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Muslim thugs, responding to rumors of a “far-right riot” that never materialized, beat a white man outside a Birmingham pub on Monday.
Right when I think that people couldn’t lie any more audaciously than they do, that the gaslighting couldn’t possibly get more migraine-inducing, and that maybe things aren’t quite as bad as they seem, along come the English media and government to remind me that George Orwell was an Englishman.
First, let’s all take a deep breath and center ourselves. The riots that kicked off last week in England were rooted in the fact that a nonwhite male stabbed three white girls, all under age 10, to death.
He also critically wounded several other whites. This is not a matter of dispute. It’s an established fact. Amid the torrents of anti-racist rigmarole that have drowned England since then, the fact that a black male teenager targeted a dance studio where he knew he’d find vulnerable white girls and then proceeded to slaughter them is demonstrably more intentional than the fact that Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd’s back for a few minutes four years ago. It’s also demonstrably more “racist” than anything displayed in last week’s white riots, which were far less “racist” than the subsequent mob attacks on indigenous Brits by dark-skinned men in black chanting “Allahu Akbar!”
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Because I’m a painfully and maybe retardedly honest person, I must reiterate that last week’s riots were partially spurred on by misinformation. Someone on social media posted that the stabbing suspect in Southport had an Arabic-sounding name and had arrived on the UK’s shores only a year ago. And then there was the swarthy-looking man who was said to have been spotted with a machete near the Southport vigil last Tuesday night. He turned out to be an Englishman with a perfectly English name and had been carrying a switchblade rather than a machete. But all last week, we were harangued about how the stupid white racist yobs eagerly gobbled up this fake news so they could go and attack…well, I may have missed a few beatings, but it looked as if the majority of what they attacked were buildings, a mosque, and some migrant hotels.
En masse, the English media and governmental officials condemned the white “thugs” and said that England’s immigrant class, especially Muslims, had every right to fear for their safety.
London’s Pakistani-descended and Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan posted on X:
Now is the time to please check in on your Black [sic], Brown [sic] and minority friends, family, neighbours and colleagues.
In many parts of the country, they don’t feel safe
Phil Hutchinson, Superintendent for the Greater Manchester Police in Oldham, recorded a video message that he starts with “As-salam-alaikum.” Hutchinson is surrounded by bearded Muslims who look as if they were holding him hostage. He mumbled something about how the police are “engaging with all communities,” but the only people surrounding him appear to be from the Muslim community.
Craig Guildford, Chief Constable of West Midlands Police, which covers the City of Birmingham, recorded a message that he starts with “Salam-alaikum.” He then starts babbling about how there’s only “one tier” of policing in his jurisdiction and that he was personally appalled by all the racism expressed by the “extreme right wing” last week.
If they were even attempting a pretense of impartiality, I must have blinked and missed it.
Again, forgive me for not having all the information in such a hopelessly complicated story, but I could find very little evidence of these roving racist white maniacs busting up anything or attempting to intimidate anyone this week. All that seems to have fizzled out over the weekend.
But on Monday in Birmingham, according to what seem to be nothing more than “rumors” that there might possibly be a “far right” demonstration somewhere in England’s second-largest city, Muslims gathered en masse and began to dole out Islamic justice. A sample tweet:
Outside Village Mosque, Bordesley Green, Birmingham, Masjid where my uncle is the imam at. The Muslims have United strongly as a brotherhood in order to defend our Masjid and the Muslim community. Try come near us white man
That whole “Try to come near us white man” thing sounds very race-specific, dunnit?
#UKRiots: Muslims in Birmingham made their way to a local pub and surrounded it while shouting:
“We’re asserting dominance.”
They definitely asserted dominance when a swarm of them attacked a white man outside a Birmingham pub and left him with a lacerated liver. And the bar’s female owner demonstrated submission when she banned the white man with the lacerated liver from ever entering her pub again.
Peak narrative collapse occurred when a white reporter, Becky Johnson from Sky News, was on the scene to warn about the rumored far-right riot, only to have a masked brown man drive up on a motorcycle, flip off the camera and screech “Free Palestine!” and “Fuck the EDL!”
Birmingham Muzzies dragged a white person out of a car on Monday. They also mobbed and beat down an elderly white man outside another pub.
All of this “following rumours on social media about a potential far-right gathering, which did not take place.” What was that you were saying about misinformation potentially leading to violence?
But none of what happened in Birmingham on Monday could have prepared even my skeptical ass for the colossal mindfuck that happened on Wednesday.
There were rumors that “A number of businesses have been boarded up in Southend-on-Sea ahead of planned riots today.”
Excuse me for livin’, but I’ve never heard of a “planned riot” before. There are usually planned marches or protests that devolve into riots, but the very phrase “planned riots” struck me as mighty suspicious.
Per the Daily Mail:
Britain is bracing for more anarchy tonight as far-Right thugs use social media and encrypted messaging apps to plan violence across the UK.
Nearly 6,000 police officers have been drafted in after a list of 39 locations where the yobs could wreak havoc – including immigration centres, refugee shelters and lawyers’ homes – emerged late last night.
Leaked messages from what appear to be far-Right Telegram channels show those involved threatening the lives of anti-racism campaigners, using sick slurs and exchanging tips on how to ‘hood up’ as they prepare for fresh demonstrations today.
But as day turned to night, the only people who seemed to show up—in the thousands—were mostly white throngs of shitlibs screeching about racism and fascism. Conspicuously missing were the “far-right racists” and the bearded Muslim Defence League types.
The British press took this as a sign that they’d scared away the cowardly hatemongers. What seems more likely is that the hatemongers either pulled off one of the slyest trolling campaigns in history…or British intelligence services ran a failed PSYOP designed to lure hatemongers into a violent trap…or some combination of the two. But if these far-right racist hatemongers had been dumb enough to plan multiple riots, at least they were smart enough not to show up.
Ricky Jones, a mulatto member of the Labour Party, was filmed at one “counter protest” surrounded by cheering white anti-fascists as he screamed that England’s “far right” are “disgusting Nazi fascists, and we need to cut their throats!”
Silly me—I thought this whole mess kicked off last Monday when a few daughters of these alleged disgusting Nazi fascists were stabbed to death.
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Looking at the patterns. There was unrest in Ireland concerning those stabbings by invaders, now there is unrest among the English. After all these years its at least some energy. Also look at the yellow vest movement in France. It’s brewing. The police in England are repulsive and it’s on display for the whole nation. There is some anti-immigration movement arising, they need to keep up the pressure. We’ve lost, we’re occupied, our backs sre against the wall, let’s hope we come out swinging and throw this authoritarianism off. We’re facing this same dilemma all over the West. Keep up the pressure and throw these parasites off our backs. The police are absolutely the enemy. Mercanaries working for the state. Stay strong, they can’t stop this tidal wave of awakening and nationalism that is coming. They can suppress it temporarily, but tribalism will win in the end. Lets keep our eyes on the prize and stay strong. We will win.
Dusted off old Skrewdriver albums, everything they said was prophetic. Every word spoken was an undeniable truth.
Ian Stuart LIVES!
Great piece, you nailed it to the wall. The first person to die. That will be the fulcrum. If someone snuffs it, it will go, as my mate says, proper mental.
“There will need to be riots in the UK.” Absolutely not, so stop rioting. We are Europeans, we do not riot – WE MARCH.
Our leaders continue to betray us as more of our people are getting attacked, rapid, killed, murdered. Our replacement was & is without our consent. Therefore, we show up in the millions & remove them from office to stand trial for treason as we reclaim our once nation, close the border, commence remigration. Violence is wrong & unnecessary when you have millions & as everyone knows – the jig is up. So, stop rioting & reclaim Our Homelands.
You sound rather idealistic. Traditional thinking and action will not free us from this current dystopia. Perhaps our problem is that we stick to dated, ineffective offensive tactics when our enemies re-write the playbooks at every turn.
Nothing will happen – the overwhelming majority of Whites are like the Eloi in HG Wells’ Time Machine at this point…
Appreciate Mr. Goad’s frankness. He doesn’t excuse or justify property damage to mosques based on bad information. At the same time let’s not forget where all this started and the real victims, the young girls. The progressive media certainly made sure everyone remembered Rodney King and George Floyd were at the heart of all the rioting after those events. Excuse me, it wasn’t rioting, it was ‘protests’ and ‘reckoning’ and other honeyed words laced with saccharine and strychnine.
Very little has been said by Ms. Taylor Swift. Recall that it was at a Swift-inspired dance/yoga event that the stabbings occurred. Swift said she was “In shock”, yet within a week the media is hounding her for an endorsement of Kamala Harris, whom she previously endorsed as part of the 2020 Biden/Harris ticket.
Given the events and the policies of Harris/Biden, sitting this one out would be the classy thing to do, but I’m not holding my breath. The media should also repeatedly put the microphone in front of her boyfriend, a football player for Kansas City… his sort of biography doesn’t exactly scream woke male progressive simp.
The west is being rapidly populated with groups who don’t race to integrate, but preach diversity and division. The Austro-Hungarian empire couldn’t keep the Austrians, Hungarians, Serbs, Croats, Jews and other miscellaneous slavs under one umbrella. And they had been neighbors for centuries. Yet the West’s great ‘experiment’ seeks to import migrants from far yonder stretches, with centuries of their own cultures, to join a monster mash of diversity. Experiment indeed.
Why is England so submissive? I thought we were bad here with DIE running rampant and an AA president and vp, but the whites there have totally succumbed. It’s becoming a colony of pakistan and india. When you disarm and browbeat for decades I guess it’s to be expected. The outrage from all sides should be towards the cowardly killer and his family that allowed it, not towards invisible nazis. The reporter getting photo bombed by the peaceful demonstrator is par for the course. Only thing missing was the burning building in the background. Britain will disappear if they don’t move quickly to protect their heritage. If only there were right wing whites that could rise up, but they’ve got no weapons. God Save the Queen!
You’re broadly right about England, but here in the US it’s probably even worse. If we’re keeping score in riots for the natives, it’s about England 5 – America 0. In mosques attacked for nationalist reasons, it’s England 1 – America 0. For migrant shelters set on fire, it’s about England 2 – America 0. And the English still outnumber their invaders about 4:1. Here we’ve let it get down to 1:1 and all the while we’ve done nothing.
Guns are pointless without the balls to use them. And we seem to come up rather short in that department…
It would seem that complaining about two tier policing leads to good outcomes. Labour councillor Ricky Jones has now been arrested on suspicion of incitement to murder.
That is magnificent.
Who GAF whether it was a Muslim this time or not? Greg is right. Like I tell my kids, when you repeatedly engage in some undesirable behavior, don’t be surprised if you’re the presumed culprit the next time it happens, no matter whodunnit. Not getting blamed for things you didn’t do is one of the perks of good behavior and the reputation that goes along with that. And besides, this Rwandan had no more business in the UK than the Muslims.
It would really help those of us who distrust mainstream media to locate a website or newspaper in Britain that serves the same purpose, and has roughly the same point of view, as Counter-Currents. The Southport case is one we should be able to follow as it unrolls, and from a trusted source, not the MSM.
Heritage and Destiny gives intermittent but considered reporting on news of interest to nationalists.
Thanks for the reference, I’ll check it out. Also, a pretty good source for information and statistics on immigration to the UK is migrationwatchuk.org.
Good piece.
>Hutchinson is surrounded by bearded Muslims who look as if they were holding him hostage.
They are.
Thought Greg’s article was excellent too.
This situation is a disgrace to humanity. It’s a violation of every thread of morality and reason to sustain this outrageous atrocity.
These imported ape bioweapons represent nothing but violence and savagery, so Jews can feel safe and empowered, so economies can artificially have perpetual growth and so corrupt treacherous rich whites can protect themselves from their own populations.
There’s not one atom in me that cares what happens to those who have sustained this.
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