Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 613
Kevin MacDonald & James Edwards on the US Elections
Counter-Currents Radio
Kevin MacDonald and James Edwards joined Greg Johnson on the most recent edition of Counter-Currents Radio to discuss the upcoming US presidential election, other current events, and, as always, your questions. It is now available to download or listen to online.
1:04 – Who is your pick for president this year? (Kevin MacDonald’s “Why I Voted for Trump,” Greg Johnson’s “Why I Voted for Vance-Trump” and “Trump: Without Illusions or Apologies, 2024,” and Richard Parker’s “Good Intentions or Maddest Folly?”
10:08 – Why Greg is supporting Trump
16:00 – “You can’t let his happen!” Kevin’s thoughts on accelerationism
18:53 – James’ take on accelerationism
23:37 – Who would you like Trump to nominate as Attorney General?
27:56 – Question about Peanut the Squirrel and Fred the Racoon
32:53 – Should we encourage young people in our movement to become lawyers?
39:02 – Unfair criticism of Trump and censorship
41:41 – Twitter censorship under Elon Musk
48:41 – Question on the aftermath of the election
50:55 – Greg Johnson’s “Amnesty Your Ancestors.”
55:26 – Will a Trump election make things like CalExit or national divorce more likely? (Greg Johnson’s “In Praise of Calexit.”)
1:04:05 – Question on the Biden administration making the use of force against protestors legal
1:18:25 – Could a Trump win be detrimental to our cause by making the left strengthen their resolve?
1: 23: 29 – Trump has destroyed the Republican party of Dick Cheney
1:28:39 – English YouTubers making videos about wanting to leave the United Kingdom
1:35:16 – Will a Harris victory trigger more backlash against “woke”?
1:40:05 – Will there be another attempt to steal the election?
1:53:30 – What is your gut instinct saying, a Trump win or a Harris win?
2:00:30 – Will “sexism” save us from a Harris presidency?
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Such a regal looking Trump. It reminds me too much of FTN and TDS in 2016! I kind of liked the more playful but edgy Counter-Currents when dealing with Drumpf and elections. Have a look at the caption of this site in 2016 for writing done by J.J. O’Meara:
I would have thought you might have alterativley posted Trump in the airplane filled with the cats and geese.
Exhilarating discussion, as usual. Thanks for putting it up early!
well, yes, the reason for voting for Trump is the same as you would vote for any Republican, except maybe for Bush2. 1) less transfer of wealth from whites to minorities and 2) slowing the immigration rot, which buys us time, as a higher percentage of youth will remember something of the old America.
White nationalist: don’t vote! Trump and Harris are two sides of the same ZOG beast.
Qtard: Yes, but the republicans constitute its face side and the dems are its a*s. I choose the former.
Well, Kamalamala must not get in. That would be a disaster.
So whether Trump has faults or not (and we know them well) vote for him anyway, especially if one is in a swing state.
For that matter, just raising the popular vote for Trump if one is in a deep Red or deep Blue state will be helpful too because it will send a strong message about White backlash.
The mask came off the anti-White Left when Trump got elected in 2016, and the meltdown that will occur when the Deplorables have spoken again in a louder voice in 2024 will be epic.
All hope is lost if the RINOs and Democrats take the win.
At some point, after the first hour, the panel mocks normie conservatives for going by their stupid principles. I swear they were alluding to Matt Christiansen….
Kevin MacDonald and Greg Johnson are good candidates to be considered the most useful pro-White intellectuals, and James Edwards is a practical populist. (I don’t think he would object to that description.) Everybody is on the same page on the things that matter most. White genocide is an accepted fact, as is the moral need to defeat it. The character of the antiwhite “leftist” enemy is fully understood. The crisis is correctly located in time and given the proper urgency. There is a shared sense of the seriousness and unselfish determination that this racial crisis calls for.
This is good. Carl Schmitt would give us a tick for having performed the first task of politics. Sun Tzu’s demand that we know both the enemy and ourselves is satisfied. (And thank you Kevin MacDonald for both the Culture of Critique series and Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition.)
Our race faces forced extinction. If we become soft, muddle-headed “big brains” staking out vanity positions of preening individualism our race will die.
That’s not happening. We’re consolidating. We are largely consolidated. I see thoughtful, serious men, as alike as Spartan “similars” in having a common sense of history and a common sense of our duty to preserve our race.
This pro-White solidarity should outlive us and continue for thousands of years.
Kris Kobach for Trump’s attorney general, terrific choice. I should have thought of him. For those of us wondering how we can change things, a vigorous campaign to nominate Kobach as AG is one place to start.
This was one of the best CC Radio discussions I’ve heard yet. Just what I needed to steel my nerves on election night.
It was indeed an exhilarating discussion. And now we can celebrate–pop the corks!
Great show. Three titans speaking.
DAIN (Deport All Illegals Now)
Deportation issue:
“The ‘Great Emancipator’ and the Issue of Race”
“Abraham Lincoln’s Program of Black Resettlement”
By Robert Morgan at Institute For Historical Review.
We never learn. Here is a 1862 quote by President Lincoln:
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. What I do about slavery and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union …”
In 1862, hardly one Union soldier in ten approved of emancipation, and some officers resigned in protest.
In Lincoln’s second annual message to Congress of December 1, 1862….he used the word deportation.
And yet, here we are doubtful that POTUS 47 will do want needs to be done to barely begin saving our once Nation.
We never learn.
DAIN (Deport All Illegals Now).
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