First Principles of White Identity: White Solidarity or Antisemitism
Jason KesslerFor the white partisan, there are two intertwining and sometimes competing priorities: the establishment of white solidarity as a political constituency and opposition to Jewish power. Both may have value, but only one can be considered the First Principle or highest priority. Confusion on this issue can and has led to white replacement even in our own political movement, with nonwhites like Candace Owens, Myron Gaines, and Kanye West appropriating white Nationalist talking points to generate large engagement and financial windfalls.
A First Principle is a self-evident foundational proposition from which other truths are derived. Does opposition to Jewish power flow from white ethnic interests or are white ethnic interests derived from opposition to Jewish power? The argument against Jewish power is essentially that they are:
- the most powerful and nepotistic ethnic group in any multiracial nation
- that they act as a Fifth Column racial supremacist bloc
- have a particular racial animosity towards whites fed by ancient ethnic grievances
- that Jewish oligarchs have disproportionately pioneered vice industries deleterious to the moral character of Western nations (like pornography and opioids)
- disproportionately supportive of destructive programs like mass immigration, Black Lives Matter, and communism
- The power of the Jewish-Israeli lobby has hijacked American blood and treasure for the defense of Jewish racial interests while denouncing ethnic nationalism in Western countries as “white supremacy.”
Even if we grant the truthfulness of these propositions, we must recognize that the First Principle is white ethnic interests. Because without the primacy of that motive, there is nothing inherently bad about Jews taking an aggressive ethnic evolutionary strategy. It is only bad insofar as we believe:
- Whites have a right to exist.
- Whites have a right to sovereign nations.
- Hurting whites is morally wrong.
To distill the point: opposing Jews is necessary only insofar as they are a threat to the political priorities, and indeed the survival of, whites.
On social media, many white partisans would refuse to acknowledge the distinction between the two priorities. It’s common to hear that they are effectively the same. To oppose Jewish interests is to support white interests. However, this is a sloppy generalization with severe consequences.
A major political realignment occurred in American Nationalist politics after the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. Criticism about the “optics” of the demonstration was directed at the participants and used, particularly by so-called Christian Nationalists like E. Michael Jones and Nicholas Fuentes, to redirect nationalist politics from explicit appeals to race. Because Jews are not Christians, it allowed the ascendant faction to go full tilt into Jewish criticism, making it effectively the First Principle.
The fruit of these seeds are now apparent for all to see. Like mainstream conservatives, Christian Nationalists have been chasing the public relations boost of diverse coalitions. When a Kanye West, Candace Owens, Andrew Tate, or Sneako espouses criticism of Jews they are vaulted to greater prominence and showered with financial contributions. The vaguely “white” leaders of the coalition boast mixed-race ancestry and use it to deflect criticism. The regular stock of the Groyper movement (for instance) are often Indians, Hispanics, blacks, and even Jews who have converted to Christianity. So although this coalition often pushes back against antiwhitism and mass immigration, whites have effectively been denied a movement by their people and for their people like every other race in America has.
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A godfather of this multiracial nationalism approach is E. Michael Jones, a Catholic ideologue well known in white identity politics because of his shared criticisms of Jewish power. In the aftermath of Charlottesville, Jones used the controversy to push his own message, winning converts who were active in the Alt-Right but realized that it might be less controversial to convert (or “convert”) to Catholicism in order to critique Jews as a religion rather than a race.
Recently Jones emphatically stated on Twitter that, “White unity is not compatible with Christianity.” Meanwhile he has encouraged black identity politics when talking to black commentators who criticize Jews.
Protestant commentators began to pick up on this style a bit as well. Brad Griffin, the former Communications Director for League of the South and a Charlottesville attendee, began attacking white atheists and pagans while expressing a preference for living among black Christians.
We can infer three things from this fork in the movement:
- Centering attacks on religious belief or disbelief is inherently fractious and splits the already small pro-white coalition.
- Christian nationalism can be a gateway to multiracialism
- If Christian nationalism accepts nonwhite Christians, its only dominant link to white nationalism is criticism of Jews
A largely secular version of this has also sprouted, especially within the streaming scene and surging after the October 7, 2024, attack by Hamas in Israel. This faction, prominently including Lucas Gage, Sam Parker, Keith Woods, and Jake Shields intersects heavily with Fuentes and his Groyper coalition. This coterie of individuals promoted something called the Muslim-Christian alliance to partner in criticizing Jews.
During this time, it was suggested that Muslims in Europe are not so bad and that Islam might have actually been helpful to Europeans had Arabs conquered it. Pakistanis like Sulaiman Ahmed, who diminished the threat of grooming gangs in England and denied that England is a historically white country, were welcomed with open arms and given prominent VIP roles at Fuentes’ AFPAC conference.
Although the secular “Jew namer” coalition is popular and influential on social media, they have effectively split from organized White Nationalism, even referring to White Nationalists derisively as “wignats.” Instead of promoting white thinkers who have sacrificed for the cause, they promote multiracial podcast hosts like Sneako and Myron Gaines, a black-Arab from the ‘Fresh and Fit’ podcast. Andrew Tate, who is black, has often joined in boosting this community, giving Hitler salutes and using anti-black ethnic slurs for attention, even as he makes his money pimping vulnerable, impoverished white women in Romania. None of this, obviously, is white unity.
Harming Our Ability To Accurately Analyze the Political Landscape
Jews in aggregate are typically a hostile ethnic faction. But they are one among many. The problem is that there are conspiracy theorists who imbue them with a supernatural level of power to orchestrate everything around the world. Anything bad that happens must be the Jews who are everywhere and behind everything in a grand conspiracy. That is delusional.
If someone, anyone, does something they don’t like they suddenly become Jewish. Donald Trump? Jewish. Elon Musk? Jewish. Every white man or woman who sticks their neck out for their people is accused of being Jewish at some point too.
If a Jewish person does something that helps us, the Jew namers cannot bring themselves to admit it. It always has to be a scheme. So if some Jews, like those in the MAGA coalition, oppose illegal immigration, we have to trash their efforts because it must be some 4-D chess to lure us into complacency or improve their PR. We can’t just accept that we have an issue that we agree with them on.
Some commentators in the “Jew naming” sphere have gone so far out on a ledge bashing Trump for his Jewish and Israeli sympathies that they will viciously attack his supporters, ignoring all of the things we have in common like stopping illegal immigration or ending DEI programs and antiwhite discrimination. They would make the vast majority of white Americans, who support Trump, their enemies. That is the definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The first day of Donald Trump’s second term he signed a flurry of executive orders including many items he promised to the grassroots nationalist community like ending DEI, affirmative action, pardoning the January 6 prisoners, and empowering law enforcement to begin wide-scale deportations. Many were skeptical Trump would deliver because of his poor record of promise-keeping in his first term. But they were proved wrong.
And yet Trump’s most vocal critics on the right, largely unable to look past his Zionism towards issues of common cause, were implacable. Israel is the only issue that matters to them. They claim Trump is no better than Biden or Kamala even though the Israeli-Gaza conflict began during the Biden administration, which gave Netanyahu almost everything he wanted. Trump brokered a ceasefire on his way into office.
The illegal border crossings during Biden/Kamala’s 4 years in office constituted an unprecedented acceleration of the Great Replacement. Border crossings jumped from 646,822 in Trump’s final year to 3,201,770 border crossings in 2023 (with Biden’s final year yet to be fully tabulated as of this publication). Here is the full breakdowns in numbers:
While both numbers are unacceptably high, saying that 646,822 vs. 3,201,770 constitute the “same results” is either ignorance or disinformation. These people want to inflict the worst that the Democrats can throw at us to spite the Republicans. Because Trump is a Zionist, we should reject the good things he does for us. The opposite side of the analysis: the Democrat’s submission to Israel and Jewish billionaire donors, is ignored for some reason. Opposition to Zionism is simply not on the ballot either way, and yet the purity spiralers want to throw out the parts of our agenda there is support for.
This is dangerously clouded judgement. Opposition to any rival ethnic faction, including Jews, should never come before the interests of white people in our politics. We oppose other racial factions directly proportional to the threat they present for us. And there should always be a possibility of détente if our opposition is willing to align itself with our interests.
Jason Kessler is the author of Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech, available now from Dissident Press. Follow him on Telegram, Twitter,Youtube, Odysee, and Gab. Also follow Dissident Press on Twitter/X.
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Good one here. Really, the problem with Jews isn’t about religion, or even ethnicity. It’s all about behavior. This is the message we should be sending. I could explain why, but it would take thousands of words and get rocks thrown at me.
Exactly, and this is why we should emulate Percy Stephensen and talk about anti- or counter-Semitism, rather than “antisemitism”.
And more importantly we should talk about antiwhitism.
I do think it behooves us not to punish people who support important planks of our agenda.
There should be a Pavlovian system of rewards and punishments for correct behavior. Punishment regardless of choice gets us nowhere.
Even if a separate ethnic group behaved exemplary, they still do not belong amongst us. There are jews who are upstanding citizens and on an individual level don’t behave antiwhite. However, they are still a distinct ethnic group with different customs, norms, history and interests.
It would, of course, be better if they packed their bags and moved to Israel. They’d be happier, and we’d be happier. Until that joyous time arrives, I’ll keep putting the word out that their bad behavior gets noticed.
Even before Kessler’s first principle that whites have a right to exist, or at least equal to it, I would place the idea that whites are a unique people who have greatly advanced humanity. We have to identify as a people before we can fight to exist. Everything flows from identity; all that threatens our identity should be fought. With a strong white identity, Jewish power collapses.
97% of the world’s scientific accomplishments (1400-1950) occurred in Europe & North America.
Charles Murray, Human Accomplishment
Your comment reminds me of one of Bob Whitaker’s catchy quotes:
“Whites have never committed a unique crime, but they have an infinite number of unique achievements.”
Yes. I said something like that in a comment at some point since Covid, and got trashed. “Naming the Jew” is a complete dead end, and this even apart from all the WW2 guiltism and brainwashing to which whites have been subjected. Most white Americans do not understand the nature of Jewish power, and it is a huge uphill battle to explain it to them without sounding like unhinged and evil Nazis.
OTOH, it’s really easy to get our fellow whites riled up about border crossings and black crime, not to mention in your face affirmative racism and DEI totalitarianism. So why would any prowhite go for the highest “fruit” when there is so much that is low-hanging? My strong suspicion is that Fuentes and especially E. Michael Jones are actually the ones ham-handedly trying to play 4d chess, their agenda being to, as Kessler implies, derail the white solidarity movement. They know that attacking Jews as a group in America is a loser within the Middle American Right, but that attacking Replacement and ghetto savagery are winners – and they don’t really want us (as whites) to win.
Prowhites must always keep our eyes on the prize, which is white purity, perpetuity, and political and cultural power, nothing less, nothing else.
I think theological anti-Semitism ─ Fuentes and Jones are both Trad-Caths who do not like Race ─ has no merit. Such types are best avoided entirely. They might find an acorn once in a while in their criticisms of Jews or something “woke” ─ but I struggle not to find them irritating and sometimes loathsome. I am not interested in “advancing” back to the Dark Ages, or the sterile absolutes of their Faith.
Agree that promoting Christianity, worthy (or not) as that may be, is not our agenda, nor should it be. Is the White race (and, by extension, our unique civilization, the greatest in history) worth saving? I think it is. The Church will not save our race, however, as even my super-Christian parents absolutely would have agreed (they would have added doing so is our responsibility, not the Church’s). So I allege that, even for White Christians, our highest duty is to secure our race’s existence. Once that has been achieved (alas, guaranteedly long after you and I are gone), then by all means can the various ideological and sectarian tendencies comprising the broad pro-White movement split apart in pursuit of their own concerns.
But my point was a bit different, and hinted at something larger. We must build up our power as a movement (and a downtrodden race), and to do that we must – as I’ve stated in past CC comments – start having victories, any victories. People like winners, and they’re more willing to associate with winners, even if the latter are “controversial”. As the scale of our victories increases, we can continuously ‘up’ our demands and activism.
Starting out by attempting to defenestrate Jewish power is starting to learn to ski by going on the black diamond runs instead of the kiddie trail. Victories build momentum for more victories; therefore, we should commence (and sadly, prowhite politics is still in its infancy, at least in the US) by choosing battles that we stand a good chance of winning (Border Wall, deportations, DEI elimination, immigration reduction, ghetto crime suppression, etc). Naming the Jew is about the hardest of the “black diamond runs” of politics. Anyone wanting prowhites to base their political ascent on counter-semitism is therefore automatically suspect – and if, like E. Michael Jones, they don’t even share our concern with White preservation, then we can be almost certain that they are knowingly leading us to a dead end.
OTOH, once we have achieved political victories, and have built up a sizable prowhite movement, overcoming institutional and financial Jewish power will follow almost as a matter of course (given than Jewish power is largely built on the lack of White solidarity).
I have always felt that many anti-Semites do not distinguish sufficiently between different varieties of Jews. For example, Israelis are not identical to those pesky anti-white Jews in America. They’re more like a separate semi-white mestizo nation like the Argentinians, Turks, or Greeks. In its principles, their Zionism is identical to our idea of a White ethnostate: we too want a country of our own.
I’ve pointed this out to political junkies online. Jews in America vote 70% democrat just like every other non-White group, who thinks the more handouts, drug & prostitution legalization, etc., the better; while the Jews in Israel are highly nationalist, Zionist, & just love Trump.
The problem is that zionist organizations, like IsraAid, has a track record of helping refugees into Europe. Their lobbying groups are also successful in wresting resources from Americans. They also delight in pointing out their Samson option is aimed at Europe, even though European nations such as Germany and England support Isreal.
This article is fully correct and being pro-White must be our top priority.
It sure is. This is one of the best articles I’ve read in a long time, and that’s saying something around here.
Glad you enjoyed it. That really means a lot.
Absolutely. And I believe that a necessary part of that involves educating people about the biological reality of race. The fundamental and largest obstacle to more white people developing a positive racial identity is not white guilt and white privilege/”whites are the villains of history” propaganda (though admittedly it is a huge problem that has to be countered and ended) but is the fact that too many white people equate race with mere skin color and/or believe in some form of the blank slate theory. They also don’t understand the connection between race and culture. White people who have a solid understanding of racial group differences are far less likely to be subverted and threatened by anti-white influences, whether those influences come from jews or indians or even misguided or turncoat white people.
I basically agree.
“And there should always be a possibility of détente if our opposition is willing to align itself with our interests”
Maybe this line should be made clear: which opposition, do you mean the EM Jones crowd, or the Jews ?
I have no time for civic nationalism, and I’m a hardliner on these topics, but I’m not sure everything in the world can be determined through the lens of white nationalism either. I’m not sure I would fully go with the idea that Israel is just the same us, and they are just more successful at getting what they want. Another issue is that Jews have been rather central in opening the floodgates to other groups in the West.
There is a place for a space to talk about Jewish power as a subject and it seems inevitable it will be a subject that others will come at from angles different to our own, but would agree it’s not sufficient as a political position for us either, and we shouldn’t be content to be diluted by it.
I don’t know what game Fuentes is playing. Every time I read something new about him it’s a negative. It’s always creepy. Strange. Unpleasant. There’s a lot of negatives getting piled up with him.
It seems a number of big general influencers have picked up the JQ as a talking point. Let them talk. We don’t have to like them.
Good observations .
IMO go with what works , what us possible given where you are , who you are , your age etc .
look at the movie “Triumph of the Will “ . I don t remember a single negative reference to Js in TOTW.
I believe the NS did done market research back them and learned the broader German public didn t want to hear a lot of “ Jew this, Jew that”
Yes, the message in Triumph of the Will (1934) was Peace, Rebirth, and Hope. When Judea “declared war” against Germany in 1933, the Nazis hoped otherwise.
Antisemitism is an ideology with accurate predictive power. For instance, I did not attend Unite the Right because I knew it was folly to expect a Jewish mayor to impartially enforce the law. Unfortunately, a lot of good men who trusted a Jewish mayor had their lives ruined.
The bullet points listed at the top of this article are correct. Consequently, a dignified existence for the White American nation is impossible unless Jewish supremacy in the USA is first dismantled. Since this goal is beyond the strength of currently awakened White Americans, it makes perfect sense to cooperate with Blacks, Muslims and anyone else who can help us achieve this existential goal.
It is worth noting that Palestinians face the exact same dilemma as us. As long as Jewish supremacy prevails in the USA, the Israel Lobby will control US foreign policy and the Palestinian people are doomed. But if Jewish supremacy is dismantled in the USA, Israel will be forced to fight its own battles and pay its own bills. In that case, Jewish supremacy and expansionism will be too expensive for Israel to pursue and the Palestinian people can finally receive an equitable settlement. This is the raw materials for an authentic alliance: each partner honorably pursuing their own interests – interests which they could not secure without the assistance of the other party.
A hypothetical alliance with Zionist Jewish supremacists on the other hand lacks one part of the equation – honorably pursuing our own interests. I will not help our abuser trample on a new victim. I will not be a bitch. If Jared Kushner offered to help us take back our country, if we in turn helped him crush Palestine, I would answer no. I simply will not help him massacre the congregation of Saint Porphyrius Church. If I did so, I would be ashamed of myself, my Christian ancestors would be ashamed of me, and my pagan ancestors would be absolutely disgusted with me.
“it makes perfect sense to cooperate with Blacks, Muslims and anyone else who can help us achieve this existential goal.”
I’ve always been surprised that Muslims in U.S. media are content to have most Americans believe that they were 100% responsible for 9/11.
I also agree with the direction of this post as well, which means I’m a bit more on the fence on this with the big picture.
Here’s a problem I could imagine. If Jews said “ok, we’ll support your white nationalism in exchange for a blank check on Israel”, there’s no good reason to trust that.
They already have a blank check on Israel anyway. There’s no good reason to trust such a agreement. There also has to be the real threat of the US withdrawing that blank check, which there currently isn’t.
And while we don’t want Palestinians and Arab refugees here, agreeing (again) to Israel’s scorched earth policy, just to have less trannyism and even slightly more effort at the border than usual, would a terrible a deal made with Satan, and would end very badly for us.
So yeah, very good comment. It’s important to get all the issues out there.
I’m sure there may be a lot of Christians that frequent this site, so I don’t want to step on any toes, but as I see it Christianity itself is one of the main obstacles. I have been evangelized more times than I care to count, and I grew up in a Christian home (a cultic one at that), so I know from firsthand experience that the Christian religion is, or can be, a major road block to whites having a healthy sense of ethnic identity. It’s the religion that worships a Jewish man as God, for crying out loud. And it teaches there is “no male, no female, no Jew, no Greek, but all are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). The bottom line is, a huge chunk of the evangelical population salivates thinking about the state of Israel and have really bought into the Genesis 12:3 ethic (“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed”).
So, in my view, until we ditch Christianity, this problem isn’t going away.
“no male, no female, no Jew, no Greek, but all are one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). And yet God created male and female which still exist as separate entities yet can still be one in Christ without becoming trannies. When Jesus said search the scriptures the only scriptures that existed at that time was the Old Testament which is full of references to respect national boundaries and that when it come to breeding, it is “kind after kind” to prevent the adulteration of the blood lines.
Although there are some hints that staying true to kind after kind became a sin before Vatican 2 that Council certainly firmed up the idea and here we are; upside down and back to front (Isaiah 5:2o).
The website offers clear & concise articles with good sources for being able to stay racially conscious + Christian. (Full disclosure: I’m agnostic, but raised Catholic.)
For example, those who claim to be Jews today are not of the same lineage as those in ancient Israel. As a matter of fact, Palestinians have more genetic ties to early Israel than Israeli Jews do. In addition, they have great articles (often using sources like The Times of Israel) to dispel the holohoax.
Regarding “eliminating Christianity” — White Churches are falling all over (completely gone in South Africa) due to their racial blindness & inability to save Whites from multi-culti chaos & destruction. But I know many JQ’d nationalists who are personally very inspired by Jesus. It keeps them motivated & feeling strong.
Not this shit again …
Why do so many white nationalists have such an incredibly difficult time distinguishing between the concepts of spiritual vs genetic brotherhood? Persons from all backgrounds can be Christians in spirit without there being any corollary idea that racial and cultural differences are thereby either unreal or extinguished.
I agree that anti-Christian evangelizing is not helpful to Whites and White interests, but a lot of Christian groups nowadays do seem to be ideologically devoted towards playing for the other team ─ i.e., anything besides White. Lots of rainbow blood banners and Pride ™ now too.
In the end, I think all theologies have feet of iron and clay, but that is just my view.
I can respect White Christians if that is what their consciences dictate, and if they respect White.
Most institutional Christians (professionals – pastors, priests, etc) today are despicable. The “religious” “conservatives” are already out in force trying to minimize Trump’s mass deportations to hardcore criminals. I’ve been reading their bleatings in First Things and the Wall Street Journal.
But a large majority of ordinary White Christians are very good people, who happen also to be the base of Trump/MAGA (admittedly, along with a lot of less Christian whites just generally pissed off at anti-white harassment). We do not need to alienate the good Trump supporters like the majority of my extended family, most of whom are church-going Christians; only a couple of whom could be called “White nationalists”; but almost all of whom support mass deportations, black criminal suppression, gun rights, destruction of DEI, America First, etc. This is our future base, if our movement and race are to have futures.
Wouldn’t that be something if the Israeli government and Trump regime hatched a deal to conscript dual citizens in America to fight in Israel. With the IDF during its current and upcoming time of great need, it could happen.
That is the theory a lot of anti-Trump nationalists are floating but I don’t ascertain any fact to it. Trump has a relatively good record on foreign conflicts compared to his predecessors.
I think it would be a win-win. Dual citizens need to go there or renounce that particular identity.
I missed the part about the dual citizens in your post. That is a good idea!
“1-Centering attacks on religious belief or disbelief is inherently fractious and splits the already small pro-white coalition.” Christianity has already split us because we are split at birth. We are forced to be atomized individuals here with NO OTHER CULTURAL OPTIONS. Our atomization, anonymous culture and competitive individualism has given the jews our world because we are to chaotically split to form effective counter-measures. We are strangers, while jews are family. We live in an every man for himself culture, while jews are one for all and all for one. They work as a team to enrich themselves while we work as atomized individuals against each other. Do you not see this? Truth is, western man has been atomized for many centuries specifically because of insane ideology innate in christianity. We should never demoralize ourselves as BORN defectives (sinners) while elevating jews as a gods chosen. This is crazy. Why should we view life as some test that determines whether we go to a private, selfish afterlife in either a heaven or hell, while jews don’t believe in an afterlife and focus their energies on ancestor worship and wealth/power accumulation HERE AND NOW. They say that this son of god was jewish, implying god is jewish as well. Let me remind you that WE ARE NOT JEWISH. There is no place for us in this system. We could go on all day describing the fatalism of end times (can you believe these freaks actually tell children this shit?) , virgin births, supernatural miracles, the symbolic cannibalism of communion, etc. Bottom line is, if we don’t get this jew psyop out of our society, it will be the death of us, which is exactly what it’s designed to do.
“2-Christian nationalism can be a gateway to multiracialism.” It already is. Fact is most of christian adherents are non-white (ie latin america, philippines, etc. Are you aware Jones, Fuentes, Kanye West, Candace Owens, Andrew Tate, Sneako and many others are a new trad catholic schism? You cannot just walk away from an in-depth analysis of christianity.
3-If Christian nationalism accepts nonwhite Christians, its only dominant link to white nationalism is criticism of Jews.” It’s jews that brought black slaves to the west and facilitate this hispanicization of the US. Solve the jew problem and you solve all the other problems as well.
At any rate, what in the hell is the solution? Are we just going to complain forever w/o even the slightest talk of realistic solutions? The Germans went through all this in the 19th century with great thinkers like Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and Fichte, resulting in the rise of national socialism. This should be the only topic. Everything else is a waste of time. Form and then vote for an American version of the NSDAP. It successfully removed both jews and catholic from power, until we stupidly went over there and mass murdered them. This is crazy!
An American version of NSDAP? Build it and they will come, and we could even bypass all the jew kvetching by focusing on reversing jew damage rather than the jew itself. Federalize our central bank and corporations, outlaw billionaires, return industry to US, remove foreigners, stop using welfare system to breed weaponized nonwhites, cancel debts/derivatives, etc. Under the NS system, Germany went from bankruptcy to an “economic miracle” in 4 years and Hitler made the cover of Time magazine.
“economic miracle” in 4 years and Hitler made the cover of Time magazine.”
I finally got around to reading that early Time magazine ‘Man of the Year: Hitler’ article & disappointingly, it wasn’t objective (& flattering.) If I remember correctly, it made certain to say things like ‘in spite of villainous ways’…
Yes, although biographer John Toland wrote something to the effect that if Hitler had somehow died in 1938, he would be regarded in the (mainstream) history books as a very great man. Hollywood Jews and Communists might not agree with that legacy as they demanded war, but otherwise AH would not have had a need to fight (and ultimately to lose) the final battles that allow his detractors to paint him as irredeemably evil to the tune of millions and millions of dollars of ongoing propaganda the better part of a century after he actually did go down with the ship.
Jank Willie: January 24, 2025 An American version of NSDAP? …Under the NS system, Germany went from bankruptcy to an “economic miracle” in 4 years …BUILD IT AND THEY WILL COME.
Yes, a 21st century version of NS is what it will take to reverse misfortunes for our race. It is not too late, but it will take extraordinary, uncompromising men and women to pull it off
Mr. Hitler & Co. built it for his people, really for his race, and they came. They named the Jew and the Jew and his collaborators put a temporary halt to that racial movement. But the NS idea is alive and well, and if carefully built, THEY WILL COME AGAIN.
Scott: January 25, 2025 …George Lincoln Rockwel explored this question quite brilliantly in his Legal, Political, and Psychological Warfare course, which was an uncompleted work when he was gunned down…I emphasize that this political warfare manual was uncompleted and that Rockwell’s White Power tactics were evolving….
Rockwelll picked up the NS banner and Americanized it, if awkwardly. His movement was evolving when he was assassinated, yes. His top ideological mentee, William Pierce, picked up the NS banner and Americanized it further with the National Alliance.
The following biography and tribute to Rockwell by Pierce, shortly after his mentor been assassinated (National Socialist World Number 5 Winter, 1967), is a must read for every serious pro-White activist: Lincoln Rockwell: A National Socialist Life | National Vanguard
[Rockwell] saw before him an inescapable obligation. An honest man, when he becomes aware that some dirty work is afoot in his community, will speak out against it and attempt to rouse his neighbors into doing the same. What if he finds, though, that most of his neighbors do not want to be bothered; that many of his neighbors are already aware of what is afoot but prefer to ignore it because to oppose it might jeopardize their private affairs; that some of his neighbors — some of his wealthiest and most influential neighbors, the leaders of the community — are themselves engaged in the dirty work? If he is an ordinary man, he may grumble for a while about such a sorry state of affairs, but he will adapt himself as best he can to it. He will soon see there is nothing to be gained by sticking his neck out, and he will go on about his business.
Human nature being what it is, he will very likely ease his conscience by trying to forget as rapidly as possible what he has learned; perhaps he will even convince himself eventually that there is really nothing wrong after all, that his initial judgement was in error, and that the dirty work was really not dirty work but merely “progress.” If, on the other hand, he is an extraordinary man with a particularly strong sense of duty, he will continue to oppose what he knows to be wrong and bound to work evil for the community in the long run…
Sound familiar?
I think that while much of what you say is true, explicit white nationalist sentiments were quite prevalent during the colonial period and even into the nineteenth century, periods of firm religious belief. I’m not sure that a war of anti Christian versus Christian is useful within the dissident right. At least practically speaking it alienates a powerful social force.
Absolutely. We cannot allow religious differences to create schisms in the pro-white coalition.
The American religious liberty principle would serve us well.
If we look at our history as Europeans, we have killed one another over religious differences, even just within Christianity, for far too long.
It’s true, but then we killed each other over secular things in the 20th century so again I’m not sure Christianity is necessarily to blame.
” we have killed one another over religious differences, even just within Christianity, for far too long.”
My point exactly. Jews are killers that want us dead. ANYTHING involving jews, written by jews, or involving jews in any way…is a weapon.
I think the phrase “a distinction without a difference” applies here.
The first principle of White Identity politics (Hereditarianism) is “ingroup loyalty for the collective interest” which is diametrically opposed to the first principle of semitism, whether practiced by Jews or the goy in white society, namely “out group loyalty for individual interest”(that benefits organized jewery everywhere). White identity demands the recognition of “the difference of kind”(allowing exclusion, or the boogie man “Racism”). Semitism demands that only the “difference of degree” be recognized. You’ve lost before you start if you want to put away the difference of kind stuff so you can mingle with those who you think you can parlay, hoping to further your cause while stifling the root that separates you from your enemy.
This is a multi front war. There are those that concentrate on the infection of Semitism. And those that choose to concentrate on other fronts. A wider positive vertical milieu is always the most beneficial to the broader movement of Whites that love Whites. If in America you think you can save the sinking ship by going along to get along your surrendering to the tyranny of the “difference of degree”. Create visions of the beauty of a post America for whites and construct myths to give everyone reassurances. Don’t deflate a powerful growing anti Semitism for compromising short cuts.
“You’ve lost before you start if you want to put away the difference of kind stuff so you can mingle with those who you think you can parlay, hoping to further your cause while stifling the root that separates you from your enemy.”
Many folks have more personal experience with blacks than Jews in day-to-day American life, and they realize that while there are exceptions, such as a Thomas Sowell (who married a black wife), they are far & few between. Imho, it is not worth the headache of inviting in folks who will have to write off all just about all of their living substandard relatives.
I believe that JQ-mastermind & chess champ Bobby Fischer was a stand-up guy in spite of being born to a Jewish mom. He really liked and respected Whites very much, but did not choose to marry a White wife & have kids. He married an Oriental chess champ & stayed childless. He was Very dedicated to exposing Jewish corruption/subversion to the world.
So while NAXALT, we don’t need outside help SO badly to warrant risking potential inter-racial dating or marriages within our White communities. As Devon Stack says,”Invite a Jew into your movement, and you will become a goy in the Jews’ movement.”
On social media, many white (sic) partisans would refuse to acknowledge the distinction between the two priorities (White solidarity and anti-Jew). It’s common to hear that they are effectively the same. To oppose Jewish interests is to support white (sic) interests. However, this is a sloppy generalization with severe consequences… Both may have value, but only one can be considered the First Principle or highest priority. Confusion on this issue can and has led to white (sic) replacement even in our own political movement, with nonwhites like Candace Owens, Myron Gaines, and Kanye West appropriating white (sic) Nationalist talking points….
So, don’t look to social media, especially to Negroes and to so-called Christian nationalist losers like Fuentes and his silly groupers, or to E, Micharl Jones or Brad Griffin to resolve THE TOP PRIORITY: preservation of the best of the White gene pool.
Mass White solidarity or unity is a euphoric myth. Most Whites will simply perish in the coming serious racial struggle.
What good will be that sea of white faces that were celebrating Trump’s televised “golden era” victory? They were not Democrat losers. They were “winners.” For now.
Solidarity among a small determined minority of disciplined, eligible Whites — none of whom were invited to Trump’s love fest — will be the revolutionary vanguard, and they will know and have named the Jew as our race’s eternal enemy.
Negroes and other non-Whites can name the Jew as their enemy, too, if they wish, but it is a biological fact that they cannot make White babies — so will not be allowed to influence or be members of our exclusive White preservationist communities. Sorry groypers.
…Lucas Gage, Sam Parker, Keith Woods, and Jake Shields… Sneako and Myron Gaines…
Never heard of ’em and never want to hear of ’em again.
“Mass White solidarity or unity is a euphoric myth.”
In 1960’s London, it wasn’t a myth. (White Londoners just did not get violent.)
Recently I was watching some 1960s-filmed anti-immigration protests by full street fulls of White Londoners who were racially conscious, very upset at watching their own folks disappear as more Indians & blacks were crowding into their city. The Whites, all ages, were shouting, & marching. Some said: We’re running out of room for foreigners. Others were like, “Even IF UK has room — Go home!” The White cops were on their side. They had sympathetic ears in the UK media.
And all that solidarity made no difference at all. They stayed “too nice”, & were not feared by their leaders.
In ~1980 in Paris, there was a French worker-strike of some type– (they wanted an extra cigarette break?) & I remember things getting torched, even a live animal (maybe a goat?). It was a crazy & frightening scene. And I believe they got whatever it was they wanted.
Violence is not the right solution but it is true that widespread White racial consciousness existed, and this is important.
By nature we are inclined to be racially conscious. Our present degraded state is not the best we are genetically capable of.
Widespread White racial consciousness is an attainable ideal.
Please help me to understand why violence is not “right”. (Btw, I do not happen to be a violent person. I never spanked my kids, or slapped the face of a sassy teen, ever– even though I’m an otherwise fairly old-school, traditional parent. (Then again, my kids never tested me, because they knew I was creative, and that there was absolutely no discipline which was off the table.) Skipping school? Do you need mom to show up & follow you around from class to class wearing a super-ugly house dress to make certain you can make it to each of your classes, son?
I’ve spent years of my life collecting signatures, making phone calls, writing letters, etc. Here is what’s proven to motivate our Congressmen: bribery, blackmail, & when all else fails, credible threats of death to family members (sometimes not even married ones), I’ve seen some highly suspicious car accidents of engaged fiancees of relatives. I’ve even seen long-time family babysitters just disappear, when a stubborn Congressman (in GA) looked like he wasn’t going to agree to something.
One of the reasons I suspect Kentucky’s Thomas Massie might not be compromised, & is his own free man, (& even proudly has a sign on his office door that he refuses to be bribed — unlike everyone else) is because of his wife’s untimely death.
“but it is true that widespread White racial consciousness existed, and this is important.”
I believe it’s important to know, because we can learn that racial solidarity + “politeness”/civility does not work in multi-culti societies. This is why we try by all means to flee & be in our own remote, White neighborhoods. Eventually, hoards of suburban/urban multi-culti folks will run out of resources, & will make their way to rural White areas to raid ours, & try to kill us, if necessary. We will need to defend ourselves.
“By nature we are inclined to be racially conscious.”
I do not believe this is true for Whites. Whites are highly individualistic. It IS true for Jews though. Jews are not White.
“Please help me to understand why violence is not “right”.”
I agree with Greg Johnson’s regular anti-terrorist spiel. Greg is a smart man and he makes the case for his position (which is also my position) better than I would. So his articles are the place to look for my position expressed in the best way.
I said: “By nature we are inclined to be racially conscious.”
“I do not believe this is true for Whites. Whites are highly individualistic. It IS true for Jews though. Jews are not White.”
My answer comes from a Jack London-like pro-White left wing internationalist position, and from the history of Australia.
Jack London and other good people once took pro-White solidarity as a given and took pride in it as one of the best things about our race. I agree with that. I think we can free ourselves of the hyper-individualist “race-blind” corruption that has been forced on us.
In the beginning, at its foundation, Australia had a powerful White Australia Policy. As a politician complained at the time this was not because the top people wanted it but because the great mass of White people in the country ardently insisted on it and the politicians got out of their way. The White Australia Policy did a lot of good for a long time before the top people eventually got rid of it and even reversed it, putting Australia on the road to “multicultural” destruction.
I think that worldwide our “elites,” our “best” people, our philo-Semitic, “unprejudiced,” racially disloyal, highly educated “natural aristocrats” are stupid traitors who have done us great harm.
I think that historically the people with the better attitudes have been the people Jack London would have liked. (And I don’t mean dogs.)
Unfortunately we can’t get away from the iron law of oligarchy. There will be “top people” and they will tend to get their way in the long run.
Given this, what Greg Johnson gets right is much more important than what I think he gets wrong. Greg likes “aristocracy.” Considering what rats our “aristocrats” have proven to be I disagree. Greg thinks we need to educate a better aristocracy than we have had, and he is right and this is so important I would call it vital.
Without a malign fake-elite class of philo-Semitic antiwhites constantly using propaganda, education, and corporate and state power to force the White masses into distorted and counterproductive positions I think White people will return to our natural racial solidarity very easily.
That we are relatively individualistic compared to the Jews does not mean we have no natural loyalty.
“Jews are not White.”
How right you are.
Violence is generally counterproductive in this sense because it tries to fight a political war of ideas with the wrong weapons. That is why effective propaganda is so extremely important.
The American Nazi Party Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, who had examined decades and decades of Conservative political failure for Whites in the United States, explored this question quite brilliantly in his Legal, Political, and Psychological Warfare course, which was an uncompleted work when he was gunned down by a disaffected former supporter on August 25, 1967.
You can find most of the manuscript in the Internet Archive or even a free PDF at Rightwing sites with a simple Google search.
I emphasize that this political warfare manual was uncompleted and that Rockwell’s White Power tactics were evolving. This was when Rockwell changed the name of his organization from the American Nazi Party (ANP) to the National Socialist White People’s Party (NSWPP).
I doubt if he were alive today that Rockwell would recommend political uniforms and attention-grabbing tactics like placards stating “Gas the Jews” in the same manner for today. Rockwell was a former U.S. Navy Commander and a WWII veteran who could credibly say to fellow veterans that our side made a terrible mistake.
Rockwell had a background in marketing, sketching and advertisement. He had to sell White Power in cartoon format at times ─ and there was no Internet in those days.
But there is still an essential role for unashamed White public demonstrations and advocacy in my opinion ─ and how to keep these safe and ideologically effective by understanding how to project a disciplined aesthetic non-violently.
I hesistate to use the wornout term “optics” here ─ but a lot of it is simply not looking like a bunch of wooly weed farmers, scruffy tax protestors, seedy moonshiners, or “fat Confederates” (not his actual words as Rockwell believed that he was a Yankee who could “out-Confederate anybody running around down here”). Rockwell ran for Governor of Virginia as a Nazi once and actually got a small percentage of the vote.
In any case, Rockwell was trying to teach an understanding for White advocates, protestors and Rightwing dissidents about basic police psychology and how governments actually govern ─ how they are strong and how they are vulnerable.
Freedom of Speech nominally applies for both the Right and Left in the USA in its Constitutional Law. But for Rockwell, the rules are actually radically different in practice ─ and this insight was in the 1960s. Almost no one understand how to do this today as Rockwell advised ─ and we can see this pretty well after what happened at Charlottesville and J6. (I own but have not yet read Jason Kessler’s substantial book which I am sure will be insightful.)
Simply put, the political question is not one of force but of White leadership.
Somebody with some legal experience needs to update and adapt Rockwell’s Legal, Psychological, and Political Warfare for White Nationalism for the modern day.
I thought the NJP (National Justice Party) might appreciate Rockwell’s strategic and tactical, and aesthetical insights as they did not seem to be making so many of the usual mistakes preferred by Hollywood moguls. But they were so non-transparent and obscurantist for a supposed mass-movement that I really cannot say. Greg Conte admitted publicly that he was indeed trying to follow Rockwell’s principles of L, P, & PW but they went “unhinged” shortly afterwards.
It is hard not to be cynical about things. I despise the “Skinhead” punk optics from the late 1970s and feel that it set back the White Power movement by decades and decades. This was time that we did not have the luxury to waste. I am not sure, for example, what was gained by gunning down thoroughly-nasty talk radio Jews like Denver’s Alan Berg (1984). At night I could hear his anti-White program on the radio as far away as Idaho.
The point is, per Rockwell, it is guaranteed historically that if you attempt to apply force or a violent blow to where the concept of the State itself was created specifically to deal with it, then you will not take it down but it will certainly take you down. The Left often gets a free pass with their agitation, but the Right certainly will not.
You want to drop metaphorical bombshells into the bowels of the enemy camp to win, but you don’t take violent weapons into a war of ideas.
White Power may need to be won at least partly on the streets, but not with brickbats and political violence and lawlessness. That is tantamount to striking at the enemy where he is strongest and where his sordid propaganda is the most effective against a Putsch. Hitler learned these lessons early on.
Regarding violence, one pragmatic consideration is that whenever someone on our side (or who can be portrayed by the media as being on our side) gets violent, then the left gets a propaganda victory. Then the government throws the book at whoever did it. Meanwhile, freaks like Antifa can get away with whatever they want.
As for solidarity, everyone in every race is ethnocentric to some degree or another. This isn’t something bad; it’s evolutionarily adaptive. As for why this has been suppressed so much for Whites, it’s the result of a century-long propaganda barrage and ideologically-motivated penalties for noncompliance. Things weren’t always this way!
Kevin MacDonald has his explanation about evolutionarily whites adapted to their historic environment, so in-group preference is more innate than that of other groups. I think it is a class and numbers thing too. For example, in small numbers in larger lower IQ populations, whites will cluster together and try to retain what they have. At least that is what I have observed.
Joe, I appreciate your thoughtful reply to me.
I didn’t articulate everything perfectly. All your great points still stand.
Our government does not feel sufficiently pressured by (or threatened by) us; they do not strongly fear mass citizen push back. Our leaders DO, however, regularly respond (in an agreeable way) to increased pressure, & escalating, physical agitation from liberals/communists, & cower accordingly. For a split second, I *did* forget: Nationalists never receive the same generous rewards/response for their disruptive behavior (most recently: years in jail for a Jan 6th unarmed demonstration.)
I think I’m just passing time until society does *completely* unravel, & we’ll be forced to defend ourselves in our own homes/small towns against some very desperate and violent folks who were never skilled, disciplined, or intelligent enough to plan for their own survival.
Violence is not the right solution? For what problem exactly? To be sure, when your back is against a wall, and you are about to be killed, violence is the only solution. There are different solutions for different problems. Really take some time and think about this.
How can you be a Top 100 here and have never heard of Keith Woods?
“A largely secular version of this has also sprouted, especially within the streaming scene and surging after the October 7, 2024, attack by Hamas in Israel.”
The attack was on October 7, 2023.
Great article.
I’m reminded of when Nick Fuentes disgustingly suggested that maybe the browning of America would be a good thing if it meant that there would be less popular support for Israel.
Thuletide (popular anonymous writer) has written about this topic, too, and I believe would agree with Kessler. Don’t know if I can post links here, but anyone can find Thuletide’s post about this subject by googling “Thuletide the Israel question.” Here’s how he sums up his position:
“The problem with Israel is not that it is ‘mean to brown people’ but that it actively undermines White nations. Our framing should always be: ‘What is good for Whites?'”
In the early 1800s, owners of dogs used for bull-bating (loosely, “pitbulls”) used to sell puppies by demonstrating the tenacity of the stock those puppies came from.
One of the ways they purportedly did it was quite gruesome: They would turn one of their grown dogs loose on a bull. Then, when it latched onto the bull, they would hack the dog to death.
The dog, single-mindedly tenacious, would not let go of the bull even to save his own life and defend against the real threat (the guy with the knife). This proved how indomitable he was and game for his job–bull-bating–to be sure. It also proved, however, just how unfit he was for defending against any other adversary besides the bull.
Those who prioritize “naming the Jew” (for convenience, call them “NTJs”) over white well-being, or who think that naming the Jew is tantamount to and sufficient for advancing white well-being, are that dog.
The bull is the JQ.
But the dog’s owner, hacking him to death to profit from the poor dog’s fixation, is the inimical Jew, Muslim of any race, Black of any religion, White liberal, and, really, the NTJ himself, who just can’t, when he needs to, let it go.
Great comment.
This is a great article. It is spot on. We have agency. The more we exercise it in a measured way using highly cultivated skill the better off we will be. We need to spend our energy building ourselves and our in group up.
The army that wins isn’t the one that shows up and spends all of its time marveling at how formidable the enemy is, and complaining about how they are losing because the enemy is so organized. Be formidable. Be organized. Have a positive vision, a positive mission and focus all energy on constructive contemplation that culminates in constructive action. I am just repeating this article. I really like this. Well done.
“We need to spend our energy building ourselves and our in group up.”
I completely agree. And the first step in this is to be able to distinguish exactly who we have on Team White, and who is on the ‘pale-but-non-Whites’ team, who are (politically phony) fair-weather acquaintances at best. If you have tons of time to kill, I’m sure these folks are just fine for superficial things like watching a matinee movie with, but why would you wish to deliberately put yourself at a disadvantage, by attempting to forge a meaningful friendship with someone whose loyalties are to their tribe (not yours) first?
Thanks, Arminius. I appreciate it! And yeah, you’re right: this is indeed a great article. I hope it gets shared far and wide.
Okay James, for clarification purposes, so that some of us are not regularly mistaking at-first-glance “White appearing” folks (especially those who very strangely like to change their names & get rhinoplasty to appear Gentile) as Whites, are you able to live with the following: S/he is a “pale but non-White”? Then we can politely discuss the “pale-but-non-Whites” in Tel Aviv.
Hey Kim, I don’t want to be presumptuous, but it seems like your comment might be alluding to something you might think I have written/said somewhere. Is that the case?
(I’m not being a smarty-pants here. Honest question, for clarification.)
James, I swear to you that this is not the case.
(We just happen to have a disagreement on the what is good for Whites as a group.)
Correct me if I’m wrong: You are content with accepting the “help” of Jews who tell you they are pro-White. Yet, Jews say they are are 1A free-speech supporting, but not when it comes to criticism of Isreal/Judaism/Jewish criminality; (Heck, that criticism is barely allowed to be thought. In fact, pale-but-non-Whites are continuously creating some thought-crime/unspoken bias legislation w/ serious penalties to try to make certain of this.)
On the other hand, I can’t imagine that team white would ever be sufficiently desperate that we would actually require their involvement/so-called “help.”
The quotation marks confused me; I’m so used to getting mistaken for VDare’s James Kirkpatrick (Kevin DeAnna), I thought the quotes were a reference to something he had written somewhere else.
Admittedly, I don’t understand the original comment/question as stated, but since you read my comment and said we disagree on what’s good for whites as a group, I’ll try to clarify my position, just to make sure.
Inimical Jews are an enemy, not the only enemy.
We have many more enemies than just Jews, and I do not believe the silver-bullet theory apropos of Jews: that taking care of the Jews would eliminate the problems we have with everyone else. Far from it.
When identifying a Jew or Jewishness or Judaism is relevant, it should be done without hesitation; when it isn’t relevant, it should not be done, because it is superfluous and makes us look foolish and unreasonable (i.e. like undiscerning vindictive people with a bone to pick rather than objective people who recognize what’s afoot in any given incident).
If Tyrone–who has been here for hundreds of years, brought here by Jews and Whites and enabled by Jews and Whites is out murdering and raping and all you talk about is the Jews, you look silly, not to mention like you’re trying to pander to Blacks and give Whites a pass.
Same goes for Muslims. You cannot take seriously a white person who looks at Mohammad and thinks, “You know, this guy is all right. He’s just understandably miffed because Israel is powerful. Let’s band together, take care of the Jews, and walk together into a peaceful golden age.”
I honestly believe that “naming the Jew” is often, ironically enough, a last-ditch effort at avoiding white advocacy, a tactic to employ that is consistent with the deep-seated uniquely white yearning to be “down” with nonwhites.
(Edit: Per your second comment, about involvement of nonwhites, I’ll take any support I can get, but insist on being very selective about how close I get to nonwhites or let them get to me. The reality of interpersonal relations is, the closer you get to somone the more you let down your guard around them. So their being a part of an organization in leadership would be a no, for example. But as donors, that’s welcome. I see no reason to shun that, all the while being committed to unambiguous pro-white messaging.)
January 24, 2025 at 8:11 pm
Re: The quotation marks confused me; I’m so used to getting mistaken for VDare’s James Kirkpatrick (Kevin DeAnna)
I did not happen to realize there were two public, pro-White, ‘James Kirkpatricks’ until you happened to mention it. Thank you for pointing that out. I have a super common last name myself & shared the same first + last name with a pharmacist at FDA/NIH. People were frequently mistaking her for me, & I felt bad for her, because she just wanted to do her pharmacy tasks & remain employed, while I was filing FoIAs, & ready to blow the lid off much unethical corruption.
What an excellent and propitious analogy!
I have gone all my life until today without hearing of “bull-baiting.” Then I read about in your comment and in Robert Skidelsky’s Oswald Mosley biography on the same day.
What are the chances?
Thank you, Jason! Wow, that is propitious. Haha
You sound like you have fallen under the sway of “NWG”, i.e. Jason Kohne. His rabid zealots have been flooding the comments over at Blackpilled with similar language eg. “white well-being”. He is a person of questionable motives and mental stability, and has apparently called for “NTJ”s as you term them, to be doxxed and their lives ruined.
No, no. Firstly, “white well-being” is, as far as I know anyway, just a broad term like race-realism. If I’m wrong, someone can let me know, because I’m reluctant to use anyone’s trademarked terminology, unless I am really on board with that person. (And I’m not a devotee of Kohne.)
Secondly, I’m not against “naming the Jew” per se.
What I’m against is naming the Jew when 1.) it isn’t the Jew, but rather someone else (e.g. Whites, Muslims of any race, Blacks of any religion, etc.), or 2.) naming the Jew is so awkward to intelligently insert in a situation that it requires lubrication and a shoehorn.
Oh yeah, and naming the Jew is not grounds for doxxing someone. That’s absurd.
Ok, thank God. And thanks for the clarification.
I’m one of those people who think Jews have delusional levels of power. I think everything is a really a kabuki show about these people they are after, even things like the biden laptop scandal. Lol, but I’m okay with it. I’ve accepted it and am enjoying the show at this stage. It helps people, makes them happy. Something Girardian.
But, hey, Jews look white to me. If they want to put aside past grievances and join our movement, then so much the better. We should embrace them as long lost brothers.
Also, I think we should definitely support Trump and practical results of course. Basically, that’s the way things have always been.
ps. I can tell this is gonna be a long thread! Kessler is turning into a cc superstar!
This “self-evident” first principle begs the question of who is White. To beat an undead horse: for Jared Taylor, Jews are self-evidently White.
Events and public opinion seem to be moving in a favorable direction. So I cannot see where making this an either/or is necessary or desireable at this point.
That is unless you are making fealty to your personal view the basis for membership in “organized White Nationalism” which, so far as I am aware, does not exist.
“for Jared Taylor, Jews are self-evidently White.”
Racially-conscious Jews are not White, per Jews themselves. And I can give you numerous examples of them saying this. Here’s a catchy jingle written by a member of the tribe, as a reminder:
“Events and public opinion seem to be moving in a favorable direction. So I cannot see where making this an either/or is necessary or desireable at this point.”
Why put off understandings which could be settled now? It’s a very important topic.
Jared (won’t-say-J*w) Taylor VS E. Michael (there’s no White-identity) Jones, was a widely popular showdown.
“organized White Nationalism” which, so far as I am aware, does not exist.”
Heritage White Americans don’t really have “a nation”. We have blues states & red states. We need to find the state that best suits us/our immediate family for our best chances.
I need to go now. A pipe has burst in my house!
I don’t think it’s correct to suggest that Jared Taylor “won’t say ‘jew'” or that he refuses to discuss issues related to jewish influence. See this Jared Taylor interview with an israeli journalist from August 2020 in which he discusses these issues:
Another idea I’ve seen expressed often is the notion that we can’t do anything, and nothing matters, until issues related to jewish influence/the “zionist stranglehold” over our countries are resolved. And, unfortunately, it becomes an excuse to do nothing. “The jews who really wield the power wouldn’t let a pro-white government take power anyway, so what’s the point in even engaging in the political process at this time.”
Last year Mark Collett, who does a lot of great work, put out what I thought was an unfortunate video entitled “Should Nationalists Work with Muslims?” At the time Collett was giddy about zionist opponent (and pro-immigration and self-described “anti-racist”) George Galloway winning a seat in parliament in an unusual election in which typically dominant Labour didn’t run a candidate. Galloway lost the seat 54 days later when Labour ran a candidate to represent the area. Anyway, Collett saw Galloway’s win as proof that teaming up with other anti-zionists, even anti-white ones, was potentially a smart course of action for white advocates. Around that same time Collett also began to more regularly pour cold water on hopes that any British nationalist political election efforts could succeed, suggesting that nationalists were just wasting their time even trying. In other words, he started sounding like Nick Griffin, another British nationalist who actively discourages British nationalists from engaging in electoral politics, some say due to sour grapes.
Many of Collett’s fans seemed to agree with the idea that teaming up with anti-zionists is what matters most and that making nice with brown Muslims was necessary since, according to them, the Muslims were a growing demographic and not going anywhere.
But these Muslims are also hostile to white identity politics, and trying to grovel before them and surrendering on the issue of demographics would be a huge mistake.
Britain is a unique case because it is one of the only countries in the West, and indeed the world, bucking the right-wing populist trend and voting for the left.
It is also the only country where the males, are drifting left in tandem with the females.
Britain is an especially cucked country and the nationalists there are probably driven to a despair and desperation most of would not understand.
I think the JQ (Jewish Question) is absolutely essential in the long term for White well-being; however, it does not trump Race nor White Nationalism/Supremacy which is fundamentally crucial.
That being said, I don’t think that I have any irrational fears, and I don’t agree with some who think that the JQ is simply “anti-Semitism.”
A Jewish PhD who has long posted on open-debate forums regarding the Holocaust ─ we’re talking for decades or as long as I’ve been in it ─ once defined anti-Semitism as “an irrational fear and hatred of Jews, and that any other definition is wrong.”
I basically agree with that definition ─ and that is why I do not consider myself anti-Semitic.
However, I will never agree that silencing Holocaust Revisionists or “Deniers” as Prof. Lipstadt and the ADL calls them, is fighting anti-Semitism, whatever that means.
I do not consider myself anti-Semitic but I will always reserve the right to criticize anyone, including Jews.
Furthermore, I reserve the right to discuss or debate History without limit. If that takes away a Kosher seal of approval, then so be it.
Leave the Superstition for the Untermenschen. Enlightened men and women cannot fear the Truth.
Very few things in life and the history of man are monolithic. The Jewish bloc are no different.
Understanding the “Jewish Question” and whether Jews are a Religion or a Race and why they seem to believe in biological race-mixing, especially for Gentiles, are legitimate issues.
But the JQ is NOT the same thing as “fighting the Jews.”
Furthermore, I am just as suspicious of Islam as Jewry. In the main, Muslims have no business in White homelands.
“White Nationalists” (or edgy podcasters) who are too cosy with Mohammedans just because they think that they like the idea of Medieval morality, or think that they are fighting the Joos, are (in my opinion) not the sharpest tools in the otherwise-formidable alabaster shed.
I’m sure you’ve heard of Murray rothbard’s libertarian definition of antisemitism as the desire to place legal constraints upon Jews. How does one define “irrational” or “fear,” anyway?
With facts, arguments, and logic. I am pretty much in the open marketplace-of-ideas or pluralistic camp regarding ideas and debate. There are comparatively few instances where I would think that censorship is actually a good idea.
I was speaking to the Jewish guy’s definition of antisemitism. Anything can be argued to be fear or irrationality. On the other hand, Rothbard’s definition is specific and objective.
Well, many regarded the PhD commenter as a bit of a Jewish firebrand or a loose cannon. But in my experience, considering that he was willing to debate rationally, at least so with some “Deniers,” I think that he understood the nuances. We might not have convinced each other, but at least we could “agree to disagree,” and that is progress.
I used to think the the 1935 Nuremberg Race Laws went too far. These denied Jews German citizenship (nationality and citizenship are two different things and should be clearly spelled out in Constitutional Law). The 1935 Nuremberg Race Laws went forward after Jews had already been removed from the civil service and the universitites in 1933 when Hitler came to power.
The PhD pointed out that Jews or “Judea” were not monolithic after Sammy Untermyer famously “declared war on Germany” in 1933.
He also noted that while Palestinians are treated under Apartheid-like conditions by Israel in the occupied territories, the same is not true of Arabs who are Israeli citizens.
However, a couple decades later ─ and after having seen the decline since the 1960s caused by the usual suspects having “marched through the institutions,” just as they promised they would ─ I am somewhat less inclined to think that the 1935 Nuremberg Race Laws went “too far,” at least in the case of Germany.
The JQ remains an open question, of course.
Whinging mort goldman-style that everyone everywhere is Hollywood Hitler. Reacting to ‘jews run hollywood’ as their fantasy Sturmabteilung on the Key West death march like that weirdo steven hofstetter who plants hecklers in the crowd to ‘own’ them. Repressive hate speech laws to ruin people for comments a second grader would call you gay over like that 51 year old jew middle school teacher who threatened to behead a student who said the israeli flag in the classroom was offensive (which shouldn’t have been there anyway). That barely scratches the surface of irrational.
Regarding Christianity, someone left the cake out in the rain, for as David Tait of the now forgotten Brotherhood or Bruderschweigan wrote in 2002:
TERRITORIAL IMPERATIVE . A lesson of nature is that for a species to survive, it requires a“Territorial Imperative.” For example, the wolf and the coyote are both species of canine, they can interbreed – but, for each to survive, they instinctively know that one requires a territory free from the other. Only crossbred dogs lose the instinct of “kind” and of territorial imperative from other breeds – a mongrel gains the instinct of miscegenation. In effect, a mongrel can only do one thing, mongrelize or down-breed. The natural, purebred wolf rejects the half-breed in favor of what is natural, instinctual. Races of men are not so different from species of animals. White men and women exist today because in our history, our ancestors fought and died to preserve our kind. We have the same obligation to future generations.Our Christian ancestors knew and believed that they were the race and descendants of Adam, and as such they had a territorial mandate in Genesis to “multiply and subdue the earth.” That territorial mandate is as valid today as it was when it was given.
Phil_Regular: January 24, 2025 How can you be a Top 100 here and have never heard of Keith Woods?
Thanks for asking, Mr. Regular.
I’m in the top 100 C-C commenters because, thanks to even-handed Dr. Johnson and by paying to get past C-C’s paywall, I am allowed to introduce and promote the National Alliance, Cosmotheism, and Dr. William Pierce’s racial nationalist teachings here on this nominally pro-White site.
NA is the alternative to so many half-baked alt-right and other big tent “White nationalists” seen at C-C that can use somee radicalizing. Two years ago I decided it will be worth my time to comment at C-C, that allegedly has 700,000-plus viewers from time to time. That is relatively few compared to Twitter and Faceberg, etc., but C-C is decidedly more pro-White and does not ban me like they will.
I’ve never heard of young Mr. Woods/O’Brien because I do not participate on social media. In a search on his name, he appears to actively spread his message on every social medium out there. I was told the Negress Candace What’s-her-name got over 5,000,000 “Likers,” or whatever, on Jew-owned YouTube for parroting what we’ve been saying for decades. NA’s videos were banned there years ago, so we launched that we control and Jews have not been able to shut it down yet.
From the Jewiish, tax-exempt SPLC hate group, that likes to yap about individuals who show any degree of White racial consciousness on social media, I found this: Jenna Ellis Hosts Antisemitic White Nationalist on Radio Show
“Jeanna Ellis, who has over a million followers on X, represents a further mainstreaming of Woods because of her connections to the far-right conservative Christian movement…”
I’ve never heard of Jeanna Ellis, either. Apparently, an evangelical Christian Zionist, she appeals to many “fellow travelers” in the mainstream with her line of patter. Christian Zionist, the Rev. James Dobson, appointed her to lead one of his scams. What Mike Huckabee’s Christian Zionism means for Israel, Gaza – The Forward
Perhaps the most surprising commentary on Woods was from the Greg Johnson-run white nationalist webzine It also lauded Woods as the 2023 “Activist of the Year” for his influencing “the mainstream” from the “dissident right” perspective (, December 28, 2023). In contrast, less than three years earlier the same webzine had criticized Woods for aligning with the “insane” Richard Spencer, who had shifted to the left to the extent that he supported then-Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden (, April 23, 2020).
Source: Keith Woods: The Rise of an Irish Far-Right Ideologue – Jamestown
Counter-Currents is more than nominally pro-White. Greg Johnson acknowledges White genocide and opposes it. One of the books Counter-Currents publishes has the big idea we should all agree on right in its title. It is Taking Our Own Side.
Taking our own side means that we Whites should all be pro-White in a firm, clear and racial sense. Those who support this are rightly guided and should be friends. Those who reject this are far from the truth and far from wise.
Since you and the National Alliance support taking our own side in the necessary racial and pro-White sense, Will Williams, long life and good health to you.
The author referenced financial windfalls for Kanye West and Candace Owens. I read West lost a billion dollars of net worth because of Jewish black listing and I’m not aware of any financial windfall to Owens.
Could someone please follow up and clarity this?
I think a broader understanding and discussion of the JQ, by whomever, is a good thing. Abraham Lincoln once famously said, “Just because I do not want a black woman as a slave does not mean I want her as a wife.” Just because I do not want a black woman as a wife or next door neighbor, neither do I want her to support Jews.
“Kanye West and Candace Owens. I read West lost a billion dollars of net worth because of Jewish black listing and I’m not aware of any financial windfall to Owens.”
I read that although West lost big money w/ Yeezy-Adidas due to his statements, he quickly found others to sell his apparel to.
As fall as “windfalls” for Candace– I think she got more publicity & donations after sparring with Ben Shapiro. For her latest endeavor, she did a video on the USS Liberty (which imho, is something which should be very mainstream to discuss.) Boomer civnats have been her main audience since her Blexit days.
I can’t prove it, of course, but I strongly suspect EMJ is some kind of FSB/KGB asset. The man is nothing but a poison in the well.
Even as a Christian myself, I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment of this essay. Perfectly articulated. I’m reminded of the buffoons over at TRS who have explicitly said it is more important to be anti-Semitic than it is to be pro-white. Guess we shouldn’t be surprised as two of the loudest voices pushing this narrative are a Jew and a brown/mestizo of some sort.
Joe Gould: January 25, 2025 Counter-Currents is more than nominally pro-White. Greg Johnson acknowledges White genocide and opposes it…
Taking our own side means that we Whites should all be pro-White in a firm, clear and racial sense. Those who support this are rightly guided and should be friends. Those who reject this are far from the truth and far from wise.
Since you and the National Alliance support taking our own side in the necessary racial and pro-White sense, Will Williams, long life and good health to you.
I appreciate that, Joe. To me, most on C-C are anonymous so cannot be considered my “friends” much more than folks have Faceberg “friends.” But at least we’re race loyalists and on the right side to some degree. I must say that those unwise Whites that would reject loyalty to our race and our biological truths must never darken our councils.
I think we 0ught to create and publish an entire book on this post and all of its commentaries.
For myself, I believe our main problem we face in ‘white identity’ is the horrendous overpopulation in the good ole Third World. ‘What say ye’?
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