit-bourgeois or Christian values of industrialist Henry Ford?
In my view, Churches should pay their taxes on income and property fairly like every other “business.”
Sometimes White Nationalists have tried to declare themselves a religious denomination with an IRS tax exemption, but that hasn’t proved too successful.
For now at least each of us is free to draw his own inferences from the available evidence. If the moon landings were, as suggested by KB, purely a propaganda exercise then how much easier would it have been to make movies of them and swear a hundred or so fanatical patriots to secrecy, than to actually land and then launch tiny tin cans from unscouted launch pads 238, 000 miles away and return them to Earth with live cargo every time.
Because the Soviet SIGINT/ELINT/COMINT systems watched what the Americans did, as also Soviet space observations systems watched, and if the American Moon flights were faked, the Soviets would say this to the whole world, and the faked propaganda would break down completely. Also, we can suggest, that the propaganda was correct and based on actual flights and Moon landings. By the way, with all post-Soviet anti-American propaganda in today’s Russia no one of Russian scientists and also no one of the former Soviet cosmonauts ever doubted or questioned the American Moon flights and landings, and they went really angry, when some of journalists asked them about this.
I’ve tried to explain these things too, and more. The problem is that after someone receives the “higher wisdom” of the “NASA faked it” story, then all facts and evidence will go in one ear and out the other.
This is definitely the best argument I know of against the missions having been fraudulent. It hinges on the extent of Russian surveillance in space and, assuming this was adequate, the presumed preparedness of the Soviet to expose America’s government as capable of a colossal fraud.
Here we go again. Sigh…
Is faith in the veracity of NASA propaganda a core tenet of American White Nationalism? Both Counter-Currents and National Vanguard defend the moon landings as if it were.
Sorry, but I can’t take seriously people who argue that the earth is flat, the moon landings are fake, viruses aren’t real, etc., and I don’t want them junking up Counter-Currents by arguing about such topics. There’s a whole big web out there for that.
I can see that, although I don’t agree with your conflation of two fairly obvious false narratives, designed to confuse and derail low information folks who’ve lost trust, with the moon landing issue. Still, it’s probably not germane to the survival and flourishing of the European peoples so I’ll try to bite my fingers from now on.
People just love dogging on this achievement of the Aryan race for some reason.
Aryan race
I did not know that Neil Armstrong was a Persian or that Alan Shepard was an Hindu.
We seem to be in the excoriation phase of the much-denied Great Replacement. The displacement/excoriation for the moon landings took place in the movie HIDDEN FIGURES where the feat was effectively mocked by pretending it rested on the true genius of the sub-saharans.
Armstrong I met in Wapakoneta. He was a good bean, the wife and I were tied to Ohio Steel and Neil was quite happy to go over tonnage figures with us on his own time, and was quite instrumental in us being able to prove that the Japanese steel producers were, indeed, dumping steel into the USA and other nations contrary to law. I always get a lift that a true-blue astronaut thought that subject, of all things, was worth his time. He was a gentleman. If he was conflicted, I think Ayn Rand made the right call when she said guys like him were the best, and the budget cuts were seen as punishment for their brave accomplishments. I’m guessing he agreed with her on that, sometime before his death.
This excellent article only proves what that other Buckeye, Dennis Kucinich, said about the whole of the elite USA — they used this region when it was convenient. Now that it isn’t they’re tossing it aside like used tissue paper. Dennis has a way with pungent imagery.
They just have to ruin everything. It’s their deep instinct.
I know local white leaders & residents have protested they don’t have the resources to deal with the flood of Haitians the federal government has dumped on them. But has even one white leader or ordinary citizen said – out loud – that the Haitians simply do not belong in their community & should be removed?
Also, wouldn’t Springfield, with its 20,000 black invader-occupiers, be a perfect stop for Trump & Ohio native-son J.D. Vance on their campaign tour? That is, if they’re really serious about stopping the invasion.
But they’re not really serious, are they?
“But they’re not really serious, are they?” You hit the nail exactly on the head, Mr. Sprayberry.
Thank you! Can you imagine what would happen if Donald Trump merely said, “The federal government sponsored invasion of 20,000 Third World Haitians into a city of 60,000 Americans is the Great Replacement in action, and I will deport every last one of those invaders back to Haiti!” – ?
But when it comes to race, our leaders always flinch, always back down.
Orval Faubus, Ross Barnett, & George Wallace talked tough, but always backed down when the federal government called their bluffs. They were not willing to go to jail to defend segregation (i.e., defend the white race), in contrast to “civil rights” leaders like King, who were willing to go to jail to destroy segregation & weaken the white race.
Maybe, as a lot of smart people on our side have speculated, Trump’s chaotic, bumptious, personality can break through the stone-wall taboos against racially conscious thinking by white people. But if so, it will be indirectly, unintentionally, & at best only as a precursor of the real leader our people so desperately need, but who – as far as I can tell – is nowhere in sight.
I doubt any White citizen of Springfield has stood up publicly and said, “send them all back”, though I’m sure quite a few have said just that to their friends and family.
Warren Balogh and Emily Youcis’s show “Modern Politics” recently covered the situation, and they read out some of what Springfield residents are saying on Facebook and neighborhood aps. They’re angry. One brave woman spoke at a city council meeting and made it clear she doesn’t care for the Haitians. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s one of us. Her comments are shown at the 44-minute mark.
Ah, that’s encouraging. How can our side quickly let such people know they are not alone, & that millions of whites feel the same, & encourage them to speak out even more? Remember the “It’s OK to be white” slogan a few years back. How ’bout, “It’s OK to be a white community” – ?
I’m glad to hear that someone’s speaking out there. It’s about time we all did.
Those Haitians are pushy. They have a bunch out by the airport where I live. I was in line at some gyp joint and one pushed me out of the way “I am first sir” he said. At least he was polite in his speech. But I’m pretty sure I had been first.
I don’t care if they ever advance to the stone age in haiti as long as they’re in haiti. They have added nothing to our country and have only caused havoc. And they call Trump a would be dictator.
Predictable response by (((Kathleen Kersh))).
I don’t think she’s Jewish. She’s very blonde. Not that blondes can’t be Jews, but she simply doesn’t look like it.
She’s a liberal white woman, probably German. There are plenty of them in Ohio.
The destruction of Springfield, outlned in this article, makes for depressing reading. Who did it? Who are the traitors? It’s the Jews. The Jews have opened the borders, to let in masses of vermin. They do this all the time. It’s one of their many swindles.
It’s the deliberate policy of the Biden regime to destroy the White race. The Biden regime is mostly Jewish. Jewish money finances the Democratic Party.
Netanyahu is visiting DC today. Politicians of both parties will curry his favor, and will continue to finance the genocide in Gaza. They always put Israel’s interests first, because Jews bribe them to do so. It’s how they are.
Here is what the great White Nationalist Dr. William Pierce, writing in National Socialist World, had to say about the Moon landing at the time:
JULY 20, 1969, will certainly go down in the history of our race as one of the most significant dates of all time. For the moon landing is the culmination of a centuries-old dream – a dream which has always been peculiarly Aryan
Thanks, Dave. Dr. Pierce, a bona fide rocket scientist who gave up his career to work full time for our race, had more to say than that. On the very day of the moon landing he was inspired to hand-write the following first entry in a new journal:
20 July, 1969 — 80th year since the birth of the Leader
TODAY Aryan man reached the moon. I found myself profoundly moved by the moon landing. Since the age of 12 (23 years ago) I have dreamed of this. Space travel was, in fact, my first dream. Somewhere around the age of 20 it got sidetracked — although I had still entertained romantic notions along this line years longer.
My second dream, which began first to take form at the age of 30, is to help build a National Socialist world order. This will remain the goal of my life.
I have considered starting a journal for some time. If my life’s work yields any result, then such a record will have great interest and value later. I have certainly found even the fragment of Goebbels’ diaries that I have read very rewarding, for example. In any event, it will enable me to keep track of my changing ideas over the years — and perhaps yield other benefits just by requiring me to crystallize a few thoughts each day.
The proper time to have started a diary would have been the day I really committed myself to the Leader’s work: 6 June, 1966, with the publication of my first issue of National Socialist World. On that day I hauled about 2000 copies to the post office. A lot has happened in the last 3 years which should be set down. I’ve learned a lot and changed many ideas. Perhaps I’ll write something on those 3 years later. For now, the moon landing will serve to mark the beginning of my record.
Since this record is intended to be read by others some day, it will be a bit self-conscious. But it will be as honest as I can make it.
I guess I’m a little late for commenting but this really gnaws at me:
They have already proven themselves to be a threat to public safety and a drain on public resources, and there is no reason to expect that to change.
Bingo! The most disconcerting thing to me is that there’s nowhere to go but down — just like Mr. Chambers’ article implies.
Sure, at the beginning, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Haitians were fairly “nice” to their Ohioan hosts. After all, they just got to Springfield, having escaped an Apocalypse Now shithole of a “nation” by the skin of their teeth, and so as far as they’re concerned, things are looking up!
But this is fool’s gold, because even “nice” Haitian immigrants still cause problems because of their general unsuitability for living in white society. Most especially when they arrive en masse in one giant, Mariel Boatlift-style horde.
So what really worries me is how much worse they will become over time as they assimilate more and more — where “assimilation” in this context means “becoming more like American blacks instead of immigrant blacks.” In others words, more arrogant, more entitled, more manipulative, more aggressive, more predatory, and just generally more troublesome in every way.
The deployment of non-Whites and homosexuals into White spaces is biological warfare.
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