The Unkillable Donald Trump
(& a Very Killable America)
Spencer J. Quinn
By the time you read this, just about every angle surrounding Saturday’s failed assassination of Donald Trump will have been covered. How is Trump doing? Who was the shooter? What was he doing in a BlackRock ad in 2023? Was there a conspiracy? Is the Secret Service guilty of incompetence or sabotage? Did the female secret service agents underperform under pressure? Did Joe Biden’s Department of Justice not provide Trump with enough security? Did Democrat politicians, Hollywood celebrities, and the mainstream media incite the assassination attempt with years of violent rhetoric? How are they all obfuscating or downplaying the incident now? How, exactly, is the Left melting down over this? Will there be another attempt on Trump’s life? And, aside from the tragic loss of life at the rally, could there possibly have been a better outcome for Trump?
I mean, consider the already iconic photograph of the event. In terms of raising Trump’s popularity in America, this incident could not have been scripted better for him. Perhaps this is why some are speculating that it was scripted — that it was a psyop — as if Thomas Matthew Crooks had been some Manchurian candidate programmed to graze Trump’s ear just so, in order to get just the right amount of blood on his face to make him look good as he raised his fist in heroic defiance and exhorted his thrilled followers to “Fight! Fight! Fight!” You can’t buy that kind of publicity.
(For the record, I don’t think it was scripted — at least not in that way. But there are enough suspicious aspects of this assassination attempt for me not to rule out some kind of anti-Trump conspiracy behind it. We’ll see once more information emerges.)
No matter what one thinks about Trump, however, he came out of that incident like a stud, a boss, and “an utter savage,” in the words of former Ultimate Fighting Championship middleweight champion Sean Strickland. How could he possibly lose the election now? Remember all that talk about replacing Joe Biden after his pathetic performance at the presidential debate? That’s now fallen by the wayside, it seems. Maybe the Democrats are giving up? Maybe they realize they’re going to lose no matter who they put up against Trump, so it may as well be old Joe — who is grateful that “former Trump” was not seriously injured and now wishes to resolve all our differences at the “battle box.”
After the assassination attempt, Trump seems to have risen above the political scene like a force of nature. And the pro-Trump memes are unstoppable.
But what if the assassin hadn’t missed? What if Trump had become the martyr the Left so dearly wants him to be? I understand that Thomas Crooks’ high school classmates are now calling him “a terrible shot” for not making the school rifle team. But missing a target by less than an inch at 130 yards for someone who presumably lacks proper firearms training is not bad. They’re also saying that Trump moved his head as the bullet was fired, which likely saved his life. This means we were less than an inch away from the precipice of history — a great leap into the unknown which would have either greatly accelerated the decline of the white populations in North America or ultimately won us our freedom from the multiracial experiment the United States has become; but all most likely after a great, bloody encounter. A second Civil War, if you will.
After a successful Trump assassination, what would you do? How could America recover from that? Following the stolen 2020 election; the COVID lockdowns; the Summer of Floyd; the transgender madness; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion mandates; and the unrelenting violent rhetoric coming from the Left, how much more of this abuse can anyone take? Today’s world, as filtered through the Internet, is lurid with unreality. The ridiculous is being normalized, while the normal is being ridiculed.
It’s impossible to believe some of the things happening today. I’m sure we all feel it. At some point — likely occurring after a popular Republican candidate gets gunned down — enough people with resolve as deep as their pockets will say, “Enough. We will not live like this. It’s time to take a stand. And we will fight if we must.” There are enough Americans who truly love Donald Trump to make such a scenario plausible.
Thankfully, it did not come to that on July 13. But it could have.
Slouching toward a civil war because of one man’s assassination is no way to revive a civilization. Instead, enough whites and their allies must realize how anti-white this current system is, and that it must be that way given America’s changing racial demographics. People are inherently tribal, and in a multiracial society, small tribes will always push anti-tribalism among the larger or more powerful ones while refusing to relinquish any of their own tribalism. This necessarily leads to chaos, as we are seeing right now.
Notice how the Gaza War has put a wrench in the Democratic Party. This is the result of Muslims becoming a voting bloc that the Democrats can no longer ignore, despite what their largely Jewish donors tell them. Notice how blacks have been rebelling against their own elites. This is the result of allowing illegal immigration to impinge upon their neighborhoods. Notice how anti-white many whites have become in the past 20 years. This is the result of whites assuming the tribalism of racial minorities, which must, by its very nature, be opposed to majority tribalism. Basically, multiracialism leads to the hot mess we’re living in today.
All of this can be prevented, however, if we can split North America into sections roughly along ethnic and racial lines. Red State Secession, essentially. Or Blue State Secession. Either way. I’m not picky. This is congruent with the original ideas of blood and soil behind nationhood. People who are alike — genetically, linguistically, and culturally — will govern best together. People who are unalike will not. This is why empires crumble but nations remain. This is the natural way of things, and there is nothing wrong with that. Further, those people who are most ethnocentric tend to survive best. American whites and their allies must be persuaded of this while there is still some semblance of the historical United States left. There is still time remaining to find the will to enact the changes which will ultimately result in the rise of an ethnostate in North America that will have a white supermajority.
It’s either that or continue to pledge allegiance to a rapidly fracturing country which may, at present, very well be held together by nothing more than Donald Trump’s life.
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I think it was the violent rhetoric coming from the left. I noticed they’ve been saying stuff like this lately. For example, this intelligent liberal woman, I know, when I asked her about Trump, she said “I wish he would just die. I really wish he was dead.” I was like why? What has he done that warrants death exactly? But she’s very online and she’s getting this from the various talking chat groups she’s in. And other people in threads have suggested assassination or death wishes against Trump. I was watching an online lecture and a professor juxtaposed the notions of trump and assassination indirectly, you know, sort of planting a kernel in the minds of impressionable young people that trump should be assassinated, that some fool might Smerdiakov-like follow up on it. And the shooter, I think he actually won a math award, he was exactly the sort of spergey, impressionable young person that might pick up on this. There’s been a drumbeat, I don’t know how conscious or intentional, to use violent rhetoric that could easily sway or inspire an unstable person to do something like this.
And I think it’s highly surprising that the secret service did not have an obvious vantage like that roof covered. One cannot exclude incompetence, but….
I firmly believe he was supposed to die on live television in order to provoke a violent response from his supporters(the “extreme MAGA Republicans”) leading to mass civil unrest and possibly martial law. There isn’t one plausible explanation for why this kid was able to get to that rooftop. They fucked up royally and now there must be a reckoning.
It’s hard to believe in mere incompetence here, I agree.
It really looks like the shooter was given a chance to try and then quickly killed upon failure just as he would have been killed upon success.
Lefties celebrating Trump’s death and attacking people opposing them would be a more likely beginning of civil strife than Trump supporters running amok imo, but I suppose crowds partying in that situation could easily draw some fire -literally.
Then again I see this from across the pond, just some thoughts…
the plan was to kill trump, with the expectation that just enough of a violent reaction would have occurred to justify attacking, killing and imprisoning all of the right-wing, conservative, reactionary thought and action ‘leaders’ necessary to put the final nail in the white man’s coffin.
It’s very sad that this event and the incredible optics will likely lead to crushing GOP win followed by Trump dragging America into a war with Iran for Israel, finishing off countless more young healthy White men, whilst at the same time importing half of India to continue the demographic oblivion.
The only ‘conspiracy’ is the ‘conspiracy of incompetence’ that is the ‘secret services’ in this country. They have become welfare operations for those who could only operate in secret because they are too incompetent to survive public scrutiny. I cannot think of a single ‘secret’ operation that was successful by the US ‘secret services’ in the last 60 years.
I realize that a lot of people got ‘turned on’ to pro-White ideas by virtue of the Trumpist-to-Alt-Right pipeline. That’s at least partially how I reconnected with my pro-White impulses.
But Trump is not ‘our guy’. He’s as anti-White as the jews who run him. He’d happily put White Nationalists in jail for saying ‘kike’ or advocating for the quarantining of the jewish population as a ‘compromise’ between pro-Whites and anti-White jew. But he wouldn’t jail jews who advocated for the quarantining of White Nationalists.
White Identity Nationalism (WIN) has nothing to gain – or lose – by Trump’s life or death or his winning or losing. The system is overwhelmingly anti-White and the only hope for that to change is for deterrence-via-nullification on a state-by-state, locale-by-locale basis.
‘Red State Secession’ is not pro-White. It’s primary concern is ‘taxation’ and ‘regulation’. It’s basically the Second Coming of the Tea Party. The simple fact is that most GOP-run states are badly run. Poor quality schools, roads, etc because they don’t want to pay for them. ‘Red State Secession’ is just another hyper-individualist enterprise that leads away from racial consciousness.
“Poor quality schools….” I think that may have more to do with the nonwhite demographics of most red states. Some, like Texas are ok n terms of infrastructure. Money doesn’t make good schools.
With due respect to all White Nationalists living in Texas, Texas has some of the worst electrical infrastructure west of the Mississippi. Right now millions are without power and have been for days.
Red states have the worst ‘safety net’ policies. Red states also are acquiescing to the introduction of non-White immigrants into their Whitest areas because ‘Christian charity’. The result is that Whites who are displaced by cheap immigrant labor become homeless.
The GOP is the enemy of White America. It has been for a long, long time.
The GOP exists solely to make ‘White politics’ safe for non-Whites and jews.
Every single ‘red’ state has some kind of ‘anti-semitic’ law in place, but no anti-White laws at all.
Red states are a mess. A few of them are building up their nullification and ‘distancing’ infrastructure, but so to are some ‘blue’ states. I live in a ‘blue’ state and the friction between the ‘urban blue’ and the ‘rural red’ has led to a movement to spin off ‘red’ counties into a nearby ‘red’ state. Still, the truth of the matter is that most of the folks would be better off with ‘blue state handouts’ than ‘red state boot-straps’.
‘Red’ is your friend.
“All of this can be prevented, however, if we can split North America into sections roughly along ethnic and racial lines”. I think that is the goal on which whites should focus. The first Civil War was fought, ultimately, to stop secession. It might be pleasingly symmetrical if the second were fought to bring about exactly that.
“[H]ow much more of this abuse can anyone take?”
Indeed. That is the question.
Re: the notion coming from the particularly looney left that this was all a setup/psyop/etc.
Speaking as someone with some experience with long distance recreational shooting, a very likely explanation for the near-miss is that Crooks “jerked” rather than “pressed” the trigger. This is a very common mistake among newer shooters — believe me, I know — and it would easily alter the shot’s trajectory enough to turn a “hit” into a miss, even at 130-140 yards. Moreover, the margin-of-error would be worsened if one aims for the head instead of center mass.
Now picture what Crooks would likely have been feeling in the moments leading up to the fatal event:
He’s still a kid. He’s decided to do something that most of us would consider suicidal, if not insane. He’s totally exposed on a low rooftop in broad daylight in front of tens of thousands of people. He’s taking aim on a former U.S. President who is one of the most significant political figures in the world. He may possibly have even known that he’d already been spotted by some of the rally-goers. Cameras and media everywhere. Counter-sniper teams lurking nearby…
Good lord. Unless Crooks was not only a dead-eyed psychopath, but also possessed both the shooting and infiltration skills of Carlos Hathcock or Simo Häyhä, his pulse must have been running damned near 180… Which brings us back to his “jerking” rather than “pressing” the trigger at the critical moment.
Sorry, lefty Redditors, but if all of this was a setup then I’ll eat my hat.
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