Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “What’s With the Egos on These Negroes?“, on the recent fracas between former superstar NFL quarterback Cam Newton and a small throng of young amateur footballers, and what this shows about the black community. (more…)
Tag: Super Bowl
1,513 words / 11:42
As the ancient African proverb says, “You should never chimp out on a gorilla.”
In Atlanta last Sunday — in yet another sad and tiresome case of the black community harming the black community, leading to the black pundits who represent the black community demanding that the black community be nicer to the black community — former superstar quarterback Cam Newton, a 6’5” dreadlocked Sasquatch described as “arguably the most physically imposing quarterback the NFL has ever seen,” was attacked by a small throng of young amateur footballers, whom he effortlessly tossed around like stuffed animals before security guards stepped in and deescalated the situation. (more…)
In my last essay, I predicted that the trucker convoys would either hasten the fall of the regime if they were a success, or would hasten the fall of lukewarm conservatism if they failed. It has become painfully clear that they have failed. Lukewarm conservativism that conserves nothing will still continue, but in a lesser state. (more…)
The Super Bowl always serves as a good barometer for American culture. It’s where ads seek to introduce upcoming blockbusters and “social progress.” Corporations made sure to start showing off gay couples in Super Bowl advertising in the mid-2010s. (more…)
I’ve been thinking about Canada a lot lately, mainly because of the truckers, and mainly because I’m preparing to review George Grant’s Lament for a Nation with my true blue Canuck friend Endeavour on Sunday’s Writers’ Bloc (10 PM CET, 4 PM EST, 1 PM PST). The review’s been a long time coming, predating the truckers. It even predates the current iteration of The Writers’ Bloc. (more…)