There is a growing sentiment, particularly amongst Christian conservatives and reactionaries, that the men of “The West” should — indeed, must — form an alliance with the Muslims who have flooded into our countries. Together we can wage a Crusade/Jihad (a Crusihad? A Jihsade?) against the degenerate drag queens and the libs on TikTok.
The idea of Christians and Muslims fighting together against the corrupt ruling class and the sinful hoi polloi has been living in the memetic aether for a while, but it has been gaining prominence over the past year or so. Alongside this, there has also been an observable increase in public figures trying to turn the nationalist cause and its struggle against globalism into a sort of Christian revival movement.
For a long time there have been those within or adjacent to nationalist and Right-wing spheres who openly stand with the Palestinians and other aggrieved non-white peoples. It makes sense. In their view, the European peoples and the Palestinians share a common enemy. We are subjected to similar abuses and face similar threats. This has come to be known as the One Struggle position: various peoples of different religions and cultures, and with historic rivalries and animosities, coming together to fight the defining struggle of our time.
There is nothing wrong with having friends on our side. The European nationalist who strives against American hegemonic power certainly has common cause with a Libyan who watched as American bombs destroyed his country and turned it from one of North Africa’s best prospects into a hellscape where slavery is now being practiced, and which latterly became a launchpad used by human traffickers and “migrants” trying to break into Europe.
In theory, I have little objection to a European country breaking away from the European Union, from American vassalage, and seeking allies in countries that also have a bone to pick with Washington.
The Christo-Islamic union dreamed of by some folks on “the Right” today has little to do with these geopolitical concerns, however. It is an alliance meant for the Culture Wars. The West is free-falling down the slippery slope of degeneracy and perversion. Rainbow flags fly atop government buildings, children in public schools are taught how to enjoy anal penetration, sex traffickers seem to rule the world, and P for Pedophile looks set to be the newest letter added to the LGBTQAI+ assortment — all of it normalized by politicians, filmmakers, musicians, and social media influencers . Sadly, this isn’t hyperbole, and the Christian conservative is right to be concerned with the maladies and horrors afflicting Western Civilization. Surrounded by the sights and sounds of a society writhing like pigs in excrement, the disgusted and desperate Christian conservative looks for help anywhere he can get it. Enter Islam.
Abrahamists of the World, Unite and Take Over
Peterson recorded a two-part lecture series of messages to the Christians and the Muslims (strangely, there was no third message for the Jews) in which he implored both to see the things they have in common and work together towards mutual goals.
From Peterson’s homeland of Canada to the United States, and in Europe as well, this sentiment is shared and growing amongst the Religious Right. On any given day on Twitter, it’s common to see Christians beseeching Muslims to put aside their differences. “We’re not your enemy!” they exclaim. “And we have more in common than not.”
Any cause for conflict between white Christians and Muslims from Asia, Africa, or Arabia is simply a trick played by the ruling “satanic elites”. They want us to fight each other, instead of drawing sword and scimitar together against them. Recent convert to Islam and hero to a generation of young men, Andrew Tate, has made multiple comments suggesting that Europe’s future wellbeing lies in submitting to his newfound religion. A concerning number of native Europeans seem to agree.
I find it quite pathetic that those on this burgeoning E-Crusader Right will prostrate themselves before the “based Muslims’,” desperate for the big, strong brown man to save us from ourselves. Meanwhile, these same types are happy to denigrate and fight against White Nationalists who are pagans or simply non-Christians, and slander pre-Christian Europe with the same smug midwittery and duplicity you’d expect from a Guardian journalist. There is no shortage of supposedly pro-white Christians who truly believe that before Christianity, our race was living in mud and running naked through the forests, and that it’s only thanks to Christianity that Europeans managed to pick themselves up off the dirt, learn right from wrong, and create civilization.
Muslims have repeatedly invaded European lands since the eighth century, brought our race to the brink of permanent subjugation and slavery on multiple occasions, and to this day continue to rape and murder our kin on our soil. “But hey,” thinks the trad E-Crusader, “at the end of the day we both worship the same Abrahamic deity, and we share a mutual dislike of trannies and femoids. That’s what really counts!” So to hell, literally, with the pagan or the atheist White Nationalist who would gladly give his life for the protection of Westernkind. Let’s embrace the Muslims who have no business living in our countries in the first place.
There are Christians who haven’t fallen for this false dichotomy, and their vocal denouncement of those Christians and conservatives who promote it is necessary. However, that Christians and conservatives are looking to Muslim newcomers for aid reveals a lot about the current condition of Western man. He has forgotten that he has his own arsenal of weapons. He has forgotten how to use them. He has lost confidence in himself and his cause. For all these reasons and more, he is constantly looking for a savior, whether it be Jesus, Trump, or Abdullah who has just moved in next door.
The Christian Circus Is Coming to Town
Nowhere is the E-Crusader Right more rambunctious than amongst the rank-and-file of the America First movement. I won’t go into great detail to explain what America First is, as it’s not really a movement anymore. It has been shot in the knees several times by bad actors, internal drama, and some genuinely gross behavior. It suffices to say that America First is a mostly online group of reactionaries who do livestreams, dox each other, and hold rallies with members of the United States Congress whom they later treat as mortal enemies.
At this point, America First’s leadership might as well rename their little thing Christianity First — or more specifically, Catholicism First – because their focus seems to have been entirely taken over by religious fanaticism. Nick Fuentes, one of America First’s public faces, often speaks of his desire to transform America into a Catholic theocracy. I’m not sure how much love for America one can have if one despises its Protestant roots — and despise them Fuentes does. Indeed, Fuentes and his fans seem to loathe anyone who isn’t an adherent of the correct form of Christianity. Fuentes recently gave a speech which seemed to belong more to a time when men could openly issue a call to arms and wish death upon their enemies than to our time, when people get censored or jailed for violating “hate speech” laws. As a matter of fact, Fuentes’ speech was immediately censored and taken down from the alt tech platform Rumble. Of course it was. He called for the death of anyone who “rejects Christ,” and like a shorter, creepier version of Pope Urban II, he launched a Holy War against the infidels. His war cry was met with the usual chant of “Christ is king,” three words which have become the America First motto. All the while, behind him a projector displayed images of a swirling, yellowy liquid substance, giving the impression that Fuentes was speaking from the inside of a flushing toilet bowl filled with urine.
Like so much of what Fuentes and his fans get up to, it was bizarre and, one might argue, ultimately self-destructive. In the real world where our cause and our voices get censored, pushed to the fringes, and punished, perhaps Fuentes should think twice before leering from behind the podium and calling for a literal Holy War. Rumble, a platform which up until the aftermath of Fuentes’ rally had been a free speech-friendly site where dissidents could express themselves without fear of reprisal, has now been forced to tighten its content policies and has come under scrutiny from an establishment that could easily crush it. Thanks, Nick! And for what? What was the point? What was gained?
Some might say that Fuentes’ Catholic fervor is just for show, and that it’s all a grift. He would certainly not be the first American public figure to find success in using Christianity and Christians themselves for personal gain. There is evidence — or at least the allegation — that Fuentes is in fact not very religious at all. Embittered ex-friends have “exposed” Fuentes as a fraud who doesn’t go to church, flakes out of Bible study groups, and harbors several degenerate perversions of his own. Like Fuentes, the majority of his fanbase of “Christ is king” shouters are Gen-Z teens and twentysomethings. Irony and an aversion to sincerity are defining characteristics of the zoomer. The whole thing could be nothing but a fad, a grift, a fleeting sensation of having an identity and something to believe in. I neither know nor care, and regardless of Fuentes’ true beliefs or motives, I do think that the overall religious zeal of the America First sphere is somewhat genuine.
The ruling class has become so evil, and just as a fish rots from the head, their evil has led the rest of society to become evil, too. When the evil becomes widespread and intense, people start thinking in religious terms. This can be seen in the repeated mention of the “satanic cabal” or the “satanic elite” that people such as Alex Jones tell us controls the world.
Of course, the tendency to frame world events in a religious context is nothing new. Christians of all denominations see the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy in a foreign policy decision or the outbreak of a war (or a virus). What is different now is that this tendency seems to be dominating what was once a fairly pragmatic movement of conservatives who wanted to oppose globalism and make real changes with regards to the direction and governance of their country.
Unfortunately, this sets afloat a whole raft of problems. For starters, the cartoonish nature of some of these Christians does few favors for the broader anti-establishment movement. Just like Fuentes and Peterson, Alex Jones is another who has morphed into a sort of religious revival preacher. He’s said himself that he takes inspiration from the televangelists of old. His shows on Infowars have become more like sermons. Then there’s Kanye West, who also spent the past few years cultivating a religious aura before linking up with Fuentes and appearing on Alex Jones’ show.
All together, their antics might serve the purpose of attracting attention, of shifting the Overton Window — but it’s a temporary attention. Like watching the chimpanzees at the zoo, it’s fun and entertaining for a while . . . and then it’s not, and the visitors move on to the next caged animal. On top of that, there is also the negative attention. It’s all well and good to get more people thinking about certain matters, such as the amount of power wielded by the Anti-Defamation League or black-on-white crime statistics, but if that comes with a side of ranting and raving that causes normal people to baulk and powerful people to push for ever-more censorship and punishment of “wrongthink,” then is it really the best course of action? Optics matter. Devolving into a religious circus act, into the sort of buffoonish and gaudy performances seen on the stages of evangelical megachurches, is the last thing the scattered and powerless “dissident Right” needs.
Another problem arises when we observe exactly where these Christian revivalists are directing the conversation. Alex Jones is an outright Zionist, and he is a Zionist because he is a Christian. The conservative and anti-globalist Right, particularly in the United States, needs less Zionism and less slavish devotion to Israel, not more. Fuentes is called an anti-Semite, but really his only gripe with the Jews is that they killed Jesus. The same can be said of other prominent Christians in dissident circles such as E. Michael Jones, of whom Fuentes is a fan and whom many E-Crusaders admire as a sort of genius. It’s a pretty nonsensical gripe to have, though. Someone had to kill Jesus in order for him to rise from the dead and complete his prophesied mission. Of all the reasons to criticize the Jews, blaming them as a collective for the killing of Christ has got to be the stupidest and most incoherent one, yet it’s the one most of these anti-Semitic Christians cite. These same Christians shriek about how despicable the Talmud is, often citing passages taken out of context or misunderstood within their context, yet they are totally ignorant of what’s actually in the first five books of their own Bible (not to mention the rest of it), and thus give it a pass. In truth, they uphold the Torah as “God’s word” even though the Torah is just as full of evil as the Talmud — evil condoned and at times carried out by Yahweh himself — and despite the fact that the Torah contains within its verses the basis of Jewish supremacist beliefs.
Sorry, but my objections to Jewish power have nothing to do with a verse in the Talmud about Jesus and excrement. I couldn’t care less, and I’d rather that the conversation about Jewish power and malfeasance, which is difficult enough to have as it is, not be commandeered by religious nuts who derail it into grievances about what some rabbis believe are the whereabouts of Yeshu.
Misguided Opposition at Best, Controlled Opposition at Worst
There have been many attempts to transform Christianity into a weapon against the various threats posed by modern vice and by political ideologies such as Bolshevism. There was Muscular Christianity, there was Positive Christianity. In the current year, Fuentes speaks of Christofascism, perhaps trolling the libs, perhaps in total sincerity. If we were to use one umbrella term to describe today’s version of political Christianity, it would be Christian nationalism. The name is pretty self-explanatory. Christian nationalism seeks to oppose the globalist establishment by returning to and politically enacting Christian values and Christian authority. There are some obvious flaws in Christian nationalism, flaws which cause Christian nationalism to accomplish little more than derailing the anti-globalist and pro-white movement.
Meet Andrew Torba. Torba is the owner of the alt-tech platform Gab. He is friends with Nick Fuentes, and often speaks in the same sort of religiously fanatical tone as Fuentes. He’s another die-hard, almost stereotypically Christian American who has come to see himself as fighting a Holy War against the forces of Satan. He also literally wrote the book on “Christian Nationalism” (that’s the title). Torba took it upon himself to write the Christian nationalist manifesto, so we can consider him an authority on it. He writes from the perspective of an American concerned primarily with the goings-on in America. You would think that the “nationalist” half of his Christian nationalist ideology would be concerned with the demographic replacement of the white American nation. Yet, immigration is only mentioned once in his book. The so-called browning of America is of no concern for Torba, who never writes about the fact that Mexicans are becoming the demographic majority in places all across America. Further proving the point that Christians such as Torba are distracted — or distracting — from issues uniquely endangering whites, Torba mentions blacks only once. There’s no section of the book addressing racial differences in behavior, customs, or intelligence. There’s no mention of the studies which show that societies with high levels of racial diversity suffer from lack of cohesion and trust, and therefore the globalist drive to create them is immoral. There’s no outcry about the astonishing levels of black-on-white crime.
If you wanted to argue that Christian nationalism is an oxymoron, a non-starter, a contradiction, you could rest easy. Torba does all the work for you. He writes:
Christianity is not limited to any race, ethnicity, or culture (1 Cor. 12:13, Gal. 3:27-9). Therefore any Christian nationalism cannot be limited to any race, ethnicity or culture.
Torba’s book might as well be blank pages after that. Christianity is a universal religion. It’s for everyone. The Christian believes that everyone can and should — even must — accept Jesus Christ as lord, and his father Yahweh as the one true god. Well, then, it’s not a nationalist religion. It cannot be. Christian nationalism is just civic nationalism, and civic nationalism is toothless against the Hydra of globalism. In fact, it is worse than toothless. For genuine nationalist causes, it is poison.
But for Torba and the Christian nationalists, the nationalist half is either not understood or simply not important. I suppose it’s unsurprising that Christian Americans have a very shallow concept of what makes a nation. A religion which welcomes all and a country which welcomes all can’t really be expected to promote ethnocentric exclusivity. This is why the nationalist half of Christian nationalism feels hollow. It’s the Christian half that really matters. America could continue becoming less white, and Europe could continue becoming less European, but so long as the new populations embrace Jesus, shout “Christ is king” three times a day, and uphold basic conservative values, the Christian nationalist is not and cannot truly be bothered.
Okay, you might say, but Andrew Torba and his manifesto are specific to America. European Christians have a much better grasp of authentic nationalism.
Very well. Let us view the lay of the land from a European Catholic’s perspective. Javier Villamor is a Spanish independent journalist who is certainly anti-globalist and moderately nationalist. He is quite good on most matters. If memory serves me correctly, I first stumbled on Villamor’s work in 2020 when he made a video denouncing the Black Lives Matter riots in America. In that video he dismantled black Americans’ false claims of oppression and victimization, and their claims that white people are the source of all evil. He even went so far as to mention the Jews who owned slave ships and plantations. All that is to say that he is not someone who is afraid to swim against the current and he is someone who has a decent grasp of the state of play. He recently relocated to Brussels for work-related purposes and a few days ago shared a story for his followers on his Telegram channel, which I have translated. Please read it carefully. Let the words sink in and ask yourself if this is really what Europe needs in order to save herself from the dangers posed by replacement migration and global governance.
I tell you a story that I have lived today in Brussels. I was returning from work to the place where I am staying these days. On the way, not many blocks away, there is a traditional Catholic church (not modernist architecture and with a barely recognizable Christ). I wanted to be”‘taken in” after so much hustle and bustle in my life. When I entered, they were having mass. They had just started, based on what little French I understood coming from the public address system. After several days without entering a temple, I sat in the last row and listened.
Sitting in the last row in temples allows you to analyze the people who are gathered there. There were few, maybe about 15 — perhaps not so much for a daily mass. I don’t know how many Brussels citizens there were, but native Europeans were a clear minority. Half of those present, more or less, were of African origin. Men and women in equal parts, but no one seemed to be a couple.
During the songs, I felt my heart soften. I am not a fan of certain modern musical rites in churches, but seeing those gathered there with their hands open and palms up praying aloud made me feel at peace.
Unlike what I see in Spain (heartbroken believers who don’t look beyond the one row ahead of them), here everyone with their hands together raised high began to wish each other peace from one side of the building to the other. Those in front of us made a gesture with a smile from side to side, and to those behind. The Brussels native from the pew opposite mine seemed to levitate at that moment; the smiles of the Africans shone and their eyes radiated happiness.
And at that moment I felt as if something inside me had cleared up. I understood that integration goes through evangelization. That a united and integrated Europe is impossible, no matter where you come from, if it is not under the umbrella of faith. The Catholic kings understood this 500 years ago. Secularization does not create the conditions for integration, rather it lays the foundations for uprooting, for the creation of religious and cultural ghettos. There, at that moment, we were humans from, easily, five or six countries and three continents praying to God, celebrating mass, wishing each other peace with all our hearts, and nothing else mattered.
In this church this afternoon, I felt that time did not matter, it did not exist, it did not condition. Free and liberated human beings, we were hearing the Gospel knowing that we were one family. If the sacrifice that we Spaniards made by evangelizing America has been able to catch on even minimally in African Francophone by other courageous preachers, perhaps all is not lost.
Multicultural Europe can positively exist within the Church. Outside of it, we already see the consequences.
It is no understatement when I say that Christianity is just globalism with prettier decorations. Even if Christians such as Torba and Fuentes and Villamor are in ardent agreement with some aspects of nationalism, in the end they will always be Christians first and foremost, and Christianity — whichever branch of it — will always be universal, welcoming, race-blind, and inclusive. To put it bluntly, it is not only the opposite of what Europeans need, it’s the very source of what has led Europeans to this point where we are clinging on for dear life as our homelands are reshaped into something unrecognizable.
But Christians such as Torba and Villamor aren’t terribly perturbed. While they may dislike the constant stream of “illegal migrants” and welfare chancers, should the migrants be “legal” and Christian, they consent and even approve. If they can get these Mexicans or Algerians or Congolese to side with them against transgenderists and commies, even better! Again, there may be nationalist Christians who disagree with this, who object to the transformation of their country into a multiracial hodgepodge, but they are a minority, and doctrinally they are on weak footing. Nationalist Christians have learnt that they must put their nation first, but most Christians do not think this way. God comes first. The faith comes first — which brings us to the problem of misguided opposition.
I believe Javier Villamor is sincere in both his Catholic beliefs and his anti-globalist beliefs. I also believe that you cannot harbor both. Catholicism is a globalist religion. As Villamor himself noted, 500 years ago the Spanish embarked on what can easily be argued was the first globalist enterprise: the mass conversion of disparate and distinct peoples to one religion and their subjugation to one political authority on Earth. In fact, there is even a documentary called Spain: The First Globalization.
Public figures such as Donald Trump and Alex Jones rail against the “globalists” and the “New World Order,” yet Christians eagerly yearn for the day when every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess in worship and servitude to their deity. The grand finale of the Christian story is the establishment of a one world religion! It’s almost as if Christians haven’t really thought all of this through and don’t really know what they oppose, what they are for, and why. Thus, when they make proclamations behind a podium at a rally, or on the set of their infotainment shows, or on social media, they end up looking ridiculous and making anything they associate with look ridiculous as well. Christianity’s inherent universality and its entanglements with Judaism and Zionism mean that it is more than just a merely misguided or incoherent opposition. It is oftentimes a controlled opposition.
Even as the Pope cajoles countries into taking in migrants (not “refugees,” just plain old migrants, as they’ve dropped the pretense that these people are refugees), even as the Pope kisses Africans’ feet and says ‘inside every Christian is a Jew,” and even as the Catholic Church provides finances and resources to countless ‘migration’ operations from the third world into the West, there are people like the conservative commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek who convert to Catholicism and celebrate her conversion as if it’s a great victory against the “globalist elite”.
Even as the Protestant churches are festooned in rainbow flags and inside of them, lesbian priests give sermons on the importance of inclusivity and welcoming refugees, and even as they accumulate funds in order to provide migration NGOs with the ships they use to transport African scammers into Europe, Christian nationalists tell us the Christian faith is the solution, the secret weapon in the fight against Globohomo. Maybe it’s neither Catholicism or Protestantism, but Russian Orthodoxy that can save us. Some certainly have decided so, made the conversion, and immediately set about promoting Russian Orthodoxy as the pill that will cure Europe of its disease.
But what if none of this religious stuff is relevant? It’s certainly not relevant to the cause of ethnocentric nationalism, and ethnocentric nationalism is the only meaningful and practical opposition to globalism. Declaring, such as Vlaardingerbroek did, that we must “reject globalism” and “embrace God” is utterly devoid of meaning. How does embracing God equate to rejecting globalism? If more and more people “embrace God,” will that have any effect on the International Monetary Fund? The European Central Bank? The European Union? The United Nations? The World Health Organization? Will embracing God have an effect on Europe’s rapid demographic disfiguration ? Will it have any effect on the institutionalized anti-whiteism of the United States? Turning to Christianity and the Christian god for spiritual or moral reasons might have some merit (albeit debatable), but don’t try to make it out as if it’s a political strategy. What has happened to “the Right”? In place of a vision and of drive, many on the Right now seem content to shrug their shoulders and tell us that what really matters is fighting the “spiritual war.” Maybe conservatives have been so deflated, demoralized, and defeated in the physical world that they now feel like retreating to the spiritual one.
Christianity, just like civic nationalism, serves to keep white people on the plantation. Remember that Jordan Peterson was terrified of the rise of identitarian groups in Europe and is proudest of his work in keeping young white men from becoming “radicalized.” Similarly, Alex Jones was never a White Nationalist; he’s always been a civic nationalist. He tells his audience that he wants to live in the world Martin Luther King spoke of, where all the races live together in peace and harmony, we treat each other as individuals, and we judge one another solely based on the content of our character. Look how easy it has been for him to seize upon Christianity and make it the new centerpiece of his message. Nick Fuentes, on the other hand, was at one point quite the identitarian. He was very much concerned with the way whites are treated in America. He spoke openly about the things white Americans need to do in order to survive this current climate of anti-whiteism. Bu lately, as his movement has become less nationalist and more Christian, it has also become more “diverse” and more civnat.
All in all, whether it was intentional or not, the result of so much Christian zeal has been the thwarting of white identity politics and the undermining of genuine, meaningful resistance to globalism. We don’t need it.
This article was updated in December of 2023.
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Alex Jones and Jordan Peterson are about as helpful to White Nationalists as Rosie O’Donnell is. And Nick Fuentes has always been a joke.
I not only never believed Fuentes from the beginning, but like you pointed out, he’s making everything all about Catholicism today (an anti-white church) and not about white preservation, and now he’s recently been seen in numerous photos with black girls feeling them up. He also did an interview with an alleged Conservative about two months ago in which he was taking about how the USA needs to be at least 80% white, but “not because other races are inferior or anything” but just because. He’s about as useful as a broken condom.
I also vehemently oppose Christian’s teaming up with Muslims or with Roman Catholics. Muslims should be self-explanatory, but Catholics have always been insanely pro-immigration (ironically, only to white countries) and they also take strong anti-gun and death penalty stances, as well as limits on “hate speech.” Racially-conscious Christians such as the ones on Faith and Heritage dot com are all Protestants.
I also strongly oppose alliances between whites and non-white “Conservatives.” We’ve got to stop endlessly looking for the Jesse Lee Peterson’s, the Pedro Gonzalez’s, and the Michele Malkins of the world. They are not us, and they are of no use to us beyond meaningful dialogue at best. Whites got themselves into this mess, and only whites can get themselves out of it.
We are on our own.
“[i]t’s the very source of what has led Europeans to this point where we are clinging on for dear life as our homelands are reshaped into something unrecognisable.”
I have been thinking about this a lot. I don’t think I can explore it in the comments, because I struggle with it, but the subject has been on my mind.
What role has Christianity truly played in both the achievements of Western man and the serious problems we now face? Not, which denomination is problematic, or, what dogmas could use a fine tuning, but the religion itself–that is, the belief in the God of the Jews, and the concomitant (is that the right word here?) values.
The cognitive dissonance I experienced with the Christian worldview was difficult for me to acknowledge until recently, but I see it. I am not a believing Christian, I am a “cultural” Christian, but even that has its problems, morally.
I am grateful for articles like these, ones that don’t “trash” our religious heritage with disdain, or mock it, but address issues about it that should be openly discussed. It helps to bring greater clarity, if not comfort, for some us.
If we wish to preserve our subspecies in an age of nearly limitless mobility and in the face of implacable opposition we will need a creed which supports this. Christianity used to be quite compatible with ethnic preservation. Each European nation’s church supported its own people. Was this truly consistent with scripture? I am not qualified to judge but in terms of maintaining the posterity of a nation it worked well enough.
Is our task then to convince Europeans of the moral imperative to maintain their bloodlines and to force the churches to take a nationalist line as they once did?Admittedly it would be a tall order.
Is white preservation unchristian? Even to ask that question is to reveal one’s prior brainwashing. Of course, the answer is negative. A race has a moral right to preserve itself, as does a nation. There is NOTHING in Scripture condemning the existence of distinct peoples, let alone races. There is nothing commanding miscegenation, nor condemning laws against it. There is nothing suggesting that one must submit to demographic warfare and ethnic replacement … just because some pushy aliens want to colonize your ancestral territory, and parasite off your political system. Genetically unassimilable immigrants (ie, for us, nonwhites) are invaders, albeit non-military ones. They are the ones who are acting immorally, simply by inflicting their alien, culturally destructive presence upon us. (This claim is distinct from condemning the nonwhite savages who pillaged France recently. Even non-criminal migrants are to be condemned – though the treasonous governments which admit them much more so.)
Christianity is NOT a “universalist” religion in the sense that so many idiots – Christians, non-Christian leftists, non-Christian ethnonationalists – imagine it to be. Its universalism is spiritual, not temporal. To speak of “brotherhood in Christ” is to say that the offer of Christ’s salvation is not ethnically exclusive (or otherwise, eg, class-based). It has nothing to do with the regulation of human affairs, except insofar as those regulations should be brought into accordance with Christ’s teachings. But the political requirements of Christ’s commands are comparatively few, and essentially (though not wholly) what we would call “libertarian”. A Christ-centered politics would eschew war, enslavement, public worship of false gods, and a few other matters. Immigration policy is not one of them. I could make an argument that allowing mass immigration actually violates Christ’s ethics – but that would be a long presentation, and I don’t claim it would be dispositive. What I do assert as undeniable is the more limited claim that aliens do not, as a matter of Christian ethics, have a ‘right’ to impose themselves upon other societies; or, put another way, that societies are not violating Christian moral theology in enacting immigration restrictions explicitly designed to conserve ethnoculturally particular nations, or to preserve our race. I believe emigration is a moral right (or, from the Christian perspective, that governments are in ethical violation if they prevent subjects from exiting their jurisdictions and territories). But immigration is never one. I have a moral right to exit your house; but do I have a similar right to enter it without your permission?
Under true Christian moral theology, nations, too, are property – not individual private property, but also not in the moral condition of unowned external resources (like the Moon or Mars). Nations are the collective property of their longstanding inhabitants. Of course, we can parse this out much further in attempting to determine who really owns a nation, and to what extent (eg, taxpayers have greater claim on the nation than welfare parasites; ditto, arguably, military veterans, at least the ones who served in combat). But what is not deniable is that aliens have no moral claim on the nation at all.
And remember the essence of politics (in the Christian worldview): it denotes the organization and regulation of sinful men so as to enable society to exist, and humanity to continue – for whatever God’s purposes in creating men, and for however long He allows us. Anything which sows discord, or which causes harm, is to be avoided. Immigration in the postwar period has done both.
The unGreat Replacement is a function of liberalism and utopianism, not true Christianity (which is not to deny the awful role the churches have played since WW2; but let us not make the error of confusing institutional corruption with theological doctrine).
Ultimately, Christians who are sympathetic to the survival of white European people must grapple with the sentiments expressed in this article.
I think one of the biggest issues is how ancestor worship has been wiped from modern European man’s consciousness. When I say ancestor worship, I don’t necessarily mean worshipping ones ancestors as literal deities (although that could be moralizing). I mean a deep reverence and gratitude for those who came before us. I believe this would provide confidence and dignity in these challenging times. However, this has been seen as idolatrous or inconsequential for so long, that modern European man struggles with this concept in the abstract.
It is ironic that E Micheal Jones characterizes pre-Christian Europe as a time of backwards savagery; however many Catholics hold the ideal of the noble savage. IE, the noble African or Hatian will school the decedent West (now apparently the noble Jihadi). Furthermore, the Catholic church has done nothing to oppose the physical displacement of its own congregants or even make a stand against the ongoing demoralization.
It’s time to get smart Western man.
So many anti-Christians in this movement cannot see any positive knock-on effects of this because they have zero imagination. The newfound religiosity is clearly LARPing at best by confused/cosplaying America Firsters because Christianity has absolutely zero future on the national level, let alone kickstarting another Great Awakening. Yet in a (culture) war you have to throw every weapon you can at the enemy, which we all share, and America First has done more than any of the other groups combined the last few years despite its self-destructive baggage. A one-time alliance of MAGA normies with Islam in a losing battle against LGBT neoliberalism will nullify any future neocon crusade by depriving it of its erstwhile white Christian cannon fodder. It’s more about the long-term dealignment than the temporary realignment.
The anti-Christian nationalists are crazily similar to Democrat gun-control advocates. They have no actual plan on how to actually carry out their agenda. It’s all talk. So what will the de-Christianized West look like? To advocate atheism for whites is absolute insanity. Religion was the coefficient for white population explosions throughout history. Every last one of you anti-Christians (spitting on our pious distant and immediate ancestors no less) has not throught this through even remedially and it’s beyond tiresome. It’s the same zero-sum single-issue nonsense that spawned the pandemic shills mocking the ‘libertarianism’ of ‘civic nationalism vaccine-hesitancy’ because ‘you can’t simultaneously dislike blacks and vaccines.’
Reading between the lines, this Christophobia seems to be rooted in the same neoliberal hatred for ‘intolerant patriarchal’ Christian theology for all things postmodern than any of its alleged ‘civic nationalism.’ Meanwhile, this last gasp of Christian fervor is a poor man’s version of what Islamism was since 9-11. Its global militancy has all but died out in one generation, despite all the fear-mongering of the purported ‘clash of civilizations,’ because the rest of it has moved on, yet it still did significant damage to current Western prestige nonetheless before it was gone with the wind.
It is sad that Fuentes apologists have been reduced to crack-brained, 5D chess apologetics like this. You aren’t stupid, but your intelligence is nullified by your choice to shill for a sociopath. I saw it with Spencer flunkies too. Many such cases. Sad.
Oh, Lordy.
You need to read Nietzsche.
“You have zero imagination,” says the guy reading from a 2000-year-old script.
What article did you read? This article was not anti-Christian. It is exploring a very serious question – the most serious of questions – the survival of our people and our control over our homelands. We face an enemy that has declared itself our enemy based on our race. We didn’t choose that. This article asks, if you have an enemy bent on your conquest, even destruction, do you sit down and worship with him?
It asks another question, or makes another important observation. White man, you who have many tools to deal with these problems, why do you constantly defer to outsiders? Why don’t you have the moral courage and confidence to stand up for yourself? It asks, quite reasonably, could the universalist aspect of Christianity be detrimental, a poison, to the cause of the preservation of our people and homelands?
What would be helpful to me, is if you as a Christian could provide real-world examples and some clear reasoning why Christianity is essential to our people’s cause and not detrimental to it.
Christianity is like an old gauntlet that doesn’t fit, has failed before, and will fail again if seriously used. It’s just not up to the task. I see the potential of being Christian-friendly, but Christianity itself can’t be the linchpin of a movement that seeks to restore the racial and political power of the West. It is simply concerned with other things.
As for this little trend: it’s just another safe and cowardly way for the alt-lite to “say it without saying it.” It’s having dissident rightist sentiments but muzzling them and hiding them behind Christ. These people are weak, ashamed, and two-faced for saying one thing while meaning another. Heil Christ Akhbar? Don’t make me laugh. The lengths to which some people will go just to avoid saying “It’s okay to be white”…
A sideshow, indeed. A distraction. Possibly even an engineered psyop.
Over the past 8 or 9 years, all one needed to do to determine the gullibility and hollowness of any given “movement” person was to observe how eagerly they went all-in for the whole “Christ Iz Kang” boondoggle.
It’s especially telling that someone would think a good way to get back at the Jews would be to base your entire belief system on a belief system that uses the Old Testament as its bedrock. Way to show them Jews who’s boss, guys—by worshiping Judaism’s god. Brilliant stuff. I’m legitimately impressed at the tricks your mind is able to play on you.
For all the endless babbling about “degeneracy,” what escapes notice is that nearly everyone’s ability to reason is severely degenerating.
Christianity and Islam are nothing more but perversions of Old Testament theology. They are the metaphysical equivalents of 70s sitcom spinoffs—if the Torah is The Mary Tyler Moore Show, then the New Testament is Rhoda, and the Koran is Phyllis.
You can be assured that you will protect white demographics by following a religion whose founders never set foot in Europe and whose adherents worldwide are majority nonwhite.
Is Christianity pro-nationalism? Jeepers, I wonder what The Bible says about it?
The spinoff analogy is one of the funniest things I’ve read.
That said, I’m happy to know that Christianity is the slightly better spinoff.
I was raised in a Christian household and it was great (I understand yours wasn’t. Fortunately, we are Mennonites and not Catholics). We have a close-knit family and I was instilled with many great values. We are, shall I say, anti-flavour of the month, at least regarding whatever modern beliefs we’re supposed to hold dear.
That said, I credit living in a minority-majority neighbourhood, and not Jesus “Rhoda” Christ, for why I am an ethnonationalist.
Christianity as a trait of the dissident right movement is fine as long is it’s not central or mandatory for people to be a part of. After all, I’d rather live with non-believing whites than religious blacks.
My main problem with the whole movement is not even that Christianity is overemphasized, though this does bother me.
The worst thing is how unlikable guys like Fuentes are and how much they water down the racial component.
Is there anything worse than listening to a whiny virgin who loves rap music talk about how we all need to be Catholic? Or listening to an old Bill Nye impersonator who thinks race isn’t real and that Protestants are bad tell me I’ve got to be Catholic.
Who actually wants to follow these guys into battle? And what’s going on with Catholics?
@Jim Goad
Christianity and Islam are nothing more but perversions of Old Testament theology.
How is Islam nothing but a “perversion” of Old Testament theology?
Let’s see some evidence in this regard.
I thought it was self-evident. It’s an Abrahamic religion that recognizes Moses and Abraham as prophets of God. Then it went off on its own tangent.
Do you have some kind of alarm clock that buzzes every time someone mentions Islam?
@Jim Goad
It’s an Abrahamic religion that recognizes Moses and Abraham as prophets of God.
It recognizes them, first and foremost, as Muslims.
No; Abraham in truth was not a Jew, neither a Christian; but he was a Muslim and one pure of faith; certainly he was never of the idolaters.
In addition, we are not asked to revere the misbehaving children of Israel. The Sacred Word puts them in their place.
Secondly, this term, “Abrahamic religion”, is a vacuous set of words first appeared in the 19th century. It then became fashionable in the 90s and aughts. The increasing focus in political analyses on the Zionist cancer and the Palestinian struggle and the globalist sponsored “inter-faith dialogue” farce aided its proliferation in the mass communications.
We honor Prophets Ibrahim and Moses [Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them] as some of the noblest of Men to have ever walked on earth not because they appear in the Old Testament. We accept them because the Noble Qur’an recognizes them.
This is a very critical point because the term “Abrahamic religion” implies that Prophet Ibrahim [PBUH] is the center of gravity. Well, he is not.
Why isn’t Islam called a “Mosaic religion”? After all, the name of Prophet Moses [Peace be Upon him] occurs more frequently.
There are Zoroastrians who claim that the whole enterprise was a Persian operation that later went out of control.
The conceptual structure of the term, thus, collapses under close examination.
Another term is “Mohammedanism”. It was an attempt by some Western scholars to create a suffix-laden proper noun for Islam like “Judaism” and “Christianity“. It went nowhere.
Unlike the other two systems, we do have a name for ours which is free from any suffixes or prefixes. It is Islam.
Do you have some kind of alarm clock that buzzes every time someone mentions Islam?
.. 🙂 ..!!
No. But I think, Mr. Goad, as a Muslim, I can share a different perspective. Hence, I sometimes make interventions like these.
Thank you for this article. I grew up in a strong Evangelical home, and what you have written tracks with my experience. Many Christians hold their *faith* as ultimate reality, anterior to a knowledge of the physical (biological) world. I recall a church acquaintance I knew telling me that if honey tasted sweet but the Bible taught that honey was sour, the Bible was correct and not his taste buds. Another acquaintance who claims to be staunchly against “cultural Marxism” nevertheless refuses to discuss race (because in Christ, there is no race), and repeats the mantra “race is a social construct” whenever the topic arises.
I have since come to understand that religion is a function of biology ( and — like civilization — is born, matures, decays and dies until it is rebirthed into something new.
Christianity can’t “save” Western Civilization because it, too, has entered winter.
Seems like a lot of the critiques of Christianity tend to boil down to it not being a ethnic religion exclusively for Europeans. But according to Christians, it is the universal truth, so why wouldn’t it be a universal religion? I don’t think Christianity and Nationalism are mutually exclusive to eachother. Anymore than acknowledging that water is wet or the sky is blue just because non-whites acknowledge that as well.
Moreover, what is the alternative and replacement for Christianity? Atheism/Agnosticism has caused absolute devastation among Whites and most pagan revival faiths tend not to be spiritual and center on pagan gods who are representative of Jungian archetypes. I don’t think either of those are suitable replacements.
Not only isn’t Christanity “an ethnic religion exclusively for Europeans,” it’s not from Europe and its followers are majority non-European worldwide.
It’s baffling why this needs to be explained so often, but a “universal religion” is the theological equivalent of a “global government.”
And because it is universal/global/intergalactic, Christianity actively seeks to erase all ethnic differences. This must be the 1,000th time I’m posting this verse, but here goes again:
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” —Galatians 3:28
It would be silly to conclude that because water is wet and the sky is blue, we’re all the same. But Christianity insists we’re all the same.
Atheism/Agnosticism has caused absolute devastation among Whites
Jews are disproportionately atheistic and agnostic, and they seem to be doing pretty well. If whites can’t function without believing in Semitic myths, that doesn’t reflect very well on whites.
Moreover, what is the alternative and replacement for Christianity?
How about pulling your head out of the clouds and realizing the battle is on the ground?
That’s not really true, most saints and early Popes were from Europe and/or were typically of Latin, Greek or Illyrian extraction. For example, Pope Linus, the successor Pope to Peter was a Latin Roman. It is true that most of the Apostles would have kind of passed for Jewish, but they were heavily Hellenized and the Jews of 2,000 years ago are not necessarily the same people that are around today.
“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” —Galatians 3:28
This verse is often cherry picked out of context. Yes, technically we are all equal in a sense before God. But that does not mean that there are no differences between ethnicities and races, by the same token that verse is never taken to mean that women and men don’t exist either.
Atheism has devastated Jews as well. Most American Jews are atheist/agnostic and very few of them are having children and the few that are, intermarry with non-Jews. If current trends continue, non-religious American Jews will not be demographically relevant by the end of this century.
Moreover, as Europeans, we need a spiritual faith to survive. As a people, we do not do well in nihilistic and materialistic environments. Spiritual health is something that is vital to our existence as a people.
Yes, technically we are all equal in a sense before God. But that does not mean that there are no differences between ethnicities and races, by the same token that verse is never taken to mean that women and men don’t exist either.
That verse means that WITHIN CHRISTIANITY, we are all the same. So Christianity is completely irrelevant to our differences and will be a hindrance, rather than an aid, in emphasizing and preserving those differences.
How does quoting a Bible verse that explicitly states Christianity puts religion before race constitute “cherry picking”?
Can you name a single Christian denomination worldwide that, as a matter of policy, excludes nonwhites? If not, what’s going to stop a worldwide borderless infiltration of churches?
I noticed you’ve kept mum on the fact that modern Christianity is a majority nonwhite religion worldwide. But please do elucidate on how a mythological system that was concocted in the Levant and whose adherents are mostly nonwhite is essential for European survival. I’m all ears.
I’m not sure why “Pope Linus” somehow got dragged into the discussion. He became Pope more than a generation after Jesus—assuming he ever existed—died. He became Pope around the same time that the first of the four Gospels—which contradict the hell out of one another—were written.
The point stands—neither Jesus, nor his apostles, nor Saint Paul were Europeans. Neither were any of the Old Testament figures from whom they derived their belief system on which they built a whole heap of new heresies.
Christianity is Semitic in origin and is based on the Torah. I’ll repeat it: The religion is not from Europe. Just because there might be a movie theater in Zimbabwe doesn’t mean that cinema is from Africa.
Neither Jesus, nor his apostles, nor Saint Paul were Europeans.
OK, so the Jews of yesteryear might not be the same Jews as today. But today’s Pope isn’t even from the same hemisphere as Europe, either latitudinally or longitudinally.
Moreover, as Europeans, we need a spiritual faith to survive.
What’s your evidence for that? Like, can you send me a link that proves that, or is it just an empty assertion? Have you ever looked a map of the world that shows where religious belief is strongest? It’s usually in low-IQ shitholes such as Africa and the Middle East. And, of course, religious belief is stronger among women than men. So in the greater scheme of things, “spirituality” is for chicks and dummies.
From my experience, the only thing you need to survive is a survival instinct. I’ve been through ordeals that would have killed a thousand weaker humans, and amazingly enough, I didn’t need to believe in some perpetually pissed-off and vengeful Semitically invented deity who, in his public statements, has a tendency to constantly contradict himself to get through these ordeals. The survival instinct is biological and has nothing to do with ancient fairy tales. Whites are getting attacked based on their biological markers, not their religious beliefs. Christianity is a complete distraction and an entirely irrelevant one.
I’d say Christianity is a “mixed bag” as far as its “Europeanness” is concerned, and it has morphed several times throughout history. It grew out of ancient Judaism, but was in many ways opposed to it, notably to the rabid ethnocentrism (Jewish nationalism) of the Old Testament (which, somewhat ironically, would later serve as a sort counterbalance to the anti- nationalism of the New Testament, transferring the idea of a “chosen people” to other nations). There are ideas in it that have a pagan/indoeuropean origin rather than a semitic one, such as the death and resurrection/rebirth of a God. The “heavenly father” of Jesus has seemingly not much in common with the vengeful Yahwe of the Old Testament, and this was noted quite early by some considered as heretics such Marcion, who wanted to drop the OT from the canon. But eventually it had to be maintained because of the importance that was attributed to the alleged messianic prophecies pointing to Jesus.
Palestine at the time of Christ was a Roman province and hellenized to a great extent, so there were quite a lot of European influences at work. St. Paul and those who wrote the gospels (in Koine Greek) were hellenized Jews, some of them quite hostile to the Jews such as St. John. In the first centuries AD the catholic doctrine was set up by the church fathers who were mostly non-Jews and Europeans who had a great deal of knowledge of the antique classics. Spreading through the Roman empire which adopted it as a state religion, it became quickly a mostly European thing, mixing with pagan traditions, especially when the Germanic tribes adopted it. In that process its understanding changed and was moulded into new forms. Eventually it became the centre of European/Occidental identity, and this is a big reason why many right wingers stay attached to it. When Europeans conquered the world, “Christianisation” and “Europeanisation” were basically the same. The baptizing of non-white races led to new mixes, understandings and morphings.
Jim Goad:
“Not only isn’t Christianity ‘an ethnic religion exclusively for Europeans,’ it’s not from Europe and its followers are majority non-European worldwide.”
I’ve been thinking about this a lot the past couple of years.
“If whites can’t function without believing in Semitic myths, that doesn’t reflect very well on whites.”
I’ve been thinking about this a lot, too.
It’s good, DF, that Jim’s statements of fact have you thinking. Christianity is not grounded in reality and has many of our people worshipping their enemy’s tribal deity. Think about how stupid that is.
I only discovered this article today. I was aware of Andrew “Christ is king” Torba, owner of the large Gab free speech platform, but unaware of Nick “Christ is king” Fuentes, Alex Jones and the others who push the Semitic trash on our people. Thanks for the informative essay, Pox Populi.
As a biological racist, a racial nationalist, I recognize that Our Cause must have a spiritual foundation, a belief system grounded in Nature and the preservation of our European race — not in ancient Middle Eastern Jewish myths. I enjoyed reading Jim Goad’s comments under this article more than the article itself because he consistently cuts to the chase. It’s too bad that his entertaining points of fact are “balanced,” practically drowned out by Christian apologists.
The title of the essay being what it is, I was expecting to read about alternatives to Christianity for our people, especially mention of Cosmotheism, but not a word.
Some more independent-minded race realists may enjoy Cosmotheism founder’s speech from 1977: Dr. William Pierce – Cosmotheism: Wave of the Future – National Alliance Video (
After listening to that speech one may come to understand why the ADL labeled Pierce “the most dangerous man in America.”
Deep inside all of us, in our race-soul, there is a source of divine wisdom, of ages-old wisdom, of wisdom as old as the Universe. That is the wisdom, the truth, of Cosmotheism. It is a truth of which most of us have been largely unconscious all our lives, but which now we have the opportunity to understand clearly and precisely.
Thus, William Pierce bids men and women of European race to understand ourselves and our purpose.
Dr. William Luther Pierce’s Cosmotheism is not a revealed religion but is instead what he called a natural religion: It rejects all of the claimed supernatural “revelations” which find their way onto shining golden plates or ancient scrolls, instead having its basis in the realities of Nature that our eyes — and the investigations of science — have confirmed. In the drama of the evolution of life from non-living matter, and of higher and more conscious beings from lower forms of life, William Pierce sees a path of purpose and destiny for us.
This new, definitive book provides the reader with the only guide to Cosmotheism published by the Cosmotheist Church itself. In effect, it is the Cosmotheist bible. It contains all of William Pierce’s important Cosmotheist works, including the Cosmotheist Trilogy, his essays from internal National Alliance and Cosmotheist Community publications, and his lectures at the Community’s first gatherings in Arlington, Virginia in the 1970s…
Available, here: Cosmotheism: Religion of the Future by William Pierce – Cosmotheism (
Desert Flower
August 18, Jim Goad:
“Not only isn’t Christianity ‘an ethnic religion exclusively for Europeans,’ it’s not from Europe and its followers are majority non-European worldwide.”
I’ve been thinking about this a lot the past couple of years.
I heard somewhere recently that the jews have a plan to use Islam as the brush to sweep Christians and whites from Europe. It may be a sinister plan or a myth but Muslims are doing just this in major cities such as London and elsewhere. There is enough division between white groups – Christian or otherwise, that needs to be overcome. We have centuries of white sectarianism between Protestants and Catholics never mind the most recent division (highlighted on here by Travis Le Blanc’s interview with Mystic) whereby there was a split a few months ago by PA and his new movement, a nationalist movement in the Highlands. Good luck to them but it’s another example of the right splintering into another People’s Front of Judea.
We do not need to be 100% unified, that’s totally unrealistic but to propose jumping on board with people who literally believe they don’t live in the same century as us, hate us, and who for the vast majority of its followers find us alien to them (as we do them) would be akin to opening up even more opportunity for the muzzie to seek access and concessions to what is rightfully our Europe and North America.
“The West is free-falling down the slippery slope of degeneracy and perversion.”
Demographic clock ticks on and whitey is still moaning about the gays. Snore. Ten points to Gryffindor for working out that Christianity is just the Righteous Indignation Club, but good luck trying to win points outside of Christianity with the trashy complaining about “degeneracy.” We had witch burnings once, and Mr. Smith, Mr. Wesson and American hegemony will make sure they never, ever happen again, so good luck with your browbeating and snark.
How many gay people are having kids? And how many children do you think post op trans zoomers are going to have?
One need not be religious to know that the egalitarian fanaticism of today is far more of a threat to our posterity than Christianity ever was.
Fighting cultural decline can be done by religious and secular whites alike.
The Right has been bellyaching about “Cultural Decline” since the year dot and it hasn’t removed a single non-white or even produced any culture.
That’s mostly true. That’s because we’ve just bellyached.
But we can do things to help our cause, and right-wingers are far more likely to do it than left-wingers as far as immigration is concerned.
DeSantis, while imperfect, is actually doing things and right-wingers in general are far more likely to deport foreigners than lefties.
We should do our best to appeal to white centrists, apolitical whites, and even some white liberals, in addition to conservatives
But there is no use in chasing a constituency that barely exists – pro-white progressives.
The only leftist party doing anything good for us these days is the Social Democratic Party in Denmark, and I commend them for it.
This rot about “degeneracy”, “decadence” and “perversion” is alienating to everyone except the eternally snobby. After having been on the Internet Right since 2011, I’m convinced that nothing matters to the Right except loudly complaining about how other white people ought to spend their time, and all the racialist stuff is just a pretext to complain louder.
Not just the conquistador Spaniards, but even early christianity was globalist. In the early Middle Ages it functioned like a proto-EU: bribing new member states with promises of wealth, or getting kings to betray the wishes of their subjects and join anyway. They even declared war to force people to join (if anybody tells you the crusades were about defending Europeans from Islam they’re an idiot who doesn’t know what they’re talking about), though time will tell if the modern EU does that.
“Fuentes is called an anti-Semite, but really his only gripe with the Jews is that they killed Jesus.”
Not some fan of Fuentes here. But that’s completely false. He enjoys ranting about Jewish/Zionist power and influence in America all the time. In fact, I saw a clip of him going on some urban hip-hop podcast recently and discussing why questioning the Holocaust is such a taboo and Hitler is considered more evil than Stalin in America with a bunch of blacks.
I’m commenting down here because after a certain number of replies, one can’t reply to a thread anymore.
That was a very fair assessment of Christianity’s history. And I’ve never disputed that for a long time, “Christendom” was almost synonymous with “the European project.”
But that time has long passed, and LARPing by gazing into a rear-view mirror while we’re driving 90MPH into a brick wall is foolish and ultimately doomed to fail.
One thing that leftists get right, and it gives them a tremendous advantage, is that they realize we’re not living in the 1300s anymore.
I certainly agree, for the simple fact that most people in the West do not and will not believe in the Christian doctrine anymore, at least not in the serious way of centuries ago. A “return to faith” on a mass scale is extremely unlikely. It will remain an option for certain groups and individuals though.
But that time has long passed, and LARPing by gazing into a rear-view mirror while we’re driving 90MPH into a brick wall is foolish and ultimately doomed to fail.
Granting this, the question remains, What is the role of the Catholic Church in European society? Here we have an ancient institution in which, according to Ezra Pound (see Guide to Kulchur), the work of building Western Civilisation was done. How are we to act in relation to an institution, which, I argue, is now, and ever shall be? Do we as a people want to merely exist, now? or do we want to reclaim that which is rightfully ours? If not the latter, I’ve no interest in this project; if so, we must recognise that the Catholic Church is must as much ours as is our homelands, and that re-ownership of it is just as essential to our survival.
The Catholic Church isn’t my anything except my oppressor, and their constant feeding of Africans both in Europe and overseas is one of their tools of oppression.
Greece and Rome built Western Civilization. Pagan Hellas and Roma, by the way. The Catholic Church retarded and set back European Civilization.
Very good article. The sad thing is that so many thinkers and politicians of the right have pointed out the flaws and contradictions of christianity a long time ago, yet still many still defend or preach it. If anything, this is the proof that we are not superior. In a way we are as supersticious and easy to fool by nice memes, as anybody else. Just read Revilo P. Oliver or Dietrich Eckart and that’s more than enough to know what’s up.
Another problem is that even people who are no christians can get dragged into this rabbithole. Look at Adam Green who now spends all his shows trying to prove that christianity is a psyop by the j’s. All this talmudic, kabbalistic esoteric stuff can drive people insane, despite the apparent connections to history and politics. I try to stay far away from these types.
Adam Green is doing damn good work. I have no idea why you’re criticising him.
In Harold Covington’s Northwest novels, the Whites who create the new ethnostate are a coalition of Christians, Pagans and National Socialists. It is the role of the National Socialists to mediate and create a sane set of compromise agreements between the Christians and the Pagans, to keep the new nation from falling apart.
Xtianity is an Alexandrian School (jew) slave morality that is designed to invert the Aryan values of strength, pride, honor, and replace them with guilt, pity, self-flagellation, and also strip Europeans of our will to power. It is the reason we’re in the mess we’re in.
You can’t be pro-European and support this garbage.
And yet Christian Europeans conquered the whole world before letting it slip through their fingers from 1905 onwards, arguably just as Christianity began to really lose its hold on the Western mind, which hold admittedly was taken up by Christianity’s bastard child Liberalism.
Would Europe have risen to such heights without 1600 years of Christianity? We will never know.
Holy shit, Eva, now I can at last marry you as a sincere catholic. Together we can uncuck the catholic church, by removing all leftist cucks from Vatican and our local churches. There is btw beautiful Wehrmacht-song idealizing knightly and romantic love of a german soldier towards blonde dutch girl: “In Holland steht ein Klinkerstein”. I know, maybe she is anti-nazi, and doesn’t even know this song, and would reject me as a nazi, but if she would be living in those good old days, she would be 100percent nazi, she would certainly be leader of the dutch nazi girls. I know, this is off the topic, but I truly hate these religious shitstorms. I’m a positive christian catholic. My race is my religion.
Conservatives and Christians teaming up with based X is just white cucking. It’s clearly not coming from any philosophical position or even something you could call psychology, it’s purely a neurological white reaction to be confronted with the savage untamed Other, which we are not adapted for.
And it’s not confined to Christianity. It’s a White problem. I’m reminded of that complete meltdown with Curt Doolittle some years ago at that event. That’s white people reacting in spectacularly stupid and unhelpful ways to the presence of joggers out of fear and conflict avoidance. But a lot of white people will do that automatically.
I also think the LGBT++++ obsession has a powerful strategic value for our enemies that we may never fully understand, but it acts as a decoy and cover for the race and immigration issue and gets people focused on the latest tranny and homosexual outrages being forced down everyone’s throats.
Indeed its purpose may be to actually unite different races either in favor, or in opposition to it – with the resulting clash, so that the Jewish plutocrats and corporations wielding LGBT as a monstrous cultural weapon are perpetually protected and well obscured. Either way, they win. It’s a brilliant trap.
Religious stuff has a lot to do with it, because religious stuff has a lot to do with things that nationalists can’t handle.
The nationalists can do nothing about the physical extinction of the European peoples. And this is the main problem. This is because atheist nationalists and pagan nationalists have no antidote to gender socialism and promiscuity, which leads to an environment in which children become a rarity. The only ones who have European children are separate Christian denominations (Laestadianism, Old Believers, and so on). The main place where you can really meet a young good European girl who is family-minded, without waiting for her thirtieth birthday and a sea of casual relationships with other men, is the church and various stories related to church life directly, such as organized volunteer activities. Of course, this does not apply to every church, you will not find anyone in a church that only childless pensioners go to, but at least other churches exist.
I probably shouldn’t promote an Arktos title here on C-C, but Julien Langella’s book remains the best treatment of this issue. In a nutshell, it has to do with the Order of Charity (Aquinas) and the differential incarnation of the divine in each people and race.
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