It’s Time for Republicans to Start Pandering to Whites
David M. ZsuttyThere are many good reasons to oppose a Kamala presidency, chief of which are open borders, her support for disarming lawful citizens, and the fact that we can expect more anti-white diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies from the ultimate DEI hire. Further, foreign leaders would take her less seriously than even the average voter does.
Despite years of the GOP posturing as the party of “law and order,” the Trump campaign is now planning to criticize Kamala for being . . . too harsh on criminals. To be fair, there is a problem of widespread prosecutorial misconduct due to careerism. But once that careerism is combined with critical race theory (CRT), the system tends to treat blacks and other victim groups with kid gloves while throwing the book at “The Great White Defendant,” as explained by Tom Wolfe in The Bonfire of the Vanities.
The reason for attacking Kamala for being tough on crime is to court black and other non-white votes. This is in line with the statement of Trump’s senior campaign manager, Susie Wile, a few weeks ago when she said that “[f]or every Karen we lose, we’re going to win a Jamal and an Enrique” as part of a party realignment.
There’s no reason to think that this Republican pandering will win many non-white votes. How do they suppose most non-whites will even hear of it? Does Trump plan to do a rap video?
The sad truth, though, is that this posturing is in fact targeted at white voters, because moderates, liberals, and a lamentable portion of conservatives have the slavish desire not to be called “racist.” But in today’s highly polarized electorate, there’s a real danger that too much Republican pandering to minorities will lose far more votes than it will gain.
A Homeland Institute poll conducted in the summer of 2023 found that 42.6% of white Republicans were less likely to vote for a politician accused of being racist, compared to 79% who were less likely to vote for a politician accused of being woke. Additionally, 7.2% of Republican respondents said they were more likely to vote for a politician who is accused of being racist.
Thus, among Republican voters a charge of going woke is almost twice as damaging as being accused of being racist, and for some white Republicans being accused of racism functioned more as a badge of honor than as a scarlet letter.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s White Identity Politics here.
A lot has changed over the past year, so the Homeland Institute is repeating this poll. It is likely that wokeness will be even more damaging.
It is inevitable that the Trump campaign will be accused of racism, no matter what they do. But it is not inevitable that they will have the far more damaging charge of wokeness leveled at them — unless they shamelessly pander to minorities, of course.
I myself will certainly be accusing them of going woke.
Why are Donald Trump and so many of the GOP acting like this? The biggest reason is that they sincerely believe that nothing is worse for a white person than being called a “racist.” They are happy to pander to non-white identity politics. But at the same time they fear anything that smacks of white identity politics.
This is foolish, because increasing numbers of white voters reject the idea of white guilt, recognize that we live in an anti-white system, and believe that it is morally correct for whites to organize politically to protect their interests. The GOP, however, will do absolutely nothing to court such voters.
Furthermore, there are undoubtedly elements within the uniparty for whom squashing white identity politics is a higher priority than winning elections.
Now, however, we have hard evidence that there is something worse for Republicans than being called racist: being called woke. It is therefore time to call a halt to such disgusting pandering as the “Platinum Plan.”
The Republicans’ white base is tired of being taken for granted by them while the party simultaneously panders to non-whites, centrists, and libtards. When this pandering crosses the line into wokeness, it will begin costing the Republicans votes. As more white Americans become race conscious, it will be increasingly irrelevant whether Team Red or Team Blue wins — so long as both are opposed to Team White.
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Something else to consider: what if minorities want to see the criminals in their communities locked up? What if they are fed up with the rising tide of violence in these days of defunding the police and organized looting of stores?
I suppose the attack on Harris for being too “tough” on crime goes back to the War on Drugs, an era which is rapidly receding into the mists of ancient history for a rising generation of voters. Today, more drugs are being decriminalized/legalized and the results are not entirely Woodstock v2, a point of which discerning observers are taking note.
Let’s hope that Susie Wiles’ campaign does not turn into a recruiting drive for the Democrats.
If non-Whites want ‘law and order’ they can have it. They can attack White liberals and their own race-hustlers and change their communities.
What Whites don’t need is to give a crap about Jaquan murdering Lemongello.
Don’t be a dope. Don’t vote GOP.
“The sad truth, though, is that this posturing is in fact targeted at white voters, because moderates, liberals, and a lamentable portion of conservatives have the slavish desire not to be called “racist.””
Name-calling is very effective against Whites.
“I myself will certainly be accusing them of going woke.”
Good man.
This whole article is very good.
Leftists are deranged, loony, and psychotic while cuckservatives too are stupid, compromised and cowardly to put up any legit resistance. The GOP and Cuckservative Inc. are part of the status quo and their goal is to normalize the agenda of the globalists. At the same time, they neutralize any legit opposition from having a large following (ex. White nationalists, constitutionalists, anti-vaxxers). They claim to care family values, religion, and their country but their God is the almighty dollar. The right is controlled by crony capitalists, war mongerers, and Zionists who hate middle class conservative whites.
There are no ‘leftists’ with any power in American politics. It’s all jews. And the jews keep winning because they are ‘the Uniparty’.
Vote locally. Vote racially.
If you’re pro-White, don’t vote national GOP.
It’s just anti-White jews wearing a ‘we white people, too’ skinsuit.
Yes, I suppose that guilt may be a big part of pandering to nonwhites for the republicans, but have you guys considered that part of it may be defensive against the establishment? Republicans are scared of being labeled explicitly racist because people like Leticia James will go after them. They have to think about their kids going to Ivy League schools or elite schools and participating in the system. Right now the left has institutional power, and they’re willing to use that in a vindictive way. Of course the strategy is not exactly working because they are attacking Trump successfully in the courts, but maybe it would be much worse if they didn’t offer platinum plans etc. etc. The situation is probably multi factorial.
As long as excuses are accepting, excuses will be forth-coming.
Let an official national GOP representative, log into Counter-Currents and make the case for pro-Whites voting GOP.
They won’t do it.
They can’t do it.
Vote local. Vote racial.
Even if Trump wins this election, unless he does do a true mass deportation, the demographic fate is sealed and Republicans that have any resemblance to a policy close to Heritage American culture, will never win again. They may not even win if the go full Democrat.
If Trump loses, every town and countryside in America will be buried in a deluge of Africans, Asians and the dregs of Latin America. If he wins, he has this one last chance to read the polls and understand the demographics of party politics, and do that deportation, end birthrite citizenship, tax remittences, … …
If he loses, things go so unhinged that White identity politics will be accelerated. If he wins, implicit and by proxy White identity politics will emerge in 8-10 years rather than in 3-4.
Trump needs to fire Susie Wile or just ignore her. I registered after the assassination attempt to vote for the defiance, grit and resolve of “Fight! Fight! Fight!” However, if he ignores my race and prioritizes “minority” voters I will stay home and spend the time doing something more constructive and productive for reclaiming our sovereignty and our destiny. Put that datapoint in your new poll. I’ve had enough of their one true God – diversity. It is Jupiter or bust for me.
The fundamental political problem facing pro-Whites has nothing to do with the Punch and Judy show of the DNC/GOP.
The fundamental political problem facing pro-Whites is nullification of federal authority in all forms not considered congenial.
This means autarky and building up the infrastructure necessary to say ‘No’ to the government – and NGOs – and make it stick.
It’s far more important that you state representative be supportive of developing a state currency independent of the federal reserve than who gets nominated to the Supreme Court.
When the time comes, Supreme Court rulings simply will be ignored if they violate local rule and local values.
What ‘liberalism’ (political judaism) requires is ‘free movement’. From it’s very roots, its been an imperialist enterprise dedicated to corroding barriers between communities and races and replacing local values with imperial values.
Pro-Whites can get much of what they want by appealing to separatism in general, rather than racial separatism specifically.
What White Nationalists specifically should be doing is building up a network that connects WN’s in different parts of the country and provides an intelligence and support network. Much like the Freemason had at one time.
Very solid reasoning. Can’t argue with it HT.
When exactly did being a racist become worse than being a child molester?
I think it all started with laws criminalizing what they call Holocaust Denial, mostly in Canada and Europe.
If I argue with the Jewish theologian Prof. Deborah Lipstadt on some historical evidence and I am the bad guy? Fortunately in the USA there are some protections from the 1st Amendment.
Orwell predicted Thoughtcrimes coming from what Prof. Harry Elmer Barnes called the “Totalitarian Liberals.”
That is why I disagree with some of our guys in that orthodox WWII History has to be challenged.
In fact, if History is an epistemological discipline like Science, then it is just as contingent as the Scientific Method, and not just what the powers-that-be say is “Kosher.”
‘History’ isn’t a ‘science’. Or if it is, it’s not a science like physics where you can perform demonstrations of physical principles yourself.
Attacking the WWII narrative is important because ‘Hitler’ and ‘Holocaust’ are still tropes used to suppress dissent from the jewish anti-White party line.
Down in the weeds, Science can get just as reductionist and abstract and political. Even “Hard” Sciences like Chemistry can be taken down to an extremely reductionist and theoretical level and not be wrong.
There are empirical and methodological challenges regarding Climate, for example, or even the daily weather forecast.
So Historiography can employ a similar approach but with more fuzzy logic, because you are asked to make judgment calls to incorporate points-of-view. Whether you like it or not, you are going to have to tell a story of some kind and get it right (hopefully).
In any case, History is a open-ended process of Revision, just like the Scientific Method is an open-ended process of Revision.
‘Science’ built its reputation on two things: Reproducibility (demonstration) and application.
‘Historiography’ is an attempt to make the making of ‘history’ defensible to historians. The public are just supposed to be bamboozled like every other ‘profession’ that has been created in the last 100 years.
History is propaganda. ‘Historiography’ is an attempt to justify that propaganda.
Whites have no reason to ‘adjust’ their ‘history’ to the views or interests or experience of non-Whites.
But historians did, so now their just another ‘grievance studies’ creating ‘diverse narratives’ to ‘reflect the lived experiences’ of non-Whites and sexual deviants all in the context of anti-Whiteness.
What are you, an anti-Semite? 🙂
The National GOP is the ‘white division’ of the American Jewish Congress. It will never ‘pander’ to Whites or even recognize their unique interests or value.
The only way Whites will have any power with the GOP is if Whites stop voting for national GOP officers, including Trump.
I see all these ‘race realist’ Whites on various social media channels who posture as ‘pro-White’ but are still stumping for Trump.
Trump is a jew puppet. So is Vance. Neither of them speaks to ‘whites’ as a separate people, even in the Springfield Cat Snack scenario, they talked about ‘Ohioans’ or ‘citizens’, not White people.
The purpose of the GOP is to attract White votes and use them to advance anti-White jewish causes.
That’s all it has ever successfully done and all it will ever successfully do.
When has a single GOP representative logged into a ‘pro-White’ or White Nationalist website or social media channel and made the case for why pro-Whites should vote GOP?
You can bet they have representatives doing that for jews.
Don’t be a dope, don’t vote GOP.
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