Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-long traditions, in present needs, in future hopes, of far profounder impact than the desires and prejudices of the 700, 000 Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land. — Arthur Balfour, 1917 (more…)
Tag: African National Congress
October 17, 2023 Asier Abadroa
El Secuestro de los Nobel
English original here
Observando el listado de los Premios Nobel, uno no puede evitar darse cuenta de quién gobierna el mundo y cuál es la agenda política que se pretende imponer. De hecho, en ocasiones, el Premio Nobel se convierte en un medio para difundir propaganda de odio contra los enemigos del Sistema. (more…)
Nelson Mandela with his Nobel Peace Prize. Mandela was only one of the many highly accomplished terrorists and warmongers who have won the prize.
6,238 words
Spanish version here
Looking at the list of Nobel Laureates, one cannot help but notice who rules the world and what political agenda they intend to impose. Sometimes, in fact, the Nobel Prize becomes a means to spread hate propaganda against the enemies of the System.
For example, this year’s Nobel prizes have aimed at supporting the struggle of the sexes in our countries (Claudia Goldin), reinforcing the dwindling confidence in the COVID vaccines (Weissman and Karikó), and slamming Israel’s main enemy in the region, the Islamic Republic of Iran, by the way they allegedly treat their women (Narges Mohammadi) — now that the United States military has been definitively driven out of the Taliban’s Afghanistan and the women there no longer matter. (more…)
The following is reprinted from Endeavour‘s Substack. Check out his Telegram and YouTube channels as well.
Author’s Note: I’m going to put the word “accelerationism” in quotes as to not give the idea more credibility than it deserves.
Probably the most annoying argument I frequently hear from the online Right is that what we need is “accelerationism.” (more…)
August 1, 2023 Kerry Bolton
Hendrik Verwoerd, jihoafrický hrdina
English original here
Stephen Mitford Goodson
Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd: South Africa’s Greatest Prime MinisterJedná se o citacemi důsledně vybavený a přesvědčivý životopis „muže ze žuly“, jehož bych si troufl označit nejen za „největšího premiéra“ Jižní Afriky, ale dokonce za jednoho z největších státníků naší doby. (more…)
As a man of an aging vintage, I look back on the changes I saw with a great degree of regret. Each reader will have seen demographic changes in their own lifetimes, as well as the erosion of social and cultural mores. In my own case, as an Irish nationalist born and bred, I have seen this in my own country. (more…)
4,300 words
During the 1980s, when the offensive against South Africa (SA) was at its height, the Right was focused on the prospect of the Soviet Union taking over the mineral wealth and strategic position of SA. I recall this because I was among those in New Zealand speaking in favor of SA, and using this specter as the main reason for opposing the anti-SA campaigns, albeit among the few who also defended white self-determination. (more…)
Irene van Niekerk, an Afrikaner who has won numerous gold medals as a runner, is one of many South African whites who live in squatter camps, and for whom the government does little.
1,807 words
Some years ago, before “Alt Right” became a household term, there was a meme going around, usually found in comments sections of news articles and such, that “anti-racism is code for anti-white.” The meme became repetitive, but resonated because of the wealth of unspoken truth it contained. After all, if one performs even a cursory search of the facts with regards to racial crime statistics, the pros and cons associated with being of a certain race, or even the general manner in which so-called “anti-racist” groups target whitey for trying to attain the same rights to self-preservation and self-determination that are taken for granted by other races, then one would realize that something is not right. There is a double standard. (more…)
1,881 words
Last month, President Jacob Zuma of South Africa resigned from his office after nearly a decade of looting the treasury for himself and his cronies in what was once a prosperous, First World, Western society. (more…)
Czech version here
Stephen Mitford Goodson
Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd: South Africa’s Greatest Prime Minister
Second edition, self-published, 2017This is a thoroughly referenced, cogent biography on the “man of granite” whom I respectfully suggest remains immeasurably more than only South Africa’s “greatest Prime Minister,” but rather is one of the great statesmen of our era. (more…)