Editor’s Update
The Trump Assassination Attempt, the GOP Convention, Right-Wing Cancel Culture, & the Vance Pick on Counter-Currents Radio, plus the next Counter-Currents Book Club
Greg Johnson
This is the most exciting week in years. It feels like history is accelerating.
1. Our 2024 Fundraiser
Our annual fundraiser is chugging along. This year, Counter-Currents is raising $300,000. Thus far we have received $81,775.05, so we are now well over one-quarter of the way to our goal. And remember: half of all fundraising happens in the last quarter of the year! Our deepest thanks to everyone who helped out.
Since summer is usually a slow time for fundraising, a generous donor has put up a new $10,000 matching grant for the remainder of July. $3,731.63 remains of the match, and the month is only two thirds over. If you have not yet given, please do so today, since your money will go twice as far. Full donation information is at the bottom of this post.
2. The Counter-Currents Radio livestream on Saturday, July 20th
This Saturday’s livestream will be hosted by Greg Johnson. David Zsutty, Angelo Plume, and maybe a few surprise guests will join us to discuss the Trump assassination attempt, the Republican convention, the Vance V.P. pick, and Right-wing cancel culture — and of course your questions.
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3. The Counter-Currents Book Club livestream on Saturday, July 27th
The next episode of the Counter-Currents Book Club is on Derek Hawthorne’s new book Being and “The Birds.” Greg Johnson welcomes author Derek Hawthorne as well as Martin Lichtmesz and James O’Meara to discuss the book.
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Greg Johnson
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All the pro-white platforms ought to announce their endorsements just before the big jew platforms do. The reflexive takes of the convention are meaningless. Until November, let a hundred silos hash it out.
Meanwhile, every attempt should be made to induce JD Vance to talk about white people as such during this campaign. Not as hillbillies. Not as forgotten or working or bluecollar or rural Americans. No shilly-shallying, no dogwhistles, no bullshit.
White Americans is the preferred nomenclature.
If you are not talking about what’s good for White Americans, you are part of the problem.
JD needs to unapologetically address whites as whites. If he needs to have Usha up there for cover to talk about white people, fine.
Re: JD, ahead of Saturday’s show, I sincerely hope some of the participants in the stream have a chance to read this article:
There are ample alarming similiarities between Obama and ‘Vance’, their career trajectory and purpose. Please check it out. I will stick my neck out and say that the blog itself is the most important political blog out there bar none. There is no-one that collates and correctly extrapolates better.
What the events of last Saturday increasingly remind of are January 6th. There was stagecraft or manipulation of the participants of some kind, involved in both events. There was also manipulation of the perception of what happened.
Trump had his role to play. And, while it may appear Trump was at risk of being sent to jail or being killed, it was his devoted followers who actually were killed and who have actually languished in jail.
If we can devise Vance’s similarity to Obama, maybe we should consider Trump’s similarity to Zelensky. Both were entertainers before entering politics. Both are or are being set to watch over the looting of the last of our treasure, the spilling of our blood for no reason, the dispossession of our people.
Since JD got the nomination, that part of the twittersphere that he follows (which does include everyone’s favorite hanania) and its 2nd degree are predictably going a bit wobbly-kneed and edging ever so slightly closer to sycophancy. Early stages. (The end state of such metamorphoses being akin to Ian Miles Cheong’s endless Musk fellating and gargling) I am paying attention to see if, as time goes on this hunch remains valid.
Maybe the better ones in that cohort can stay objective and resist the temptation to lick government book, but flattery and attention are very potent in even homeopathic amounts.
The initial blog post above revealing the strings attached to Vance inevitably upset many mewling loyalists in its comments section. It necessitated a follow-up post about the bigger picture which is essential reading if we are to brace ourselves for what’s ahead:
Besides, ask yourselves can a Mumford and Sons fan honestly be regarded as someone with sound judgement?
Looking forward to hearing Saturdays podcast if its made available later in the week and salute Karl’s literally epochal milkshake tweet. It deserves many more eyeballs. Don’t make me kiss my teeth…
First off, to answer “Duncan” on the Chip Smith interview page: we will go extinct anyway. Further, people who say “sure life is tragic” never suffered much in their lives. The great men you always cite — Nietzsche, Spengler and so on — suffered, wished to die.
You tried hard to sound sophisticated and intelligent, though as a Christian myself, this would almost make me atheist. The only reason I live is my fear of eternal damnation. Otherwise, I would end my life, since I hate it. I also suffered as a child. “There is no tragedy there” is a lie and just mere rhetoric.
Linkola did not impress me, since he wants to save the planet. The planet can’t be saved. It will be burnt once the sun goes supernova. However, as a Christian, I believe in Revelation. The world ends because God is fed up with us.
He also had children, some “affairs”, so he was slave to his lust.
You mention Nowicki, of whom I own many works. His strongest, in my opinion, are “Confessions of a Would-Be Wanker” and “Notes Before Death”, though the last pages of his “Considering Suicide” — published by Chip Smith — are brilliant, too, since he voices his anti-sex views there. Sexuality is indeed a curse by God, it is a despicable drive. Children are often so happy because they don’t know why they exist; if they knew, they might even kill themselves.
It’s nothing noble, sex is dirty (as Nowicki rightly writes), further, quoting him again, “sexualization _IS_ degradation”. Indeed! In Heaven there will be no marriage, and in Garde Eden, Adam and Eve did not have children despite God’s commandment.
I would not have chosen my life, my paining, ugly hunchback is enough for me to kill myself.
People here should not forget — Spengler was mentioned — that the great men were all of a melancholy condition. Even a “clown” — albeit talented — like Costin Alamariu (Bronze Age Pervert) wrote of “tedious existence” or the “tedium of existence” or so. Aristotle, quoted by Cicero, knew this as well: that all great men were of a melancholy disposition.
How could it be otherwise? All those “alphas” busy fornicating are lost into this life, they can’t get enough of it. Those who have a deeper world-view, though, who see through the charade of animal lust and desire, usually turn to reading, solitary pursuits. This is how the Nietzsches, Kierkegaards, Spenglers and so on wrote their works.
Without completely rejecting Lewis and Chesterton, I do completely reject their views on eugenics. My father is an imbecile who did not care anyway. He had no riught to force this awful life onto me.
Nietzsche voiced suicidal thoughts in his letters and personal notebooks (the “Nachlass”); Spengler wrote, in his “Eis heauton”, that there is no month where he does not think of suicide (written between 1910-1918). Pascal, Kierkegaard, the lesser known Catholic poet Reinhold Schneider never married and suffered from a melancholy condition. They all were believing Christians.
After Schneider’s father shot himself in his early fifties, Reinhold Schneider, eighteen at that time, tried to kill himself, too, by opening his veins, but survived and lived until the age of fifty-five (1958), when he collapsed on the streets of Freiburg on his way to Holy Mass in the morning. He suffered from colon cancer, had suffered from issues with his intestines for twelve years already prior to his death. To the doctor he said: let me die, I have suffered enough.
Having children does not turn people into “Rightists”, some simply leave their children behind. The many fatherless children are a testimony to this. Here in Germany, every day two women are gangraped, yet more than two million mothers live without the father of their children. More than two million single mothers! And some of the highest taxes on the planet.
I wrote too much already, words don’t seem to change much, either. I’ll end with fitting escolios by Gómez Dávila:
Geneva, the Geneva that Calvin reigns from his sickbed, the Geneva whose shadow extends from the pulpit of Knox to the hallways of the Vatican, the Geneva where a world was formed, had about 12.000 inhabitants in 1560.
The huge modern human masses are not only a problem, but superfluous.
Eugenics appals those who fear its judgment.
No beneficiary of slaves is supporter of birth control.
Depopulate and reforest — first civilizing rule.
The two most pressing problems of the contemporary world: demographic expansion and genetic deterioration are unsolvable.
Liberal principles prevent the solution of the first, egalitarian ones that of the second.
Sex does not solve even sexual problems.
In the end, there is no area of the soul sex would not succeed in corrupting.
It is not worth talking about even one erotic topic with someone who does not feel the unalterable baseness of erotism.
It is above all against what the crowd proclaims to be “natural” that the noble soul rebels.
What we discover as we age is not the vanity of everything, but of almost everything.
Despite what is taught today, easy sex does not solve every problem.
I won’t delete your effortpost, since you put so much effort into it. But it is off topic, and honestly, I don’t relish giving you a platform for your depressive ramblings.
No, he is in fact correct. Life is ugly and pointless for most people. So why bother being a White nationalist? My answer is that
we cannot let anti-whites win. They are evil.
letting them win would make life much worse than it is now.
And life can be so much better. That’s what I want for future generations.
Thanks for allowing through this defeatist comment from the suicidal Christian, Greg. Quite revealing.
suicidal Christian
A contradiction in terms. The melancholy Dane was a heretic.
I don’t much like calling people heretics, especially when they faced hardships that I can scarcely imagine, but then what is to be done about people who insist upon defining Christianity by reference to unrepresentative fringe elements?
Lexi: July 22, 2024 [W]hat is to be done about people who insist upon defining Christianity by reference to unrepresentative fringe elements?
Embrace hardnosed White realists who place Nature’s highest law — survival of one’s own — ahead of those superstitious people who believe in an imaginary, eternal afterlife up in the sky while worshipping their enemy’s tribal deity. Gullibility is not a virtue when it comes to the preservation of our race.
To Will Know-it-all Williams:
What makes you think Christians worship anyone’s tribal deity?
Let me put this in terms your sort can likely understand: Deities evolve over time, often into something radically different.
I have a White pill for you, though, Mr. Williams. There is a whole genre of “deconstructionist” propaganda on YouTube aimed at Christian youth that traces the deep and extensive pagan roots of various aspects of Christianity, somehow thinking that disproves the divine origin of the Gospel.
This is absurd, of course, because it stands to reason that the Holy Spirit would prepare the way for the people who were about to pull off the greatest cultural heist in history.
These arguments only work on people who take OT Jewish exceptionalism way too seriously and still don’t understand that what God chooseth, he can also unchooseth. They will reconsider their views or fall away, leaving churches that cater to them to waste away.
During the Middle Ages, pagan wisdom was considered almost as authoritative as the Old Testament. Indeed, in a sense, even more so. Yahweh was forced to conform to philosophy, not the other way around. This is the direction Christianity will take going forward, though I suspect that your sort will neither notice nor care. You will continue running your mouth as though you are some sort of expert, making a fool of yourself in the process.
Greg Johnson: This is the most exciting week in years. It feels like history is accelerating.
You say that right. Kevin Strom tells it like it is in last Saturday morning’s American Dissident Voice‘s broadcast:
There is no one to save us — and no way to save us — under the present System that exists in the United States. We must create our own system, our own new nation. We must start by forming our own local communities and build from there….
That was in part 1 of “The Second Coming of Trumpery” at nationalvanguard.org. Just a few hours after part 1 was aired, I started wondering how Kevin would handle part 2. He covers this week’s assassination attempt, Trump’s VP pick, as well as the clownish RNC:
…And then there was the Republican National Convention, just ended earlier this week in Milwaukee.
I forced myself to watch the entire speeches of Mike Pompeo, J.D. Vance, and Donald Trump at the convention. I also watched Hulk Hogan rip off his shirt and bellow and flex his muscles in a moronic display quite worthy of the film Idiocracy. I watched and listened to the sing-song of the Sikh prayers, too. I must admit, even I never thought I’d see such a sight in my lifetime at a Republican convention.
Many are alarmed at those alien prayers offered up at that convention. And it was, clearly, a bow to multiracialism and multiculturalism from the Republicans; a bow to Nikki Haley and Usha Vance and, in a way, to every “conservative” military uncle who married a Filipina or other Asian or mixed-race Puerto Rican, or who otherwise married outside of his race. But think more deeply. First thing, rabbis have been offering alien prayers at both parties’ events for many decades now. Think more deeply still, and you might start to realize that your own family, and you yourself, have offered up alien prayers too. Yes, Christian prayers are alien prayers. Yes, if you really think with a clear mind, there will come a moment when you realize that our civilization has been Middle-Easternized for more than 1,600 years — from the moment the new overlords started knocking down our temples and burning our star-maps and works of philosophy and science. (And soon enough the moment also will come when you recognize that, had the Abrahamic virus not infected us, we might have discovered America in 492 instead of 1492, set foot on the Moon in 969 instead of 1969, and reached heights we can only dream of today.)…
Another excellent observer of the Jew Problem (JP), Douglas Mercer, perhaps outdoes Mr. Strom’s analysis with his own more Politically Incorrect account, put up today also at nationalvanguard.org as “Proposition Nation”
That race mixing slime J.D. Vance is putting out dog-and-pony statements now; it’s real red meat for the rubes — and for the intellectual rubes as well as the common rubes, the ones in Uncle Sam hats who wouldn’t know the concept of a “proposition nation” any more than they can tell their backside from their elbow or a hole in the ground, whichever comes first. But a man dressed in red-white-and-blue bunting is just a moron, but a site supposedly of and for those “in the know” and who pay their writers to churn out mediocre tripe and who make people pay to read the “choicest” of that tripe really ought to know better. But they do not. They are the weak-minded and they are falling all over themselves in joy, cautious joy in some cases, but then cautious joy is still joy and there should be no joy at anything Vance says as we now live in Mudville with the mud people. Vance and his handlers know what they are doing, giving out the dog-whistle on the semi-refined frequencies so the cognoscenti of influencers will forget all about Donald Trump’s signal sellouts and re-embrace him. If there is a more ignorant group of people, I for one have never seen them…
I wish I could put here the photo of the Vance’s wedding.
On that note, I’ve been meaning to ask you something. I have yearly collections of American Dissident Voices broadcasts from 1996 to (November) 2009. Are the others hosted somewhere?
Beau Albrecht: July 21, 2024 …I’ve been meaning to ask you something. I have yearly collections of American Dissident Voices broadcasts from 1996 to (November) 2009. Are the others hosted somewhere?
Thanks for the question, Beau. That’s quite a collection you have. There’s a reason you stopped collecting ADVs after 2009.
In March of 2014 when I purchased Pierce’s research library from my predecessor as Alliance Chairman, Pierce’s successor, who was actually trying to sell it the highest bidder, I also snagged the entire collection of master audiotapes of Pierce’s speeches from the 1970s and every ADV broadcast he ever did, beginning in 1991 up until his death in July of 2002. I left behind those ADV shows by others and those produced on his successor’s watch.
For several years as a special project, my associate and I carefully organized those recordings, picking the best 240 of them, sending them to our National Alliance Media Director, Kevin Strom, 20 at a time to clean up into a MP3 CD format — a specialty of his as a professional broadcast engineer.
So, all Pierce, all the time, they are available at our online bookstore in single volumes or the entire set, here: “The Power of Truth (Volumes 1 through 12)” at cosmotheistchurch.org. The texts of those ADVs are transcribed at nationalvanguard.org.
There were/are unauthorized pirated versions of most, but not all of Pierce’s talks all over the ‘Net — put there by and for those who do not care to support the copyright holder, the National Alliance, by purchasing the CDs, or to even attribute content to NA.
When we first put some of these recordings on YouTube they were removed by that Jew-owned site. Then we put them on an Alliance Bitchute channel as slideshows, until Bitchute started censoring them. I believe our Bitchute channel is still online but banned in every nation in Europe. I also believe we still have some videos on a site called Odysee and on other sites of which I am unaware. We finally launched our own video channel where we, not our enemies, control: video.natall.com
I’d heard that things got rocky for a while after Dr. Pierce’s passing. It sounds like that was so indeed. Anyway, I’ll have to check out the video site. Thanks for the tip!
Beau Albrecht: July 21, 2024 I’d heard that things got rocky for a while after Dr. Pierce’s passing. It sounds like that was so indeed. Anyway, I’ll have to check out the video site. Thanks for the tip!
You’re welcome.
“Rocky” is an understatement, Beau. Our cause is not called a struggle for nothing.
Listen to those eight years of ADVs that you say you have (2002-’09) and evaluate for yourself how Chairman Pierce’s successor, Erich Gliebe, “rocked” the Alliance. That will help explain why you ceased collecting ADV broadcasts in 2009.
Gliebe’s biggest blunder was to jettison the Alliance’s unique world view, Cosmotheism, thinking that by making NA Christian-friendly more people would then join — his “broader outreach” strategy.
How did that work out? I and others who understood the movement Pierce had built resigned and I arguably became Gliebe’s most vocal critic for the reason stated above. By the time I was named the new Chairman twelve years after Pierce’s death, NA had lost 98% of its members and all Local NA Units. That’s how Gliebe’s stupid plan worked out.
I started rebuilding NA after what you call the Alliance’s “rocky” period with practically a clean slate — just 24 stalwart members, a lot of debt, but considerable assets.
The first thing I did wile fighting off several coup attempts by those after NA’s assets, was to reinstate Pierce’s Cosmotheism — what had set the Alliance apart and above all of the Christian-friendly groups.
You can read all about that in my book, Pocahontas Show Trial if you are really interested. Or, if you prefer, you can type ‘will wiliams’ in the search block at nationalvanguard.org and up will come several interviews and articles about how we came out of NA’s “rocky” period, like: “Will Williams: Taking the Hard Line.”
We’ve produced nearly 500 weekly ADV broadcasts since I became Chairman. They are not by William Pierce, but he would be proud of them. They are better than most of those in your collection.
Wow, I hate to seem excessively ingratiating towards our editor (or anyone else), but this is exactly the right editorial response to this considered but tangential comment.
It is a bedrock belief of white nationalists (and Christians) that life is worth living. WNs believe that existence is better than oblivion, and that the pursuit of excellence and nobility is worthwhile in itself, without need for further justification. Christians believe that our lives are imbued with divine purpose, even if sometimes inscrutable. A big part of Christianity is the idea that this life is a kind of “testing ground” for eternity – that we do our godly duties, keep the Faith and the commandments, even if we cannot understand all of God’s reasons for the nature of the world or our lives.
I believe that white preservationism and Christianity are morally aligned and ultimately complementary (admittedly, a very large assertion requiring considerable analytic demonstration).
My advice to the original poster… get a therapist, or get laid or something. Or rewatch The Seventh Seal… There’s that great scene where the Knight and Death play chess and think deep thoughts and the Knight laments on how dour and serious his outlook is, longingly looking at some naive innocents frolicking on the field.
I recommend you discover a love of poetry. You might like Beddoes:
Old Adam, the carrion crow,
The old crow of Cairo;
He sat in the shower, and let it flow
Under his tail and over his crest;
And through every feather
Leak’d the wet weather;
And the bough swung under his nest;
For his beak it was heavy with marrow.
Is that the wind dying? O no;
It’s only two devils, that blow,
Through a murderer’s bones, to and fro,
In the ghosts’ moonshine.
Ho! Eve, my grey carrion wife,
When we have supped on king’s marrow,
Where shall we drink and make merry our life?
Our nest it is queen Cleopatra’s skull,
‘Tis cloven and crack’d,
And batter’d and hack’d,
But with tears of blue eyes it is full:
Let us drink then, my raven of Cairo!
Is that the wind dying? O no;
It’s only two devils, that blow
Through a murderer’s bones, to and fro,
In the ghosts’ moonshine.
Sound recommendation, DP.
I sympathise with your plight, cousin, having spent the first half of my life troubled with similar feelings related to perceived flaws, albeit much less debilitating than yours. That being said I would say that it is the indoctrination with liberal individualism and its constant dangling of the often impossible necessity and supposed redemptive power of copulation to fulfil a life, which have led you to such a dark place. You are a leaf on a twig of a branch of a great tree. That you are somewhat misshapen does not preclude you playing a role in the survival and flourishing of your twig, your branch and the tree itself, even though your range of possible actions may be restricted.
In quite a real sense you are your race and it is you. Frank Salter, an Australian who worked at the Max Planck Institute has written what I believe to be the authoritative text On Genetic Interests (2007), explaining why this is so.
Just chipped in.
Lexi: July 23, 2024 To Will Know-it-all Williams:
What makes you think Christians worship anyone’s tribal deity?
For your Bible tells me so, Miss Lexi.
I don’t know it all, but I know that Christians foolishly worship Jehovah a/k/a Yahweh, the Jews’ imaginary tribal god and his alleged son, Jesus, who Jews seem to despise.
How odd of God to choose the Jews.
But not so odd
As those who choose
A Jewish God
Yet spurn the Jews.
Not odd
Of God;
I have a White pill for you, though, Mr. Williams. There is a whole genre of “deconstructionist” propaganda on YouTube aimed at Christian youth…
These arguments only work on people who… don’t understand that what God chooseth, he can also unchooseth…
Save your pill for someone else. YouTube is Jew-owned and bans those of us who tell truths about their tribe. Am I surprised that YouTube aims its propaganda at Christian youth? No.
I don’t care what the Jews’ god chooseth. No offense, Lex, but I unchooseth to debate the Bible with you, thanks.
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