As I have written before, while it is an undeniable truth that NATO and even the European Union, which is much worse than NATO, is preferable to the Russian Federation due to the incontestable fact that pro-white organizations can operate more freely in the former than in the latter, my ideal scenario is Eastern Europe breaking away from NATO and forming its own military alliance with its headquarters in Warsaw, consisting of the following countries in no particular order: (more…)
Tag: Lithuania
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There are recent reports about Finland strengthening its borders with Russia not just militarily, but with regard to illegal entry. Finland is taking this precaution because they fear Russia will employ the same tactic that Belarus has employed against Poland over the past couple of years. (more…)
August 9, 2021 Algis Avižienis
Toward a New Era of Nation-States, Part IX:
Reversing the Decline of European Nation-StatesPart I here, Part II here, Part III here, Part IV here, Part V here, Part VI here, Part VII.1 here, Part VII.2 here, Part VIII here
A successful nationalist movement cannot be guided by free-market orthodoxy. For over two centuries the principles of free market economics played a crucial role in Western countries. (more…)
Part I here, Part II here, Part III here, Part IV here
If the architects of globalization succeed in establishing the New World Order, they will have obtained a magnitude of concentrated power unprecedented in history. The globalists’ steady accumulation of economic, bureaucratic, political, cultural, and many other forms of power has received determined support from the Western democracies. (more…)
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To understand Central and Eastern Europe as they are today, we must go back an entire century to the immediate aftermath of the First World War. As old empires collapsed, newly independent nations fought numerous conflicts for territory culminating in the Polish-Soviet War. (more…)
197 words
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Fróði Midjord delivered a powerful speech at the second annual Prabudimas Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, on February 15th, 2020. The following video is an excerpt of that speech, where he discusses the virtue of being dominant in our societies (more…)
84 words / 56:35
84 words / 56:35
To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.”
Greg Johnson talks to Fróði Midjord about his travels in the Baltic states, where he spoke at two nationalist youth conferences and took part in two torchlight independence marches. (more…)
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Lithuania’s Independence Day is February 16. The country celebrated its 102nd birthday on Sunday, but the history of the Lithuanian land, language, and people goes back hundreds of years further. (more…)
On Friday, February 15, Greg Johnson spoke at the Kryptis Youth Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania. His topic was creating an Identitarian youth movement in Lithuania and beyond. Here is the audio recording. (more…)
November 25, 2015 Tomasz Szczepański
L’autre Europe :
Une interview sur l’IntermariumInterview par Jarosław Ostrogniew; English original here
Tomasz Szczepański (Barnim Regalica) est né en 1964 à Szczecin (Pologne). Il est historien (doctorat en Lettres), écrivain, essayiste, et activiste. Défenseur du Zadruga (nationalisme païen polonais) et de la foi slave indigène.
Il a été un activiste anti-communiste depuis 1984, un membre du Parti Socialiste polonais illégal, et un membre de la Confédération de la Pologne Indépendante depuis 1987. De 1987 à 1989 il a dirigé le bulletin clandestin Intermarium. (more…)
Interview and translation by Jarosław Ostrogniew; French translation here
Tomasz Szczepański (Barnim Regalica) was born in 1964 in Szczecin (Poland). He is a historian (Ph.D. in humanities), writer, essayist, and activist, and an advocate of Zadruga (Polish pagan nationalism) and indigenous Slavic faith.
He was an anti-communist activist beginning in 1984, (more…)