It was, of course, only a matter of time. Propaganda, and especially war propaganda, is so predictable, it’s not even funny.
Well, maybe it’s a little bit funny.
From TASS:
The West may seek to achieve its objectives in Ukraine by implementing an actual occupation, deploying a so-called peacekeeping contingent of 100,000 personnel, with plans to divide the country among Romania, Poland, Germany, and the UK, according to a statement from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR).
“To achieve these goals, the West will need to occupy Ukraine. This will, of course, be done under the pretext of deploying a ‘peacekeeping contingent.’ The territories set to be distributed among the occupying countries have been outlined as follows: Romania will take the Black Sea coast; Poland will control the western regions of Ukraine; Germany will oversee the center and east of the country; and the UK will be responsible for the northern regions, including the capital,” the SVR report said.
The agency also reported that, according to incoming intelligence, the German military has already drawn on previous experiences from the Nazi occupation of Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War. “Meanwhile, the Bundeswehr has concluded that performing police functions will be impossible without sonderkommandos composed of Ukrainian nationalists. These units will be given a new name, but, in essence, they will be the same Bandera collaborators,” the agency said. “It is clear whether Russia needs such a scenario for a peaceful resolution or not,” the SVR concluded.
Really? Really?
It’s so stupid, I don’t even know where to begin. How about the fact that nobody in the German forces today has any “previous experience” from any occupation of Ukraine (or any occupation, period, unless you count Afghanistan)? Or that the Bundeswehr was not even around at the time of the “Great Patriotic War”, aka the Second World War? Yes, fine, if you want to split hairs: In the early days of the Bundeswehr, the senior ranks naturally had to be staffed with former Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe personnel. There were no other candidates around. And yes, even a few former Waffen-SS members slipped in as NCOs. But then something called the Traditionserlass happened. And although Wikipedia keeps mum about it, one of its indirect consequences in 1999 was that active Bundeswehr members were actually forbidden to have any contact with the Association of Knight’s Cross Recipients[1], thus ensuring that their traditions would not be passed on. So what is the Russian Foreign “Intelligence” Service even talking about?
It really is the cheapest possible way of appealing to people’s emotions. “Sonderkommandos! Einsatzgruppen! Oh no, they’re about to genocide us again! Fight, fight, fight!” The eternal German bogeyman. Works every time. I very much suspect this is mainly an attempt to get Ukrainian soldiers and possibly civilians to switch sides.
We can debate all day about the rights and wrongs of the Russia-Ukraine war. I understand both positions. Certain persons in the Western (namely US) leadership had interests in Ukraine, and the Russian leadership overreacted, and probably had interests in Ukraine as well, as part of its Greater Russia ideology. Now the border countries are itching for war, both out of fear that they might be next and because of past conflicts with Russia/the Soviet Union.
Did “the West” meddle in Ukrainian affairs? Is it now pushing for a direct confrontation with Russia? Yes to both. But any sympathies Putin might gain from people who are aware of this manoeuvring – and as Germans, we understand perhaps better than most how the full picture can get distorted via propaganda – he sabotages himself with this kind of talk.
I mean, the current Russian narrative is a mess in itself. Tzars good, Stalin also good. Germans bad, but Germans also potential allies. Slavs good, but Poles pawns of the West. Ukrainians kindred, but also Nazis. (Zelenskyy, the Jewish Nazi, right?) I have stopped trying to make sense of it long ago. The only constant of it is: Russia good. Jonathan Bowden explained this as Putin’s way of avoiding the mistake of the Western nations: “Look at what you have done! Look at what you are responsible for! You should hang your head in shame forever!” Still, I’m not a fan of either extreme. There has to be some rational middle ground.
Now, is there some truth to the TASS article? Maybe. NATO troops could indeed be deployed as a peacekeeping contingent, part of Zelenskyy’s proposal of NATO membership for the unoccupied parts of Ukraine. In that case, would they draw on local forces to help them do the job? I should think so. And will there be some dirty dealings behind the scenes by the usual suspects, shielded by NATO troops? Very likely. But Sonderkommandos by the Bundeswehr? Please.
As a White Nationalist, I get so annoyed by this. The European peoples have always been great at infighting, but by now this is something we can no longer afford. Once we have managed to secure our future existence, we can return to those time-honored traditions, if we so wish (I hope not). Until then, we need to steer clear of anyone manipulating or pushing us into any conflict with one another. Putin might present himself as the savior of Western culture, and in some ways he might – might – stand in the way of our globalist overlords, but he is certainly not a White Nationalist. His priorities are very different from ours. And whoever is running the White House and by extension the Western democracies™ at the moment is not our friend either.
Still – if either side feels it needs to ramp up the propaganda: Can it please at least get creative with it?
People have been talking a lot about ads recently. Jaguar flopped. Apple, Volvo[2], and even Bud Light won. On that scale, I’m afraid the SVR only scores a big fat Boots.
[2] I could have done without the inevitable (but thankfully short) white girl/black dude combination.
[1] In 1999, German SPD Minister of Defence Rudolf Scharping banned any contacts between the Bundeswehr and the Association of Knight’s Cross Recipients, stating that it and many of its members shared neo-Nazi and revanchist ideas which were not in conformity with the German constitution and Germany’s postwar policies.
[2] I could have done without the inevitable (but thankfully short) white girl/black dude combination.
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These Eastern European White brother disputes used to be settled on sensible ways including royal marriages. One of my ancestors was the German Princess Catherine the Great – she got married off to a ( weak ) Russian Czar. There was a coup let by ( my ancestor ) the head of a royal Praetorian Guard Count Orlov .
we should do the same now – plenty if very pretty Russian and Ukrainian tennis players .
White Russians and Ukrainians should fight each other in Boxing ( Ukrainians would be favored ) and Ice Hockey ( Russians rule )
we remaining Whites in “ the West “ should only be working for oeace .
German Princess Catherine the Great – she got married off to a ( weak ) Russian Czar.
This “Russian” Czar was also a German. Russians, as all another so called “Eastern Slavs” are under foreign rule since the 9th century and the Varyagian occupation.
My ancester Catherine the Vreat didn t remain “ foreign “ for very long . She became a string Russian nationalist , Converted to the Russian Orthodox Christian Church , promoted all things Russian nationalist including fighting the Muslim Turks and suppressing the Communist and other &@$” Je”s. That s why Russians then and now love her and revere her as Catherine the Great .
modern day France was Celtic , Gaulic in Julius Caesar’s time , but after the fall if the Roman Empire in the 5th century in got invaded and colonized by the Germanic tribe the Franks, France is now named after these Germanic people the Franks sane as England ( for how long ?) is names after the German trousers the Angels , English .
Hitler , Himler and the National Socialists could have won World War II, should have won World War II if they had only worked with anti J Bolshevik Slavs and intermarried like my ancestors in Czarist Russia did .
“Hitler , Himmler and the National Socialists could have won World War II, should have won World War II if they had only worked with anti J Bolshevik Slavs and intermarried like my ancestors in Czarist Russia did.”
Unfortunately, I don’t see how that could have been practically done.
The categorical imperative of the Entente-American alliance was to reduce Germany to a colony again, and they were not going to spare any cost or effort to save Bolshevism in Russia and China, including the use of atomic bombs if necessary until this was accomplished.
Basically what saved the West from Bolshevism was Hitler, and later the threat of the atomic bomb during the Cold War.
Globaloney as envisioned and waged by the plutocratic elites has marched onward, of course, but that was the situation and the Fog of War that the Germans faced in their day ─ nor did they have the luxury of critical retrospection about it that we do.
According to the Belgian Rexist Leon Degrelle, who fought as a volunteer in both the Heer and the Waffen-SS and was decorated by the Knights Cross with Oak Leaves, the Germans could not even adequately arm the volunteers that they did have.
In my opinion, Germany will have to stop taking orders from its former enemies on how to run their country and what traditions they want to keep before they can turn their country around, if it’s not too late already. Most traditions are not discarded. That’s why they’re traditions. I really hope they will get a government in power that will allow “free speech,” especially in regards to WW II. Germany lives under a narrative of lies imposed on them, and I am certain there are German historians and others that know a lot of the WW II narrative is made up of lies by Germany’s former enemies. There are strong signs that many people that are not German are also aware the WW II narrative is garbage to glorify Germany’s enemies and demonize the Germans.
The Russians use the word “collaborator” a lot, but it’s mostly misused. There were many “collaborators” in the USSR, millions of collaborators that welcomed German soldiers as liberators and heroes. In cities like Lviv, Ukraine; Minsk, Belarus; Riga, Latvia; and Tallinn, Estonia; and in Russia itself, large numbers of Soviet citizens saw their own government as their enemy. Of course, this was due to the brutality of that government towards its own citizens before the war. The deliberate starvation of millions of Ukrainians in the Holodomor is just one example. If those people were “collaborators,” then so were the German Jews that welcomed the enemy. That is certainly a strange thought. But the difference between Germany and the USSR is that no Germans welcomed the gang-rapist allies as liberators, and all across the USSR, Germans encountered people that were happy to see them. That directly contradicts the claim that Germany killed 27 million Soviets. First of all, the number 27 million is probably far too high. Second, the Soviets often murdered their own people.
In Bandera’s case, he was a Ukrainian born in Galicia, western Ukraine. He was a citizen of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He certainly wasn’t a “collaborator” against the Russians, who killed millions of Ukrainians in the Holodomor, and he wasn’t a “collaborator” against the Poles either. Like the Germans that were placed under Polish rule after WWI, large numbers of Ukrainians were brutalized. This was reported in British newspapers in the early 1930s. Many fled the country for Canada. Western Ukraine was taken from Austria and Hungary after WWI, and part of it became part of Poland, and when Germany attacked Poland, the USSR attacked from the other side and occupied Galicia, where Bandera lived. Large numbers of Ukrainians welcomed the Germans as liberators. They remembered how the Austrians had treated them when they were part of their empire. In 1943, the Galicia division was formed to fight alongside the Germans. Idiots that know nothing call Ukrainians “NAZIS” for fighting for the people that treated them decently, Austrians, who are German, and fighting against the USSR, which brutalized its own citizens and others. Whatever Bandera did, there are many Poles, Russians, and Soviet Jews who did far worse, but their names are never mentioned.
That is a separate issue from the Russian-Ukrainian war, which, in my opinion, is the fault of the USA, secondarily NATO, and thirdly of Ukraine itself, for letting themselves be led into this mess. Until 2014 and the revolution, Ukraine had leaders that desired good relations with both Russia and the West. The US helped overthrow that government and install leaders hostile to Russia. Victoria Nuland and John McCain were in the crowd cheering on the overthrow of that government. Also, in 1991, the US promised the USSR it would not expand eastward and invite former Warsaw Pact countries to join NATO. That was part of the deal that allowed Germany to reunify, the USSR to break up, and dissolve the Warsaw Pact.
Who are marching again? Russians or NATO troops? How can we forget and forgive the tens of millions of Russians who died and were maimed during the war with Germany?
There are going to be injustices in all wars. If you do the accounting, the balances never add up, nobody will be made whole, and it is best to revere and to honor the dead but always to think about the future and a just rapprochement.
Furthermore, your unstated premise above is that Germany was entirely at fault somehow. This was not true in World War I and it was not true with World War II. That is just not how the world works.
“It takes two to tango,” so to speak, and the idea that the Soviets were not earning a big fight in June of 1941 is laughable.
Stalin had been in an arms race with the continent since 1928 ─ what was called “Socialism in one country” ─ and there is no way that Hitler could give him control of German access to Balkan and Turkish commerce and to vital Romanian oil when Molotov pressed for it in late 1940.
In fact, after the Soviets brutally annexed Bessarabia/Moldavia and the Baltic states in 1940, the clock was ticking.
Also, people forget that Romania appealed directly to Hitler for protection, as had the Slovaks before the British-French declararation of war in 1939.
I am not entirely happy with the way the Cold War ended in the last century. More could have been done in the way of rapprochement and economic cooperation. I always liked and admired the Russian people if not Marxism. Belgian Nazi Leon Degrelle certainly never hated Slavs.
In the late-1990s, the U.S. goverment issued a Cold War Victory Medal to all those veterans who served with an honorable discharge between late-1945 and late-1991. But then a faction arose against the medal in the Junior Bush Administration, so that it was made unofficial and determined that active duty veterans or reservists could not wear it.
I am not the kind of person who rigidly believes that NATO overlords Europe or that the Military Industrial (Congressional) Complex is really running the show, but apparently some string-pullers did not like the idea of reducing U.S. defense spending for a Cold War “peace dividend.”
I also thought that the premise of NATO needed to be rehashed after the Soviet breakup. And especially after George W. Bush and his “Forever Wars,” I remain unenthused about arming Russia’s non-NATO neighbors with American missiles.
In any case, I knew that Russia had effectively lost their war with Ukraine when Sweden and NATO dropped neutrality and actually joined NATO. That is not a good thing because neutrals are important to peace, but it can’t be said that Putin didn’t earn it.
Like Teddy Roosevelt before him (1906 Nobel Peace Prize), I hope President Trump can broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine that everyone can live with. That would be a far more fitting use of the Nobel Peace Prize than anything Doctah King evah did. And Barry Obama getting it (2009) just for being the first mulatto elected to the office, c’mon.
We all know what country has provoked and started all four World wars including the war which is going on now. But, as always, Vae victis, the losers, i.e. the French and the Germans, are made guilty, and Napoleon, Wilhelm II and Hitler were portrayed as unprovoked and brutal aggressors.
My poor nogai, you have forgotten the innocent Ottoman Empire and Crimean Khanate. They also suffered from the Russian aggressors and lost its influx of Christian slaves. Didn’t your ancestors lose this profitable business?
Yesterday, December 6, I happily celebrated the anniversary of the capture of Kiev (which itself is a Türkic city and was founded by the son-0f-law of a Khazar kağan) in 1240 by the glorious troops of Batu Kağan and Subutai Bağatur. Your Russian ancestors were liberated from the yoke of the Varangians, drug addicts and shit-mixers, who had been trading the Slavs throughout Europe for several centuries through the mediation of the Central Asian Jewish merchants, the Radhanites. After which, in “Great Tartary”, the Russians enjoyed all civil rights in accordance with the Yazu/Yasa of Genghis Kağan, until Great Tartary was destroyed by the usurper regime of the Western puppets “Romanovs”, and Russians were again sold and exchanged for parrots and pedigree dogs.
“How can we forget and forgive the tens of millions of Russians who died and were maimed during the war with Germany?”
With difficulty, but eventually it will have to be done.
We cannot allow ourselves to be played off against each other till none of us are left.
I do not forget the “Western” politicians and influencers who stir up hatred of Russians and who block the path to peace, I mean the European Union types who think Russians are alien enemies but diversity is our greatest strength. We need less of them.
But it’s not mainly about who is more guilty. It’s mainly about acting in the common interests of our race so that we can secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.
I agree, Joe. The overly trusting leadership of the Russian Federation has made many mistakes in domestic and foreign policy. I do not see a way out of the tragic war in Ukraine, which the West is waging against the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, Western leaders cannot be trusted. They are not even embarrassed to admit to deceiving President Putin, like Frau Merkel or Monsieur Hollande. How can you negotiate with them?
The West is not waging the war in Ukraine against Russia. This is a complete inversion of the truth that omits the small fact that Russia started the war.
I guess it isn’t only Jews who pretend to be victims while they attack you.
As soon as the West stops supplying weapons to Ukraine, the war will end. Before the war, President Putin offered his peace plan to the Russophobic Kyiv junta a hundred times. For eight years he was pushing the rebellious Russian southeast of Ukraine back. But the West needed this war, and Ukraine was forced to fight.
And now the Western military itself is aiming missiles at targets deep in the Russian Federation. The Ukrainian military simply does not know how to do this. Is this not direct intervention?
Supplying weapons is not the same thing as fighting a war.
Russian’s peace plans are not acceptable to a sovereign nation.
Ukraine was forced to fight when Russia invaded it.
Russia used to send its nukes to Ukraine for maintenance. I think the Ukrainians know something about missiles.
Russia has been firing missiles into Ukraine for nearly 3 years. They invited a retaliation in kind. It should have happened sooner.
“For eight years he was pushing the rebellious Russian southeast of Ukraine back.”
Putler has absolutely COOKED this man’s brain. Many such cases.
Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe personnel.
The Luftwaffe was part of the Wehrmacht. The Wehrmacht contained all the armed services, under a unified command. These were the Heer (land army) the Luftwaffe (air forces) and Kriegsmarine (navy)
Yes, and some Luftwaffe units were in fact ground troops or field divisions, including paratrooper and armored or armored-infantry units. Some were elite, and some were scraping the bottom of the barrel.
One of the most elite and effective of all German military units according to the renowned U.S. military historian and analyst Col. Trevor N. DuPuy, was the Hermann Göring Panzergrenadier Korps, for example (LINK). As a Reichsmarschall, Göring was an economic tsar and the equivalent of a supernumerary “six-star” American general and statesman comparable to a George Washington.
Clarissa, I notice that the source you quote refers to WWII as “The Great Patriotic War”
Fionn McCool: December 6, 2024 Clarissa, I notice that the source you quote refers to WWII as “The Great Patriotic War”
Like the Putinist troll “Victor” who repeats the same propaganda of “never forgive, never forget ‘Nazis’.”
Wolf Stoner, the ethnic Russian nationalist, explains the “Great Patriotic War” nonsense of President for Life Putin accurately: Victory Frenzy | National Vanguard
…The cornerstone of this neo-Stalinist ideology is the fairy-tale version of the Soviet war against Germany in 1941-45. Putin’s propaganda machine has transformed this historic event into a never-ending, ever-present ongoing affair that dominates all spheres of public activity.
All year round, from the Kuril Islands to Kaliningrad (occupied Konigsberg), from kindergartens to universities, from prisons to military garrisons, the garish “victory” paraphernalia dominates the landscape. From dawn to dusk, 365 days a year, all state media channels constantly stuff “victory” nonsense into people’s minds. The methods of brainwashing are even more crude and aggressive than they were back in Soviet times. The mainstream crowd feels itself obliged to participate in this theater of absurdity. Most of them do it willingly; but even those who don’t especially like this frenzy, participate all the same because of fear being socially ostracized.
In Putin’s Russia you are not simply nudged into being a part of this frenzy, but aggressively pushed into it. Some strata of society have no choice at all; for example, prison inmates, military and law enforcement personnel, state officials, schoolteachers, and workers at many other state-owned agencies. The state continues to be the main employer in Russia, therefore it can easily enforce its ideology through this channel. You are simply sacked if you do not want to be a part of this “victory” frenzy and other state-sponsored public activities. All in all, these measures have created ostensible “majority support” for the Kremlin’s overall policies. There is simply no other way for tens of millions of Russians. The passive majority — the lemmings — simply accept this as a given reality; they don’t like to question any authority; they are happy to bow before any dominant force. And they are happy to feel themselves a part of this seemingly almighty state. This whole crowd voluntarily repeats everything that emanates from the foul mouths of the state TV propagandists….
Of course “Victor,” the asshole Putinist troll, simply calls Wolf Stoner a “phony nationalist” and continues to do so after being exposed as a troll on Western discussion boards. No wonder some people on C-C will be confused on the issue by allowing a documented Kremlin troll to spread his manure on this site. The comments under Wolf’s “Victory Frenzy” are worth taken in, even ones by “Victor”-like Putinist troll “Erik Thorson.” Wolf provides a nice video of the victory frenzy.
He then follows up this essay with others: The World War Is Coming | National Vanguard and: “Anti-Fascist” Russia: No Way Out | National Vanguard.
The post-World War 2 (WW2) Soviet Union relied on “the Great Patriotic War” mythology to justify its supposed “superior moral stature” in the world. The essence of its ideological message to the world was basically: “We saved the world from the greatest danger that ever afflicted humanity — Nazism — so everyone must respect us and be eternally grateful for this.”
But the more time passed, the less relevant this message became. A new reality displaced the myth. By the 1970s, very few people took it seriously — but almost everyone continued to give lip service to the myth.
The collapse of the USSR in 1991 should have been the final blow to the Soviet WW2 myth. The “greatest socialist country,” the “hope of humanity” and “defender of the workers of the world” fell apart because of its own inconsistencies. No one invaded it or undermined it from inside (as many pro-Soviet “patriots” like to claim). It simply collapsed like a defective building.
In the years that immediately followed, it seemed that all Soviet myths were dead and would never be taken seriously anymore. Yes, the 50th anniversary of “the great victory over the Nazis” was celebrated on Red Square as usual, with the same pompousness and pageantry, but it was perceived by society more like a generic festival than any kind of real or aggressive or militaristic message to the outside world….
Believe Wolf or believe “Victor.” They cannot both be correct.
The “greatest socialist country,” the “hope of humanity” and “defender of the workers of the world” fell apart because of its own inconsistencies. No one invaded it or undermined it from inside (as many pro-Soviet “patriots” like to claim). It simply collapsed like a defective building.
Here it is interesting to note that American and British politicians of 1990-1991, like Bush Sr. and Thatcher, did not want the collapse of the Soviet Union. Maybe they wanted the independence of Baltic States, but the rest of Soviet Republics should stay in the softer “reformed” Union, and Mr. Bush, the POTUS, openly said this in the Parliament of the (still) Soviet Ukraine in the summer of 1991.
This is true
the best thing to do is promote Ehite brother sports friendship – White Slavic Russians are the best ice hockey players . White Germanic soccer players are the best White soccer players and Ukrainians are the best boxers / all have excellent male and female tennis players such as Anna Kournikova , Maria Sharapova , Stephie Graf , Roger Federer ( Nordic Swede and White South African ) . Let s promote royal marriages like were once done with my a fester Catherine the great , Henry the 5th with that French princess /Queen.
f@“& Democracy and The US Fecksration if Independence , race denying US Constitution that didn t bad usury, fractional reserve banking , didn t mention race , Je”s , Islam spouts nonsense about all men being born equal .
Thank you for gathering together all those vital points. It needs to be repeated as long as it takes to defeat the Evil Kremlin Empire, which identity is based entirely on the hatred of Europe and White race as such. The problem is that people in the West tend to forget that the founders of the modern Soviet/Russian state were comrades Lenin and Trotsky; they represented the most radical branch of Marxism. Their ultimate goal was the total destruction of the European civilization as such.
Those foundational ideas were never publicly repudiated in Russia. The only changes that have taken place in 1990es were in economy; the overall social/political/ideological framework, as well as the ruling class, remained the same. Thousands of Lenin’s statues continue to dominate Russian landscape from Far East to occupied East Prussia. Those who consider Putin’s Russia as something different from USSR are either delusional or conscious deceivers.
Ethnic Russians were the first victims of this evil system but in the same time they are used as the main executioners of its malicious designs.
Yeah, that’s what the Russians call it.
You mean that’s what Russian propagandists call it
Ukraine is a British puppet and was used by the “British” elite (of Semitic-Phoenician origin) as a beartrap against Russia and as pretext for the 4th World War. Just like the Poles were used by the same “British” against Germany in 1939. Of course, the “British” did not and do not care about its “Allies”. They sold the Poles to Russian Bolsheviks after 1945 and the same will be done with Ukrainians. (Arabs were idiots of the same mold in the Grande Guerre, by the way, which instead of Tuerkish vassality became English and French colonies.)
Zelenskyy, the Jewish Nazi, right?
Yes, right. But he is A GOOD NAZI. Because on the British payroll.
I just finished watching Tucker Carlson’s interview with Sergey Lavrov, which sort of stresses my point. I’m absolutely for listening to both sides. You don’t have to agree with their respective position, but you have to know how they see things. And while Lavrov makes some good points (many of which might not be known to the general western audience), he just can’t help himself. I was laughing when he expressed bafflement about the attitude of the Finns – “the Nazis’ best allies”. “We were such good neighbors until recently, and now all of a sudden…” Maybe good neighbors from the Russian perspective; but sir, the Finns hate your guts. History and all that. There is nothing sudden about it. As Lavrov said himself: It’s not a menu. You can’t pick and choose.
Clarissa Schnabel: December 6, 2024 I just finished watching Tucker Carlson’s interview with Sergey Lavrov, which sort of stresses my point. I’m absolutely for listening to both sides. You don’t have to agree with their respective position, but you have to know how they see things.
As Lavrov said himself: It’s not a menu. You can’t pick and choose.
The issue is “The Great Patriotic War, ” Clarissa. We’ve listened to both sides: Of Its phoniness, as presented clearly by trusted source, Wolf Stoner, and of its alleged authenticity by Putinist troll, “Victor.” You’ve now introduced a third opinion by Tucker Carlson, a dishonest media personality I trust about as far as I can toss him,
Pavlov is wrong in my case. I’ve picked Wolf Stoner who I trust. He and his position on Putin’s “Great Patriotic War” — “how he sees things” — are what I’ve chosen, supplying his words to back up my choice. I have the advantage of a Russian wife who has known Wolf for four years and trusts him implicitly. Her friends and relatives in Russia confirm what he has written for us:
All year round, from the Kuril Islands to Kaliningrad (occupied Konigsberg), from kindergartens to universities, from prisons to military garrisons, the garish “victory” paraphernalia dominates the landscape. From dawn to dusk, 365 days a year, all state media channels constantly stuff “victory” nonsense into people’s minds. The methods of brainwashing are even more crude and aggressive than they were back in Soviet times. The mainstream crowd feels itself obliged to participate in this theater of absurdity. Most of them do it willingly; but even those who don’t especially like this frenzy, participate all the same because of fear of being socially ostracized…
From truths I’ve learned over decades from our best, most honest minds about propaganda, effects of Putin’s “Great Patriotic War” nonsense on Russians is not that unlike the effects so-called “Holocaust” propaganda on Americans: they know it’s largely bullshit but do not question even the more obvious nonsense for fear of the smear, of being labelled a denier by Jews, their allies and by American lemmings.
I was actually thinking about that. The Great Patriotic War, Nazis, yada-yada-yada, appear to have become a matter of national identity and consensus for the Russians, just like the Holocaust™ for the Jews. Which is strange, considering the rich Russian history, but perhaps, with all those different peoples and ethnicities within modern-day Russia, it’s the only one they can agree on.
The current Russian Federation is de facto a national state, by any standards. The proportion of ethnic Russians in the country’s population is greater than the proportion of Jews in Israel. Only crazy communist national policy and Russophobia led to the division of our country along national lines. In many so-called national republics, ethnic Russians make up the majority of the population.
Russians are being sent to die to deprive Ukrainians of their country while nonwhites from the former Stans come to replace them. That’s pretty much the opposite of nationalism.
Clarissa Schnabel: December 6, 2024 The Great Patriotic War, Nazis, yada-yada-yada, appear to have become a matter of national identity and consensus for the Russians, just like the Holocaust™ for the Jews…
Thanks, Clarissa. That’s what I and Wolf Stoner have said, except we would never use the Jewish catch phrase yada-yada-yada. Wasn’t that from the clever billionaire TV star Seinfield?
JayeryanOD: December 6, 2024 the best thing to do is promote Ehite brother sports friendship – White Slavic Russians are the best ice hockey players…
That’s ridiculous. Aren’t you the fellow who had volunteered to update “Who Rules America?” I’m withdrawing any offer for you to help with that, thanks anyway.
I did find the latest edition of WRA? for anyone interested in William Pierce’s exposee of Jewish media control that he updated yearly for 30 years, beginning in the late 1960s. See the pdf link I made on 30 November in the Mainstream Media subsection of the Enemy section at Who Rules America? It is still informative and revealing, despite the “changing of Jew media bosses” since this outdated edition.
“Maybe good neighbors from the Russian perspective, but sir, the Finns hate your guts. History and all that.” Okay, then you are talking about their history. But was it wise for Finland to abandon its neutrality in 2023 after 78 years of being neutral? I am not pro-Russian, but if I were a Russian leader, I would relish making them pay dearly for that if a war broke out in Europe. That would put them at the top of my list.
I wish Germans had a little of that attitude, remembering what Great Britain, France, the USSR, and the USA did to Germany, but there are too many enemies to get revenge against. Germany had no choice but to play nice with the murderers of so many Germans.
I would not want another war, but I do hope the weak traitors that currently lead Germany are replaced with people that want to improve the competitiveness and standard of living of the country again. I won’t even mention the word “great,” since the country is probably at its lowest point since 1950. I would also like a new government to stop hiding what the allies did to Germans. While years ago, everyone knew the Soviets were gang rapists, it took 65 years or so until a movie was made about the gang-raping Soviets. It is believed by some historians, and David Irving believes it’s credible, that General Dwight Eisenhower deliberately starved a million or so Germans to death at the end of WW II, and the German government prohibits excavations of the Rheinwiesenlager to research this, according to what I’ve read. The Canadian historian James Bacque wrote a book on this. He believes 10 million Germans lost their lives at the end of WW II as a result of allied policies. David Irving believes what Bacque wrote is credible.
My uncle was drafted into the Waffen SS near the end of the war, and he spent three brutal years in French captivity. Unfortunately, I never asked for details of what they did while he was still alive, but I was told it was very bad. I would like all of these things to come out, but I don’t have hatred for Germany’s enemies. Maybe I should, but it would not help things. That’s why I don’t understand the Finns attitude. I do hate, or dislike intently, individuals that express what I consider stupid and hateful things about Germans.
Finland is in NATO now. It wouldn’t have happened if Russia had not invaded another one of its neighbors. I understand why Russian imperialists feel threatened by countries entering into a purely defensive alliance. It makes it harder for Russia to invade its neighbors. Now Russia can make Finland “pay dearly” for such a “provocation” only by committing national suicide. I think that’s a good thing.
Dr. Johnson, are you kidding? ‘NATO is purely defensive alliance’.
That is essentially what NATO is, yes, “an attack upon one is an attack upon all,” and it also involves a powerful nuclear deterrent. I understand the European concerns of the involvement of Uncle Satan (the USA) in the matter, but the idea that they are occupying and effectively running things exclusively somehow is hugely overstated. The Americans are not putting people into jail for Holocaust Denial or WWII historical revisionism, for example.
It is an excellent article. I fully agree with the sentiments expressed by the author. But there are some points that must be addressed.
It is the purely German approach to try to be as objective as possible. It works excellently in physics and mathematics but not in politics. In politics you must be as biased as possible in order to render the best service to your kin. German obsession with objectivity has brought them to the present miserable condition (besides the consequences of the lost war). Instead of trying to inflict the greatest harm to the enemy they are always engaged in a wild goose chase for objectivity; to find the grain of truth in the enemy reasoning. This illness (born of high intellect and love of order) of super objectivity and righteousness must be cured. Germans must become wilder and less concerned about their public image. They must regain their ancient identity and start to hate their enemies with the whole might of their soul.
Why trying to research whether Putin and his gang have some justified reasons for their actions? Simply start to hate him and his rouge state. Start to crave his annihilation the way Syrians hate Asad. It is the most effective method of struggle. You can’t defeat your enemy if you can’t find firm ground in your own mind. There must be no doubts. The enemy must be defeated and annihilated, by whatever cost and with whatever means, period. Germans must start to hate; they never did (maybe, it is one of the reasons why they lost both world wars).
It is disgusting to see all those debates in Germany about “Russia’s lawful interests”, “finding ways out of the conflict”, “not to press Putin too hard”, “avoid nuclear escalation” and so on. All this silly talk only provokes Kremlin Bolsheviks to press further with their insane demands (and behind this scum lurks their Chinese master).
You simply have no moral right to have this benevolent attitude to the country and people that inflicted on your nation the worst imaginable humiliation; who raped, murdered, robbed on the scale never seen in history. And after all of this you try to be reasonable and objective in your evaluations? You must crave retribution on comparable scale. Especially for those Russians who continue to be proud of their role in destruction of Europe. The war in Ukraine presents the best opportunity to start this process of just racial retribution; it is long overdue.
Stop imagining ethnic Russians as an independent political factor. For more than a century they are mere slaves that execute criminal wishes of their anti-national rulers.
The best Russians themselves crave the downfall of this despotic neobolshevik regime.
Germans are the core of White race. What happens in German society matters for all other White countries. Your indecision spreads further afield and hampers the war effort. Yes, the current rulers in the West are outright scoundrels but there is much greater problem on the horizon. The Asian anti-European alliance has started a war of annihilation against our race. China directs Kremlin’s actions. China dreams about becoming a sole master of the planet. If they succeed, they are sure to physically annihilate all White people. Ukraine is the main frontline of this war.
I am glad that German troops were yet again moved into Lithuania. It is a good first step. The wider German society, instead of engaging in futile discussions, must unite in this drive of restoring historical justice. The natural balance of forces must be restored in Europe. Germany once again must become the dominant factor on the continent. The only way to achieve this is to lead the charge. It is a great opportunity to increase German armed forces and industry, to restore German war spirit. Eventually, it will lead the way to solve the internal problems. I like to see the Polish military renaissance; I hope something similar will start in Germany too. The more White people are put to arms the better.
President Putin is not Russian Nationalist. He is former communist and nouveau riche at present. Russians have many questions to our President. But now he defends the national interests of Russia during the tragic war with Western proxy Ukraine. We the Russian majority support President Putin in this aspect.
So nice, the Chinese proxy against the British proxy. Slav Lives Do Not Matter, just continue to die for your degenerate puppet masters.
My poor nogai, is it for you so nice to live in 5 minutes from NATO/US rockets in Ukraine?
The US missiles are rusty scrap metal, designed in the Kennedy’s era.
You “white race” would be eliminated without any stupid missiles, you will simply extinct, because the existence of the white race in the globalistic economy is economically unprofitable. For your globalist slave masters you simply eat too much, do not work enough, and cannot obey without questions and objections.
I’ve been tuning you out for a while. But it is obvious you hate white people. So you are banned here.
I haven’t paid close attention, but I think there’s a chance he was not giving his own opinion but rather railing against the “globalists”.
the national interests of Russia
The Donbass Lithium for Chinese manufacturers and the “New Silky Way” for the Maoist regime in Beijing.
Yes, it is the best shortest description of what is going on in Russia. The whole Russian resources are put to use of the Chinese empire.
Some of you mention the rapes that were commited by Soviet troops in the last stages of WWII in Germany. This was a taboo for a long time but what noone still speaks about is the racial makeup of the units that did this. At that time the Soviets really had to dig deep and they drafted all imaginable Asiatics from the Steppe, Caucasus, Central Asia and Siberia whom they than released onto Germany.
Guten Abend, Frau Schnabel.
“Meanwhile, the Bundeswehr has concluded that performing police functions will be impossible without sonderkommandos composed of Ukrainian nationalists.”
Mein Gott! Ihr seid wieder da!
I don’t know if you have been paying attention, but this talk continues for a long time. Just don’t become emotionally invested. They have been claiming that Germany is again going to become a belligerent moustachemanistic state since approximately 2006, when I was a schoolboy. Maybe even before that. (A lesson: whatever the Germans do, they are always to blame, so it’s the time to unleash and embrace your inner Hitler. 😉 It is not going to change anything for the worse.) The current propaganda structure is a continuation of its Soviet predecessor, so they are not creative. A lot of WW2 stuff peddled by them was inspired by WW1. Even the name – the Great Patriotic War – originally refers to the war of 1914 – 1917. Commies are commies, they are not good at creating things.
“It really is the cheapest possible way of appealing to people’s emotions. “Sonderkommandos! Einsatzgruppen! Oh no, they’re about to genocide us again! Fight, fight, fight!” The eternal German bogeyman. Works every time. I very much suspect this is mainly an attempt to get Ukrainian soldiers and possibly civilians to switch sides.”
Well, first, I think that it is mainly for the Russian audience. The rumours of occupation have been floating since the beginning of the war. And I don’t think that whatever media promotes is a factor significant enough for the Ukrainian circumstances. Second, the “German bogeyman” doesn’t have the desired effect, anyway. A lot of Russians are sympathetic to Germany (actual Germany, not BRD), and most people understand that the German government is not that enthusiastic about the prospect of going into a war.
“Certain persons in the Western (namely US) leadership had interests in Ukraine, and the Russian leadership overreacted, and probably had interests in Ukraine as well, as part of its Greater Russia ideology.”
The issue is much deeper than whatever opinion you have. Western audiences tend to show an extremely naive understanding of our conditions.
Firstly, I don’t know anyone who can paint the whole picture, but the coup of 2014 and the subsequent events have been orchestrated by BOTH sides (the Ukraine and the Russian Federation). There is a particular fascinating set of characters who were involved in the organisation of Ukrainian nationalist military bootcamps around 2012, about a year and a half before the Maidan actually happened! These people have been either involved in political machinations on behalf of the Putin administration (Chernov, Ponomaryov) or employed as double agents by both FSB and SBU (Korchinskiy). This is just one aspect of a very complicated situation. A single comment is not sufficient, it merits a series of articles.
A friend of mine, who spoke of the coming war even before 2014, has a theory about it. He claims that the purpose is to involve as many Eastern European countries in the conflict as possible, and that it was pushed by the “stock owners” of the Russian Federation and the Ukraine since about 2014, but came to a halt during Trump administration. Then, the decision to kick a large-scale war was probably agreed upon in 2021, during the meeting between Putin and Biden in Switzerland. So, the next thing they are probably going to do is to drag in Poland and the Baltic states. That’s the broad picture. I partially agree with these premises, partially disagree. Make of it whatever you want.
Secondly, what is their “Greater Russia ideology” you are talking about? It is just imitation for internal (to flatter the populace) and external (to provide their dear “Western partners” with a convenient excuse for their own misdeeds, American occupation and so on) purposes.
I am very amused by the talk about Putin’s ideology conducted in the Western countries. You like, for example, to get into the Dugin stuff. I am very puzzled about that. Do you really think that Putin has read anything by Dugin at all? I would bet a fortune he has not. And generally, Dugin is too overestimated by foreign commentary. I have not heard a lot about him in the previous 10 years, and his relationship with the power structure is not like they listen to him and try to implement his ideas, but Dugin himself is subservient to the current regime and its needs. There are a lot of philosophers and ideologues who deserve much more attention, but are unknown to most people in the West.
You need to understand that the Russian Federation has no ideology, unless it is an ideology of a commercial firm. (Like the BRD, generally.) Outside manifestations are a disguise.
“But any sympathies Putin might gain from people who are aware of this manoeuv[e]ring … he sabotages himself with this kind of talk.”
That has been a part of his role for a long time, I suppose.
“Putin might present himself as the savior of Western culture, and in some ways he might – might – stand in the way of our globalist overlords, but he is certainly not a White Nationalist.”
He is a spawn of the West himself. Maybe the time has already come when the parts of the Western system start clashing among themselves. If so, good luck. He may serve as a useful iceberg to drawn it at last. It would be great. But don’t expect him to help you.
“Still – if either side feels it needs to ramp up the propaganda: Can it please at least get creative with it?”
Nein! You are condemned to this sort of stuff until you decide that you don’t care about it and elect some “literally Hitler”. 🙂
All historical events had their clandestine part. But it doesn’t mean that the whole history is a fake. It is the same as what we say to people and what we think of them. It differs greatly but, eventually, our internal attitudes and thoughts direct our actions; the secret activities produce results for all to see. It was always the case. But it is hardly possible to create some kind of clandestine organization that would be able to influence all major world events without it even being identified and noticed. The world doesn’t work this way.
Did you ever try to manage work of other people? I can assure you, even to manage 20 people is a great challenge. Even this number of people is impossible to keep under full control. Even on this level you must already introduce some kind of self-governance. The world is too complicated to allow anyone to direct events at will. Yes, various interest groups exercise their influence but the final result is always going to be a vector sum of those influences. We shouldn’t err on the side of overestimation of those influences as well as on the side of underestimation. There is yet one empiric rule that helps greatly: what happens now is similar to the events that already happened in history, therefore, it is unwise to expect something very unusual. It is why we need to study history.
Yes, the western billionaires tried to establish some kind of semi-official body in order to direct the global events. But their effort has failed miserably. What we now see isn’t the result of their rule but the slide into total chaos.
The same applies to secret services. Yes, they can kill some undesirable politicians and arrange a coup in some African country but not much more.
The main problem with any social engineering is that you can initiate the process but you can’t properly direct it; it rapidly gets out of hand and produces the results quite different of what was expected.
Everybody with common sence knows that the First and Second world wars were ignited, provoked and started by the British, and not by Germans, but “Russian” elites cannot say it openly, because in both those wars Russians were used as a cannon fodder for the British imperialist interests. (To compare, the WW Zero, or the wars against the Revolutonary France and Napoleon, was provoked by the same “superpower” and the Russians were used by it also in the same way. The ongoing Fourth World war was started by the British too, but now the Ukrainians are British cannon fodder, and Russians are fighting for China. The irony is that two white and European peoples fight and kill each others in the interests of non-White and non-European powers.)
It seems to me that many in the West do not understand the specifics of Ukraine, as well as of other post-Soviet states. Some demonize Ukraine as a puppet of the West, either neo-fascist or libtard, or suppressing the rights and freedoms of people, or imposing Western nonsense like LGBT. Others idealize it as a “bastion of freedom” opposing the “wild Horde from the East.” Both sides are wrong. Ukraine, like other post-Soviet countries, is an extremely reactionary archaic feudal dictatorship, led by a community of “siloviki”, priests, oligarchs (mostly of Jewish origin), extremely arrogantly treating their own people and seeing them only as a cheap resource. In this there is no difference between Ukraine and Russia, and both countries can be called feudal-totalitarian. The fact that one country is a client of Britain, and the other of China, does not make one of them bad and the other good. Both are bad, but the same can be said about all post-Soviet countries except the Baltics.
It is also appropriate to recall that until 2014, the most popular foreign politician in Ukraine was Putin, and until 2022 – Lukashenko, that the Ukrainians in general approved much more of the suppression of the opposition in Russia and admired Putin for “knocking the stupidity of freedom out of Russian heads and teaching Russians to love their homeland”, while the Ukrainian ruling circles have always treated the West with disdain.
In 2023, I spoke with one Ukrainian official, not a military man, and not an old one, just over 40 years old. He condemned Putin for his aggressive foreign policy, but fully approved of his domestic policy and believed that the Ukrainian authorities should have acted in exactly the same way. That it was necessary to liquidate the opposition, with murders or gifts if necesary, that it was also necessary to suppress the Maidan even with the use of artillery and aviation, that it was necessary to limit freedoms and rights in the post-Maidan times. He said outright that all opposition movements everywhere were organized by Jews and controlled and financed from London, that freedoms and human rights were Jewish inventions used by the British to destroy the indigenous peoples of Europe and Asia, that the War is a tragical misunderstanding and that Russia and Ukraine should not fight each other, but jointly invade Europe. He called Europeans nothing less than degenerates and believed that in the event of war, Europe would be conquered in a week.
So everything that Ukrainian rulers say in Europe is just empty words, and their real position, and especially the position of middle management and of many members of the populatin, is completely different.
I appreciate the perspectives you add here, but frankly your repeated claim that “Britain” is one of the major players in today’s world gives everything you say a schizo cast.
Yes, Ukraine is very much like Russia. It was subjected to the wholesale political cleansing in the Soviet times. Its ruling elite are the progeny of the Soviet elite. But the share of those who have more European mindset is greater in Ukraine. Besides it, Ukrainian population was always more restive and less inclined to tolerate imperial pressure. For many times in the past Ukraine was the center of popular uprisings.
But the most important factor is that Ukraine once again is the battleground between European civilization and Asian hordes. You can trace the history for the last thousand years and identify the same pattern. Any sane White person must support Ukraine precisely for this reason. Not because Ukraine is good but because imperialist Russia is much worse; especially now, when it was reduced to the status of Chinese vassal.
Dr. Alexander Sevastianov (Александр Никитич Севастьянов), a veteran and ideologist of modern Russian nationalism, writes: “As for Hitler, if he had won, the whole West would have been saved from the current catastrophe: there would have been neither the dominance of Jewish capital nor the invasion of colored people.
But the Slavs would have had a hard time, especially the Poles, Russians, Belarusians, enslavement and destruction awaited us. Therefore, Europeans and some Americans have every reason to hate us for defeating Hitler. After all, it was our victory in WWII that deprived Europe of the future that Hitler guaranteed.”
If Hitler had not attacked the USSR, perhaps he would have remained in history as respected German politician.
“If Hitler had not attacked the USSR, perhaps he would have remained in history as respected German politician.”
Or perhaps what Dr. Goebbels and later Mr. Churchill called the Iron Curtain would have been put much farther West, on the Rhine or even the Atlantic coast.
Would that have been a good thing? I doubt it.
You are as deluded as the Americans and everyone else that lives in the West are, but you were taught a different conspiracy theory. I live in eastern Europe. I can’t tell you the number of morons I have met, especially people under 35 years old who have been indoctrinated with the Holocaust and believe every word of it as if it’s their religion. Since they were born after 1988, they are completely unaware that no one in their country, Russia, or any Eastern European country believed in the Holocaust hoax until after the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact collapsed, and Jews rushed into Eastern Europe with a new conspiracy theory, the so-called Holocaust. The Jews successfully indoctrinated all of Eastern Europe with that lie in less than 30 years.
Prior to 1991, the people in the USSR and Eastern Europe had never heard of the Holocaust. The sign at the infamous concentration camp, Auschwitz, which became a memorial after the war, didn’t mention Jews as victims, and neither did any other memorial in the USSR or any Eastern European country. The Soviet Union taught their people a different conspiracy theory, that Hitler wanted to take over the world and make all Slavs Germany’s slaves.
Below are two signs that stood at the Auschwitz concentration camp. The first one stood there until the early 1990s when it was replaced. It said four million people were murdered at Auschwitz, but it doesn’t mention Jews. It reflected the position of the USSR and Eastern Europe that many people suffered in Europe, and Jews didn’t suffer more than anyone else. The Poles claim they were big victims of the Germans, although it was the Russians that murdered about 15,000 Poles at the Katyn forest before Germans discovered the bodies and made the atrocity known to the world in 1943.
The second sign was erected in the early 1990s and replaced the first sign. It claims 1.5 million people were murdered at Auschwitz, and most of the victims were Jews. They reduced the claimed death toll by 2.5 million people. It reflects the position established in the west by powerful Jewish groups. Since the USSR lost the Cold War, the USA’s conspiracy theory vanquished yours.
In 2014, Russia criminalized “Holocaust denial” and “false data on the activities of the USSR during the Second World War.” They don’t want you to read the Russian Victor Suvorov’s book, Icebreaker, that explains Germany’s attack on the USSR was a preemptive strike, and Stalin had amassed a huge army on the German border and was on the verge of attacking, but Germany struck first. Other historians, including Germans, have said the same thing.
Since 1991, all of Eastern Europe and the former USSR have been indoctrinated with the Holohoax. But, shortly after the death toll was dropped to 1.5 million, they reduced the figure again, to 1.1 million, still with no evidence. Historians, engineers, and scientists have established that the real death toll is a fraction of the allied claims and that Auschwitz was not a “death camp.” It was a work camp vital to Germany’s war effort.
So much for the Holohoax. As for the ridiculous claim that WW II was a race war and Germany planned to enslave the world’s Slavs, why did Bulgaria, Slovakia, large numbers of Ukrainians, and General Vlasov and the Russian Liberation Army fight for Germany? Do you actually believe that after Germany had won the war, Hitler would enslave the millions of Slavs that fought for Germany?
This video explains things better than anyone else could. It’s based on the work of the most important historian of WW II, David Irving, and it’s called The Operation Barbarossa Myth.
This is a link to a comment I made on another website, explaining the support Germany received from Czechs, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. It was the USSR that murdered eight million Ukrainians by starvation in the Holodomor, not Germany. You planned to do away with them and make them your slaves, not Germany. Click on the link to a book by a Norwegian author in which he explains how many Russians welcomed the Germans as liberators. In addition to all the other ethnic groups that despised the USSR, many ethnic Russians despised your brutal regime.
From the book:
Something that happened in December 1941, six months after the start of the German occupation, illustrates the positive reaction quite well. During that time people from some of the small villages collected several thousand woollen socks, mittens and felt boots as Christmas gifts for the German soldiers.
Photograph of a handwritten letter of thanks from the Anisimov family, addressed to Adolf Hitler, dated 27 December 1941. Source: Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts, R 60721. Inside one of the socks there was a note signed by a Russian by the name of Mikhail Nikiforov:
“I am sending these socks as a gift to the invincible German army and pray that you defeat the Bolsheviks so that they are eradicated forever, and also for a quick victory and a safe journey home”.
“This is just one of a number of similar sources expressing a hope that the Germans would defeat the Soviet regime and contribute to a better life for the Russians,”
“Our victory?” Americans make the same claim. Neither one of you could have defeated Germany on your own. It took the combined efforts of four world powers, Great Britain, France, the USSR, and the USA, to defeat Germany, a small country with virtually no natural resources sandwiched between various enemies. It took six years to beat Germany because it was the most advanced country in the world, by far. Germany had far more Nobel Prizes than any other country in the world. Even the atomic bomb originated in Germany. The German chemist Otto Hahn discovered nuclear fission in 1938, and this was leaked to the Americans by Austrian Lise Meitner, who explained things further. All of the people that worked on the atomic bomb in the US were from Europe, except for one, an American that got his PhD in physics in Germany. German universities led the world at that time.
This is a letter I recently wrote to a “Holocaust scholar.” I received no reply.
It is very interesting that it was not until after 1991 that memorials were erected in eastern Europe that specifically mentioned Jews as victims in the Holocaust. For instance, the memorial at Auschwitz did not mention Jews as victims until a new sign was erected in the early 1990’s.
The original sign said that four million people were murdered by the “NAZIS,” and the new sign erected after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact claimed that “about one and a half million…mainly Jews” were murdered. The commandant at Auschwitz, Rudolf Höss, signed a confession that at least 2 and 1/2 million people were murdered at Auschwitz. That is much more than the figure the Auschwitz authorities now cite—1.1 million. It has also been hidden that Höss’s confession was signed after he was tortured for several days. The confessions he signed were written in English by his torturers.
If the USSR and eastern European countries did not specifically identify Jews as victims of the Holocaust, were the USSR and eastern European countries Holocaust deniers until after the USSR and Warsaw Pact collapsed?
It’s also interesting that the word “Holocaust” as applied to genocide originated in the United States in the 1970s. Before 1991, no one in eastern Europe would have known what “Holocaust” meant unless they heard it from an American, or perhaps a western European. So, the former USSR and eastern Europe learned of the Holocaust from Americans, as did much of the rest of the world, which uses the word in their own languages now. It’s also interesting that American soldiers never saw any death camps. It’s been said for many decades there were no death camps on German territory.
Another interesting fact is that Churchill, de Gaulle, and Eisenhower each wrote lengthy memoirs after World War II ended, and none mention gas chambers or a genocide of Jews.
Peter: December 8, 2024 You are as deluded as the Americans and everyone else that lives in the West are… I can’t tell you the number of morons I have met, especially people under 35 years old who have been indoctrinated with the Holocaust and believe every word of it as if it’s their religion… In 2014, Russia criminalized “Holocaust denial” and “false data on the activities of the USSR during the Second World War.”
“Our victory?” Americans make the same claim. Neither one of you could have defeated Germany on your own. It took the combined efforts of four world powers, Great Britain, France, the USSR, and the USA, to defeat Germany, a small country with virtually no natural resources sandwiched between various enemies. It took six years to beat Germany because it was the most advanced country in the world, by far…
Thanks for this refutation to the Putinist troll, “Victor,” who goes on and on about “Our victory.”
We just added Dr. Thomas Dalton’s primer to our bookstore: The Holocaust: 100 Questions and Answers – Paperback by Thomas Dalton – Cosmotheism
It would do C-C visitors well to purchase this for $18 and put to rest Jews’ “Holocaust” propaganda. Use it as a source for home-schooling our youth to counter and deprogram them from Putin’s “Great Patriotic War” nonsense and American VE Day celebrations.
Peter: December 8, 2024 Thanks!
Yours is a rare voice of reason on the subject of WWII at C-C.
The resident Putinist troll here, “Victor,” claims to have read MK, but calls its author, your Führer, arguably the greatest race-thinker of the first half of the last century, “ignorant.” Be careful, Peter, or you will be called out as an oddball for telling truths, when compared to those who see the Holocaust as truth, as practically a religion, like Putin’s phony “Great Patriotic War.”
“Victor” believes William Pierce, the greatest race-thinker of the second half of the last century, is also an ignorant oddball. I won’t be arguing with the anonymous asshole — that would be like swinging at a shadow. It’s enough that C-C’s resident troll is ineligible for NA membership. Our members like it that way. They don’t find uncomfortable truths odd at all:
That human equality is a big lie.
That the Holocaust is a bigger lie.
That Christianity is an even bigger lie.
Wolf Stoner: December 8, 2024 All you need to know about Putin’s army:
Well put. I tried to add this comment under your Odysee video:
The proud animal torture says it all. As an American I recognized two words from the torturer: suka and the name of the Jew leader of Ukraine, Zelinsky. Thank you, Wolf. -Will Williams, National Alliance
I was informed by Odysee that mine was an “invalid channel name.” I don’t do social media and have no interest in creating an Odysee channel, so just know that I tried to add that comment.
I have read both “Mein Kampf” by your ignorant Fuhrer and “Icebreaker” by traitor Suvorov (Rezun). What about Hitler’s own words about conquering living space (Lebensraum) in the east and its unconditional Germanization?
Your excuses are unconvincing, especially after the claim about the Holodomor for killing and enslaving Ukrainians. In the then Russian Federation and Kazakhstan no less died from hunger. Besides, before 1917 there was no Ukraine, which was forcibly created by crazy communists.
There’s no question that Hitler wanted to colonize Russian and Ukrainian lands and reduce the natives to the status of serfs.
Completely disagree with that thesis. Extreme German Nationalists had always wanted to expand to the East and to Germanize the Slavs, the Drang nach Osten. Hitler not so much. Germany never pursued an imperial policy in World War II, although they needed one to fight a World War. The Bolshevik threat was compelling just the same, and that could not be ignored.
Even if Hitler hated the Slavs, which is not true, that is not why the war started nor how it was fought.
People say a lot of things while musing and venting between the spinach course and the strudel, so that does not prove anything nor even tell us very much about policy. Each German official wanted different things, from Karl Koch to Alfred Rosenberg. Hitler decided to put off all such questions until the war was either won or lost.
In fact, since everybody had a different opinion on what the Führer supposedly wanted, or what his actual orders even were, Hitler had to make sure that stenographers from the Foreign Office recorded official minutes to make sure that everyone knew what was actually said in the real meetings, not dinnertime chats.
Belgian Catholic Leon Degrelle who was there at the Front for almost the entire Russian campaign, also strongly disagreed with the notion that the Wehrmacht and the SS thought of the Russians and Slavs as Untermenschen.
David Irving has an anecdote of Hitler in the middle of the war in Russia admiring the blond Ukrainian children who were playing in the fields and along the roads while he was being driven around the countryside near Vinnytsia ─ deep in the Slavic heartland ─ hoping to relieve intense headaches with fresh air whilst stationed at his farthest command headquarters Werwolf.
The waterproofing pitch used by Organization Todt in building the camp Werwolf log cabins had an unbearable odor ─ and Hitler was sick with influenza, etc. while staying there in the stifling Summer heat and making some of the most critical decisions of the war.
Rather like the Ivan the Terrible story about the architect of St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, the Soviet Werwolf legend, repeated in many documentaries, is that thousands of Russian PoWs were shot by Hitler after building the small Vinnytsia headquarters just to keep its spooky secrets.
There is a similar legend from the building of the Hoover Dam ─ but in fact no Depression-era workers were ever drowned in wet concrete there, accidentally or otherwise.
The German colonization and “enslavement” of Russians would surely be much more humane and beneficial than Bolshevik power. The Baltic peoples and Czechs were for centuries colonized by Germans; are they better or worse because of this?
It doesn’t mean that I am biased in favor of Germans. In the conflict of Germans against Lithuanians in 13th century I am totally on Lithuanian side. But the long-term result of German domination in any land was always net-positive.
What difference does it make if “there was no Ukraine,” or that the people of Kazakhstan were treated awfully too. That is stronger evidence of how awful they treated the Soviet peoples. That’s why so many Soviets, including Russians, welcomed the German army, completely contradicting the narrative of Germans killing 27 million Soviets. It’s worth noting that the key people named in both atrocities (Ukraine and Kazakhstan) were both Jewish, Lazar Kagamovich and Filipp Goloshchyokin.
I saw a speech of Hitler talking about additional land in the 1920s a few years after the British had killed a million Germans by starvation after WW I. The British had a blockade preventing food from reaching Germany after the war had ended. Hitler was absolutely right, Germany’s lack of land and resources allowed others to do things like the British blockade. The Germans wanted their colonies back.
Watch the video The Operation Barbarossa Myth that I linked to. The idea that Germany would turn on the people that fought alongside themselves and supported them is another ridiculous conspiracy theory. In the video Hitler makes a speech, and he tells the German army 186 Soviet divisions are lined up on the border and poised to attack, and the Soviets have violated the borders repeatedly, and that is why Germany attacked. You take a few paragraphs from a book in which an ideal is expressed, that Germany would acquire land, and confuse that with an actual plan. No such plan has ever been found. I completely disagree with both of you.
Hitler’s Table Talk makes quite clear that he intended to enslave Ukrainians and Russians in their own lands and colonize them with Germans.
You employ logic arguments with Putinist troll “Victor”. It is utterly useless approach. He will pile tens of new false arguments on each of yours. These creatures are not interested in finding truth but to impose their false reality. Ukrainians are especially valuable in this struggle precisely of the fact that they know the enemy best of all. They never fall into this trap. Instead of arguing they strike with avalanche of poisonous talk directed at undermining enemy’s psyche; it works excellently. Ukrainians are much more loquacious than Russians and have especial ability to talk anyone to death if needed. Their language is much richer with colorful expressions allowing to suppress any troll. You can never do it in English or German. Ukrainian language is mostly emotional and rooted in peasant life. It is only one aspect. There are many others that make Ukrainians especially valuable in this struggle.
But it’s not even about the Führer, it’s about our genetics, our blood.
I have already written to the NA Chairman oddball Will Williams: White Russians and Slavs are one kind of Whites, and the White Westerners are another. Look at the works on DNA-genealogy of Dr. Anatoly A. Klyosov who lives in the US.
For 5 thousand years the border between these two kinds of Whites lasted from the Adriatic to the Baltic. Westerners could not cross it, although they tried more than once. So they went west, and my ancestors went further east to Alaska and California.
Maybe the irrational hatred or dislike of many White Westerners towards Russia/Russians is literally in their blood.
Unfortunately, the racial enemies of Whites pit our two kinds against each other, as we see in Ukraine.
We Whites are brothers. We are one kind of people with only small differences. We have common vices such as too much war-making and we have shared misfortunes. The Jews are our greatest misfortune. We have a shared history and we will have a shared fate.
Our antiwhite enemies who want to play us off against each other and destroy us all know that we are one kind of people. We had better know it too.
We are one kind of people with only small differences. We have common vices such as too much war-making
Not to mention too much alcohol consumption.
I have always felt that America and Russia are somehow culturaly alike in a bad way– and intrinsically different from Central and Western Europe (before the Muslims and Africans arrived). This does not mean I would reject the White inhabitants of USA and Russia but their respective countries are both more or less evil anti-white empires. Russia, however, is at the moment significantly less dangerous than America – a globalist empire with an anti-white ideology.
All you need to know about Putin’s army:
Greg Johnson: December 6, 2024 Finland is in NATO now. It wouldn’t have happened if Russia had not invaded another one of its neighbors. I understand why Russian imperialists feel threatened by countries entering into a purely defensive alliance. It makes it harder for Russia to invade its neighbors. Now Russia can make Finland “pay dearly” for such a “provocation” only by committing national suicide. I think that’s a good thing.
That is now, Greg, but it hasn’t always been that way. NATO was formed by the victorious Jew-led Democrat/Bolshevist Allies in 1949, five years after Germany and that mean Mr. Hitler had been near totally vanquished. Some of us don’t see NATO as “a good thing,” thanks.
Reading National Vanguard‘s daily feature Today in History for 8 December, we’re reminded that in 1865 there was not such animosity between Germany and Finland, which in that year was part of Russia:
1865: The great classical composer Jean Sibelius is born in in Hämeenlinna, Finland, then a part of the Russian Empire. A choral adaptation of his inspiring Finlandia has been used since 1991 as theme music for the National Alliance radio program American Dissident Voices. On his 70th birthday (8 December 1935), he was awarded the Goethe Medal with a certificate signed by Adolf Hitler. During World War 2, Sibelius strongly urged Finns to ally with and fight alongside German forces — and said to the Germans, “I wish with all my heart that you may enjoy a speedy victory.”
If the reader acts quickly, he may catch a portrait of Mr. Sibelius before it scrolls off for 9 December’s Today in History feature, here. along with Mr. O’Keef’s fine essay about racial hero Giordana Bruno from National Vanguard magazine 45 years ago that was recently republished: Today in History
It often seems to me that WWII revisionist are blind to the real character of Adolf H. Adolf indeed was not the super ueber-mensch demonic monster the post-war regime paints him. But it seems to me he has always remained a populist public speaker first and foremost who didnt behave like a rational statesman. Most of what he did was an either-or gamble. There was a sort of operette unreal hysterical aura about Adolf.
Adolf really was in some sense an equivalent of a super successful “edgy” Youtuber who made it into high politics. I dont think past 1936 he really knew what he was going to do in the long run and what the consequences would be if the gamble failed. He was too often just 6th sense and instinct, much similar to celebrities of today.
Unlike Hitler, Stalin seems to have been “for real”, more like a Mafia boss. I guess its quite similar with Trump and Poutine today if you compare them.
Seems that you didn’t read his book and not much on WW2. You repeat the same trite clichés that were widely used by allied propaganda; some kind of Charlie Chaplain-style Hitler. Watch less movies and read more historical studies; it helps.
Ukraine is not a sovereign state, but a terrorist Russophobic regime with a Jewish top. It is simply a tool of the West to fight Russia. As long as President Putin fights with Ukraine/the West for the national security of the Russian Federation, the Russian majority will support him.
Sorry, those talking points were crafted for a much stupider audience.
Thank you for your assessment, Dr. Johnson. I speak for most Russians, although you have a wide range of informants to choose from.
Your criminal government will fall in the same way as Asad’s. Cowards like you will never fight for your beloved leader. You will instantly seek affiliation with any new power. But this time you will not succeed. The day of ther rope is sure to come for all putinist scum.
Hey, Russian brother, how are you? Do you celebrate arrival of your dear ally Assad? Have you baked a loaf of Russian bread to present with salt to our dear friend Bashar? By the way, comrade Bashar was even more popular among his people than comrade Putin. At the last elections Bashar grabbed awesome 95%; Putin had mere 88%. But the overall trend is very encouraging. Russian brother, watch Syria and be happy. It is only the beginning.
Wolf Stoner: December 8, 2024 It is an excellent article. I fully agree with the sentiments expressed by the author. But there are some points that must be addressed.
It is the purely German approach to try to be as objective as possible. It works excellently in physics and mathematics but not in politics. In politics you must be as biased as possible in order to render the best service to your kin. German obsession with objectivity has brought them to the present miserable condition (besides the consequences of the lost war). Instead of trying to inflict the greatest harm to the enemy they are always engaged in a wild goose chase for objectivity; to find the grain of truth in the enemy reasoning. This illness (born of high intellect and love of order) of super objectivity and righteousness must be cured. Germans must become wilder and less concerned about their public image. They must regain their ancient identity and start to hate their enemies with the whole might of their soul.
Why trying to research whether Putin and his gang have some justified reasons for their actions? Simply start to hate him and his rogue state. Start to crave his annihilation the way Syrians hate Asad. It is the most effective method of struggle….
What an interesting point you make about the fall of the Assad regime on the very day rebels overthrew him: What happened in Syria? How did al-Assad fall? | Syria’s War News | Al Jazeera Israel was quick to destroy Assad’s armaments.
As for Germany being too soft, we’ve known that for some time now.
Wolf Stoner: December 9, 2024 You employ logic arguments with Putinist troll “Victor”. It is utterly useless approach. He will pile tens of new false arguments on each of yours. These creatures are not interested in finding truth but to impose their false reality…
I’m not blind to the uselessness of arguing with a known liar on the internet, Wolf. I cannot drag this “Victor” turd into a real-world court for defamation like I did the documented smear artist and political saboteur Harold Covington. I must depend on those in control of C-C moderation to do the right thing once alerted to “Victor” as the turd in C-C’s punchbowl. If C-C mods don’t care about having a documented Putinist troll having free say on this site, they don’t care. I’m certain that some on C-C still hold Mr. Covington in high regard because he had the ability to turn a phrase while constantly lying about legitimate White leaders through his yellow teeth.
Wolf Stoner: December 11, 2024 Thank you for gathering together all those vital points. It needs to be repeated as long as it takes to defeat the Evil Kremlin Empire, which identity is based entirely on the hatred of Europe and White race as such. The problem is that people in the West tend to forget that the founders of the modern Soviet/Russian state were comrades Lenin and Trotsky; they represented the most radical branch of Marxism. Their ultimate goal was the total destruction of the European civilization as such…
Those who consider Putin’s Russia as something different from USSR are either delusional or conscious deceivers…
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