Is Russia Really Our Friend?
The Case of South Africa
Doug Huntington
1,881 words
Last month, President Jacob Zuma of South Africa resigned from his office after nearly a decade of looting the treasury for himself and his cronies in what was once a prosperous, First World, Western society. The endemic Third World corruption plaguing his administration took place amidst the ongoing political, economic, and social disintegration of South Africa, which could very well lead to nearly four and a half million whites having no future in that nation.Given that brutal murders and the torturing of white farmers seems to have become an endemic trend, perhaps that fate is already a reality.
This trajectory toward oblivion has only hastened under South Africa’s new President, Cyril Ramaphosa, who has taken a page out of Mugabe’s book and called for the confiscation of white farmlands without compensation. I am sure the media and political elites of Western Europe and North America who demand that we accept all the “wretched refuse” of the Third World will be tripping over each other to accept white refugees with open arms . . .
By the way, if you have not already, please sign this petition to allow white South Africans priority to emigrate to the United States.
What is perhaps most remarkable about the recent change in South Africa is the sudden emergence of sympathetic mainstream Right-wing media coverage of the plight of the Boer people. Lauren Southern’s documentary, Farmlands, particularly stands out as an unprecedented and concerted effort to confront taboo subject matter for a “normie” audience. Most importantly, it is a meticulously-researched tour de force, reckoning with the dark realities of a failed state that is grounded in a myopic and utopian vision.
Many in our circles scoff at portraying ourselves as victims or as being oppressed. However, this type of narrative is both true and vital for our future success. Indeed, what is perhaps most satisfying is seeing the anti-white Left exposing themselves as the cretins they are by whining that Southern is immoral for sympathizing with the grieving white families of tortured and murdered farmers. I cannot stress enough the real value of pro-white metapolitics focused on compassion for people such as these. The anti-white Left can barely hide their hatred for us under superficial themes such as “social justice” or “confronting whiteness.” Let us make sure such forces can never take refuge in cynical and illusory moral concerns so those on the fence can see just how depraved and hateful our enemies are.
While the dire fate of white South Africans in the “rainbow nation” is inspiring needed attention in the minds of white Americans, who are themselves on a trajectory to becoming a minority, I must also call attention to those who are both “white-pilled” by this development and who also concur with the meme, “Russia is our friend.”
On the contrary, Russia is South Africa’s friend. The Soviet government backed the pro-Communist African National Congress (ANC) for decades to overthrow the Apartheid government. While the Soviet Union is gone, the ANC is now the dominant ruling party in South Africa for the long haul. (So much for the “democracy” that the anti-Apartheid movement espoused.) Their affinity through a shared history of Leftist struggle endures in how both Russia and South Africa see each other today. Did the Russian government issue a statement condemning Ramaphosa’s unconstitutional legislation to seize white-owned farmland? In January and February alone, there have been over 119 anti-white farm attacks in South Africa as the ANC looked the other way. Has this simmering civil conflict made what some call in our circles “the world’s one white power” hesitate in signing deals for building nuclear power plants in South Africa? If civil war explodes in South Africa, would Russia hesitate to sell the ANC the weapons necessary to end the centuries-long presence of the Boers on the tip of the continent, once and for all?
The relationship between South Africa and Russia is akin to that between Russia and Venezuela. The Chavismo of Maduro is not so much socialist in economic terms as it is anti-white Bolivarian nationalism. It is another failing state that espouses “social justice,” seeking outside help from a power that dabbles in Third Worldism.
Now, this essay is not meant to be a screed against Russia. I have written favorably about Russian foreign policy in the past. I do not harbor a vicious hatred of ethnic Russians, such as that which American neoliberal and neoconservative elites clearly exhibit in their ongoing hysterical conspiracy theories regarding Twitter bots and such. Tchaikovsky, Dostoevsky, and Lobachevsky are just some of the figures to emerge from that legendary tundra nation to stand in the pantheon of our heritage and for which we fight to preserve. Nor do I hate Putin or his government, which has indeed partially aided a resurgent Right-wing metapolitics in Europe.
Putin does not ally with countries like South Africa or Venezuela because they are anti-colonial, anti-gringo, or anti-white in nature. He is merely playing the “great game” for spheres of influence, just as his Czarist precursors did in Central Asia. Today, that game is more nuanced and expansive than it once was, involving many more than only two imperial actors at a conference table, but the basic geopolitical truths remain the same. If the Russians do not gain leverage – economic, strategic, or otherwise – over these “gap states,” then their competitors or wary friends – namely, the US and China, respectively – will fill that vacuum.
An overarching ideology and a sense of destiny and purpose often animates such geopolitical ambitions. Although they served as a cynical means of cloaking underlying motives, Pax Americana was said to fit within a grander scheme of now-defunct classical liberalism, just as an upcoming Pax Russiya possibly fits within a grander scheme of seeking common cause with those of the Global South under the white Yankee boot. Such rhetoric is likely just as cynical as it was in the case of American power. Nonetheless, it shows a tension between the values of the Orthodox Church, traditionalism, and pro-Russian natalist policies at home and a foreign policy that seeks solidarity with Venezuelans and confrontation with Ukrainians.
Russia’s position in South Africa today says something fundamental about the current geopolitical order. The rise of Russia in the last decade or so is not related to white Europeans reclaiming a hegemonic destiny in world affairs. Rather, it says something about a declining Pax Americana experiencing a death of a thousand cuts: unrelenting floods of Third World immigration, dysfunctional internal politics, endless war in places like Iraq waged predominately at the behest of Israel, and so on. In its place, a new multipolar order is emerging which is mostly non-white. The emerging institution poised to inherit the Earth is BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – not NATO or the European Union.
This essay is not meant to mourn the loss of Pax Americana or the globalist policies that define the EU. As an American nationalist, I long for the days of the pre-Hart-Cellar 1950s retro-futurism, when Americans confidently believed Old Glory would be planted on Mars by 2000. America has been “hijacked,” in the words of Greg Johnson, meaning that the global balance of power has fundamentally shifted, with Third World nations like South Africa being taken under the wings of Russia and China.
Our movement can gain valuable lessons from all this. Like most of you, I hope for our ideas to become normalized, and to eventually dominate the public discourse. In the American context, I hope to see the tens of millions of disaffected working and middle-class, Trump-supporting Americans venturing further Right, beyond civic nationalism, and becoming receptive to pro-white metapolitics. Those in our circles who focus on rhapsodizing about the return of a Czarist Russia do not further that vital objective. We can learn from Russia in terms of it being a nation that brought itself back from the brink of demographic ruin by attaining rising native birthrates and an outlook that hopes to preserve its unique Orthodox culture in a rapidly polarizing world. That said, the unique autocratic traditions which run deep in the Russian soul cannot be transplanted into the blue-pilled white American psyche.
People who understand the realities of race, ethnicity, culture, religion, and civilization understand that a nation’s form of optimal governance stems in large part from the peculiarities of its people. Therefore, to make our ideas palatable to average white Americans, we must push our ideas by speaking to the traditions that resonate most with them. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Theodore Roosevelt – all of whom were White Nationalists – were once demigods in the American consciousness. By bringing back their status as heroes, we would effectively reach out to the millions of Americans who have that vague, uncertain feeling that something is fundamentally wrong with their country when they see yet another Confederate monument being toppled.
Of course, this lesson translates into how we as a movement can raise awareness about the ongoing clash of civilizations in South Africa. Many in our circles in America have pointed to our own similarities to the Boer people. The wagon trains carved a path across both the Great Plains and the Transvaal. We both value an armed citizenry. We both seek a renewed Christian spirituality. We share folkways built upon a bucolic lifestyle. We both ushered in the creation of new ethnic groups that forged European outposts. These are all elements that particularly tie us to the Boers. This message will resonate with Americans. They are already slightly curious about it, if all the recent media attention is any indicator.
When I first found out about the gruesome nature of the murders and assaults on white South Africans, I was demoralized to find that those who brought attention to it barely achieved any traction beyond being denounced as evil, racist, or hateful. Over the last few months, a narrative once confined to the fringes has become increasingly mainstream. South Africans like Simon Roche of Suidlanders are to thank for that. Organizations like his helped mobilize at least eighteen thousand overwhelmingly white South Africans – eighteen thousand – in October 2017 to protest the murders of white farmers in a country of merely four and a half million white people. That turnout was nearly eighteen times greater than the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, which was the largest pro-white rally in the United States in decades.
In conclusion, we have a lot to learn from the Boers. By looking to them, more so than Putin or Russia, we find a story that will personally hit home for a broad swath of white America. We can only win the debate when we are controlling the conversation, as we already are to a large extent when it comes to the farm murders in South Africa. We Americans are on track to becoming a reviled minority in the country our forebears built, just as white South Africans are a hated minority in their land today. Therefore, bringing our concerns to the forefront of the political conversation is an especially worthy goal in today’s uncertain times. In our hopes of winning control over the discourse, we will either hang together with the Boers, or we will all hang separately.
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I would like to say only Andrew Jackson in your list is truly a White Nationalist… The rest at best were “liberal-internationalist” White Nationalists… That is to say as long as they were at the top of the Oligarchy they cared not for their fellow co-ethnics, nor who they ruled… See Gregory Hood’s excellent book (Waking up from the American Dream) on this…
Americans need to wake up, that Russians are not their enemies, the only reason as you do articulate that Russia works with these horrific third-worlder’s is the enemy of my enemy principle…
The Poles have figured this out the enemy is in the West (internationalist-liberalism-Troskyism) not the East, until you hit the Far East…
I seriously doubt Russia would ever arm the ANC against the Boers… If anything it would be America to the rescue for the ANC… truly sick…
Russia is not our friend.
Who is really America’s friends? The Europeans, East and west or the South koreans in this case? US taxpayers have been paying for their security since NATO was formed, while they enjoyed access to a warm hospital bed and had 3 weeks of paid holidays to the Riviera. In the US, many people died because they couldn’t afford even to walk in an emergency room. Thousands sleep under Highway bridges and cardboard boxes. South Koreans produce and sell their junk components at subsidised prices without any duties paid and kill US jobs.
Putin must deal with world realities. It was the USA that scuttled the Whites in Africa through outfits such as the Afro-American Inst. , and the ANC Govt. quickly implemented the required plutocratic policies of privatization of the parastatals (documented in my book Babel Inc.). Putin recently said at a youth congress that Russia faces a billion people on each side – India and China, and that ‘White Christians are threatened (sic)’, yet Russia is ostensibly in alliance with both.
How can “a reviled minority” bring their “concerns to the forefront of the political conversation” long enough to “control the conversation” and “win the debate.”? Why would the majority ever allow them to do that? And they wouldn’t even need to lift a finger against them. They could just ignore them.
Of course, it could be argued that Whites aren’t the minority yet. But then, we might as well be. Since we not longer occupy positions of power. And to the extent that we do we seem unable, or, like nearly all Republicans, unwilling to effectuate it.
Though taking our history back from the anti-intellectual, or worse, pseudo-intellectual, PC fanatics who hijacked it is certainly a good idea, what we really need are powers of example today. People who can not just inspire, but moblize.
But even here there’s a challenge, not in the will of some select individuals, but in the apathy of many Whites who just don’t seem to care all that much how things turn out.
If their indifference to our survival (and theirs) has deep emotional sources then an appeal to their self-interest would be a waste of time and effort. They’re incapable of self-interest.
Putin would welcome the Boers with open arms, now since the aging population in Russia and the growing of the agriculture sector in Russia which has become a net exporter due to the EU sanctions! There are no enemies when benefits are shared equally. Putin doesn’t think much about Africans and so did the Soviets before him. The Cubans and Che also thought otherwise about Black Africans, so that whether their ideological and financial aid was worth the investment.
Putin tried to welcome russian expatriats back when they build this pseudo copy of silicon valley outside of moscow and these expatriats didn’t just say “no”, they said “fuck no”.
If Putin or whoever makes Russian policy, could reinstate white South Africa, Russia would have gained a potentially incredible powerful ally. One which once could build nuclear missiles and bombs, designed modern weaponry and could wangle itself out of impossible situations during the sanctions years.
Together with South Africas minerals and know-how, Russia could have become a country to be reconed with. South Africa is also idealy situated at a remote corner of the earth, where the wolrds oil supplies could be cut off.
I wonder how clued up Putin is on the erstwhile white South Africa. He comes out of the KGB/Eastern Germany corner, and has a lot of sympathy for the Germans, most probably because he is more familiar with their history and background. I can imagine white South Africa is a somehat lesser known topic for him. Perhaps he does not realise what he is missing here.
Perhaps he should pay a visit to the Russian Angola veterans, and he will find out that Russians and the white South Africans have much more in common than Russia with black Africa. Some of the Russians, if you would not know they were Russians, look like typical Boers!
“Together with South Africas minerals and know-how, Russia could have become a country to be reconed with. ”
This is the same delusional fantasie some europoor pseudo-nationalists have when they think they will combine their brainculture with russian resources. For a russian, this sounds like exploitation the way resource rich nations get exploited by another nation that pays off a few oligarchs to secure a constant flow of whatever of value this country has in the ground.
This will not happen. Russia doesn’t share anything. There is this joke in every eastern european country where a Russian and (people from eastern block land) find a treasure and the russian says “lets share like brothers” and the other person says “no, we do 50-50”. Russia is not interested in Allies, russia is interested in Vasalls and puppets. They are better of with incompetent negroids in charge in south africa that will sell them everything for consumer goods and some money for their 50 wifes, they don’t need some competent white guy who was his nations interests at heart. Stop this nonsense “wouldn’t it be nice” BS about Russia. This isn’t the country of Ivan the reasonable.
Thank you very much for your challenging reply. When posting on the web, ninety percent of the time I just receive affirmations by others, and then I learn nothing new.
May I enquire – are you a Russian by any chance (going by your monniker)? I tend to put a lot of weight on first hand accounts by people directly in a country, rather than relying on what is said by someone who just heard it from somebody else, who in turn relies on what someone else told him, but they all never were in Russia.
The naive crowd believes that Russia is a european empire against all too obvious evidences showing it’s an asiatic empire!
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