1,055 words
There are recent reports about Finland strengthening its borders with Russia not just militarily, but with regard to illegal entry. Finland is taking this precaution because they fear Russia will employ the same tactic that Belarus has employed against Poland over the past couple of years.
You may have seen the videos over the past 18 months of Polish border guards defending the Polish-Belarussian border against non-whites attempting to force their way into the country. The story was covered by Counter-Currents’ own Johannes Scharf at the time after he encountered these so-called tourists and students after they had arrived in Minsk from Istanbul. Naturally, the vast majority of White Nationalists and others on the Dissident Right cheered on these white border guards as they defended their 98% white country from non-white invaders.
While the non-whites were attempting to break into Poland, Belarussian border guards were shining lasers and high-powered flashlights into the eyes of Polish border guards, cutting holes in Polish border fences, feeding the migrants, and granting them shelter in which to recover after being forced back from the Polish border.
Mike Enoch, the Chairman of the National Justice Party in America, used his platform on The Daily Shoah to say that the only reason these non-whites were in Belarus in the first place was that Poland had forced them out of their country after they had come from other European Union countries, and that all poor, innocent Belarus was trying to do was simply return them to where they had come from.
This is factually incorrect, however. Belarus had flown these non-whites in for the specific purpose of sending them into Europe. After all the Muslim rape gangs, crime, terrorism, and general destruction such non-white hordes have brought to Europe, Belarus’ President, Alexander Lukashenko, decided to try to add to it. Pro-Kremlin voices claim that the Russian Federation is fighting for the white race, that Russia and Belarus are the last non-“ZOG” white strongholds in the world, and that Putin and Lukashenko are actively fighting against ZOG. But we must ask ourselves: Are these the actions of pro-white leaders? Would you flood your racial kinsmen with non-whites in order to serve a political agenda if you were in charge of a pro-white state?
At this link is the story from Breitbart. Breitbart is not a trusted news source, but this is not an opinion piece; it is an article consisting of information collected online from Polish government sources and Polish border guards and put in one place.
Johannes Scharf’s observations were corroborated by data collected by Flight Radar 24. The Belarusian state owned-carrier Belavia and Turkish Airlines were flying these migrants in from Istanbul, Antalya, Beirut, Baghdad, and Dubai. This is how the non-whites got to the Polish-Belarussian border in the first place. It was not the EU’s doing; this was Russia and Belarus’ doing. And no, this is not a defense of the EU. I am not pro-EU; I am just presenting the facts.
From another source: Since 2020, the Belarusian authorities have canceled or simplified visa requirements for travelers from 76 countries. Among these are several nations affected by serious conflicts such as Syria, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and from which many people are trying to flee. Travel agencies from Syria, Iraq, and Turkey have started selling trips to Belarus by promoting housing and employment opportunities in European Union countries. Dozens of messages of this type are also sent via WhatsApp, which is the most popular messaging service in the region.
Such a trip costs between $10,000 and $20,000, depending on the local conditions. The German portal Deutsche Welle pointed out in an investigation that Belarusian consulates have even delegated the right to issue visas from their country to these travel agencies. Along with this, Belarus has significantly increased its number of incoming flights from Middle Eastern countries. Several EU countries have denounced the fact that the Belarusian authorities are behind these offers promoted by travel agencies. Many of the flights are operated by Belavia, Turkish Airlines, and Qatar Airlines, as well as another low-cost airline called Fly Dubai. Until recently, refugee visas were even being granted at the airport itself while passengers were boarding.
At airport departure gates, it is impossible to verify whether the passengers are migrants or refugees. They all have money and their documents are in order, so for the most part there is no reason for the airlines to prevent any of them from boarding the flight. What happens next is unclear. Videos have shown that, upon arrival, these migrants are then transported, in a very organized way, from the Minsk airport to the borders with Poland and Lithuania, but until now it has been impossible to determine who is organizing it.
I’ll give credit where it’s due: When I presented this information to Mike Enoch, he corrected himself on the next TDS show, but I can’t help but wonder why his reflexive reaction was to accuse Poland of doing what Belarus is doing. After all, there was no evidence of it, so how he came to that faulty conclusion in the first place is a mystery.
Belarus and Russia are not fighting for the white race. They are fighting to maintain their own sphere of power and for the privileges of their political leadership. Russia is an even worse oligarchy than America. Russia is one of only four countries on the planet where the top 0.001% own more than the bottom 80%. Not even America is that bad.
It must also be said that NATO is not fighting for the white race, either. Throughout my work I have shown that there is zero doubt that the Russian Federation’s expanding of its borders and power in Europe is comparatively worse than NATO doing so, but I have also maintained my desire and hope for Eastern Europe to break away from NATO and form their own military alliance, and for the EU to be ended completely. The former is much less likely now that Russia has invaded Ukraine, however. Russia has made NATO’s hold on Europe stronger than ever, as I have demonstrated previously here.
So good job, Finland. Securing your borders is a wise move. We can only hope that other European nations follow suit as Putin, Lukashenko, Erdogan, and doubtless other hostile national leaders continue to use non-white immigration as a bioweapon against Europe.
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The story isn’t really complete unless you mention the fact that the reason Belarus began sending the migrants against the EU in the first place is because the EU has been openly trying to bring Lukashenko’s regime down since 2020. If the EU doesn’t want other countries to take hostile actions against them, then they should stop interfering in other countries. If they do, it’s hardly surprising that these governments will retaliate however they can.
Belarus and Russia realize what nearly every government in Europe is loathe to admit, namely, that non-white migrants are bad. So in a sense they are throwing the EU’s hypocrisy back in their faces, given that the official line in Brussels and every Western European capital is that migrants are wondrous and vibrant. Germany ought to send buses to the EU’s borders with Belarus, pick up the migrants, and bring them directly to their own country. That’s what they did with the migrants in Hungary in 2015. Then the problem would be solved as far as Lithuania and Poland are concerned.
Oh, poor Belarus, deploying nonwhite bioweapons to rape and murder Europeans after it was so viciously attacked by -checks notes- hipsters being retarded in Minsk.
Oh, John Morgan, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Russia is pro-non white immigration and has a higher percentage of naturalized Muslim immigrants than most EU countries.
interesting phraseology. You do now that millions of nonwhite ‘infidels’ are also in Western Europe? I’m starting to believe most of you are more anti-Russian than pro-white.
Do you excuse the Russian invasion of Ukraine as well?
That’s correct, Lukashenko simply paid his debt of “gratitude” for color revolution attempt. Polish government, as usual, gained nothing aside from adding costs. And since we are offended at Batka, there was no place for diplomatic solution that could transfer those people to their desired destination, outside of Poland. There is no sovereign eastern policy and the Polish minority in Belarus is being sacrificed by democratic crusaders from Warsaw.
Let the crusade continue, to the last vestige of Polish identity in the former Eastern Borderlands.
Democratic crusaders? It looks like they want the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They want to get back their empire. I don’t think this is about liberal values and whatnot.
Don’t know if you’re going to read this Sir, but it’s definitely NOT PLC restoration. Intermarium harkens back to the Federation idea of marshall Józef Piłsudski (himself a descendant of Lithuanian nobility and ex-socialist). Anti-russian block of independent countries federated in an alliance. Idea wholly based on wishful thinking as it had turned out.
John, read this article by thuletide on degeneracy in Russia:
Don’t change the subject, Gnillik. I didn’t say anything about “degeneracy” in Russia.
“Russia is pro-non white immigration and has a higher percentage of naturalized Muslim immigrants than most EU countries.”
Yes, Russia has more Muslims because Russia is an empire comprised in part of Muslim peoples, not a nation-state, and has been for centuries.
First off this migrant strategy started before any attempts of western CIA NGO color revolution display in Belarus.
Second off why are you trying to even rationalize the dynamic here advocating for the enemy?
“but, but, but”. No buts here. They are the enemy and thats the end of the story here. You wanna argue for the enemy see how good the wireless connection in the internment camp is.
Sorry, but I don’t respond to comments from brain-dead idiots who make silly threats.
Excellent and succinct article about the treachery of migrant inflows, it’s raw mechanics, and their strategic use by interests, who are considerably anti-white in action. Over the last several months, articles like this on Counter-Currents have really succeeded in opening my eyes to the cynicism of Putin’s and Lukashenko’s actions. I especially appreciate James A.’s dynamic analysis of all the major players and organisations in this scenario and finely-measured criticism where it is due.
Thank you James A.
Such a compact article shedding so much light!
Would Counter-Currents have opposed the Third Reich for Hitler’s invasion of Poland?
Sinope, you ask the question as if that would be a bad thing. Which is telling. Did YOU support Hitler’s invasion of Poland? I would hope you wouldn’t.
I did not ask if Counter-Currents would have supported the Invasion. I asked if, in the View of Counter-Currents, the Invasion would be Reason enough to oppose the Third Reich as a Whole.
For the Record: in My View, the Fault lies on those Forces which prevented Germany from regaining ethnically German Territories in Poland in a peaceful fashion, rather than with the Leader forced by said Forces into an unnecessary Conflict.
Fault is not a good word to use when thinking about international conflict.
Using Greenmarchers is an effective tactic.
Nobody here is ‘fighting for the white race.’ This tiresome false dichotomy is embarrassing. Can you all please give it a rest already? No war was ever fought this way. Not even Barbarossa nor the American Civil War. This is Europe. It is white vs white and even nonwhite proxies vs one another like in the Seven Years War.
As for giving safe passage to Third World refugees…hasn’t Western Europe been doing that to itself for 100+ years? Using unwanted immigration as a vector of war clearly works, which is why *fellow NATO member* (and EU candidate) Turkey has done it against Western Europe to gain leverage.
If you’re locked in a war with somebody, you’re going to use whatever asymmetrical weapons you can to gain the advantage.
TRS, which has literally been wrong about everything the last 4 years, has clearly been directed by Charles Bausman to be pro-Russian, but it doesn’t change the outcome of this war. None of this lobbying or rhetoric is changing the outcome.
If controlling the dissident thought-space is so unimportant, then why are both the Kremlin and Washington regimes pouring so much resources into directing and controlling it?
So we’re back to 2016 ‘Russian spies hacking elections’ again? Did Russia hack my brain to post this? This bizarre American politics dichotomy of Republican vs Democrat disposition has somehow been extrapolated on the global stage the last few years. So how many mercenaries has CC sent to Ukraine on either side? It’s all just LARPing. Russia and its Belarusian toady is going to win this war and the only thing that will be weakened is the bandit laundering hideout called Ukraine, and NATO’s ability to force America into stupid wars abroad. Stupid ancient rivalries amongst hardheaded Slavs have somehow been made far more important than they actually are.
After this war is finished, Bosnia will collapse again. Then in a few years the United Kingdom will split into open warfare in Northern Ireland and possibly Scotland with the EU against what is left of Great Britain. Nearly 100% caused by the EU.
Why yes, sir, it is entirely possible for the Kremlin to have hacked your brain. Please see my appearance on the Decameron film festival reviewing Ghost in a Shell for a rough sketch on the methodology. If you’re further interested in the subject of mind control, you might want to peruse some of the things I’ve written on how minds are indeed controlled, both by the Kremlin and the West (and in all probability, the Chinese too). You’ll find them in my author archive.
So either you believe the Western narrative about Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, which is the objective truth, or else you’ve been brainwashed?
I’m merely pointing out that a) Washington and Moscow (and other groups) are interested in this thought-space and b) They (and other groups) have ways of hacking people, though those ways are subtler than we imagine.
I’m having a change of heart. I think it’s easy to get caught up in the, “yeah, Russia! Show globohomo who’s boss!” but then you read about Belarus here and this Yale history professor, Timothy Snyder, tweeting about how Russia is going to use a wheat shortage to fuel a migration crisis to destabilize the EU. Even sitting Congressman are saying there is going to be a wheat famine.
Yes, mass migration is essentially unconventional biological warfare. Liberal Jews are wont to cite the Torah in their plight for migration but when you read the first book after the Torah, Joshua, you clearly see that the migration of the Ancient Hebrews to Canaan did not bode well to the Canaanite nations already living there. If we take the Bible at face value, then mass migration literally ends in ethnical cleansing and genocide. It happened to the Canaanite nations and it happened to the American Indians with the arrival of the Spanish and English. In the latter cases, the unconventional biological warfare was often coupled with conventional biological warfare.
The Guardian has showcased the Poles who help these wretches evade detection and move on to Western Europe — hopefully Britain. Once there, after discarding any ID they may have, they can claim asylum, be put up in a 3 star hotel (or better) with full board and receive daily spending money courtesy of the taxpayer. They can be quite confident that they will not be removed: neighbours, civil servants (including now Border Force staff) and the judiciary will see to that.
Lawyers engaged by charities will claim that grown men are in fact children, or that as islamic transsexuals they may face persecution, or that having reportedly acquired a cat they now have a right to family life. Failing all that ‘Anti Raids’ (sic) flash-mobs of leftists will assemble to stall any police action in the direction of deportation.
Almost all will be granted ‘indefinite leave to remain’ and given council housing (jumping to the front of the queue) from where they can claim full benefits, work on their grievances (such as being not being resettled in the city they wanted) and start bringing their extended families across.
Having the second world weaponize the third world in europe itself so openly was another stupid mistakes by them. Years before, during 2015, you had to show people all these articles about how FSB agents and otherwise russian citizens were caught trafficing and smuggling third world migrants into europe. Most articles were in english, which made it complicated to reach these older people who never learned english but have enough time on their hand now to get angry about the way their european countries are going. The top NATO general Breedlove, yeah real name, said at the time that this is a russian operation to polearize europe. Russia needs to create conflicts in europe and what is more fracturing than bring in some non-white uneducated economically worthless illiterate castoffs from failed cultures into europe and have your KGB controlled journalists call them refugees. Its just another conflict that distracts us, that we don’t need, that helps our enemies and its time to call it what it is and treat the people who act as enemy agents as enemy agents. But internet right wingers are too dumb for anything and rather go on about muh NATO expansion.
What, you mean to tell me that diversity is not our greatest strength? And that cultural enrichment is something bad? But… but…
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