First and foremost, I’d like to laugh at the Russia apologists who think they won something. Admittedly, a very bad situation for the Russian Federation was prevented from getting catastrophically worse. But overall, this has harmed Russia greatly and did not harm Ukraine at all. (more…)
Author: James A.
Let’s talk about the coming potential collapse of Russia, as I mentioned in a previous post.
When the war began, Kremlin propaganda began showing maps of Europe divided into various schizophrenic pre-twentieth century borders. (more…)
The pro-Kremlin crowd in online Dissident Right spaces has one argument that they love above all others. Mike Peinovich made it in his recent post about how utterly right he is (in his view) to support Russia over Ukraine. Greg Johnson from Counter-Currents offered to debate him on that point, an offer which Joel Davis and Mark Collett both seconded, an offer which Mike and The Right Stuff (TRS) will no doubt refuse. (more…)
As I have written before, while it is an undeniable truth that NATO and even the European Union, which is much worse than NATO, is preferable to the Russian Federation due to the incontestable fact that pro-white organizations can operate more freely in the former than in the latter, my ideal scenario is Eastern Europe breaking away from NATO and forming its own military alliance with its headquarters in Warsaw, consisting of the following countries in no particular order: (more…)
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There are recent reports about Finland strengthening its borders with Russia not just militarily, but with regard to illegal entry. Finland is taking this precaution because they fear Russia will employ the same tactic that Belarus has employed against Poland over the past couple of years. (more…)
I have bad news for those who side with Russia because they oppose NATO. The idea that Russia invading Ukraine will weaken NATO is incorrect and crumbles under the most rudimentary analysis. (more…)
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There is an argument I hear from pro-Kremlin so-called nationalists all the time. It goes something like this: “If Estonia and other countries in Eastern Europe continue as NATO members, their demographics will be ruined . . . one day! You’re better off dealing with Russia!” (more…)
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In the minds of Anglosphere Russia apologists, what happened at the Euromaidan in 2013-14 was simple: A democratically elected head of state, Viktor Yanukovych, who represented the will of the people, wanted to move Ukraine closer to Russia as opposed to Europe, which prompted the CIA to overthrow him in a coup they backed against the wishes of the Ukrainian people, whom he was serving. (more…)