Tag: Eastern Europe
June 29, 2023 György Balázs Kun
Úvahy nad postnacionalismem
The second part of last weekend’s Counter-Currents Radio was a solo Ask Me Anything with Greg Johnson, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
1,795 words
Imagine you’re a young man who, despite his pronounced intelligence, lives in poverty. You are full of energy and vision, but lack the capital to achieve what you want to achieve. Furthermore, you have no marital or sexual prospects, and the only woman that’s been kind to you is a literal prostitute with an alcoholic father and an infirm mother. Not only that, but your family is facing such dire poverty that your sister is forced to marry a disgusting and immoral pervert who is more than twice her age just to spare herself and your elderly mother death from starvation. (more…)
I don’t believe anyone reading this needs a recapitulation of all of the nasty things going on in the West today. However, what we will be discussing requires us to keep these many ingresses against white people in mind, so let us briefly repeat: White people are facing demographic displacement in their own countries. (more…)
Several years ago, I was walking around town while listening to music or maybe a podcast on my phone earbuds when a friend recognized me from behind and approached me. (more…)
August 3, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 472 Hwitgeard on The Writers’ Bloc
The Writers’ Bloc had their good friend Hwitegeard over for a friendly, low-intensity chinwag with host Nick Jeelvy, where they also answered listener questions, and it is now available for download and online listening.
Topics discussed include:
00:07:00 How does one speak Anglo-Saxon and what does it sound like? (more…)
9,635 words
The following is the text of the speech that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered at the 31st Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp in Tusványos (Băile Tuşnad in Romanian), Transylvania, Romania last Saturday, July 23. The text is reprinted, with some added annotations, from the Cabinet Office of the Prime Minister’s official website. The title is editorial. A video including the English text in subtitles is also linked below. (more…)
As I have written before, while it is an undeniable truth that NATO and even the European Union, which is much worse than NATO, is preferable to the Russian Federation due to the incontestable fact that pro-white organizations can operate more freely in the former than in the latter, my ideal scenario is Eastern Europe breaking away from NATO and forming its own military alliance with its headquarters in Warsaw, consisting of the following countries in no particular order: (more…)
Mark Mazower
Hitler’s Empire: How the Nazis Ruled Europe
New York: Penguin, 2008The image of Nazi Germany as a well-oiled, unconquerable machine is hard to forget, but so many books in recent years have given a more honest evaluation of the Third Reich. Mark Mazower’s 2008 book Hitler’s Empire, while not really breaking any new ground, is a strong compendium of the flaws, inner turmoil, and seething disputes among the Nazi hierarchy over how to run and strengthen their empire. (more…)
Last weekend’s solo Ask Me Anything with Greg Johnson on Counter-Currents Radio is now available for download and online listening. Topics discussed include:
00:42 Because of below replacement level birthrates, won’t we go extinct no matter what we do?
07:17 What is best for Eastern Europeans, Russia or the West?
12:49 Do you have ideas about how to convince whites not to hire non-whites? (more…) -
June 29, 2022 Nicholas R. Jeelvy
Východní záštita Evropy
1,627 slov
English original here
Nedávno jsem s jedním ze svých přátel mluvil o rusko-ukrajinské válce, konkrétněji o jejích dopadech na západní nacionalistické milieu. Spousta lidí, kteří se donedávna bez váhání označovala za odpůrce imperialismu, nadšeně přijala za svůj imperiální projekt anexe Ukrajiny, likvidace její státnosti a pohlcení jejího lidu do širokého ruského imperiálního náručí. Jiní, kteří ještě „včera“ z plných plic brojili proti „bratrovražedným válkám“, momentálně s velkou chutí povzbuzují vzájemné krvavé pobíjení ruských a ukrajinských vojáků v bratrovražedné válce. (more…)
1,909 words
Czech version here
Recently, I was speaking to a friend about the Russo-Ukrainian War and specifically, the effect it has had on Western nationalists. Many people calling themselves anti-imperialists have enthusiastically embraced the imperial project to annex Ukraine and erase Ukrainian nationhood, absorbing this people into the broader Russian imperial body. More people who until recently called for “no more brother wars” are now enthusiastically cheering as Russian and Ukrainian soldiers kill each other in a bloody brother war. (more…)
May 3, 2022 Counter-Currents Radio
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 440 John Morgan & the Best Month Ever on The Writers’ Bloc
199 words / 1:59:06
John Morgan was host Nick Jeelvy‘s guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc, where they discussed a selection of the best Counter-Currents articles from April, particularly John’s own articles on this month’s white-pilling national election in Hungary, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)