International Blancophobia Month (ie. every month)
With the trial of Axel Rudakubana taking center-stage this month, only one thing was certain: the government would use the distraction to smuggle through as much anti-white legislation as it could fit on the statute books. For that is what it is.
The British have been so deeply indoctrinated into believing that the promotion of one’s own white ethnicity is the lowest circle of racism that they still can’t face the monster. It hasn’t been difficult to train the Brits, it’s been Pavlovian in its simplicity. Press the wrong button and you get an electric shock and not a food pellet, and acknowledging white identity is most definitely the wrong button.
Now that the principle of “protected characteristics” has been fully blooded, its corollary can be brought into play. That is, what are unprotected characteristics? There is only one; whiteness. Much of what is passing into law and statute in the UK is aimed specifically at white people, whose progress must be impeded in favor of those less able.
Now that the Starmer government’s blatant social engineering is increasingly being opened for inspection, the public is slowly coming to realize something about affirmative action. Until now, they have bought the government line, that a boost given to ethnic minorities as a result of their generations of oppression by white people is retributive justice, and not before time. But the welfare of blacks and browns is not the government’s priority, just a useful side-effect.
It is instructive to examine just how much legislation and regulation goes into eroding white English culture, the real aim of current government policy. Let us begin like all good and pious Englishmen, by going to church.
Undoing the Lord’s Work
In the battle against the Anglo-Saxon, the churches are now threatened by the enemy. The Anglican Church was always despised by the Blairite left. Alastair Campbell, Blair’s attack dog, famously told a reporter that the Blair administration “don’t do God”. Now, no one else is allowed to do God either, and Christians in England have been arrested and charged for “silent praying” close to abortion clinics.
More recently, the deep state has found an easier stratagem to deal with matters ecclesiastical, and have neutered the Church by encouraging its pallid message of rainbow inclusivity. Christians don’t necessarily wish to hear sermons on accepting homosexuality, and how England was an evil empire. But keeping to the government line kept the state off the back of the Church, to an extent. Not anymore. Now, the Church is about to come to understand that, when you sup with the Devil, you need a full long spoon.
The Starmergeddon government, this Exterminating Angel for white men, is cutting tax relief on church repair funds, and almost 1,000 historic places of worship are at risk of closure in the UK as a result. The phrase “places of worship” is important, as it gives the impression that, along with imperiled and ancient churches, impoverished mosques and venerable synagogues are also on the at-risk list. They are not. In fact, mosques are to receive a further £117 million for their upkeep, signed off under the previous Conservative government. No, the list of likely demolitions comprises churches, and they won’t be black churches, which are always urban and so no more in need of repair than the rest of the shanty towns they are situated in. No, these will be white churches, rural, traditional, and still attended by families, white families. For the new imperium, these pagan practices, and their “places of worship” must be consigned to the flames.
The Church of England is one of the largest landowners in the United Kingdom, and the government sees prime development land. Why should old white people and their undoubtedly racist belief system stand in the way of progress, or of a new supermarket, or an ugly apartment block filled with people who are even uglier, or even – and best of all – a mosque.
What happened to the Church militant? Nietzsche only gave part of the story about Christianity, portraying it as weak and enervated. He didn’t talk so much about the fact that it was, for a long time, a religion of violent nutcases. These were men who would ride from Oxford to the Holy Land in sheepskin-lined armor just for a fight. If the Church doesn’t fight now, the beautiful Anglo-Saxon and Norman churches of England will fade into history.
Remaking the Grade
The universities of Oxford and Cambridge are two of the most famous in the world. Strictly speaking, there exists no “Oxford University” or “Cambridge University”, as the two cities are collegiate, each containing many famous colleges. But even the names are a byword for success, particularly in the political sphere, for better or worse. Now, however, these twin beacons of wisdom have been tested and found wanting. There are not enough black students getting high grades, you see.
This has been happening for some time. It is essentially grade-inflation, one of many dubious cultural practices Britain slavishly imports from the US, or at least did under Biden and Obama. But this report is proof that it has made it to the echelon of academia:
Oxford University’s APP (Access and Participation Plan) pledges to ‘use a more diverse and inclusive range of assessments’ to ‘improve the likelihood’ of students from ‘lower socio-economic backgrounds’ getting good degrees.
Cambridge’s APP pledges to ‘improve outcomes’ for ‘Black-British and British-Bangladeshi students’ and says ‘assessment practices’ may be to blame for ‘awarding gaps’.
Phrases such as “open-book” examinations and “take-home” essays give a flavor of this latest ruse to artificially boost blacks while hobbling whites and others (but primarily whites; the Chinese etc. are collateral).
So, there you have it. Two of the world’s iconic places of higher learning are now rigging the game so that more black and brown people can receive their career-advancing imprimatur. And at no extra cost, except the social cost to the new marginalized class, the whites and the Chinese and the Hindus. Even they are not black enough. And this lowering of standards is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Soon, some new and oppressed grouplet will take a fancy to the advantages offered in further education – Roma gypsies, say, or the Igbo people from Nigeria – and more space on the bus will have to be made for them. Soon, Whitey won’t even be able to sit at the back of the bus. And then, among the ivory towers of the Groves of Academe, Socialism’s work will be done.
Don’t Make Waves
The English love their battles. Trafalgar Day used to be observed nationally on October 21, and Waterloo had a main-line station named after it. But the Battle of Agincourt, a decisive one in the Hundred Years War, has a particular place of pride in the Englishman’s heart, and not only because we beat the French. It is the site of Henry V’s Eve of St. Crispin’s Day speech as taken down by the Swan of Avon – “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” – as famously portrayed by Sir Kenneth Branagh.
This speech was taken up by Churchill in 1944, at the time of the Blitz and the Battle of Britain, when the old bulldog described the Royal Air Force as “we few”. The rabble-rousing call to arms had already played a part in World War 1, with the legend of the spectral Archers of Mons who supposedly appeared at that battle and protected English positions. They were said to be the ghosts of Agincourt longbow-men.
Agincourt is woven into English history like a stitch in the Bayeux Tapestry. The first famous screen version of Shakespeare’s Henry V, starring Sir Laurence Olivier, was released in 1944, just as the allied army of occupation was poised to conquer Europe. Agincourt tells the Englishman that adversity is a strength, not diversity. There were no black longbow-men and no lesbian ostlers to thank for victory, whatever modern history tells its students. More than anything, Agincourt has at its heart the spirit and will not to give up, but to prevail. That’s what Agincourt means. Well, it did.
The British Ministry of Defence has decided against naming its new submarine HMS Agincourt on the grounds that it might offend the French. Quite apart from the fact that offending the French should be at the forefront of English endeavor at all times, and is part of our purpose on God’s good earth, have they gone mental? They are going to name it the Achilles instead. Nothing wrong with Achilles, sound chap, by all accounts. All those battles, and he still had time to race tortoises and fire arrows that never hit the target and what have you. But he is from another culture, not Anglo-Saxon white culture. And that is the whole point.
It only remains to show the famous two fingers to the Man from the Ministry, as well as to the French. The two fingers are generally taken to indicate an instruction to the recipient to f*** off, and were used graphically to great effect on a famous front page from The Sun newspaper in response to the EU. These two fingers also reputedly represent those used by the efficient English longbow-men to vanquish the French foe at Agincourt. To the MoD, we might add a little more from the Bard’s famous speech: “He who hath no stomach for this fight, let him depart.”
Omission Statement
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has earned the sinister soubriquet of “state broadcaster”, and we await the day that the word “state” takes a capital S. One of the main tasks of the BBC and their ilk in the coming year will be to keep Donald Trump’s successes off small screen and website. In particular, they do not want Middle England watching planeloads of illegal immigrants being ferried back from the US to their countries of origin, sometimes in that country’s Presidential plane, as with Colombia. They might think, that seems a jolly good idea. Perhaps we should try that here.
The BBC is a leading proponent of omission media, whereby their role is defined as much by what they do not report as by those topics they do choose to cover. And they will certainly be vetoing the achievements of what is looking very much like a “No bullshit!” administration taking shape across the Atlantic. The UK needs just about everything Team Trump is selling, and the Beeb will be ensuring that potential British customers don’t get to see the goods. Like, for example, Elon Musk giving a speech about the importance of national culture… to the AfD, and on German soil. The right-wing Afd, or Alternativ für Deutschland, are currently the second-most popular party in Germany as a whole, and leading the polls in East Germany. How times have changed. The EU have, of course, had a fit of the vapors at Musk’s perceived interference in European political affairs, which they prefer to control themselves, but the UK needs a lot more where that came from. Where the EU are simply trying to prevent their people using Musk’s X, the UK government is trying to prevent its people doing or saying anything. Trusty leftist warhorse The Guardian showcases the latest report by the government designed to further constrict and endanger the liberty of primarily its white citizens:
One area of the report that has drawn criticism is the suggestion that claims of ‘two-tier policing’ are a ‘rightwing [sic] extremist narrative’… It says scandals about grooming gangs have been exploited by the far right and that rightwing extremist ideologies and beliefs are becoming more mainstream.
Under the heading “extreme misogyny”, the report says: ‘An online subculture called the “manosphere” contains a significant amount of content directly focused on misogyny, and sometimes absorbs extremist rightwing tropes”.
That is some catchment area. The phrase “two-tier policing” originated with former Home Secretary Suella Braverman as an accurate snapshot of what was happening on Britain’s streets. Mention it now, and you will find out all about it at first hand.
I don’t think many people outside The White House understand just how far Britain – and particularly England – has gone down the pan. And if Trump wants or even needs a “special relationship”, then he has to take the mother country firmly by the arm and administer some tough love to the old beldame, by any means necessary. Even the BBC may have to report on that. Once again, America, you find us in an hour of need.
Hail to the chief! Please…?
The Union Jackal.
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To a point but somehow Parliament evolved in such a way that it simply became unrepresentative of any native opinion that it just free floats above the will of the electorate. It’s always tended to do this historically but now with the added twist of a black Nigerian leading the Conservative Party and a Labour leader with a Jewish wife. It’s unreal but oh so familiar to anyone who has read Brave New World or 1984 with the alien characters Mustafa Mond and Emmanuel Goldstein.
This is somewhat related to this article. The prime minister of Spain, in a recent speech, advocated ending anonymity on social media. He wants to make a law that forces users of social media to use their real identity.
I saw that. It was an outrageous speech, and I have it down to mention in a piece next week on misinformation. Good spot!
Since this pertains to England, I will put this here, one of the most disgusting interviews I’ve watched in quite some time, exemplifying the rot of the Catholic Church and Catholic thinkers, from the Larry Chapp Show =
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