The Hippies, 50 Years Later: From “Make Love, Not War” to “Make War, Not Hate”
Full disclosure: This isn’t my war.
I didn’t approve of this war. No one even consulted me about it, which frankly felt like a bit of a snub. And I’m certainly not a pacifist. I’m not against this new war because I hate to see human beings getting killed — quite the opposite, I think more of them need to be killed, and quickly — but because I don’t see the end result being good for me on any possible level.
But just like comedian Patton Oswalt once said that the worst thing about the Bill Cosby rape scandal was the hypocrisy, the worst thing about the fact that this planet may not even exist in one year won’t be the extinction of the human race and the eternal loss of everything we’ve ever loved and achieved. No, once more, it will be the hypocrisy.
A couple months ago with that virus thing, some people at least pretended to care about saving human lives. But now Putin is Hitler, and we absolutely hated Hitler and would have loved to kill him, even when he was a tiny baby. By extension, all Russians are Nazis, and it’s never wrong to shoot Nazis, because Nazi lives don’t matter, at least not like black lives do.
Imagine suddenly caring about Ukrainians, when you’ve never even thought about them once in your life, because your social-media feed commanded you to care about them.
They didn’t seem to care what Russians did to Ukrainians back in the early 1930s, did they? In fact, these types denied the Holodomor was happening while it was happening, and even while they were there to see it was actually happening with their own lying eyes. Russia was completely blameless to them back then.
These creatures, whatever they’re being called this year, are the cultural, moral, and political heirs of the hippies who had “war is not healthy for children and other living things” posters on their bedroom walls, but whether they are directly screaming for Russian blood to flow in the streets or are simply falling in line with the boycotts and sanctions and bellicose shit-talking, their behavior will only inflame rather than defuse the situation. If Putin is actually as malevolent and unhinged as they say he is, does it make sense to taunt him like that?
They feel intense, pulsating, invigorating moral clarity about all this.
They can sleep at night knowing that frightened citizens huddling in bomb shelters somewhere in Kiev can check Google Earth to see that their house in America has a lawn sign showing unabashed support for the Ukrainian people and their noble cause.
The same ones who scoffed at the Red Scare now believe all of the US government hype about Russia.
I won’t even bother to check, but I’m pretty sure that every member of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young is gung-ho about absolutely smashing the Russkis this time around. They believed the hype about Putin that they refused to believe about Stalin or Khrushchev or Mao.
Hate’s okay when you’re hating the hater. As long as they can kill the hateful notions inside your head, they have no qualms about splitting it wide open like a cantaloupe.
How easy it is to whip up popular sentiment toward a Grand Guignol bloodlust so long as you can convince them it’s for the right cause.
They supported the NO NUKES movement to the point where they released a nauseating and overlong live triple album about it in 1979, and now they’re supporting the sort of belligerence toward an active war participant that could set off a nuclear war
They were for free speech until they weren’t.
They used to place flowers in gun barrels; now they’re eager to send guns, tanks, and bombs to Ukraine.
They screamed against the war back in the 1960s because they got college deferments, and now they’re screaming in favor of the war because they know they’ll never have to fight.
They want a world without borders. Except for Ukraine. Keep the border around Ukraine.
Hate has no home here, and by extension, it has no home in Ukraine, even if we have to go in with tanks and bombs and bioweapons.
Putin must be stopped because he is currently showering Ukraine with AIDS-sniffing missiles. But when all the dust settles and all the Russian corpses are tossed onto rusty garbage trucks, Ukrainian kindergarteners will finally be free to opt for state-funded gender-reassignment surgery.
None of those who are screaming for Putin’s head are going to lift a finger to kill him.
Married men on Twitter — and I swear I’ve seen this but couldn’t locate the original posts — saying they want to watch while Zelensky fucks their wives. One of them even said he’d grab Zelensky’s hips to help him thrust in more deeply.
At least our armed forces are inclusive and tolerant.
We want to defund the police and use the money to send tanks to Ukraine.
They are still stupidly confident, like every American since 1865, that whether there’s a war or not, it’ll be somewhere else and can’t possibly come to their backyard.
And, despite #MeToo and the “male gaze” and all that rigmarole, if hundreds of thousands of Russian women wind up getting raped when the tide turns and the good guys win the war, we’ll shed about as many tears as we did for the millions of German women who got raped by invading Russian soldiers during the Second World War.
The most we can hope for is that this will be an environmentally friendly global conflagration.
You don’t need to make sense when you’re shitfaced drunk on your own righteousness.
Simply to be passive-aggressive, I will heretofore refer to all Ukrainian soldiers as “insurrectionists.”
Death of the Dollar, Then Death of the West?
As I type, I can feel the power being sucked out of the West and heading eastward.

You can buy Jim Goad’s The Redneck Manifesto here.
I’m no economist, but my grinding guts tell me Americans are on the cusp of unprecedented and heretofore unimaginable levels of poverty.
As an article in Financial Times notes, during the Crimean War (1854-1856) the British and Russian governments kept paying their financial debts to one another even while their soldiers were blasting one another to shreds in Ukraine.
These days, defaulting on debts, freezing assets, issuing economic sanctions, and undermining currencies are being used as weapons of war. And this is where the United States, with its $30-trillion public debt and another $100 trillion or so in unfunded pensions and liabilities, this drunk-on-empire country that assured the rubes that things would be fine as we sold off our industrial base to become a service-oriented economy and distracted everyone with “racism” in order to smash cultures and maximize global profits, needs to tiptoe and not wake the sleeping giant.
Biden’s economic sanctions against Russia essentially prohibit them from accessing dollar reserves.
But what if Putin and a US-weary rest of the world says, “We don’t need your steenking dollars?”
We see how well economic sanctions worked against Japan and Germany in the years leading up to the Second World War.
Freezing Russia’s foreign reserves was the economic equivalent of dropping a hydrogen bomb on Moscow.
Saudi Arabia and China — which is the world’s largest oil consumer — are now in negotiations to conduct oil deals in Chinese yuan rather than US dollars.
India and Russia are now working a deal where they trade exclusively in rupees and rubles.
There’s no good reason for China or Russia to ever trade in US dollars again, especially not with one another.
The West currently dominates the world’s currency system, with the US dollar and the euro combining to rule three-quarters of global payments.
Even a partial shift toward other global reserve currencies would be catastrophic for the US dollar, propped up as it is on nothing more than paper and ink.
Endless foreign wars and runaway currency devaluation. Where has this ever turned out well?
Maybe not much will come of this tidy little war. Or maybe it will mark the flashpoint of a global power realignment that’s been a long time coming.
Ron Paul — remember him, and remember how, around ten years ago, people from across the political spectrum started making fun of libertarians and stopped talking about taxes and the debt? — says that the US should be “packing up and coming home” rather than offering aid to Ukraine:
We will have less clout as issuing the reserve currency of the world, and it’s already started in that direction. It never deserved much credit for being a reserve currency. It was just sort of accidental about how we came out of World War II; we weren’t bombed to smithereens, we still had a lot of wealth, we had all the gold, we had the directions, we controlled the IMF and the World Bank, we established NATO and . . . we’ve been running our empire that way.
All wars are trade wars. And it’s starting to feel as if the US traded its future away a long time ago.
Anti-Tranny Activist: “I’m Not a Vet, but I Know What a Dog Is”
Last Thursday, Lia Thomas — who until 2019 was competing as a man for the University of Pennsylvania’s swim team — won the 500-yard freestyle to become the first tranny in the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) history to be crowned champion. Thomas has been smashing swimming records ever since undergoing testosterone-reduction treatment and breaking the glass hymen of women’s water sports.
Looking for a picture of Thomas, I ran across this photo and thought, “Oh, for the love of Pete, how does anyone delude themselves that this is a woman rather than a man?”, only to realize that it was a photo of Taylor Ruck, a biological woman who bested the tranny swimmer on the succeeding evening during a meet in Atlanta.
Perhaps gender is more fluid than I’d ever thought possible.
Here is a picture of Lia Thomas, former male swimmer and now male swimmer posing as a female swimmer. He looks sort of what I imagine Bob Saget would have looked like after a rigorous Brazilian wax from the neck down. Outside the event in Atlanta where an actual female swimmer who possibly looks more like a biological male than does the male swimmer who’s now posing as a female swimmer, anti-trans campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen — who is a woman and looks like one — got into an argument with a man that allegedly went something like this:
Keen: Is he the same as the other girls in the pool?
Man: Everybody is different.
Keen: No. Are you saying he doesn’t have male organs? I’m a woman — that is not a woman. Do you have ovaries? I’m a woman, and that is not a woman.
Man: Let me ask you, are you a biologist?
Keen: Oh, my God — don’t be ridiculous. I’m not a vet, but I know what a dog is.
It’s such a brilliant metaphor that seems to immediately burst the delusion of the trans bubble — that is, until I realized that by thinking that picture of a female swimmer was actually of a man, I mistook a dog for a veterinarian.
Beautiful Young Black Queen Loses Her Life Over a Damned Bowling Ball
You can tell by her name alone that LaKevia Jackson was a strong, young, intelligent, empowered black female from the inner city with the potential to cure cancer and end world hunger. Sure, at age 31, seemingly her only accomplishment had been to squat down and squirt out a baby that had been implanted in her by a rapper named Young Thug about 14 years ago when they were both young and foolish, and before he could basically have any bitch he wanted — but she was in the midst of getting her life together, I swear.
Last Thursday night, however, this beautiful young milk-chocolate rose was shot down in the parking lot of the Metro Fun Center, an Atlanta skating rink, bowling alley, and general entertainment venue for the city’s restless and brooding black hordes.
Apparently, she’d engaged in a verbal dispute over a bowling ball with an unnamed male assailant. After apparently being disrespected, or at least feeling disrespected, the male lurked in the parking lot for 20 minutes before Miss LaKevia came out and shot her dead.
According to Atlanta homicide detective Ralph Woolfolk: “This is truly an atrocity. A young lady has lost her life over a bowling ball.”
LaKevia’s mother Sherina sobbed to a reporter:
I didn’t know that was going to be the last time I talked to my baby. I could hear her over the phone crying and screaming then her best friend said she’s not breathing! I lost my baby all over a bowling ball.
As a writer for The Young, Black and Fabulous so potently phrased it:
Absolutely disgusting. There is nothing that could have been said or done to warrant waiting to shoot someone after an argument over a bowling ball. Nothing.
A bowling ball. A damned bowling bowl. A bowling ball can be replaced, but not a strong and vibrant black mother. I’m shaking my damn head. This world has lost its damned mind.
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Ever since the Okhrana had The Protocols of the Elders of Zion written, or since in Operation Infektion they tried to convince blacks AIDS was a genocidal plot we’ve known the Russians are masters of disinformation. So when you hear about typical CIA funded satanist neo-nazi Ukrainian wackjobs using civilians as human shields, who knows if thats true or not? All I know is conflict with russia would be very bad and I have been intimidated by their hypersonic missiles and paramilitary groups ever since I saw the video of Wagner group mercenaries sledgehammering a syrian deserter. Our elites are unhinged and decadent and it doesn’t matter that the russian military is getting bogged down, the Russian bear still has SS-18 Satan superheavy ICBMs (designed for first strike capability) pointed at targets around the world. Please, if any Russians read this, know that the trannification and negroization of this country (America) will soon reach terminal levels, we are more a threat to ourselves than anyone else, we are riven by black urban warfare and will soon be little more than a nuclear Brazil. I remain pro-Russia(n people) as everyone because I am pro-white, and as George Kennan pointed out before his death, NATO expansion eastwards after 1991 was horribly provocative.
You are the first person on the alt-right that I have read who has mentioned George Kennan. Good for you. He was probably the highest IQ person who ever worked for the state department.
Nuclear Brazil! What a catastrophe!
Talk about meta. I read on another site about how people there read a British paper’s site that erased its comments after the commenters were too callous and flippant about the Young Thug thing. Apparently one of the last comments before the cleanse was “I honor your journalistic courage in showing a picture of the bowling ball.”
I am enjoying how all of a sudden on social media people are becoming experts on the Ukraine, when they never gave the place a single thought before in their lives. Just like how they all became sudden epidemiologists at the start of the pandemic. It’s incredible how many armchair scientists, or missionaries, or war experts, there are in the world these days. The middle class want to colonise minds in the way that the West used to colonise countries, only it’s ‘racist and disgusting’ working class white minds they want to colonise with intersectionality, what with being evangelists for madness, of course.
It’s actually been hilariously disgusting to watch everybody become an expert on everything all at once, completely without any past context for ‘their’ ‘beliefs,’ which basically just amount to gulping down propaganda and doctrine traps, and then vomiting them back up for tearyeyed online kudos. Watching indoctrination playing out in real time is an eternal joy. Everybody wants to get in on the act. Like when, say, David Bowie died, and all of a sudden you had people coming out of the woodwork who had never mentioned him in their lives online before, or listened to his music, weeping and gnashing their teeth and rending their garments at this tragic loss to world culture. They wanted you to feel their PAIN, maaaan!
Stop the world, I want to get off, indeed.
It’s interesting to see how the political poles have inverted. The people against the war in Iraq are pro-war in Ukraine and the pro-Iraq war people see the nuance and complexity of going to war in Ukraine. What was once left is now right and what was once right is now left.
I genuinely wonder how much of this pro-Ukraine-war stuff is nihilism and self-loathing externalised. The people advocating for war are deeply unhappy and seemingly want to die, and remember, a murderer is just an extroverted suicide. Chuckling sadly. Anybody brainlessly cheering on a war from the sidelines that could get us all killed has got to be a few eggs short of a carton.
And it’s also been fascinating to see the cries about stopping (BOO! HISS! ONLY TRAITORS WANT…) freedom of speech coming, too, because of ‘fake news’ and ‘disinformation.’ Who decides what these things are is, quite simply, brain-frying. I have no idea who to trust now on any subject under the sun, at least politically, and keep my ill-informed, half-formed Ukraine opinions to myself. I don’t know enough about it to comment, my views are totally unimportant, and can see that loads of the stuff about it from both sides is propaganda. And I’m not going to start ranting online about a subject because the media tells me to. Not that easily led.
Killing white kids is bad.
Everything else is propaganda to justify a cynical war, terrorism, and since today piracy.
I’ve been monitoring Ukraine since the Maidan Protests. I felt that the election of Hillary would be the sign of a war in Ukraine precipitated by the US especially after the Russian annexation of Crimea. I can tell you anything you’d like to know about the Crimea War or the American Japanese British Expedition to Russia after ww1.
The main thing is to figure out exactly what it is that the Russians want. Its their backyard. They have a city or two with 18 million inhabitants a stones throw from Kiev.
yes just like how the best and the brightest went over to that little south east asian country to “teach it a lesson”
If the countries mentioned ,and others, start buying oil in currencies other than U$ there will be a significant amount of unused petro dollars that will have to be repatriated and it is most likely the U$ will devalue noticeably. One of the cleverest schemes ever for oil to be bought and sold in U$. I don’t understand how it works but I’m of the opinion that somehow a portion of global oil sales funds the US national debt.
The heretofore extremely high global demand for US dollars has allowed .gov to indulge in profilgacy that would have long ago inflated any other currency to oblivion. It’s not just the petro dollar that creates this huge demand. It’s every time anyone anywhere insists on transacting in dollars.
With such high demand, the supply is limited in relative terms far beyond what it would otherwise be, keeping the price of dollars high relative to other currencies and letting DC effectively pay for huge portions of its budget through counterfeiting, including selling Treasury securities at terms no one would otherwise contemplate due to a perceived “zero risk of default”, which is the future ability to counterfeit to cover bond payments without significantly destroying the dollar’s value.
At the end, the problem is that counterfeiters make bad wealth managers. The epic squandering of capital that has defined the post-Civil Rights era fedgov is utterly unsustainable for what will soon be just another third world coaling stop.
One of the most famous Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young tunes is “Ohio”, lamenting the causalities of anti-Vietnam war protesters at Kent State (1970). But that and scads of their other anti-war songs are no longer on Spotify because they disapproved of podcaster Joe Rogan’s guest list a few international crises ago.
But don’t be down on US prospects. Our borders are open to those who can’t make it in their own country. We’ll give you affirmative action soonafter arrival. Surely you met with some structural racism in the Rio Grande or Atlantic.
Maybe someone here can enlighten me on the whole US dollar/petro dollar/reserve currency thing. What was stopping people before from purchasing oil in their own country’s currency as opposed to the US dollar? Was it just some sort of status quo? Or was there an economic incentive to do so in that the US dollar would be assumed to be less prone to fluctuations and devaluations as opposed to say the currency of Senegal? Senegal wants 100,000 barrels of oil from Venezuela. Rather than buy the oil in Senegal currency which may be worthless in the next couple years, months or even weeks Venezuela therefore requests that Senegal makes the purchase in US dollars because there’s less risk. Do I have it right?
Bowling Ball Massacre – Why are we hearing this story in the media instead of the thousands of other black men and women shot down each year? Because she is the baby momma to some rapper named Young Thug. Search her name. The headlines read “Mother of Young Thug’s son”, “Mother of Young Thug’s child”…. etc. This dispiriting coverage fits with what Ann Coulter observed, that many blacks choose poor idols to champion and aspire to. Many of us will never have the pleasure to have George Floyd stick a gun in our bellies. Yet the black community knows far more about him than Thurgood Marshall. Even if it is a tiresome cliche to see some chick wanting to look literate by citing the one poem she knows, “Phenomenal Woman”, at least Maya Angelou could spell (apparently so could her mother when she was deciding what to name her).
On the Atlanta Fun Center fate of LaKevia Jackson, babymama to aspiring rapper Young Thug, and the grief of her mama Sherina, I quote the old saying:
One would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.
Everyone wants young white men to get killed. That’s what this is about Jim.
Somewhere there’s meme in all this…Get the jab and wear your mask so you don’t get sick. ‘cause you’re needed on the front lines of ww3.
I have always said that Hitler’s “concentration camps” were amusement parks compared to Russia’s gulags! And that in view of the conditions at that time!
I defy anyone to find a writer and a thinker with a better grasp on the nut of the matter than Goad.
The picture he paints is grim, but accurate.
We, the Human Race, are too stupid to to live. The survival instinct is all that is keeping us going.
This one is better because is true.
Jim Goad is determined to win the “Cynic of the Month” prize.
His take on the issue is “Ukrainians are guilty because they made Vova invade them”. In the paralel world of pathological narcissism, his grasp might be considered even genius.
In our hypocritical world it has the same value as a treaty signed by Russians in general, and Putin especially. NONE!
“His take on the issue is ‘Ukrainians are guilty because they made Vova invade them’.”
^^^This guy is some kind of sinister genius. I thought I had carefully tiptoed around saying anything that a reasonably sane person would construe to mean “Ukrainians are guilty,” and yet he saw right through my ruse. Well done, sir.
A little of gems in this one. Thanks, JG!
However, no reason to bother with pointing out Diplibs inconsistencies. They have no self-awareness, much like your typical sixteen year old. In two or three years, the sixteen year old will wise up considerably. The Diplib can reach forty and still exhibit the same unbalanced emotional hysteria of the young teenager, same bipolar extreme frenzied ecstasy that alternates with paranoid depression/resentment. Like Pavlov’s dogs, all it takes is external stimuli (from the nooz media) and off they go.
Even though our demented-in-chief is clearly a sock puppet, I used to believe that the dark figures behind the throne knew their business. Sinister, ruthless, but wise to the ways to the world. So how could they overlook the very likely consequence that if the USA blocks oil imports from Russia, we will experience a short fall and have to turn to other countries. But reaching out and begging help from Iran and Venezuela, two counties we have for decades tried to destabilize, tells me that the skulking shadows are as stooopid as Cameltoes Harlot.
A fact, I presume, is fully evident to India, Saudi Arabia. Our two “allies”. I am reminded of what is said about birds: they can sense hours in advance when an earthquake is to occur and become agitated, restless, and fly to and fro aimlessly, anything to rise above the earth. I’d say our “allies” are already sniffing the coming petrodollar collapse and are trying to put distance between themselves and the USA. But we in “fly-over” America, to where can we flee???
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