When it comes to assessing the economy, there’s a huge generation gap these days. Older generations who have had time to accumulate wealth are feeling optimistic. Their green lines have been going up. Meanwhile, younger people are being left behind due to suppressed wages and inflation. They neither have the wealth nor opportunity to catch a ride on the all-time stock market highs.
If we are to understand why the youth are unhappy with the state of the market, in spite of high returns in investments, it is necessary to look at some hot-button issues have come to prominence in recent months: H-1B visas, anti-white discrimination in hiring, female empowerment, and an inflated housing market.
H-1B visas cut the wages for well-paid professional jobs. The problem for young white men is compounded by anti-white discrimination in higher education and employment. H1-B visa holders are, of course, almost exclusively non-whites. Not only do employers prefer to exploit them with low wages and the threat of losing their visa, they also fill diversity roles that straight white men legally cannot.
But anti-white discrimination goes much deeper than just H-1Bs. Whites are discriminated in college admissions more than any other group, including Asians. College doesn’t just provide credentials, it also provides connections. Both are entryways into power and prosperity. As a result, bright white men are left out to dry while minorities with communications degrees from third tier schools get six figure jobs with the government working one day a week.
But according to the greatest minds of Republican beltway think tanks, the solution is never to change “the system” that creates these outcomes. What, are you “woke” or something? No, the conservative solution is to preach individual self-help strategies. “Don’t be so entitled, son. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps by applying for a management position at your local Chipotle.” These same sages who preach downward mobility for white men then turn around and bemoan the rise of Soros prosecutors and other woke elites.
Female empowerment is no less serious a barrier to a healthy economy for young adults. Women, despite being a slim majority of the population, also benefit from diversity initiatives and now far outnumber men in college, despite being lower in intelligence and with a narrower intelligence distribution. In an increasing number of cities, women earn more than men, largely in white-collar jobs of questionable value, that have come to be known as “bullshit jobs.”
This is makes both sexes unhappy. Women want to marry up. They want men who have better educations and higher earnings than they do, while at the same time fighting for female empowerment which makes such men increasingly hard to find. They want to have their cake and eat it too.
Once upon a time, a man with a high-school education could get a job at a factory, and with a single income own a house and support a wife and children. Now, most families need two incomes just to approximate such a standard of living. But dual income relationships are harder to form due to female empowerment. So, not only do young adults not have enough money to lump together into rent or a mortgage, but as people increasingly live alone, demand increases for housing, which in turn increases rents and housing costs. (To say nothing of the pressure of massive legal and illegal immigration.)
A further effect of this is that small apartments for singles are prioritized. Societies built on apartments rather than houses are not well known for family formation or above replacement birthrates, though this is a whole other crisis altogether.
Many choose to live at home with their parents. Others cram into apartments with roommates. But only the few who can maintain a dual income relationship have anything approximating what used to be a standard, middle-class housing situation.
Many young men have, unsurprisingly, given up. But some of them, out of desperation, voted for Donald Trump, hoping that he would turn things around. Now that Trump is in office, however, Conservative Inc. has made an astonishing pivot. After complaining about the economy for the past four years, they are now praising the economy and shaming their base for being “woke” and entitled brats for wanting Trump to change things.
This is the easiest kind of politics: a group has an issue, and you offer to alleviate said issue in return for political power. Yet they can’t do this, despite how easy it is. Instead, they couldn’t even wait until Trump was inaugurated to spit in our faces. No wonder Republicans can only win when the Democrats run on child mutilation, The Camp of Saints as immigration policy, and anarcho-tyranny.
It is easy to understand why boomers think this way. Many of them have low empathy. Many of them think that they were self-made. They don’t realize or don’t care that their accomplishments depended on social conditions that they didn’t pass on to later generations. But what about Gen X and late Millennial political pundits like Chris Rufo and Matt Walsh, who would stand to benefit from agitating their base? Needless to say, none of these characters who have taken to insulting their base are offering stepping stones to power that they in large part control. George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall would not be proud. Whether this is borne of scorn or some other impulse, I shall allow the reader to decide.
A cocktail of historically unprecedented circumstances has brought Gen Z, especially its white and male cohort, to its knees. It is no wonder that many of them, across the spectrum, have turned to alternative political and cultural identities. The center-Right is not only unable and unwilling to address the concerns of young voters, but it has dropped its mask and revealed that they think we’re just incel losers. Fortunately, we have the freedom of speech to counter them and the ambition to displace them. This is an enormous opportunity for genuine national populists to tear down Conservative Inc and build up our coalition. National populism is a good idea whose time has come.
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As a cautious observer, and one who is composing his very first post on Counter Currents, I am struck by the fact that almost every person who posts a comment on this Counter Currents discussion site fails to capitalize the word “White” when writing about our honorable White race. The very first rule about White racial pride and racial consciousness is to always hold your race and your people in the highest esteem. In the White Nationalist movement everything positive ostensibly proceeds from the full development of a White race soul. The analogue in the full development of a White race soul is the overt demonstration of the highest degree of racial pride in the fact that one has been accorded the honor of being born a White European. Why, then, do so many of the regular writers of documentary, essays, and articles [on Counter Currents] fail to demonstrate pride in their race as if it is nothing more than the minutest, most trivial matter as to whether the author writes “white” or “White?” To an outsider who reads the writings of the regular members of this site the habitual failure to capitalize the word “White” thus makes it appear to be so unimportant as to be utterly meaningless.
Among the countless scores of diabolical psychological ploys in their racially belligerent arsenal, one of the most predictable that is repeatedly used by the hack journalists who author anti-White, bigoted articles while under the employ of the Jew owned/Jew controlled mainstream media in an attempt to denigrate, dishearten, and demoralize the members of our White race is to intentionally fail to capitalize the noun “White” when maligning us in print and in other sources of media distribution; but to intentionally capitalize the noun “Black” when speciously lauding and praising the lowly negro species—an abysmally failed species though it may be.
I humbly submit that those White racialists and White dissidents who are on the front lines in this bitterly brutal racial war in which we have been entrenched for countless decades and perhaps even centuries going back thousands of years—to the Roman Empire, ancient Egypt, and even beyond—should relish the opportunity to demonstrate pride in our White race as a display of honor and reverence to our White ancestors who fearlessly conquered the entire world, civilized and developed it, and in the process made it a much, much better and more habitable place than it otherwise would have been, minus the extraordinary efforts of our White race.
See previous discussion in comments of https://counter-currents.com/2024/12/how-economic-and-ethnic-nationalism-by-white-and-east-asian-nations-raises-world-living-standards-and-how-open-borders-and-multiculturalism-lowers-them/#comments. Starts at comment #3 and Will Williams in #6 mentions Greg’s writing guidelines. In those guidelines ‘white’ is to be lowercased.
That wasn’t exactly the way that I read the C-C editorial guidelines, but then I am not writing articles.
I sometimes do write idiosyncratically or experimentally and don’t employ an editor. I appreciate that Counter-Currents allows editing one’s comments for style and mistakes, etc. until the thread is archived. If it were a twenty-four hour editing time limit or worse, then I might not comment here at all.
So if I am talking about colors like black and white, or literally green and orange men, then it is lower-case.
I will capitalize both White and Black ─ or maybe Brown, Red, Yellow, whatever, but I don’t really like the old convention of referring to Injuns as Red and Asians as Yellow, and Martians as Green, etc.
I remember in the Army forty-five years ago the race-relations indoctrination Negroes being somewhat touchy with Whites calling a chalk board a “blackboard” or a dry-erase board (then very new) as a “whiteboard.” Everything is always about them, you see.
Anyway, White people are not literally White, and Negroes are not literally Black, but that is how we categorize the races ─ assuming that we are not agreeing with certain Jews like Gould or Ignatiev who denied that races are even real (or at least the White Race isn’t real).
Some Blacks are indeed more light-skinnded (sic) than others, and they are more “brown” colorwise than literally black. With races, we are using categories by definition here.
African Negroes always think their race is real, so why is it so bad for those of European descent or Whites? Are we still calling ourselves White Nationalists?
So White and Black ─ if we are talking about races ─ should be de facto proper nouns, and therefore capitalized in my humble opinion. That is how I do it at least.
I find that to be a completely trivial thing to focus on relative to the existential threats we face. It’s grammatically incorrect in English to capitalize the names of races. Historic pro-white laws written in English left the term lowercase and it didn’t impede their effectiveness. Whenever I see people talking about this, it strikes me as embarrassingly try hard and a waste of time.
Propaganda is not trivial but some points are “more equal than others.”
Are we allowed to say White Race? Or does that term have to go into the dustbin along with Nazi?
When categorizing by race, we are not necessarily giving them questionable action-modifiers, like “jewing” or “gyping” people, just to be different and edgy. Or “hip” as some say.
Does anyone still say Caucasoid for “European,” Negroid for “African,” or Mongoloid for “Asian” ─ or even for the chromosomally-challenged cohort? Do we capitalize retard if we are not referring to a deceleration maneuver? Hard to keep up with the rules.
I didn’t major in English, but if making races into de facto proper nouns emphasizes the importance of Race, then that is a good practice in my opinion ─ especially if used judiciously but deliberately. Yockey certainly used a lot of stylistic English capitalization in his writing, maybe questionably.
But “White” to me seems a given.
My opinion ─ I am not dictating grammatical style for others.
I’ve recently seen the term “Europid”, for people of European descent. Recently, I looked up an on-line definition of “Caucasian”, and was treated to another enraging barrage of wall-to-wall White-people-don’t-really-exist propaganda. THIS is why I capitalize White, when referring to my race.
Capitalizing White, in reference to race, is not “try-hard”. It is an incredibly simple thing to do. Everything is political; and capitalizing your own racial group is a visually effective way of signaling that White people have a unique history and identity, and that we are not just some made up “construct” to oppress the melanin-enhanced.
“White European” is redundant as the European Race is often referred to as White. Also, that redundancy implies that non-Europeans can be European & – they cannot.
I am in complete agreement, and I very much look forward to reading your future comments. Yours is an excellent writing style.
I recommend our bright young people , young men don t go to college .
instead go for a high paying apprenticeship- plumber , electrician , welder , elevator repair union job .
anywhere there are cities , the people need water and elevators .
I hear Dubai is a great place to work . Just keep quiet about racial and other politics and if course religion if you re working in a rich Islamic state .
with our colleges and grad schools now being anti ga wite male colleges and grad schools are a waste – they were for me.
Grand dad AH was self taught
What does “Grand Dad AH” mean? I take this opportunity to ask commenters here to consider before using uncommon acronyms. There is a commenter on other blogs called “countenance” who does this all the time. Recently he spewed “JCPOUA,” or something like that, as if anyone who who read it would know what it stood for. There should be a rule: no acronym above three letters, unless the longer ones are very well known.
“Grand dad AH” Oh, I finally get it. Adolf Hitler. I honestly thought you were talking about your own grandfather, and thought “AH” meant an acronym for a degree that your grandfather had. You are a terrible writer, you can’t use basic technical things like punctuation and capitalization to communicate, and that’s why I misunderstood. Why acroynym Adolf Hitler as AH? Like that’s a disguise?
“When it comes to assessing the economy, there’s a huge generation gap these days. Older generations who have had time to accumulate wealth are feeling optimistic. Their green lines have been going up. Meanwhile, younger people are being left behind due to suppressed wages and inflation. They neither have the wealth nor opportunity to catch a ride on the all-time stock market highs.”
I got news for ya. This is nothing new. Wages have not kept up with inflation since 1968. This Boomer turned age seven in that year. The youngest Boomers turned four.
Some of us later Boomers have known little else besides stagflation and fuel crises and many other traumas in our formative years. And the booming economy of the Reagan era was mostly, as you say, “stock market” magic of little consequence to non-players.
I sort of remember when you could just get a job in a factory.
At 18 after graduating from High School, I walked right in the door and started building circuit boards in Arizona for a major telecommunications company. The pay and benefits were decent, and they helped subsidize classes in Electronics at DeVry trade school to improve your personal prospects. A fat guy in a suit who looked like Mr. Potter from It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) handed each worker a can of ham at Christmas. I noticed that a lot of Vietnamese refugees were also employed there.
But I was a bit impatient. I actually had three years of courses in Electronics in High School taught by a very competent and patient ex-Air Force veteran, and I felt underutilized at the plant, so I joined the Army Signal Corps and later went to college where I studied Electronics Engineering Technology.
But before the end of the 1980s, Motorola wasn’t hiring anybody who did not have a Bachelors degree, and a few years after that, during the “giant sucking sound” of the Clintonistas, almost nobody besides H-1B Indian engineers were employed there at all.
I will agree that until comparatively recently you could still buy a modest home, and if you kept the property and got it paid off, you would have found appreciated there quite a valuable nest egg for you that younger generations cannot hope to replicate today.
I suppose that if I had focused on buying real estate in the 1970s or ’80s and letting renters pay off my mortgages, I’d be sitting pretty today. But I had little interest in working to get rich or any more than necessary. It seemed certain to me that the entire system was going to Collapse, and that was almost fifty years ago. I am no more “optimistic” economically today.
My Grandparents were cold stamped by their experiences of the Great Depression. It might be true that we (my generation) have no empathy. I am not sure how to gauge that exactly.
A few years ago I was having lunch or dinner with a few older, Silent Generation friends ─ or maybe this was long enough ago that some Greatest Generation (WWII era) friends were along too. (Amateur Radio is a gerontocracy with the median age at about 68, so I am still a youngster even though I was FCC licensed back in 1985.)
Anyway, one of them volunteered to get the Tip for the meal and triumphantly plopped down a five-dollar bill. I was a bit surprised. Was this for all of us?
“It’s not 1955” and I dropped down three more Twenties. It was not for a lack of empathy, though. He genuinely just did not get that in the “land of the free and the home of the brave,” you now need to tip about 20 percent in current dollars or the waitress will simply not get “paid.”
Btw, if you were making minimum wage slinging hash and malted milk shakes in 1968, you would be getting almost $19 per hour in today’s currency.
As a former Union Steward while a Broadcasting Engineer about thirty-five years ago, I will certainly agree that the GOP has always been tone deaf on things like working-class wages, benefits, etc.
I don’t agree that Zoomers don’t need to go to college, however. They do. And sorry, many of them are just not the brightest lot. Too many “edgy podcasters,” for example, stand deficient for want of an upper (or lower) division course in Logic.
I have observed the academic scene closely for the last twenty-five years, and College remains a good rite-of-passage. Just do NOT take out any student loans in the process! Please don’t.
And do investigate trade school, as that degree in History or pre-Law or SJW Studies is not necessarily going to make it rain for you financially.
Right you are
There are at least two economies in most first world nations, since Reagan at least, but it was spoken about even before.
The level of job-destruction caused by only two issues — in-migration and automation — has created and excaberated work for most people since the 1970s.
People were wise to latch onto Trump for championing America’s native-born workers. More thoughtful thinkers have noted that societies have a work -ecology built in. If disrupted, the effects destroy a lot more than a poor man’s wage.
Its much easier to make money than it is to achieve status as a White man. Only the most fortunately connected or exceptional will break the surface.
A young White man has a choice to make:
to live quietly without offending anyone politically and accruing what bourgousie status is available for a White male regime collaborator
or to be a renegade, using his skills or entrepreneurial talent to thrive outside the reach of human resource departments. He has freedom, but no matter how much money he makes it won’t bring the same status as working inside the system.
Both have their advantages and drawbacks.
I loathe the bootstrap advocates, especially the ones like Rufo who are the quintessential bullshit job holders, and whose scalps and victories are mostly performative.
That said, we do need to embody that ethos amongst ourselves. We are building parallel everything. This means we must build our own status systems. Keep in mind that aristocrats and aristocracies loathe differentiation based on money. They created differentiation based on distinguished actualization and extreme levels of sophistication and cultivation.
If we can accrue money we don’t have to sacrifice our dignity to do it. We accrue it as a one of several necessary tools to having power. We can dress and groom exquisitely. We can turn off sportsball and play instruments and appreciate and resume the production of high art and/or become learned patrons or connoisseurs. We can be the best at martial arts and masters of weaponry. We can hold our posture and comport ourselves as aristocratic supermen. We can be extremely well-spoken. We can be masters of socializing: humor; conversation; discourse … … You get my point.
The dress and grooming and the well spoken parts alone will significantly distinguish us. The, “elites”, with status dress like ragamuffins now.
All of those things take effort. You can’t buy them.
We must not psyche ourselves out and walk away from the endeavors of the cognitive elite. That is a grave mistake. The doors are closed but we must bash them in. But we must not be a slovenly mob. We must do it with dignity and grace even as the fire burns hot within.
We are not helpless and it is not hopeless. For ourselves and for mate selection it is about quality and not quantity. It is difficult in the Kali Yuga, but not impossible. We must not settle and we must not be defeated by despair. This is why IRL social groups and our own societies are critical anecdotes.
“We can turn off sportsball and play instruments and…be extremely well-spoken.” Well put. These points are critically important. Be proud of who you are. Don’t walk around like a whipped dog.
To RomanusBellator:
On the other hand, dogmatic rigidity tends to splinter social and political movements. Schisms over ideas are one thing–perhaps necessary–but over capitalization? Lots of brilliant advocacy for our cause uses the lower case “w”; insightful ideas, revealing facts, and inspiring rhetoric rate higher than points of punctuation. Obviously, nobody should use the upper case “B” for blacks and the lower case “w” for whites at the same time. But using lower case for both is what those of us who publish outside of the white advocacy movement are used to doing. I find it rather aggressive for somebody to impugn my devotion to the white cause because I don’t capitalize a word. The “debate” over capitals is roughly equivalent to Lilliput and Blefescu going to war over which end of the egg to crack.
I think the chief problem is that earlier economies of the industrial age were adjusted to the “average man”. The 20th century was the age of the average skilled worker or the average civil servant who supported his family on his salary. Men were not necessarily asked to be super successful. That was reserved for a lucky few. Most jobs were “average”, and career schedules routinely provided for promotions and slight increases in salary according to seniority. Today, there are basically only precarious junior, temporary or managerial jobs. Everything is adjusted in favour of a handful of predatory sociopaths in managerial positions. The average is over. Either you’re a CEO at 35 or you’re a loser and the system doesn’t count on you. So not only does this system create an army of unemployed 50-somethings, it also already creates a lot of losers who will never catch on and only stay in junior positions (if they even have a job). Moreover, all positions except the managerial ones are not meant to be truly gainful, so that the salary from them allows for a middle-class standard of living and savings.
Matt Walsh’s question is still relevant. Even if the economy sucks, what is your advice for young men to do with their days and with their lives? Complaining and giving up isn’t going to help them, so shouldn’t they at least be doing whatever it is they can do to improve their chances?
Immediately after high school my son was not ready for college and I wasn’t ready to send him. I didn’t want to fund a single “professor.” Two years of him trying to navigate flight school I decided screw that. Now he is enrolled at a good university with a great flight program that combines a business degree with his flight stuff. I want him to have the degree and the experience of navigating these utter fuck heads. I was doing him no favors by keeping him out of the system he will eventually need to overcome.
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