Author: Guillaume Faye
Guillaume Faye
Sex and Deviance
London: Arktos, 2014
286 pagesPaperback: $30
Sex and Deviance is an excellent companion volume to F. Roger Devlin’s Sexual Utopia in Power, offering a trenchant New Right critique of today’s sexual chaos: (more…)
3,116 words
English version here
La carnicería en Charlie Hebdo y de la tienda kosher en Montrouge son sólo el principio, un presagio. En total, 17 personas, entre ellas diez periodistas, cuatro compradores, y tres policías murieron y treinta resultaron heridas. Este es el comienzo de una guerra civil étnica en Francia, bajo la bandera del Islam. (more…)
2,976 words
Translated by Greg Johnson
Spanish translation here
The carnage at Charlie Hebdo and the kosher food shop in Montrouge are just the beginning, a harbinger. In all, 17 people, including 10 journalists, four shoppers, and three police officers died, and 30 were wounded. This is the beginning of an ethnic civil war in France under the banner of Islam. (more…)
1,236 words
The opinion proposed here differs from the conventional wisdom of the dominant ideology that sees the world in the short term and through the wrong end of the telescope. (more…)
July 17, 2014 Guillaume Faye
Now in Stock!
Convergence of CatastrophesGuillaume Faye
Convergence of Catastrophes
Foreword by Jared Taylor
Translated by E. Christian Kopff
London: Arktos, 2012
216 pagesThe thesis of this book is a terrifying one: our present global civilisation will collapse within twenty years, and it is too late to stop it. (more…)
March 18, 2014 Guillaume Faye
O znovupřipojení Krymu k Rusku
English version here
Krymský parlament vyhlásil nezávislost na Ukrajině a vypsal referendum o možném připojení k Ruské federaci. (more…)
1,053 words
Translated by Greg Johnson
The events in the Ukraine have a single cause. The whole thing was triggered by the European Union’s proposal of a commercial and economic association as a prelude to Ukraine’s entry into the EU and NATO. The now fallen President Yanukovych accepted this proposal because of the financial situation of his country.
1,070 words
Translated by Greg Johnson
A nation, a people can have deficient state institutions while continuing to produce a great creative civilization. The example of France — among others — is quite eloquent. In many periods of its history, this country has experienced an unstable political state organization which cannot master endemic crises. However, society continued to function and create in all domains despite the ongoing crisis of the state. Because the society was the fertile population of vital people, who were never discouraged. (more…)
November 30, 2013 Guillaume Faye
Entrevista sobre Dominique Venner