Photo by Evan Vucci (Image courtesy of Wikipedia)
1,223 words / 7:59
Despite what you may have thought, heard, or read, Saturday evening’s sniper attack on Donald Trump wasn’t the first time someone attempted to cause him physical harm during a campaign rally — it was the third. But as far as I can remember, it was the first time that high-ranking opponents expressed sympathy and support for America’s most reviled man.
In March 2016, Secret Service agents stopped bearded radical rich kid Thomas DiMassimo as he attempted to bum-rush the stage from behind while Trump was giving a stump speech at an Ohio airport.
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At a June 2016 Trump rally near Las Vegas, Michael Steven Sandford, who later claimed he wanted to kill Trump before he was elected president, tried grabbing a Las Vegas cop’s Glock pistol but was subdued by local police.
In early June in this column, I’d expressed admiration for the fact that no matter what they throw at him, Trump always emerges “bloody, but unbowed.” Now he has to go top himself and survive bullets shot at him during a week where dwarfish masturbation instructor Dr. Ruth Westheimer, faggy fitness guru Richard Simmons, and legendarily bitchy actress Shannen Doherty died — and no one had even tried to kill them.
I had planned to write about other things for this column, namely:
- Duke Medical School alleging that the notion of punctuality is entangled with “white supremacy culture.”
- The total implosion of Oakland, California.
- Mentally unstable boxer Ryan Garcia checking himself into rehab after catching flak for dropping N-bombs on a livestream.
- A new documentary alleging that Abraham Lincoln was gay.
- Joe Biden introducing Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin,” then hours later calling Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump.”
I’d spent most of Saturday afternoon outside in the face-melting Georgia heat tending to some household painting projects. At 6:57 PM EST — when the week was only five hours from being over and I was certain that nothing else of note would happen — I came in, sat in front of the computer, and was ready to cover these stories when a friend sent me a message that Donald Trump had been shot at a rally in my home state of Pennsylvania.
So much for the rest of the week’s news.
I squinted at my computer into the wee hours of Sunday morning, poring over all the coverage as it came in.
As woefully familiar as I am with confirmation bias, the freedom that anonymity gives people to be maliciously psychotic with no consequences, the fact that American culture has become politically poisoned although few people seem to realize it, and that everyone these days is an expert although hardly anyone seems to know a goddamned thing about anything, I braced myself to be abused by word-torrents of people claiming that they were certain that not only did they know exactly what happened, they also know why it happened and what it all means.
I was not immune from at least suspecting that the whole event may have been part of a government operation. The shooting occurred on the weekend before the Republican National Convention and a couple weeks after the ill-fated debate with Donald Trump where Joe Biden cracked open his own skull, only for moths to fly out.
The Secret Service’s performance was inept enough to suggest that they may have allowed Trump to be shot, or maybe the Secret Service is merely catching up with the rest of the American populace, who have spent the entire 2020s in a long-distance Marathon of Incompetence. The footage of the shooting, captured as it was by thousands of smartphones, will be analyzed and scrutinized just like the Zapruder tapes were, and in the long run, no one will be the wiser because we live in a world where it’s nearly impossible to convince anyone of anything they weren’t already willing to believe.
The FBI has identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel, Pennsylvania. It’s unclear whether the feds saw fit to scrub Crooks’ entire social-media history before revealing his identity, but from the little that’s available, Crooks was an honors student who’d been allegedly bullied in high school. He also was a registered Republican who’d donated $15 to the Progressive Turnout Project, a pro-Democratic fundraising organization. Photos of his corpse showed him wearing a Demolition Ranch T-shirt, which references a pro-firearms YouTube channel. He also left no manifesto, or at least none that they’re disclosing, so there is no clear picture emerging as to his political leanings nor his motivations.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.
For now, those on the Right who’d been hoping that the shooter would have been a transgender antifa member driven to bloodlust by nine solid years of TRUMP IS LITERALLY HITLER rhetoric will wind up disappointed.
Same goes for those on the Left who had a whole bushel of smug “I told you so’s” ready to hurl at Trump supporters they’d been scolding for years about how Trump’s reputedly “violent” rhetoric would inevitably result in violence because, well, Trump was the target here. Before Crooks was identified, this didn’t stop a despicably sadistic subset of tweeters from causing “HOW DO YOU MISS” and “THEY MISSED” to temporarily trend on X.
Nor did an anti-Trump bias prevent early coverage from the legacy press to hesitate from referring to the attack as either a shooting or an assassination attempt. An early CNN headline: “Secret Service rushes Trump off stage after he falls at rally.” And one from the Associated Press: “BREAKING: Donald Trump has been escorted off stage by Secret Service during a rally after loud noises ring out in the crowd.”
In short, the shooting, Trump’s iron-testicled response, and nearly all the reactions to it were predictable.
The only thing that I found surprising was that it made Trump a sympathetic figure to those who’d previously hesitated to so much as concede that he’s human.
On Saturday night, goober-faced Colorado State Representative Steven Lezell Woodrow posted on X:
The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil but here we are.
But even Woodrow’s Democratic colleagues scolded him for his insensitivity toward a man that almost no Democrat or self-identified Leftist in the world had shown the merest compassion ever since he declared his candidacy for president in 2015, and he deleted the post.
In a public statement, Joe Biden said he was “grateful to hear that [Trump’s] safe and doing well.” Barack Obama wished Trump a “speedy recovery.” Bill Clinton wrote:
Violence has no place in America, especially in our political process. Hillary and I are thankful that President Trump is safe, heartbroken for all those affected by the attack at today’s rally in Pennsylvania, and grateful for the swift action of the U.S. Secret Service.
At least publicly, Trump’s high-profile foes were forced to acknowledge that when you shoot Donald Trump, he bleeds.
Trump’s shooter failed to make him a martyr.
Trump’s reaction to almost being killed made him a hero.
More importantly, nearly all his sworn enemies’ graciousness toward him in the hours that followed the assassination attempt made him into a human.
In many ways, a humanized Trump is far more dangerous to the status quo than a demonized Trump.

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I had Lincoln pegged years ago.
HA; nice!
I hear Dave Rubin drives a Lincoln.
In a more perfect world Southerners would be driving a Davis
“In many ways, a humanized Trump is far more dangerous to the status quo than a demonized Trump.”
I was thinking just that as I watched this whole debacle on the internet Sunday morning.
Best overall analysis I’ve read yet. Really well done. Now if he just doesn’t fuck it up with a crappy VP pick…
Just announced: He picked J.D. Vance.
So, that didn’t last long.
There’s something strange about J.D.’s rise to prominence. You don’t get a book published and a movie made about yourself just because you’re special. It’s almost as though he’s being groomed.
I’m not a fan.
I remember your article and I read Hillbilly Elegy. Left me with the same bad taste in my mouth. He’s getting a lot of help from someone. His childhood was hardly unique.
I agree. Reminds me of Obama who started with a book deal to publish a ghost written auto-bio that was of no interest to anyone, even Obama who appears not to have actually read it.
President JD Vance.
I think this is where this is going.
Another conservative race-mixer. His infallible gift for picking the wrong people never fails.
So if Trump wins, then afterwards we have Vance as the GOP candidate and if he wins, the First Lady is an alien and their half-breed children form The First Family, embodiments of a post-White America. Even if we win, we lose.
Truly, national divorce is our only way forward.
On the positive side, Vance seems to be more in the Trump wing of the GOP than the McConnell wing.
I know that not everyone here is a fan of Tucker Carlson, but he says some worthwhile things here about Vance…. https://x.com/TCNetwork/status/1812950751490327017
Mrs Vance is from a continent that has assassinated a hundred plus of political leaders since the 1940s.
Which to some extent he just did, though it could have been much, much worse (can we all agree on that at least ?): RINO Hindu Haley, professional Afro-Republican Tim Scott, and pro-legal-immigration globalist fanatic ND Gov Doug Burgum were all mentioned as final ‘possibles’. I can’t recall the rest. Vance is better than any of these chumps.
OTOH, I dislike the fact of his Hindu wife. I don’t agree with his hostility to Ukraine military aid (though many here will), as I want Europe for Europeans, not Eurasian invaders. I think Vance is too young, inexperienced and unaccomplished. He appeals to the Trump base, which, however, is with Donald no matter what his VP choice, without ideologically or demographically enlarging it. And he is not the best choice for President in 2028. Either Tom Cotton or Ron DeSantis would have been better, but now we’ll be stuck with Vance at least through 2028, and maybe until 2037. The career of the excellent governing executive Ron DeSantis is probably over (as GOP tends to stick with its VPs in the line of succession – and I don’t think Vance is or will be as pathetic as Quayle, or boring or “compromised” as Pence).
Finally, while Ohio has a GOP Governor, ensuring his Senatorial replacement will be a Republican, the Gov there is pretty neoconnish, and, worse, the replacement Senator will have to run for actual election in 2026 or 2028 (not sure about Ohio rules), which will likely be bad years for the GOP Congress – and in Ohio, a mere GOP-leaning swing state, Congressional elections are not at all GOP-guaranteed (look at the other, uber-liberal Senator). So we could lose Vance’s seat in ’26 or ’28, whereas he would likely have held it indefinitely.
Overall, a bad choice, one reflecting Trump’s ego and insecurity (Vance will be easiest of any of the ‘possibles’ for Trump to keep under his thumb), but not at all the worst choice.
When republicans become “humanized” they start reaching out to blacks and illegals and sexual degenerates of every stripe. It makes them soft. John McCain went soft when the left pretended to be his friend, Romney became a liberal when they said he wasn’t all bad, even Barry Goldwater started sounding soft when the media said a few good things. We need angry Trump seeking revenge, not friendly Trump reaching across the aisle. Whenever a repub reaches across the aisle it means higher taxes and more affirmative action.
BBC Pidgin‘s report on the Trump shooting.
“tok-tok pesin Steven Cheung tok”
The talk-talk person talk? Really!? I can only assume that this is supposed to convey something along the lines of “spokesperson Steven Cheung stated”. If I wrote a work of fiction where the backwards savages spoke like that I’d be burned at the stake for insensitive stereotyping.
But the real kicker here is that even this barbarian bastardization is too la-di-dah for your average Congoloid. According to Oyebola and Ugwuanyi (2023), BBC Pidgin (BBCP) is inaccessible to many speakers of Nigerian Pidgin (NigP). The study concludes that BBCP is seen as “too formalized, especially for uneducated Nigerians” (96), which is congruent with the findings of a previous study by the same main author that noted an “increasing presence of inflections for gender, case, and number in BBCP” when compared with run-of-the-mill NigP (82).
So there you have it, BBC Pidgin is apparently the Bantoid equivalent of the overly formal high-status dialects of yesteryear.
… I no sabi weda to laff or cry.
I don’t particularly like Trump but am amazed, and indeed inspired by his tenacity. Details of this will take time to unveil and declassify, but the photo of Trump standing up, fist in air, blood running down his cheek, in front of the flag is among the great ones of American history and the grit from which it springs, albeit little remembered.
Trump’s vigor has always been the most impressive thing about him.
Morality Squad: July 15, 2024 Trump’s vigor has always been the most impressive thing about him.
Impressive vigor, yes, but vigor is way down the list of necessary virtues for a leader of the White race. Too many faults — a skillful politician, not a statesman.
It isn’t clear to me that what political party he was registered to vote for or what shirt he was wearing tells us much of note about the assassin and his motivations. Those could be things done to create false impressions about himself and his motivations or just be meaningless; e.g. he registered Republican to vote for Haley in the primary or years ago for similar reasons.
What is important is that this provides an opportunity for Trump to be radicalized, and for him to bring people around him who are more radicalized. He has endured an insane gauntlet of abuses, and now his head has been grazed by a bullet. The best thing is for him to assume that what they are saying is true – they hate him and they hate us and they, (as Krugman, Ignatiev, Potok, Wise … … Blow, countless blacks), want us gone for eternity.
It is imperative that Trump understand that he can negate the checkmate of mass immigration. This is the moment. Cut off the money and the hotels. I suspect huge numbers of patriots are coming forward trying to volunteer to work for him now. Ideally the most motivated and the first cadre are the battle hardened men who could help him operate his own expanded security detail.
Trump has a huge amount of political capital as a result of this. It is interesting that moments after being one-step from the grave he turned to the crowd and exhorted them to fight. He is bound to the people and they are bound to him. History resumed on Saturday after a 35 year pause. Whites across the world are one step closer to realizing that the only path forward are strong leaders bound by blood to their folk. With fervor they must exhort each other to fight, fight fight. More importantly they must know with crystal clarity what the fight is for. It is not for a country. It is for blood and soil.
I need someone to help me understand why the govt snipers didn’t shoot the bastard before he stated shooting. They had to have known he was there because he self-destructed a second or two after he squeezed his trigger? My guess is they were waiting for ‘someone’ to say ‘go’.
“My guess is they were waiting for ‘someone’ to say ‘go’.”
This is probably the explanation. The government snipers might not have been able to confirm immediately whether Crooks was a bad guy or someone in local government law enforcement, not in Secret Service. They were probably under orders from above to make a confirmation before shooting. Otherwise there would be a lot of cases over the years in which innocent local law enforcement were killed by over-zealous feds.
When you go to events like the Trump rally, you’ll see lots of figures toting guns on rooftops, wearing different uniforms.
That said, it definitely appears that there was either major incompetence or evil at work on July 13, in the upper levels of the Secret Service and/or their partners.
The incompetency angle seems to be at work here. What’s the deal with all the short Karens protecting Trump? Of course, playing dumb may also be a strategy. I would love to be a fly on the wall in any of Mayorkas’ closed door meetings. Then again, the stench of his subversion may be even too much for a fly.
The New York Post reported that the female head of Secret Service Kim Cheatle got her position because she was close to Jill Biden and her office (I seem to have trouble posting links here, but it should be still available at nypost.com). Unsurprisingly, Cheatle has been on a big DEI push, and had a goal of at least 30% female agents for the Secret Service. Of course she is currently refusing to resign.
And yes, I’ll bet there’s an awful lot of “playing dumb” occurring right now, as you suggested. It’s more than a little sobering to consider that we need to combine that with the rampant actual dumbness, and the rampant evil at work against citizens.
Surely it is standard procedure in planning such events to know where other authorized snipers are. Surely they would also be uniformed. So there should have been no hesitation, much less giving the guy the time to fire how many shots.
Look at the comments under this article. There are a couple of graphics that will tell you everything you need to know:
Enoch Powell: July 15, 2024 I need someone to help me understand why the govt snipers didn’t shoot the bastard before he stated shooting.
Simple. The female that Biden’s PC crew promoted over dozens, maybe hundreds of more qualified, experienced males to head the Secret Service, forgot that she had available sophisticated, armed helicopters to surveil all possible sniper positions. Lesson learned: don’t send a girl to do a man’s job.
It’s interesting to think what the media reaction would be had this event occurred to Biden instead of Trump.
There, of course, would be the obligatory, predictable and worn-out “national discussion on gun violence” and gun control push. Despite murder already being illegal, must use any sensational event as a way to push through legislation. Or at the least, virtue signal they are against scary “AR style semi-automatic long guns.”
Doubtless, the media would use this as an excuse to condescendingly portray White American Trump supporters as violent, lightly-educated, provincial hicks (like what was done for the Jan 6th protestors).
This event essentially guarantees Trump’s re-election. Many voters on the fence aren’t too deep thinking of issues and are easily influenced by visuals (just look how the George Floyd debacle resonated with stupid people). When they see Biden act like he just escaped a nursing home and can barely complete a coherent sentence vs. Trump who evidently has super hero abilities to deflect lawsuits and dodge bullets, Trump’s getting the vote. Not to mention those cool photo ops. Let’s hope he follows through with mass deportations.
I don’t see why people are predicting how this will affect Trump’s chances to win the election. The electorate doesn’t decide – the people who count the votes decide. Remember 2020 when Trump had it in the bag on the eve of Election Day, but then the count stopped at 3am in certain swing states and the results were reversed? As far as I’ve heard, Florida is the only state that has done anything to shore up electoral integrity. In that case, the only thing that would guarantee a fair count is if the consequences of cheating were so severe that they wouldn’t dare.
I’m assuming Biden wins via mail in ballots again and he makes Kamala president, someone who was polling at about 1% when she ran alone, and was only chosen for her gender and race.
Nope. Trump FTW here.
If they steal the election again, this could lead to serious civil unrest for the first time ever coming from the Right instead of the Left and the criminal ‘hood. I don’t think Republicans and conservatives will go on either looting or major shooting sprees, but I could see mass marches and demonstrations all over the place (I would participate in those), along with possibly some sporadic violence.
This is especially so as Republicans for the past half century have consistently over-performed prior Presidential polling results, and for a while now Trump has been clearly leading in the collective EC battlegrounds polls, as well as in the overall national vote. If he keeps that steady lead in the polls right up to Election Day, and Biden still “wins”, that would virtually guarantee that cheating had occurred. And people are way more sophisticated now about (Democrat) electoral shenanigans.
IOWs, if Trump is at all leading in the polls on Election Day (as he is now), that all but guarantees his victory, and likely by a substantial margin. If he then “loses” on Election night, I really foresee a storm of outrage unlike anything we’ve experienced.
The ‘condolences’ were almost certainly the result of existing polling that shows that among some Democratic constituencies (White women would be my guess) a concern that ‘partisanship has gone to far’. Hence Biden’s call for ‘unity’ and other blah-blah. It is the essence of our enemy’s strategy to say one thing and do another. The responses from Democratic leaders is just another way of ‘bottling’ Trump and MAGA within a stifling miasma of ‘civic nationalism’ and ‘good sportsmanship’. The goal of ‘unity talk’ is to re-energize the ‘MAGA IS NAZISM’ and ‘TRUMP IS HITLER’ as soon as Trump or MAGA responds with the anger it should. But it won’t. The whole point of MAGA is to hem in White America with ‘Christian goodwill’ and ‘We’re all in this together’ in order to make sure no one rejects the system as such.
The only thing that I found surprising was that it made Trump a sympathetic figure to those who’d previously hesitated to so much as concede that he’s human.
Perhaps the bullet’s near miss made their own lives flash before their eyes. Trump never locked up Hillary and certainly wouldn’t have Fauci or Biden locked up. Trump is Hitler to them and it’s all just one big show. Go, go, Israel, they say behind our backs as they pretend to destroy each other for the cameras. But if Trump actually was shot and did bleed, perhaps the fun and games are over, not just for him.
For whom should a nationalist in a super-blue state vote in the American Presidential contest? Please advise.
I am very strongly rooting for Trump, for both selfish and selfless reasons. I did not intend to vote for him, however, as he has zero chance of winning my state, and he has never done or even just said enough to truly merit my support. If I were in a swing state, however, I’d vote for him in a heartbeat.
I was going to vote for the Constitution Party, the best of the parties, imo (inter alia, it calls for a moratorium on legal immigration), but unfortunately, its 2024 Presidential nomination was won by the race-liberal, anti-abortion fanatic (“abortion is black genocide!”) Randall Terry, who has a black pastor as his VP running mate, and who is basing his entire run on pro-liferism whilst downplaying or jettisoning all the other, actually rightwing positions of the CP. What a disappointment!
The Libertarian Party guy Chase Oliver is an open borders asshole (even now, post-Biden), who sadly bested the Ron Paul people (ie, more conservative libertarian faction), and is set to take the LP in a yet more culturally liberal direction. He was also the asshole who lost Herschel Walker (I know, I know, but he would have been a reliable anti-Biden vote) the 2022 Senate race, forcing it into a runoff which the monster Warnock won.
RFK Jr is hardly rightwing, certainly not more so than Donald. Cornel West and Jill Stein are, respectively, black and Jewish leftists. And that’s it on the ballot.
I guess I’m coming home to the GOP and Trump.
I was not planning to vote, because it would hardly make a difference and may not even be counted. But I am voting now. Why? Just out of spite.
Also, remember when Hillary lost but won something called the “popular vote” which is meaningless in terms of the Presidency? Suddenly the talking heads had a fit of amnesia about the Constitution and began claiming that a terrible injustice had been done.
In truth, though, the popular vote matters as an expression of the people, even if it does not elect the President. So bump up those numbers.
If nothing else, do it out of spite.
I agree, but “bumping up the numbers” is precisely why I always vote for the most rightist party. My state last went GOP in the Presidential race in 1988 (when I voted for Ron Paul on the LP ticket). Since then my vote has not mattered. I did vote Trump in 2016 because I was genuinely (naively?) hopeful that he would at least build the Wall (and I wanted to bump up his numbers to show support for that aspect of his overall platform).
In 2020, I rooted for Trump for purely selfish reasons, as likely to be less bad than Biden (who has been much worse than I – again naively, perhaps – thought he would be), but did not vote for him because he hadn’t actually done enough for my Hard Right cause(s) to merit my support. I voted third party (I think CP), again for “bumping up the numbers” reasons.
And I will vote for Trump in November, but only because he now seems to be the most rightwing person on the ballot, and thus the one whose numbers I most wish to see “bumped up”. I hope everyone else on the Right (or on the White) will do so, too.
Greg Johnson: July 16, 2024 I was not planning to vote, because it would hardly make a difference and may not even be counted. But I am voting now…[T]he popular vote matters as an expression of the people, even if it does not elect the President. So bump up those numbers.
Some personal reminiscences of past presidential elections:
I was raised in a Democrat family in racially segregated, traditionally Democrat North Carolina during the ’50s and early ’60s, so naturally favored Democrat presidential candidates. That’s what we did back then. My first memory was of Democrat Adlai Stevenson losing to Ike Eisenhower in our 1956 elementary school mock election.
I was lucky enough and close enough to reach out from a crowd of spectators to very briefly touch Democrat JFK’s hand in 1960 as his caravan passed by our local shopping center on the way from the Raleigh/Durham airport for a campaign stop — a highlight of my youth. No brag, just fact.
In 1968 my Special Forces B-team in Vietnam had a mock election — we didn’t receive absentee ballots like vets stationed overseas do today. George Wallace with his running mate, “Bombs Away” LeMay who advocated bombing Vietnam back into the Stone Age, won that vote close to unanimously. Still being a naive political junkie, I volunteered to help stuff envelopes for Wallace in ’72 at his NC headquarters and met him in his wheelchair and his wife a few months after his assassination attempt, but prior to the unmanly, historic flip-flop on his “Segregation forever!” vow.
In the 2000 race I worked for Pat Buchanan’s Reform Party presidential bid, promoting the National Alliance among his predominantly White racially loyal base. Our National Alliance Buchanan supporters very nearly took over the North Carolina Reform Party, while influencing and even radicalizing some Whites in Pat’s base of support — that fizzled when he tapped the Negress Ebola Foster as his running mate. What were you thinking, Pat?
I was a fairly successful organizer for Ron Paul’s 2008 presidential bid, introducing many to the teachings of Pierce, and, incredibly, received nearly 12,000 votes across Tennessee when the campaign had me run as one of Paul’s RNC delegates — until a busybody Jew exposed me as a “Nazi”: Adam Holland: Neo-Nazi leader served as Ron Paul County Coordinator. The influential Tea Party movement came out of Paul’s campaign — my last foray with presidential politics.
Knowing what I know now I’m not at all star struck by politicians and am opposed to the two-party electoral process, especially at the national level. We will not vote our way out of the racially mixed mess this nation has become since my innocent youth. We won’t buy our way out, though Elon Musk may think we can, and we damned sure will not pray our way out.
I voted for my friend Rick Tyler when he ran for Governor of Tennessee with his slogan, “Make Tennessee White Again!” Rick has now been blocked from running again. My platform is strict racial separation, beginning at the community level, so it can be said that I am a community organizer — what the Negro Democrat Obama used to call himself.
It can be said that a vote for Trump is wasted in Tennessee, a very red state that despises Biden and his Democrat partners in crime, but I will swallow my bile and pull the lever for the Buffoon-in-Chief in November for the reason Greg mentions. I try to vote whenever I’m able because I get to meet with my neighbors at our precinct polling place and trade notes. It is our local elections that are meaningful for me.
Good comment. I wonder, I do wonder, if you and I ever ran across each other at some point, as I was very active with Buchanan (but in ’96), and knew/know many of Ron Paul’s people (and did some event and fundraiser organizing for him, as for Pat earlier, in 08 and 2012). I’m in a very “blue” area, and work in a very “progressive” firm (I’m known as the “Reagan Republican” in the firm, though many darkly suspect me of Trumpian sympathies, given how often I shit on Biden; now my preference to see Biden gone – and therefore to vote for Trump – is pretty much out in the open since the Debate and assassination attempt); thus, I cannot reveal my identity, as there would be negative repercussions. Maybe after I retire and move to my intended Red State, it might be fun to compare “notes” (I have friends who relocated to TN a few years ago – a wealthy area somewhere, I forget, not too far from Nashville, which I gather is a horrible ghetto, and from which they stay clear; they love where they live, and are getting active in local GOP politics).
Lord Shang: July 18, 2024 Good comment. I wonder, I do wonder, [if we could compare “notes] if you and I ever ran across each other at some point, as I was very active with Buchanan (but in ’96), and knew/know many of Ron Paul’s people… I’m in a very “blue” area, and work in a very “progressive” firm… thus, I cannot reveal my identity, as there would be negative repercussions. Maybe after I retire and move to my intended Red State, it might be fun to compare “notes” (I have friends who relocated to TN a few years ago – a wealthy area somewhere, I forget, not too far from Nashville, which I gather is a horrible ghetto…
I’d enjoy comparing “notes” with you some day, Lord.
My condolences to you for having a job where you cannot speak your mind for fear of losing employment. I’ve never had that problem. in fact, my resume only includes having only two employers since the 1970s: Ben Klassen and William Pierce. I wouldn’t last long in a place like where you toil your life away, lips zipped.
Hopefully, you can speak your mind using your given name once you retire. You have a lot to say and will find it empowering.
Your former friends who relocated to a wealthy area near Nashville are wise to stay away from that “progressive” city. We hillbillies in Upper East Tennessee consider ourselves “wealthy,” if just for being among and interacting with mostly others of our own race. To Hell with Nashville.
That’s quite a life 🙂
Wifewaffen: July 18, 2024 That’s quite a life 🙂
Nothing special really, until I went into the Army and caught an up-close, heavy dose of racial reality from which I had pretty much been sheltered until then. I had always been an average student, but smarter than average — a good athlete and artist.
I had had experience with a few Black domestics growing up — maids, cooks, etc. — but the world I grew up in was a White world, something kids who have grown up in the three subsequent generations can only imagine by watching old movies or reruns of Mayberry RFD.
I read the Playboy interview with George Lincoln Rockwell at 18, just before shipping off the Fort Jackson for Basic Training. It had an impact on me, but I had a military commitment and set it aside. Oddly enough, William Pierce was Rockwell’s right-hand man at the time of that interview. I was racially conscious but didn’t act on it until beginning the second half of my life at around 37. That shows that it’s never too late to commit to our noble cause.
Had I met William Pierce after high school rather than enlisting in the Army, my life would have taken a much different course, but life doesn’t work that way. My life experiences prior to meeting Pierce in 1991 all helped me while working closely with him during the ’90s until his death in 2002 and leading up to my past ten years as National Alliance Chairman.
I reply to Will Williams:
Definitely quite a life 🙂
Thank you for working to save our race.
Maybe I missed it, but for all the applause over his photo-op fist-pumping, did Trump even once turn around to see if or to ask if anyone behind him was hurt? Surely, he knew he was a target, but just as surely he also was aware people were there behind him? Couldn’t he have called for medical attention and help for those people in the stands, instead of just focusing on his shoes? Maybe I’m all wrong, but that’s rather my idea of how real leaders behave when danger threatens. But let’s do talk about the security detail’s failings.
One of the things that has long bothered me about Trump “the executive”, was that he so often seemed to make the worst hiring decisions. Thousands of people sent in resumes to work for the new administration in 2016. Trump and his decision-makers consistently didn’t hire them though. No, to drain the swamp, he hired the swamp. J. D. Vance may be among the biggest hiring mistakes of all. He’s been groomed as much as Barack Obama ever was. His Huckster Elegy, if he even wrote it, came out around the same time as Hillary Clinton was trashing White folks as being “deplorables”. He’ll facilitate getting those pesky White Americans to lay down for their Ivy-educated Pajeet and Jewish betters. Here’s how one of Mark Brahmin’s substack associates, Jeff Geisa (do he and Vance have ‘mutuals’?) pictures that future.
Yeah, no, he’s still the Pied Trumpeter.
J. D. Vance’s meet and greet at the RNC convention.
No, that’s a clip from New York City in February.
Yes, thanks. I learned, after posting, this particular Jewfest was earlier this year in NY.
And, I felt so much better.
At the risk of being pedantic, I believe the proper term is “Jewbilee.”
Just a cynical theory but Trump’s behaviour would also be consistent with his being in on the plot and having sustained a trivial wound which he was expecting, as a prelude to the great photo opportunity.
That’s ridiculous.
Beyond ridiculous.
I’m no firearms or ballistics expert, but I doubt even a world-class sniper, like the late “American Sniper” Chris Kyle, (as opposed to the 20-going-on-15-year old douchebag actual shooter; or are some alleging there was a dreaded “second shooter” somewhere, perhaps a North Korean State Security-trained super-assassin targeting just Trump’s ear from a mile away, whilst the patsy was killing bystanders as a distraction …?), paid a cool ten million (“a quarter now, the rest upon completion”), would take on the assignment of “grazing” Trump. Such a shot, if intended, is almost impossible to guarantee even if the target were perfectly stationary. But, of course, Trump (thank God!) was not, which is probably what saved him.
I have an Army vet pal, an intelligent and very successful senior corporate executive (MBA, lengthy serious resume, etc) who is also a gun nut outside of work, and who is something of an expert in this area. He has been pitilessly mocking all those on either side (including a couple of our more credulous mutual friends, idiots – but surprisingly commercially successful ones! – who think Trump is second only to Christ in the pantheon of human excellence … lol) who allege that the assassination attempt was or even just may have been ‘staged’. I can’t regurgitate all of his arguments (he’s one of those guys who loves to recite reams of firearms and ballistics facts that make my eyes glaze pretty quickly), but if he says the idea of a Trump-centered conspiracy is laughable for technical reasons, I believe him.
Sometimes in this world, plain dumb luck is the explanation, however unsatisfying to those seeking the operation of ‘design’ or ‘providence’ in human affairs.
I am not suggesting that a shot from long range could have reliably injured Mr Trump in such a trivial fashion but rather that he might have been hit with a non-lethal projectile from much closer range. If one were to contend (and I don’t claim this) that the event was staged then I think this is what would have been required.
Let’s let the schizos debate this on other platforms.
As much as anything, what strikes me as peculiar about the whole thing is the timing. That is, the larger context in which it occurred. Trump had this unusually early debate with the mentally incompetent Biden. This left Democrats, supposedly, having the scales fall from the eyes of Democrats as to the disintegrating PotUS with much drama over replacing him on the ticket ensuing.
Trump himself, in my opinion, didn’t actually come off that great in the debate. Biden simply makes anyone look like a genius by comparison. Trump rehashed his usual talking points. But otherwise, he just sounded old, insincere, self-absorbed, and like a shill for Israel and himself.
But then, two days before the RNC convention, holy moly, Trump gets shot at. And, all of a sudden, he’s lifted up as some kind of annointed one, as though he’s been saved in order to serve as a divine emissary.
It sure works wonders as a legerdemain to distract from what an empty-suit sell-out his VP nominee is; or what a nauseating event the convention is replete with Hindu prayers and reformed face-tatted rapper asspeakers; or what the cost to White people Trump’s actual plans and policies will be.
I don’t like the fist-pump thing because that is the old Communist salute. White people should absolutely leave that to the Black Power crowd.
If this had happened to Reagan he would have just waved to the crowd in reassurance. It would have been classier.
As far as scanning to see who was hurt, well that is not the target’s job, and it may not have been too clear what the collateral damage was in any case. The SS seemed to dither on getting Trump hauled away ─ carried off if necessary ─ but they left one of his shoes on the stage, even though Trump had asked for it. I guess it got knocked off his foot.
It is possible that they hunkered down without moving Trump off to the getaway van because they needed to wait for an all-clear in the earphones to move in case there were more shooters lurking or something like that.
But the main problem was that the SS and their Rent-a-Cop auxiliaries did not clear the area far enough away. I’ve been to Trump rallies with military aircraft buzzing around, and you would think that they could have at least gotten some drone coverage there.
If the shooter was really at about 122 meters (400 feet) range, that is a pretty easy head shot, so anybody who has practiced shooting a rifle could have done it. I used to regularly make headshots at 300 meters in the Army with a beaten up M-16.
An AR-15 style rifle has a maximum effective range without optics of 460 meters. You generally site a rifle in at 100 meters. That being said, it is easy enough to miss even for experts, especially under time constraints and with people in the way.
So Trump got extremely lucky. There is no way that this could be a Hollywood fake ─ not unless the blood on Trump’s ear was fake and O.J. killed Mr. Comperatore and wounded the other two spectators.
Lee Harvey Oswald took his last kill-shot at a little less than 100 meters. If Oswald had not gotten lucky by an inch or two high or to the right, Kennedy’s skull would not have been hit and he might have survived his previous wounding.
The SS in those days did not think to make sure all the windows on the long Dallas motorcade route were closed and the rooftops cleared.
That would never happen today ─ but after seeing the Trump rally site in Butler, PA with an obvious sniper spot just outside of the cleared area, who knows how such stupid mistakes can happen?
I think that Trump was getting lightweight security until after the RNC Convention named him as the candidate. That is one of the explanations given for the Bobby Kennedy assassination in 1968, just after he had won the California primary. RFK had been hiring football Negroes like Rosey Grier as his bodyguards.
Thanks for pointing all that out, Scott. I guess we could just as easily say fist-pumping for the cameras and sqawking about shoes are not in the “target’s” job description either. And that the “target” somehow simply found time and presence of mind to do those things, but not to do other things.
What I saw in the choices “the target” made in those moments, were that saving his own ass and selling his brand are what matters above all things to the “target”. And that within that long advertising promo, White people constitute, literally, a backdrop, scenery and nothing more. Get shot, get jailed, get sued, get lied to, get fired, get burned out, get invaded, get sent to war, get bankrupted, get robbed, get persecuted, get replaced … it’s all on you.
Theodora: July 16, 2024 [T]o drain the swamp, he hired the swamp. J. D. Vance may be among the biggest hiring mistakes of all. He’s been groomed as much as Barack Obama ever was… Here’s how one of Mark Brahmin’s substack associates, Jeff Geisa (do he and Vance have ‘mutuals’?) pictures that future.
Bottom line: Vance, as attractive as he might be, is a race-mixer who promotes a multiracial America. Business as usual in the GOP.
What is substack? Serious White separatists have no business anywhere near there. I hit your link to it and was surprised that I was let in to see the disgusting piece you put up here. The headline:
Rajeev Ram: Masculinity, MMA, and gay matchmaking from rural Tennessee
Rajeeve and his non-White queer buddies would not be allowed into our National Alliance community in the upper east corner of Tennessee.
Vance, as attractive as he might be
Did I say Vance is attractive?
This is a good analysis of how attractive Vance is.
Theodora: July 18, 2024 Vance, as attractive as he might be
Did I say Vance is attractive?
No, I said that, Theo, and I own my words. There is a comma after what you quote followed by these words:
[WW says:] Bottom line: Vance, as attractive as he might be, is a race-mixer who promotes a multiracial America.
FYI, an ellipsis is a punctuation mark (…) used to replace the words that you have left out from the original source, as long as you do not change or distort the meaning.
This is a good analysis of how attractive Vance is.
I hit your Bitchute link but don’t have 37 spare minutes to watch that young man give J.D. Vance’s negatives, or two dollars a month to subscribe to his wisdom.
I wrote Vance’s bottom line. He’s a smart, handsome, articulate — i.e. “attractive” — White man, a good communicator who likely went off the rails when he attended Yale law school, took up with, married, and sired children with his dothead classmate, becoming a race-mixer — then a politician who promotes a multiracial America.
Had Vance decided to work for his race after his hillbilly upbringing and service in the Marine Corps instead of the path he chose, he might have become an effective statesman for our race. Ambitious J.D. took the easy path, what in Judaized America is perceived as the “respectable” path.
I wrote Vance’s bottom line
No, sir. I don’t think you did. Read Whitney Webb on Palantir.
JD Vance? Didn’t he sing Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head?
Delete. Wouldn’t post/
Theodora: July 19, 2024
WW had said: Bottom line: Vance… is a race-mixer who promotes a multiracial America.
No, sir. I don’t think you did. Read Whitney Webb on Palantir.
My bottom line about Mr. Vance is repeated above as my bottom line, but I’m not going to argue over whether I wrote that, or not.
I don’t do social media so have never heard of Whitney Webb nor Palantir, but clicked on that link that you provided to find this near the top of Webb’s piece:
[multi-billionaire Jew Peter Thiel] first recruited Vance into his circle while Vance was still a student at Yale Law School. Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Thiel’s investment firm Mithril Capital, where he worked for two years before joining Revolution Ventures.
So, we’re almost in agreement. I’d said this here last night:
[Vance] likely went off the rails when he attended Yale law school, took up with, married, and sired children with his dothead classmate, becoming a race-mixer — then a politician who promotes a multiracial America.
It was while Vance attended Yale law when he was recruited by the multi-billionaire Jew, Theil, and groomed by him for the political path that led him to become Trump’s GOP running mate.
Thanks for leading me to that tidbit, Theo.
Did Thiel also tell Vance it would be good for his political career if he’d marry and have kids with his dothead classmate? Maybe? If so, since Vance promotes a multi-racial America — the agenda of his Jewish mentor’s Tribe — that would make sense.
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