President Donald Trump is the avatar of white America — its embodiment — and any attack on him is an attack on the historic American nation. The only way that this ends without an explosion of political violence and a second civil war is if Trump survives the campaign and goes on to win the upcoming election against the most corrupt system in the history of modernity.
Although the recent movie Civil War was apolitical in its message, it did nonetheless depict hypothetical internecine strife between fictional secessionist forces and an embattled American President and gave voice to real anxiety in the zeitgeist.
The notion that America is descending into chaos and is more divided now than ever before is a tangible reality. It is borne out by statistics, graphs, and opinion polls, but perhaps more importantly it is something that everyone can feel when they read the news, talk to their neighbors, or even breathe the air. When it is not being loud and strident, political division is one of the unspoken assumptions of our time.
In the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe, the Emperor of Mankind was betrayed by his Primarch-son, Horus. The concomitant galaxy-spanning civil war, known as the Horus Heresy, culminated in a titanic battle between the two on Horus’ flagship, the Vengeful Spirit, orbiting above Holy Terra itself. Although Horus was defeated in this titanic battle, the Emperor was mortally wounded. To keep him alive, he was then interred upon the Golden Throne, a great machine with an arcane life-support system, where he sits in perpetuity as the guardian of Mankind. His wounding was part of his apotheosis; thereafter he was worshipped as a god.[1]
Trump was wounded much like the Emperor of Mankind. Trump will be God-Emperor once again if we make it so, and it is crucial that we do.
Whether people want to admit to it or not, America is the linchpin of the West. If America falls to globalism and is demographically swamped by the hordes of the Third World, the West as a whole will be lost forever. America is the ultimate prize for those who hate the Western world; and Trump has been its most ardent defender in recent memory. For all his flaws and past mistakes, he remains the most feared National Populist in the world. Hence we have seen the most comprehensive campaign of vilification and hatred ever employed against a political figure in history, one that has culminated in this past weekend’s assassination attempt. Spencer J. Quinn is quite right that America is being “held together by nothing more than Donald Trump’s life.”
I would go further in saying that Western civilization is at stake, and by extension, the whole world.[2] Greg Johnson expressed a similar sentiment: “We should weigh our every word, our every deed, as if the fate of the world is entirely on our shoulders. It focuses the mind wonderfully.”[3]
In his study of political violence in the Weimar Republic, Dirk Shumann states that
the exercise of physical coercion that essentially takes place collectively, can be aimed at both objects as well as individuals or groups, and whose actors, seek — by selecting a specific target — to simultaneously strike a blow against the political system as a whole or against a political concept regarded as hostile.[4]

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The Year America Died here.
Political violence and assassination attempts are not new phenomena as there are countless examples throughout history and across the world. Today, they are the expected tactics employed by the tyrannical regimes of the Third World, and yet, in the cradle of civilization and indeed in the very heart of liberal democracy itself, it has reared its ugly, tentacled head.
It makes perfect sense that his enemies would attempt to disrupt a political rally in 2024. One of the keys to Trump’s electoral success in the campaign of 2015-2016 was his use of stadium-sized venues to speak, and it was obvious that he was masterful in the use of social media at that time to bypass the establishmentarian prestige media and address the people directly. Twitter, in conjunction with mass rallies, was the secret to his campaigning success.
His willingness to address the most forbidden subjects in American political culture precipitated his success. Greg Johnson points out that Trump broke several taboos, including the “Republican gentlemen’s agreement to never broach populist measures like immigration restriction and protectionism.” Secondly, he helped “reorient political debate” away from the perfunctory Republican-versus-Democrat dichotomy and toward “nationalism and populism versus globalism and elitism.” Moreover, he “triggered the Left to drop the mask of sanity.”[5]
He broke those taboos and articulated assumptions that were hitherto silent. The majority’s wishes were finally answered. For that faux pas, Trump was vilified in the most sustained campaign of hatred in the history of the United States.
Trump had to be made of adamantium to weather the firestorm of vitriol, lawfare, and the power of the managerial state that was transfixed in its hatred of him. Like the evil eye of the camera lens that objectively captures a soldier’s death, the deep state has been fixated on bringing Trump down by almost any means necessary.[6] The assassination attempt on him indicates the regime’s willingness to take that last step: to use political violence and murder to eliminate him.
The regime is playing with fire, and has been for a long time. This latest incident, however, is a marked escalation in their campaign of full-spectrum violence against Trump and the American people. From bird-dogging, wrap-up smears, unending lawfare, Black Lives Matter and antifa rioting, and anti-police violence, this is the regime acting in desperation in order to eliminate the one man who they have not been able to break. At this point, whatever happens the Biden/Obama presidency will fall and the God-Emperor will take his rightful place once again.
[1] Adam Troke et al., Warhammer 40,000 (Nottingham: Games Workshop, 2012), ix, 168.
[2] This is an adaptation and paraphrase of Martin Heidegger’s response to Ernst Jünger regarding the essence of nihilism in Martin Heidegger, The Question of Being, trans. William Kluback and Jean T. Wilde (New York: Twayne Publishers Inc., 1958), 39.
[3] Greg Johnson, “The 2018 Midterm Elections: A Near-Death Experience?” in The Year America Died (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2021), 45.
[4] Dirk Schumann, Political Violence in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933: Fight for the Streets and Fear of Civil War, trans. Thomas Dunlap (New York: Berghahn Books, 2009), xvii.
[5] See also Greg Johnson, “Why White Nationalists Like Andrew Yang,” in The Year America Died, 48-49.
[6] For a discussion of the camera lens as an “insensitive and invulnerable eye,” please see Ernst Jünger, On Pain, trans. David C. Durst (New York: Telos Press Pub., 2008), 39-40.
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“Trump was wounded much like the Emperor of Mankind. Trump will be God-Emperor once again if we make it so, and it is crucial that we do.”
Is he pro-White?
This nonsense of seeing ourselves and our people in Trump has to end.
The reality TV star will do nothing to improve the quality of life of White people. He will not act to slow the degradation of our culture, nor preserve us from black and brown affrontery and criminality. He will oversee our further dispossession, by not deporting 40 m illegals and by stepping up the importation of tens of millions of H1b visa Indians. He will permit the further undermining of our rights and privacy by the surveillance state. He will not insure domestic tranquility. He is on course to go to war against Iran– thereby threatening wider war with Russia and China– on behalf of a foreign power and degenerate elites. And he will draw in White men to fight in that war.
Yet this is the moment to strike at the Achilles heel of The Regime. I doubt we are organized yet, but we should be doing all we can to organize. Organize what? A mass walkout by the White men already enlisted and by those they want to enlist.
Want a draft? Dodge it and make them enforce it. The lynchpin of their Revolution and overthrow of America is all based on hatred for White men. Yet for now they need us to fight and win their wars. We can flip the table over by walking away. Let their billionaires and their kids go to their homeland and fight their war of territorial consolidation and expansion.
His speech at the RNC referenced everyone but white people, again. He made multiple overtures to multiculturalism in the speech. I think he will be better on immigration and the economy than Biden. In foreign policy, I think he will probably allow for a resolution of the Russia-Ukraine war, but also give a blank check (possibly literal and metaphorical) to Israel.
Overall I’d say he’s the better option, but those who still enthusiastically support him and are trudging back up these 2015-2016 memes and talking points are going to be yet again disappointed.
He is more pro-white than any president in the last 50 or 100 years, or even any major candidate save George Wallace. At some level the symbolism is important on its own, to reinvigorate White ownership of our civilization. Is he everything we could hope for? Of course not. Is he the best we can expect for now? If you think otherwise, simply recall John McCain, Bob Dole, or Jeb Bush.
The Ship of State alters course gradually; we will not go from a black Muslim to Kaiser Wilhelm in one step.
Trump failed to deliver on his promises last time. Let’s hope he really is playing five-dimensional chess and has a plan to do the exact opposite of what he’s promising for next year. #not optimistic
Whether people want to admit to it or not, America is the linchpin of the West.
A rotten to the core linchpin of the hopelessly degradated, or maybe even already dead West.
“…maybe even already dead West”
My thoughts exactly.
There are now dedicated YouTube channels for England, Ireland, and others all bemoaning the fact that European cities are now Third World. We moan. We wait for the Man on Horseback.
Can’t we see no man can do a Mussolini II after a century of treason and inertia? When we do more than moan — risk something creatively — some power will push us forward. Bellyacheing is not creative and it’s the opposite of risk. The other side loves hearing us bitch.
If I get elected dictator, I’ll make the trains run on time, and then some!
We wait for the Man on Horseback.
Well, maybe again some Barbarian from the Eastern Steppe should come to annihilate the rotten order and to bring to life something new. Attila Baba, the emperor of Huns, has ultimately destroyed (already dead) Roman Empire and given birth to the new “Barbarian” kingdoms, which were much more vital and powerful than the rotten former ancient civilisation. Chingiz Kaan has destroyed (already dead or half-dead) Chinese empire and some Central Asian (of Persian culture) states and brought a new life to this region. Spanish Conquistadors has done the same with the degradated Mesoamerican and South American kingdoms.
Who will do this for the West of today? Putin’s Russia, an openly Asiatic country now, or even Red China? The problem is that they both are not better than the West, only they are somekind “differently” bad.
White Americans can win for ourselves and our posterity by joining a pro-white group to spread the message. Any amount of action toward this goal is a good thing. So let’s all get out there, and do something. Let’s encourage ourselves by acting well.
Join the American Freedom Party so we can set up an Ethnostate just for White Folks! We can win for White America! You got this, everyone!
White American: July 20, 2024 White Americans can win for ourselves and our posterity by joining a pro-white [sic] group to spread the message… Join the American Freedom Party …
You are right that all White Americans should join a pro-White group, White American. That will never happen; we’re too far gone for that. The greater pro-White “movement” is all over the board, disarrayed and not organized. What’s needed is the focus of an ice pick, not a scattergun.
We will not vote our way out of the mess this country is in, either with “Emperor Trump’s” GOP or with the nominally pro-White, populist AFP.
There is no one to save us — and no way to save us — under the present System that exists in the United States. We must create our own system, our own new nation. We must start by forming our own local communities and build from there….
No one said surviving and prevailing will be easy, but those of us determined to preserve our race must physically separate ourselves, and do so with a sound plan, like the one highlighted above from the National Alliance, formulated by our giant leader, Dr. William Pierce, not by voting in the current mass democratic system that is terminally rigged against us. See that simple, sound plan, here: “What is the National Alliance?” at
No, no, no!
Once the conversation has started with summoning the courage to accept and name the problem each of us is only a fireside chat from the full raft of solutions and a burning flame of righteous zeal. The West will be whole again.
only a fireside chat
So, so true. Hence the establishment terror of nascent populism wherever they find it.
One thing I’ve been thinking about lately is how the distinction between “economic” and “cultural” issues has facilitated elite disregard of the popular will. The people want an economically collectivist country with moderate social conservatism. By offering one party that is “socially liberal” and another that is “fiscally conservative” or whatever term they’re using nowadays, the establishment creates the appearance that elections have consequences and thereby legitimize their pretensions to democratic accountability.
Though, I suppose in fact the consequences are real and not merely apparent in the short term. When the Democrats win, they spend all their political capital pushing their cultural agenda, ignoring the “working people” they once at least pretended to represent. When the Republicans win, they spend all their political capital pushing their “free traitor” agenda, ignoring the social issues the people elected them to sort out.
The choice is this: Would you like your elites to prioritize sucking you dry and undermining your living standards for the next X number of years? Or shall we instead concentrate on desecrating everything you hold sacred and creating as much chaos and despair as possible for the time being? In the long run, though, you get more or less the same result as if there no elections at all: constant leftward drift that accelerates with time.
Perhaps the most disturbing and destructive aspect of this dynamic is that the Democrats, having no real opposition, must actually manufacture it in order to mobilize their supporters. The Republicans are always a dire threat to someone’s most basic human dignity and rights, and must always be. Hence, constant mission creep.
Equal rights aren’t enough any more so now we need 30% women in the Secret Service or whatever it is. Women look foolish in front of the whole world attempting to discharge duties they are not suited for and reactionaries capitalize on this, even though such quotas aren’t and never have been a priority for any but the most radical feminists. The existence of said reactionaries, in turn, provides the rationale for the continued hysteria about women’s rights that is needed to drive negative voting on the left. Likewise with sexuality and gender issues. What is it going to be after transmania? A polyamory putsch, I suspect.
It is noteworthy that the last major initiative to help traditional Democrat bread-and-butter voters was about health care, an issue that old people care about. As David Zsutty has astutely pointed out, gerontocracy is a huge problem. Just look at the churches. They are dying because they are run by and for the elderly, most of whom have no idea what is involved in getting a large family ready for church by 9:00 am so they can keep their brunch dates or whatever.
Instead of just two days to sleep in, Dad only gets one, and of course Mom is in no mood for worship after yelling at her kids for two hours, so noone is happy to be there. There’s no paid babysitter during service, just another exhausted mom whom you feel guilty about burdening with any but the most obedient child. For all that, the most you can expect from these ex-Christian factories is some pathetic dumbed-down Sunday school lesson that will do nothing to prepare children to give reasons for the hope that is in their hearts (1 Peter 3:15).
But I’m rambling. The point is this, the young have the most to lose from the disintegration of their countries. Here I was ready to go and vote for Trump again after the shooting, thinking that I should at least send a message to the establishment that assassination attempts will not serve their interests, when Trump goes and picks a traitor, and a competent one at that, as his running mate. The H1B scandal is particularly outrageous, because those were the jobs that Americans were promised would replace all the manufacturing jobs destroyed by offshoring.
Yet, young people do not understand this, because they have been trained to separate “economic” and “cultural” issues. The article that put me in this damned foul mood this morning:
Speaking of cultural issues, just as I expected:
Only now parents have less power than they did in the past to, say, object to their childrens’ private parts being cut off. I’m far too cynical to see that as a coincidence.
The movie Civil War ended with the successionist Patriots capturing the White House, gunning down media propagandists and executing the President for his crimes against the American people which the film does depict but indirectly for those with eyes to see. I didn’t see it as apolitical rather I saw it as a direct analogy to what we should be hoping to achieve, that is to say winning the war of annihilation being waged against us by a corrupt and illegitimate regime. The movie depicts what it will truly take to make America great (and truly FREE) again.
“The God-Emperor” who grovels at the feet of Zionist demons.
I would go further in saying that Western civilization is at stake, and by extension, the whole world.
The “Western civilization” self-destructed itself in the first half of the last century. That moment passed long ago.
Sentences like the one quoted above may appear deep when written or uttered but, in reality, they are vacuous. They are now devoid of any meaning.
Also, if a personality like Trump is the hope of a people then that “civilization” should already be considered dead.
May Allah protect Whites from charlatans and swindlers and their evil-temptations !!! (Amen)
That civilisation is dead since 1789, when the Untermenschen at first time took the power.
@Kök Böri
I chose the first half of last century because back then almost all of the globe was under the political domination of European powers. Together their colonial possessions were even larger than that of the Mongols at their pinnacle.
However, between 1914 and 1945, the overconfident political elites of White Western civilization put the resilience of their civilization to test.
They decided to play Russian roulette with their future generations.
Well, guess what? The cylinder was full. The first attempt blew the brains out.
Now, one may find some aesthetic value in the corpse of this civilization, but it is still a corpse. A lifeless object.
What will emerge in the coming decades and centuries will be entirely different.
The Western Man will overcome this state of spiritual darkness. But, in the process, I don’t think, he will take a lot of inspiration from that “Western civilization” which brought him perilously close to physical extinction.
Today, they are the expected tactics employed by the tyrannical regimes of the Third World,
Well, Russia, Ukraine, Qazaqstan now openly kill the critics of the respective regimes, and the most prominent victims are nationalists, both in their countries and abroad. In Russia many critically thinking nationalist writers, journalists, activists and even scholars and artists were killed, sometimes openly, sometimes masked as “natural deaths because of an illness”. It refers to both Russians and non-Russians, and I do not necessarily mean pro-Western liberals like Navalnyi. In Ukraine just yesterday Ukrainian nationalist writer and scholar Mrs. Iryna Farion was killed, open enemy of both Russification and Westernization/Globalisation in Ukraine. For two weeks a Qazaq was killed in Ukraine, a memeber of an opposition to the regime in Astana.
The “God-emperor” has promised to import infinity Indians and possibly deport a tiny number of the most criminal illegals. At the same time he’ll be dragging America into a war with Iran for Israel. This is not 2016-era Trump, he’s the swamp now.
There is no certainty that Trump will go to war with Iran, nor that he even wants to. That should have happened for good cause in 1979.
Today, it would be a huge mistake, and only the Alt-Right is making that forecast. They need to sell more subscriptions to edgy podcasts, so they can get rather pedantic and boneheaded sometimes.
I doubt it would happen on Trump’s watch ─ and it would be a massive mistake for them if they do. There is not going to be any post-9/11 fervor or Draft and the Deep State knows it.
Trump has in the past been less Interventionist in any case than his Democratic opponents and Republican predecessors have been. Hopefully that does not change.
Trump might build a wall or make some significant movement to seal the borders. I am not too hopeful. But he will certainly not be worse than his predecessors on H1B visas and so forth.
Trump is at best less anti-White than anybody else, but let’s not be too blackpilled.
What I expect from him ─ not much, but it is very important ─ is better court appointments than we would get with a Hillary-Biden-Kamala regime. I can’t emphasize how important that is. It might not seem important to people playing vidya on the couch in their Mom’s basement, of course. And at best, is only a little more buoyancy given to a drowning person ─ but it is not nothing either.
I think people need to adopt the attitude that the Trump assassination attempt was in reality another bolt aimed against White America, and to think and act accordingly. Trump is not the message at all.
There is no certainty that Trump will go to war with Iran, nor that he even wants to.
The VP nominee on Day 1 of the RNC was proposing bombing Iran. You can listen to what’s being said, or you can make up your own words to the song, I suppose.
That’s just typical Trump bluster. All Presidents since “tail wagging the dog” Bill Clinton have tried to make themselves look “Presidential” by sending in some drones or cruise missiles, sort of the modern equivalence of gunboat diplomacy.
Reagan actually did it a few times as well, sending F-111 fighter-bombers to engage MiGs on the Libyan coast. NATO Spain refused to allow a U.S. incursion over their airspace on the way to bomb Khaddafi, which soured the story a little.
Maybe the worst of all was Hillary as Obama’s Secretary of State. Perhaps Biden sends in the drones a little less because he can’t even read a teleprompter, and this therefore doesn’t help his image as a capable Commander-in-Chief. But otherwise, Biden would like to be doing it as much as anyone else.
In 2017, Trump launched missiles shortly after having been sworn in, responding to some chemical attack that the Obaminator had previously called a “red line.” But Trump actually did not get too engaged in Syria and was comparatively meager as far as the Interventionism during his term. Hillary would have been wattles deep in Syria.
Biden is not any less on team-Jew than anyone else. He just has to be more careful about anti-Muslim rhetoric in a way that Trump doesn’t. The you-know-whos are still running the show, and they are hardly between a rock and a hard place with the Gaza War. The JQ will barely change no matter who is elected in 2024.
Unfortunately, there is not going to be a President Lindbergh or any Wallace-LeMay ticket.
Thanks, Scott. I agree with your assertions in re Hillary and Biden’s doing the bidding of Jews. However, consider that Trump is the only one of the three named who could get young White men to go to fight in Iran. This is particularly so after the “miraculous” being visited upon him last Saturday.
Hence the peril of White people identifying with Trump. Rest assured, he doesn’t identify with us. Corey Comperatore and Ashley Babbitt were not granted “miraculous” near-misses last Saturday or on Jan 6. Other White people actually went to jail. Appearances notwithstanding, the closest Trump’s gotten to either is having his ear hurt and a mug shot taken.
Do you think Trump’s sons and grandsons will fight in Iraq?
I appreciate your looking to history for precedent. But perhaps there are better precedents to consider.
When a violent, shocking, spectacular American-history-turning event occurs—examples include the sinking of the USS Maine and Lusitania, the attacks on US ships at Pearl Harbor or the Gulf of Tonkin, the Kennedy assassinations, and 9/11—history teaches us that things are seldom what they seem. All of those incidents, and more, were deceptions orchestrated by forces that stood to benefit. The schoolbook narratives of all of these events, and many more, are lies. (Kevin Barrett)
The you-know-whos are still running the show
Well, I know who. The Chinese, sponsors of the Donkeys since at least Clinton’s Chinagate.
Trump is a puppet of the Jews. Always has been, always will be.
Biden like all Democrats is the puppet of the Maoist regime in Beijing.
Slithering from out of the East is a threat to the “God- Emperor” that few seem to have noticed. With apologies to I can say 2024 is the year that associating Republicans with evangelicalism officially ends. Harmeet Dhillon thanks the Chardikala spirit to close out the RNC convention. She prayed, “Dear Waheguru, our one true God.” Vance’s wife is a practicing Hindu, etc. This is the new RNC.
In May, Trump offered unequivocal, glowing praise for Dhillon:
Harmeet Dhillon is one of the best Lawyers in the Country, and she and her Law Firm have done a terrific job for me in so many cases. She has been a Fierce Advocate for the MAGA Movement, and a Warrior for Election Integrity and Constitutional Rights at every level. Harmeet is a Great Asset to the Republican Party in California, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement for Re-Election as RNC Committeewoman for California!
After the prayer Dhillon added: Dear Waheguru, our one true God, we thank you for creating America as a unique haven on this Earth, where all people are free to worship according to their faith. We seek your blessings and guidance for our beloved country. Please bless our people with wisdom as they vote for the upcoming election and please bless with humility, honesty, skill and integrity all those who conduct the election.”
While it’s true that Trump is hard to pin down as he jumps to the left and hops to the right, when the V.P. becomes the President the most Christian country in the world could/will become something else.
I bear no ill will against Mr Trump and I wish him no harm. I’m glad that he survived the attack on his life. However, I think that he would be of more use to us as a martyr than as a president.
This is the most glazing, fawning article about a man who took all the momentum given and threw it into the dumpster I’ve ever read.
I’m sure a lot of you get tired of hearing all the “You never see the left doing this” type arguments, but I’m sorry, it happens to be called for here: you don’t see the left (at least not in any significant numbers) assigning divine and savior-like powers to their presidential candidates. For the most part, they understand that politics is the art of taking what you can get when you can get it, and not as some line-in-the-sand, all or nothing proposition. Specifically, shitlibs usually see their POTUS candidates as a huge compromise with what they’d actually prefer, but they know that some of what they want is better than actively not getting anything they want, and they hold their noses and vote accordingly. Is there some reason we can’t do the same thing with Trump? Why do we have to write all these articles either assigning Christ-like powers of racial redemption to him or, on the flip side, accusing him of being a tool of the Jews who won’t help us at all? In fact, I’d say that strategy goes double or even triple for a group of folks (i.e. us) who haven’t had any real cultural or political clout in 50 or 60 years.
The truth is, Trump is wildly imperfect as “our guy,” and I seriously doubt he’ll ever be a genuine and reliable pro-white advocate. However, he’s the best thing our side has going for it at the moment. Plus, he appears to be tough as fucking nails, which is more than I can say for any GOP candidate in the past 25 years. We should vote accordingly.
We’ll get back on that when the “God-Emperor” leads you into the next war on behalf of Israel. Bibi is eager for support.
Well said.
“At this point, whatever happens the Biden/Obama presidency will fall and the God-Emperor will take his rightful place once again.”
Let’s not get carried away. Trump showed the tenacity and ferocious determination he has had since the moment Obama smugly denigrated him at that mass man comedians dinner years ago. That is cool.
Trump is openly saying that this is it for America. He is even exhorting, politely, reporters to understand that America is blindfolded and two feet in the grave. He gets it. This legitimately bothers him. I think he sees that even the friendly lizard-people we call journalists don’t see it. I think he understands that they are bit characters content with their role in the carnival show, and I sometimes think he wants them to understand the existential crisis of the moment we are in.
I think it is certain that the moment he turned to the crowd and exhorted them to, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”, I think he, like with those reporters who do not understand the gravity of the moment, understood that even his supporters do not fully understand. Instead of chanting back, “Fight! Fight! Fight!”, they chanted “USA! USA! USA!” What we must pray for is that the ole’ USA chant is now just a very thin and rapidly dissolving veneer for “Fight! Fight! Fight!” with blood and soil being the implicit object over which we fight.
What is important is that we focus on helping that moment take on a life of its own and, like Trump, urge Our people to fight for Our sovereignty in Our Fatherland and to do so explicitly. When we do fight for Ourselves explicitly it will force the likes of Harmeet Dhillon and Vivek Ramaswamy to unmask and stop thinly veiling their desire for colonization with MAGA and relics of the American political tradition.
That raised fist and that chant will live beyond Trump. I am left wondering after that, is he waiting on the American people to stop being so bashful. Is he exhorting them to do more? That night at that dinner when that smug, treasonous, midwit Obama denigrated him, did Trump take it as a snubbing of all of us? We’ll never know. The only thing we can know is that beating in the heart of all of us is a lion that on its stage and its circumstances must get to its feet and roar and then, fight, and fight and fight for blood and soil.
The “globalists” were powerful in America even during the 19th century! Judah Benjamin earned a lot of $$$ by financing the Confederacy and the Seligman Brothers made the same by supplying uniforms to the Union Armies! So their power was evident even during the Hundred Years War, when 1/4 of the German populace was annihilated! The list goes on..! What can stop them? Bloody insurrection or divine benevolence…
Good god! While Trump might be better than a milquetoast like Mike Pence, likening him to an emperor, or embodiment of whiteness… no. Every candidate looks to the base for nomination but moves more centrist for the main election (as well as in office… remember the “Platinum Plan”). Some here preach being “race realists”… remember to also be election realists.
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