As I have written before, while it is an undeniable truth that NATO and even the European Union, which is much worse than NATO, is preferable to the Russian Federation due to the incontestable fact that pro-white organizations can operate more freely in the former than in the latter, my ideal scenario is Eastern Europe breaking away from NATO and forming its own military alliance with its headquarters in Warsaw, consisting of the following countries in no particular order: Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, and Moldova.
I know this idea is currently a longshot. The Russian invasion of a non-NATO country has given NATO more credibility in the eyes of Eastern Europe than ever before. However, it is still something that should be striven towards. Poland is a true power, on the brink of being a Great Power — maybe not internationally, but certainly regionally. Poland and Czechia already have significant arms industries. Romania has oil. Azerbaijan and Norway are also two countries in close proximity to this Intermarium Alliance that could prove to be significant strategic allies, as Azerbaijan is rich in natural gas and Norway is rich in oil.
I often hear this idea of an Intermarium Alliance being expanded to several other countries. The Nordic countries, UK etc. However, I do not think that should be strived for at this moment. What all the countries I listed above have in common, which is what’s needed for truly motivated military alliances, is this:
- skin in the game, and
- liberalism is not the all-powerful force in these countries that it is in the Western-Western world.
They have skin in the game because all of these countries have felt the boot of Russian imperialism before and are motivated to fight against it. Also, the vast majority of these countries are in such close proximity to Russia that their national security revolves around keeping the Russian Federation at bay.
Liberalism is not as strong in these countries as it is in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and so on. While I think the alliance should primarily be focused on the military and allow each country to chart its own domestic course, it is undeniable that they also share a sort of bond in the sense of wishing to preserve their extremely varied local cultures and peoples, and do not wish to end up like the Russian Federation or France: a mixed-race, identityless hodgepodge of dozens of ethnic groups and cultures (I am not saying white French are mixed-race; I am saying your country is, and Russia is in fact the most extreme example of this, contrary to what Anglosphere Russian shills say or think).
An alliance between these countries would be an indescribable beacon of hope to the entire white world, from Europe to Australia, to North and South America (South America is not a majority white continent, of course, but there are millions of whites in South America all the same, so it should not be forgotten), to South Africa.
This alliance would preserve a 98% white populace of over 150 million against the rot from the west and east.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s The White Nationalist Manifesto here
It would galvanize the world’s entire White Nationalist population. The racial implications worldwide are hard to calculate. I cannot overstate how momentous such a thing would be. Such an alliance, even if it is solely focused on the military, has implicit racial and cultural implications that nobody in the world, white or non-white, would fail to recognize. The paradigm of the entire world would be changed, and White Power would once again become a reality for the world to deal with for the first time since the 1940s.
So, what is the best strategy for turning this dream into reality? First of all, let’s recognize how difficult a task it is.
NATO’s legitimacy in Eastern Europe is higher than ever, and it is obviously an inherent truth that those who are in power are not revolutionaries, and this is a revolutionary ideal. Those who wish to bring this into reality must start small, and be prepared to work for years to make it so. I believe this is the best path forward, for now.
Like I said, those who are in power are not revolutionaries; that is obvious. Therefore, you cannot rely on your governments and the mainstream (whatever that means within the context of your nation) politicians to make this a reality. It must begin as a grassroots movement.
The first step is to find nationalists within your country who support this project. Maybe you can get three people, including yourself, together; maybe you can get 30,000. It doesn’t matter, begin with a core of committed nationalists within your country who will work to bring this dream to reality.
From there, there are two simultaneous steps that must be taken, which should then form into a third step. Steps 1 and 2 are simultaneous, while step 3 should be taken after steps 1 and 2 bear some fruit.
- Spread this idea within your country. Activism, political agitation, whatever it takes to spread the message of an Intermarium Alliance within your country’s borders.
- Identify and make contact with the nationalists in other countries who share a combined identity (ethnic, cultural, religious, etc.) most closely with yours, and seek to promote cross-border unions with those countries on a local, grassroots level.
- Merge these ethnic, cultural, linguistic, historical grassroots unions into one Intermarium Alliance Advocacy (exact name up to those who actually decide to get boots on the ground and work for this ideal) congress or organization that further works to promote the idea of an Intermarium Alliance, but this time with actual backing behind it.
These unions do not have to be political, since as I said we are not in a position of holding state power, so we need to think and act like it.
Finnish and Estonian nationalists should seek to create a Finnic Cultural Festival held the first year in Helsinki, the next in Tallinn, the next in Helsinki, and so on promoting the Finnic language, culture, identity, and history.
Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian nationalists should form closer ties and seek to promote the message of an Intermarium Alliance within the Baltic Assembly.
Lithuanian and Polish nationalists should form closer ties based on their shared Catholic identity.
Czech, Hungarian, Polish, and Slovakian nationalists should form closer ties based on the shared membership of their nations in the Visegrád Group.
You get the idea. Start small, with localized grassroots efforts, and slowly build on that. Use these several localized ethnic-cultural-religious-historical unions as a platform to form an Intermarium Congress, not relying on government officials (unless they wish to interact with it, in which case it is great), but instead made up of grassroots nationalists who do not draw a salary but who participate out of noble idealism.
It may be that many of these unions and others like it already exist, in which case you should either join to influence them in the direction of Intermarium, or create competing ones if they do not share this goal. A Finnic cultural festival whose only goal is Finnic identity is nice, but it’s not the same as those unions being formed and led by pro-Intermarium Nationalists. These unions must be operated by Intermarium nationalists with the specific end goal of bringing an Intermarium Alliance into reality.
Do not rely on your governments. Do not rely on anybody other than those who truly believe in an Intermarium future.
I would also like to stress that this project should not seek to destroy national identities, but protect them by ensconcing them in a military-political union where the interests of the native peoples and cultures is determined by the countries themselves rather than any outside power. Both under the Russian Federation or NATO/EU, the identity of these nations would be in danger. Let an Intermarium Alliance instead protect these peoples by sharing foreign policy and collective security, and allowing each individual nation to chart its own domestic course.
I want to stress again the importance of thinking long-term and acting short-term, and not letting the lack of immediate achievement of these goals demoralize you and cause you to stop working on this project. Too many people in our community suffer from grandiose visions without the proper thought being given to the immediate next step, which is something they could actually accomplish. They get a few people together in one type of project or another, and the next day they are discussing in Internet chatrooms what the trade policy of a European Empire would be with China and India while not actually doing anything concrete to work towards a specific goal.
The best revolutionary leaders and movements always balanced radicalism with pragmatism.
The Intermarium is a radical idea, but it must be enacted pragmatically. This is a rough sketch of what I think is the best way forward for now. Start small and focus your efforts on the immediate next step while keeping your mind on the big picture, and make sure each small step is building in the right direction for the achievement of your goals. Understand that this will be a years-long struggle. If the Intermarium Alliance comes into reality ten years from now, I will consider that to be incredibly fast. Strap in for the long haul.
As I said before, I think this alliance, when it comes into reality — which it will, despite its tremendous difficulty of it, if we have the will to truly struggle and work for it — should be based in Poland, as Poland would be the most powerful member of this alliance (with Ukraine and Finland not far behind).
Let the future of the white race, at least in Eastern Europe, be determined by an alliance of white men and women centered in Warsaw, not Zionists in Washington or mixed-race antifa in Moscow.
* * *
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Russians are not race mixed. I remember the BS article about the supposed mongoloid features on Putin and many other Russians. That is my only OBJECTIVE critique of the view on Russia in this site.
But I guess I am the only one who looks up countless genetic studies about nations.
I think the author is referring to Russia itself being a multiethnic, multiracial country rather than the ethnic Russians being mixed race.
Thats obviously correct, He is referring to the Russian Federation being a multi ethnic polity not ethnic Russians themselves. Russians or Russkie are of course Europeans whereas Russian citizens or Rossiyane refers to all its residents. Iirc the RF is approximately 85-90% White and is home not just to Slavic ethnic groups but Volga Germans Volga Finns Greeks Moldovans, If you guys are interested in Russian blogs Zemfort1983 or Seva Bashirov on Live Journal are interesting.
There are also Mongoloid people in the far East. But let’s be honest: a lot of people who claim to be simply ethnic Russian are of mixed descent, mostly mixed with Mongols. Under Ivan III, many Mongols became not just “Russians” by adopting the Russian language and religion and swearing allegiance to Moscow, they also became noblemen, whose white Russian serfs were little more than slaves. White Russian noble families married among these Mongols. This is how Russia came to be ruled by Boris Godunov, who was visibly part Mongol. Later, the Romanoffs had Mongol blood from multiple sources. Many prominent ethnic Russians speak proudly of their Mongol, Turkic, or Tatar ancestry, so it is easy enough to verify.
Not with Mongols, but with Türks. Türkic Peoples are natives on the Russian territory and were colonized by Russians since, well, the 16th century.
The peoples known in history as Mongols of Cingizkaan and his successors WERE NOT modern Chalcha-Mongols, but Eastern Türks. Of course some Mongolian peoples mixed with them during the wars and invasions.
There are confusions of Cingizkaan´s Mongols with the Chalcha Mongols. But the Chalcha-Mongols have not known anything about Cingizkagan, before Russian scholars have told them about him 130 or 150 years ago. Really Mongols in Russia are Buryats/Oyrats, to whom Russians have come in the 17th or 18th century, and Kalmykians/Calmucks, or as Türkic peoples call them kalmaklar/kalmaktar, who have invaded from Jungaristan in the 17th century, have crossed the Great Steppe and the rivers Yayik (“Ural”) and Edil (“Volga”) and defeated the Big Nogay Horde in the Kalmykian-Nogay War 1628-1634. (This was the big tragedy for Nogay people with great heritage in folklore and particularly in tolgawlar, sad Kiptchak ballades). And as the river Edil/Volga is considered as the border between Europe and Asia, and the Kalmyks live on the western bank of it, Kalmyks are really only one Mongol people living in Europe (on the former Nogay lands). And the Chalcha themselves are nice people but not warriors.
In contrast of it, the Jungars/Kalmyks were good warriors, not only in 17th century, but 1942-45 too. They have defended the Reichstag in 1945, and somebody confused them with Tibetan Buddhists, so many people still are thinking, that the Tibetans have fought on the side of Germans till 1945. No , those were Kalmyk Buddhists.
The original poster should have comment on Maria Ivanovna Shelomova’s ethnicity (Putin’s mother). Or the ethnicity of Alina Kabaeva (Putin’s lover).
Or the ethnicity of the members of the “Russian” goverment.
The fact is Putin is fighting in Ukraine to the last Tatar-Mongol. He is spearing the Muscowites in order to avoid a rebellion in Moscow.
It is ridiculous how they change their discourse with their target.
Putin is neither Mongoloid, nor Mongol. His origin is supposedly of a “tverskoy karel”, a Karelian from Tver Region, i.e. one of many Eastern Finnish peoples, but totally russifized
“Intermarium” is an important word and an important idea. We should hear more about it.
The Atlantic powers are quickly becoming as inept as they are degenerate. An Intermarium is a necessity as NATO’s strength will only wane further. They might have the fancy weapons, but they have fewer and fewer real warriors to wield them. In the long term, an Intermarium could come to surpass NATO in war fighting capability, and especially if the constituent countries build up their own defense industries.
The main difficulty for this plan is that between many of the countries that Mr. James A. proposes for inclusion in the Intermarium bloc, there are long-standing historical, territorial, cultural and religious contradictions and feelings of mutual antipathy/ressentiments, as well as past and present and future territorial claims that can lead to hot spots and even to open violent conflicts. The Hungarians, for example, have claims against Ukrainians, Slovaks and Romanians. Although the Poles and Ukrainians are now united in the face of the Russian threat, they also have had many conflicts in the past that can become relevant at any moment. So you can walk through all those countries and see that the lands of some states were transferred to others, that representatives of some ethnic groups became oppressed minorities in neighboring states. And now, some of these countries are oriented towards the Scandinavian states, others towards Germany, even taking into account the fact that Germany itself has long been only a proxy of the Russian Federation, the third look towards Russia, the fourth – toward Türkey, and the fifth are oriented on Great Britain and / or the USA. Since there are disputes and conflicts between these major powers, they will inevitably be reflected in the relations of the smaller countries of this very Intermarium, depending on their orientation.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Geopolitically, this idea is nonsensical and built on wishful thinking. It’s being shilled now because Americans need to resupply their cannon fodder in Eastern Europe. Preferably with little costs.
If + Azerbaycan, then + Türkey too (I hope Erdoğan will not rule forever, and secular nationalists, ether moderately Left kemalists or rightists MHP/ÖBP/IYI etc. will come to power). As association partner Qazaqstan will be of good use.
And plus Georgians (with new future government, not of that pro-Russian Uria Ivanishvili), but never Armenians.
Finnish and Estonian nationalists should seek to create a Finnic Cultural Festival held the first year in Helsinki, the next in Tallinn, the next in Helsinki, and so on promoting the Finnic language, culture, identity, and history.
In this context it would be good, when possible, to held contacts with the national organisation of Eastern Fins in Russia, of the Finnish peoples, oppressed by Russian imperialism (Karelia, Ingermanlandia. etc.). It would boster their autonomistic wishes and would weaken Russian imperialism. And that may help Russian ethnonationalists too, who are oppressed by imperialistic state power not less, than non-Russian peoples.
1. White nationalists are unable to gain power in their countries, so it makes no sense for them to establish geopolitical blocs.
2. The people pushing Intermarium are either idealists without any power. Or people of questionable character. I’m afraid that Intermarium will be like a 2nd EU but without the EU. That is, a multicultural empire designed to fight Russia, and this empire will be controlled by the Jewish elite.
Good points. I should elaborate further in another comment.
Alright, time to strap in, there’s so much to unravel, given that the author apparently decided to go all-in here.
Let’s start with the first major whopper:
Poland is a true power, on the brink of being a Great Power — maybe not internationally, but certainly regionally.
On what classification thresholds is Poland classified as on the brink of reaching Great Power status? Putting aside the fact that we classify the Powers taking into account their scale of regional influence and force projection abilities (which means that Regional Powers exercise their strength primarily on regional level, while Great Powers extend that ability to a global level), how’s the Republic of Poland reaching that status? By military strength? Industrial capacity? Demographic potential? Investment capital? Export value? Diplomatic influence?
Countries like France, UK or Germany are commonly classified as Great Powers, how’s Poland getting even close to that level? With it’s industrial sector belonging largely to German capital? With retail sector dominated by capital from Netherlands and Denmark among others? With underfunded, undermanned and under-equipped military (not to mention the issues with discipline)? With demographic growth stalling, predicted new wave of emigration and ethnic destabilization by Ukrainian immigration? With chronically low domestic investment capital, inefficient tax system and large portion of GDP consumed by budget sector? Recent diplomatic crises and no influence that would at least provide the similar level of support Turkey used to receive from USA or EU during the height of migrant crisis? Failed spats with EU that caused a costly coal power plant investment to fail and brought Poland to agree with Green energy agenda? The only potential Poland has is to become a Middle Power (holding influence in the Eastern European subregion), which necessitates utilizing our geographical position as a bridge between the East and the West, not a wall. There is no similarity in national interest between Anglo-Saxon Atlantic powers and Poland in that regard.
Poland and Czechia already have significant arms industries
Chech Republic has always had decent arms industry. Poland is somewhat holding up despite the gross mismanagement and brazen sabotage at various points of our modern history. In the current conditions we lack capabilities to produce modern tank ammunition which would be vital during potential armed conflict. We gave our old tanks and modernized versions to Ukrainians while not securing the deal with Germans for Leopards. We’re going to buy a moderate amount of older Abrams tanks from USA.
Azerbaijan and Norway are also two countries in close proximity to this Intermarium Alliance that could prove to be significant strategic allies, as Azerbaijan is rich in natural gas and Norway is rich in oil.
Yes, we’re going to buy gas from Norway. More expensive and in less supply. Nobody took a pity on a buyer who has no alternative. I doubt Azerbaijan would show generosity in contrast.
They have skin in the game because all of these countries have felt the boot of Russian imperialism before and are motivated to fight against it. Also, the vast majority of these countries are in such close proximity to Russia that their national security revolves around keeping the Russian Federation at bay.
Putting aside the fact that not all of the mentioned countries were affected by Russian military presence, the author paints an image of an united front despite obvious disparity in approach between countries like Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania, Poland with the Baltics. And what do Slovenia and Croatia have to do with Eastern European security? I’m not even discussing political issues within this projected bloc as other commenters already pointed that out.
Liberalism is not as strong in these countries as it is in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and so on.
Relatively, yes. However it took a great hold on the political elite. More importantly, there is no alternative ideology to liberalism and young generations are becoming quickly demoralized under it. For all the internet chest-thumping I doubt anyone of them would grab a rifle and volunteer for the military once the conflict erupts.
Viktor Orban is the only leader with clear illiberal agenda. In other places infiltration proceeds without much resistance outside issues causing great shocks like non-white migrant crisis.
I can’t really discuss the rest of the article which devolves into fantasies about the effect it would make upon the world among other wishes. I also won’t comment on rather insulting claims about Russia and France
Instead I will get back to the issue of NATO and the EU.
Both organizations held more legitimacy over discussed Intermarium before the outbreak of the war for very simple reasons. NATO is legitimized by the American Empire, it’s military, arms industry and global domination (especially on the seas). It holds a promise of support backed by the imperial reputation. European Union’s legitimacy is held primarily by the economic strength of core countries with Germany on top. EU’s catalog of axiology and incentives to follow the rules are backed by the economic and financial benefits.
What kind of incentive would Intermarium provide? What is the trade exchange volume between the projected members? How interconnected are their economies? There is a reason why dissidents in Poland use wordplay “Nędzymorze” (Poormarium), Polish economic strength is insufficient to back such a project. As for the military, why would especially smaller countries exchange NATO for Intermarium? If Poland is dependent on American military support, what’s the point? Why creating this unnecessary intermediary? European Armed Forces under EU are a more sound project since they can actually bring together the collective strength of developed Western European arms industries which eclipses ours.
The only purpose Intermarium serves now is a contingency plan for the American Empire to avoid direct military involvement beyond Odra river. Keeping anti-russian front at the cost of local taxpayers and with no obligation to intervene.
Overall, the argumentation provided to make the case for Intermarium is quite lousy and relying on wishful thinking. If the project started right after the downfall of the Warsaw Pact it could have had some chances, but the Central European Initiative (Hexagonale) pretty much imploded after the Yugoslavian Wars. Ideas about eastern NATO-bis and analogous equivalent of European Economic Community remained in forgotten declarations and opinions. The area remains dominated by Western European economies and American political-military hegemony.
Currently the ASEAN model of cooperation is the one only working format for such organization. It’d allow for cultural initiatives combined with selective economic cooperation, without getting tied up in uncomfortable military alliances. It could also operate permanent forums with Great Powers like Russia or China along with Germany and France with Italy. In the Balkans Italy and Turkey would become important participants.
If somebody prefers propaganda about Poland becoming a Great Power in the region, capable of trouncing either Russia or Turkey, I recommend the works of neocon George Friedman from Geopolitical Futures. Better written and more honest about the imperial status of America.
“Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, Czechia, Hungary…”
Don’t you know that we are Mongols?
But even if we are white, count us out.
Poles, at least Szlachta, Polish nobility, are of Iranoaryan Sarmatian origin, they were not Slavs and always considered their Slavish serfs as cows, as cattle, bydło. Bosnians (descendants of Oguz Türkic Pechenegs) and Ukrainians are slavized Türks (Ukrainians with partially Iranoaryan blood of Saki/Sakalar/Scythians and Roxolans/Alanians), Bulgarians are people mixed of Türkic Bulgars, Slavs and Thracians, and so on. I think the author here means not the racial and “blood”/ethnical origins of all mentioned peoples, but their belongness to a distinct civilization (Kulturkreis). Because, of course, some of mentioned peoples are ethnically much nearer to Qazaqs and other horse-riding nomades of the Great Steppe in their origins, than to the so-called “Western Europeans”. But culturally they are Europeans, however “not perfect”.
Szlachta was descended from various groups as the Commonwealth expanded. Poles (traced to both to Polan warriors who accompanied first Piast rulers and other tribal nobility), Lithuanians, Ruthenians, Tatars and Armenians. Sarmatian myth was a first step towards the imperial ideology of Poland that united Szlachta from various ethnic backgrounds. It’s unclear what kind of influence did Scythians had on Slavic tribes that formed Polans, but we can suspect we learned horse-riding and mounted combat from them.
I would say that the idea of smaller unions is more viable, as for example, an union of the countries of former WKL and RP, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, and maybe in the distant future post-Lukashenko´s Belarus. Or an union of former Habsburger lands of Ö-U. That could be possible somedays. But the proposed by the author union is simply TOO BIG and has to many internal differences and contradictions to be real. And if real it would be too weak and not last long, or it will be practically useless, as it was with La Petite Entente in 1920´s -1930´s.
Liberalism is not as strong in these countries as it is in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and so on.
I’ve long suspected that Central/Eastern European countries (excluding Russia) will be the future of Western Civ. I think it has something to do with being stuck behind the iron curtain for so long… as a result they’re somewhat impervious to bullshit it seems.
Russia may not do much to protect its white population, but it is not anti-white either. It has suppressed certain activist groups, but it does not have the witch hunt for anything white that is the policy of the Western ruling classes.
People will point to Poland as an example of successful resistance against the evil designs of the EU and NATO, that is to say of the US. But Poland is not at all that nationalist as it is made out to be by hopeful but superficial Americans, and worse: the Empire is hellbent on breaking any resistance, and keeps up and heightens the pressure. They only need one pliable government, and after four years it’s over (example: Tony Blair).
Therefore, I do not at all agree with the idea that Russia is a threat to the white race even remotely comparable with the US. Even the Soviet-Union was far more benign than the US: compare the effect of Soviet occupation of East-Germany with the US occupation of West-Germany.
In the West we find an affluent but a completely demoralized population, and the colonization by non-whites already starting in the seventies. In the East people were poorer but their spirit was not broken by systematic propaganda. Until the fall of the Berlin wall, East-Germany was a heaven of pure whiteness.
Therefore, I call Russia the little Satan, but the US definitely the big Satan. Ukraine could have stayed neutral, maybe even play both sides like Yugoslavia, but its foreign ruling class chose to become a vassal of the big Satan.
As far as the Intermarium is concerned: it is a nice idea, and maybe can work culturally. The idea that other Eastern European countries would accept Polish leadership is however quite unthinkable. At least the Hungarians will never accept this. And besides, the US will never let these countries escape from its grip. It will sooner stage a coup, or concoct some military intervention. Only if the US disintegrates is there any hope for Europe.
The cynical negativity of these comments is so demoralizing. I’m not sure if it’s the hardwired pessimistic nature of Eastern Europeans/Slavs on display, or if this is the black-pilled upshot of too many years in the dissident milieu.
James clearly said that nationalists currently don’t hold political power in any Eastern European country, so this would require years of grassroots activism and networking. Those of you who claim it will never work because we don’t hold office or there are too many historic grudges and boundary disputes or NATO/EU/USA are too powerful and attractive, you have no vision. You are quick to list reasons why this can’t happen, won’t happen and shouldn’t happen. This is such a loser attitude.
Our battle is David v. Goliath to the nth power. We should be actively exploring every option no matter how absurd or idealistic or fantastic it sounds. Those of you who cannot contribute anything more constructive than keyboard criticism are worse than our enemies. You demoralize our movement from within like a cancer. If you naysayers truly took white nationalism seriously, you would be looking for solutions to the myriad petty reasons you listed on why Intermarium couldn’t work. Rather you choose to kill the idea in its infancy. It makes me wonder, is this movement serious for some of you or just a silly way to kill time?
Well, if you want us to dream, why dream of an Intermarium? Why not dream of a far more fitting vision? Europe under German leadership!
Not the Poles, not the Russians, not even the French, but the Germans have the correct position and ability for statecraft. In fact, Germany is already the leading power in Europe. It is just that the population is brainwashed, and Germany now serves foreign masters. But that is the case with the Eastern European countries too. Therefore, our campaign would not be very different, and focused in the same enemies.
Take that hindrance away, and Berlin (or Germania 🙂 ) will be the capitol of Europe (just leave those scheming English out of it). This is the natural order of things.
Germany is a Russian proxy.
If only. Because even that would be an improvement to being a despised prostitute to US-Israel masters. “The reason of the existence of the German state is the safety of Israel.” This slimy servility is absolutely revolting.
I would say that is a big simplification when we speak of nations as of something whole with unified opinion. “The Hungarians think, the Poles and the Litaunians consider, the Ukrainians stand for, and so on”. In any nations there are different opinions and attitudes, and sociological surveys or all kinds of polls does not help much. Firstly, the nations of the Eastern Europe have always lived under authoritarian regimes and they know, that they should always say “yes” openly, but they could think “no” privately. Then, Russia and Ukraine are both police states and dictatorships, where the “dissident” opinion could be punished with fines or jails. So, we can suggest, that there are Russians, which are AGAINST Putin and AGAINST the War in Ukraine, but we do not know it, because they should keep silent. Also, we can suggest, that there are Ukrainians, which are for compromise with Russia, or rather which hate the West not less, or maybe more, than they hate Russia, and are at all not champions of the Western or merely pro-Western orientation. But they should keep silent. There are no unity and no unanimous opinions, so it is better not to say “the Poles think”, but “some Poles think” (and the others think differently).
About the idea of Intermarium I would say it is more a dream, than a viable plan. The nations, which could join it, maybe all dislike Russia (and Germany), but they dislike each others much more.
People who dislike one another routinely form alliances against peoples they dislike even more.
Yes, but who can know for sure who they actually dislike the most, and that dislike can change over time. Big alliances are not viable at all because of many internal contradictions, the biggest alliance in the world, the UNO, is not worth anything.
Right, but no alliance has to last forever. It just has to outlast the current pressing threat. NATO has lasted for generations. An Intermarium containing many current NATO members would be better for Central and Eastern Europe than NATO, and it would likely be able to outlast both Russia, the West, and the US, all of which have ruinous demographic and economic problems.
It’s the Boris Johnson plan which is itself the latest articulation of the american project of creating a wall between Germany and Russia. It is packaged and sold to naive nationalists under the brand name ‘Intermarium’.
Perhaps nationalists of the neocon variety should reflect upon the apocalyptic disaster, mass death, territorial loss, economic and demographic ruin that their policies affected in Ukraine, take a pause and engage in some self criticism, instead of moving on to the next item on their selling/shilling list.
Is this the Kremlin’s line on Intermarium? It seems pitched to morons, so it probably is.
We’ve been talking about the idea for years here, and it has nothing to do with “neocons.” And what does Germany have to do with it?
This is all that Russia has to offer. And had to offer for more than 300 years.
The anti-fascist and white savior Aroshanov Vitaly Valeriovich, pure Russian ethnic and Mongol savage.
1. Basicaly what is the “Intermarium” offer?
2. How fast do you think it will be effective?
3. How fast do you think it will be be able to build enough nuclear weapons to keep the Russian psychopaths in check?
Without US, EU, and NATO European peoples and civilization can not survive. On both shores of Atlantic.
The only solution is to get rid of the communists and the Russian spies.
How crazy is this:
1. Russia and China created a humanitarian crisis in Syria. Russian sadists did every inimaginable thing in Syria. While the West was magically silent.
2. The documented Russian spy Angela Merkel opens up the gates of Europe creating out of the blue the conditions for the total destruction of the continent.
3. Conclusion? Putin is the saviour, NATO and EU have to disapear and replace them with Nothing.
4. This intermarium Nothing is an old and stupid ideea, concocted by a documented Russian spy named Nicolae Titulescu. Back then it was called the Little Entante.
The peoples of Central and so-called “Eastern” Europa (Eastern Europe is not Europe at all, but Westerners do not want to insult them, so they use that strange term, so as they speak about “Eastern Slavs”, which are not Slavs, but simply Slavish speaking non-Slavic people) have TWO common enemies, Russia AND Germany. The interests of those both powers are intertwined, they are interdependent, and in spite of all their past conflicts against each other they both want to have common border and to annihilate/divide the countries which lay in-between. I would note that all “Russian” Tsars were Germans, and that without Germans there had not been such things as Russian Imperialism and colonialism in Northern Eurasia.
My country was European since the Romanian people genesis.The great intellectual Revilo Pendelton Oliver called Romania “the easternmost western country”. So I don’t understand your point.
Mongol, Turkish, and Russian invasions delayed the modernity, and brought the most disgusting Asian savagery and sadism.
The Slavs have exterminated all the eastern Germans and almost all the Baltic people. Again I don’t understand your point.
Russia is the deadly enemy of the entire Europe, including Germany and USA. Since forever.
German-Russian inter-winding always led to war and destruction. The Russian espionage network controlling the German government is not really “inter-winding”. De Meziere infiltrated Merkel, which destroyed the German patriot Kohl. Later it was found out that De Meziere was a KGB agent. Is that “inter-winding”? Or is it a raging hidden war?
I do not think and I did not say, that Romanians are “Eastern Europeans”. They are CENTRAL Europeans, as Poles, Lituanians, Latvians, Slovaks and Hungarians are. “Eastern Europeans” are Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians, and, sorry, I do not think that they are Europeans. Maybe the natives of the lands, which were stolen by Stalin and formally annexed to Soviet Ukraine and Soviet Belarus in 1939-40 and 1945, i.e. Galicians, Bukovinians, Transcarpathian Ruthenians, Gutsuls, Lemke, polonized Western Belarussians are Central Europeans and belong to European civilisation. (To prove that those lands should be given back to their legitime masters). But most Ukrainians and Russians are not. They are heirs of Türkic-Tatar Cingizid state, which is (wrongly) known as Golden Horde (Altyn Orda) and their culture and political style is Asian. Maybe it should not be applicated to Belarussians, because they are Slavized Balts and are originally white European, not spoiled by Asian influence, but partially spoiled by Russian version of Orthodoxy (as state religion). Interesting here is that the Russians have never regarded themselves as Europeans, but their colonial elites, sponsored and supported by Europeans, always tried to impose on their subjects the notion that they ARE EUROPEANS. Anytime when those subjects have thrown their rulers away, they simply and very fast have forgotten all “European”, forced on them. So it was in the 13th century after the final disruption of “Kievan Rus”, so it was in 1917 after the end of “Romanovs-German yoke”, as it was called by Russian Euroasianists, and so it is now under Putin, because in today´s Russia the word “European” is almost insulting, such an euphemism for “faggot” or “degenerate”. So we see that the Russians do not want to be Europeans. But Europeans now and again still are trying to convince them (and themselves) that supposedly Russians are still Europeans. This should have nothing to do with practical politics at all. The Europeans successfully trade with the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese, but it still does not occur to them to call these peoples European, and even more so to convince the Koreans, Japanese and Chinese themselves that they are supposedly Europeans.
The Slavs have exterminated all the eastern Germans and almost all the Baltic people. Again I don’t understand your point.
There are two sides of the story. One can look from another angle and say that the Germans have almost exterminated some Western Slavs (not Poles and Czechs, but almost all Baltic Slavs, but small relicts of Wenden und Sorben). And the Vikings have established their colonial rule in the East and enslaved native peoples there. The so-called “Kievan Rus”, so popular among Ukrainian idiots, was a colonial state, ruled by Baltic pirates and slave-traders, which sold the ancestors of those idiots in the whole European and Mediterranean region. That was a Varagian yoke, and it lasted more than 300 years, until the tribes, now known as “Eastern Slavs”, were liberated by Türkic-Mongolian “invasion” with big support of natives, which hated their colonial rulers, now proclaimed as “Holy” and “Great” princes and dukes.
Russia is the deadly enemy of the entire Europe, including Germany and USA. Since forever.
Russia is the Golem, created, financed, supported and maintained by the West. “Kievan Rus” was the colony of the Western vikings. The Russian Empire was ruled by German princes and princesses, who all hated and despised “their” Russian subjects. The Soviet Union was created and financed from the Wall Street, all Soviet industry incl. weapon production was “made in USA” and another Western countries. The post-Soviet Russia was financed from the West. Putin and his gang have their money in the West, not in China or North Korea. Sometimes Russia turned against its masters. Just like the Golem in old Jewish tale did. Sometimes the West tries to discipline Russia. Later, these conflicts are described as supposedly examples of the eternal hostility between Russia and Europe. But in reality, Europe should just leave Russia alone, stop forcibly turning Russians (as well as Ukrainians) into Europeans and stop support the pro-Western ruling colonial elites in these countries. And then Russia will cease to be an empire, and will be just another big ASIAN country, like Iran or Kazakhstan. It was its own expansion to the West that did the Russians and their interests most harm. The above mentioned annexations of the western territories (the Baltic States, Eastern Poland, parts of Slovakia, Hungary and Romania) in 1939-1945 turned out to be a time bomb for the USSR, because it was the population of these regions that at first resisted Sovietization with weapons in their hands, and in the 80s acted at the forefront of the movement for national independence, which caused the collapse of the USSR. It was a big blunder of Stalin, who better should let those countries formally independend without joining them to metropole.
Is that “inter-winding”?
Yes,it is. Comrade Putin has his money in Germany, and the whole his gang has business interests in Germany, as German elites have their interests in Russia. They both collectively deceive their peoples to earn money while their propaganda pumps the people with anger and hostility.
1. Baltic peoples were not Slavs, nor Germanic.
2. Two millenia ago, Dacian state was neighboring with Germanic tribes to the East and North. These tribes were uprooted or exterminated by Slavs. I was talking about an older history.
3. The common history between Germanic and Slavic tribes started with genocide. Oncle Adi knew this and it influenced his politics.
4. It seems that the Russian nobility had two parts. One of Mongolic-Turkic origin, and one of Western origin (Germans, French, Balts). You seem to transfer the deeds, behavior, and mentality from one part to another.
5. Who do you think that really ruled Russia? Catherine II, or the Orlovs, Potemkins, Rumyantsevs, Suvorovs? When Peter III wanted to strengthen the friendship with Prusia, he was killed, and Cathrine slept with the officers of the imperial guard. She was a negligible entity, easy to be removed. Foreigners were important and well paid for specific tasks like building and commanding the Navy – one of the Russian obssesions since the Peter I. There are countless stories like this.
6. Russia needs foreigners to build a Navy, Army, guns, tanks, rockets. But they never had that much influence. When they had started to be too much they were removed. Including the Romanovs. I keep the belief that Okhrana had a huge part in starting the so called Bolshevik Revolution and the removal of the Romanovs. Strangely enough there were not so many “Germans” in Okhrana, and many or most of them joined the CEKA-NKVD.
7. Russia is a schizophrenic country. In 1000 years it wasn’t been able to decide what it desires to be. It can’t be itself, it can’t be European, nor fully Asian. This is the main source of war in Eastern, Central and Southern Europe. Russia is the source of countless tragedies.
8. Varangians might have not been a nice bunch. But the savagery of Holodomor is so recent, so vivid, so menacing that everything else doesn’t matter. We are assisting to an Independence War. Ukraine has to sort out the colosal error done by Boghdan Hmielnitski. Russia means genocide for every conquered people. If they do not fight Russia now, they will be the cannon fodder in the next war of Russia. The only logical thing that Ukraine and Europe can do is to fight Russia.
9. You talk about leaving Russia alone. It is Russia that doesn’t leave Europe and the world alone. The Russians reached Paris, and Madrid. They did the Sarajevo thing. They stole the Romanian and Spanish gold. They used terrorism against Poland and Romania, they are blowing ammunitions depots in Bulgaria and Czech Republik. Right now, a century, two centuries or three ago. Same thing. You are in error. It is Russia who never leaves Europe alone. The East never leaves the West alone. Since two thousand years.
10. The real problem is that Whites in general are so enamored with doctrines and ideeas that they are not able to see the truth right under their eyes. They think that progress and modernity will bring peace and prosperity. It did for many, but not for Russia. It started two world wars and Russia is still savage and poor and genocidal. They think that commerce will bring peace and friendship. It brought another war, and another one is looming in Asia. From the left or from the right westerners are too ideological and stubborn in error. Which is extremly dangerous.
11. An enduring Russian tradition is to buy Western politicians and intellectuals, and use use them as wipes. This is not a friendly behavior. No matter how much they paid. Germany, as everybody else has to get rid of the Russian spies. In US it is even more complicated. They need to get rid of the Chinese, and Israeli spies too. But you know, give globalism a chance, give Russia a chance, greatest ally of them all, etc. Talking about ideological NOT thinking.
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