John A. Stormer (1928 – 2018) was one of the most significant anti-communist thinkers of the twentieth century. His work helped form the conservative movement which reshaped American domestic politics in the mid-1960s. While rightist thinkers such as Christian Identity minister Wesley Swift might have influenced some elected officials, it is certain that Stormer did.
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This was one of my parents’ main books. They were members of the John Birch Society and held meetings at our house, which were sometimes attended by a US Congressman. Their magazine was American Opinion. Other books included John Noble, I Found God in Soviet Russia; and titles by Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, Chinese Christian anti-communists. There was a book on the shelf with a bright blue cover entitled Encyclopedia of the Far Left. My parents were racially conscious. I still have a Goldwater pin: a gold elephant wearing black rim glasses. I seem to remember Robert Welch was an important author.
The Dissident’s Creed
In a world of echoes and prescribed beliefs,
Where conformity reigns and dissent brings grief,
There stands a soul, unbowed and unafraid,
Whose inner truth cannot be swayed.
Through knowledge gained and lessons learned,
Through instincts honed and wisdom earned,
This rebel heart, with eyes wide open,
Sees beyond the words oft spoken.
Intuition whispers, soft yet clear,
Cutting through the noise we daily hear.
Experience paints a different view,
Of what is false and what is true.
Mainstream currents may surge and roar,
But this spirit chooses to explore
The depths of self, the heights of thought,
Where authentic living can be sought.
In conscious refusal to blindly agree,
This dissident finds a way to be free.
Combining fragments of insight’s art,
To forge a path, unique and apart.
Though voices clamor, “Fall in line!”
This steadfast will continues to shine.
For in life’s grand, mysterious game,
The greatest rebel dares to remain
True to the whisper in their soul,
Trusting in life to make them whole.
In this dissent, a strength is found,
A deeper truth, profound and sound.
So let the world spin its tangled tale,
The awakened spirit will prevail.
In quiet rebellion, strong and sure,
The light of truth shall endure.
These “ we re not racists “ John Burch , “ none dare call it conspiracy “ , Goldwater , Willis Carto 1960s Conservatives haven t aged very well . Compare this book “ None Call it Conspiracy” to Jean Respaul s “ Camp of the Saints “ which reads terrifying true today .
Eastern Europe , the USSR was a safe all ha Wite place to live n the 1960s , 79s – beautiful , not spoiked White European women , safe subways and great ice hockey teams.
The same could not be said about “ our” fallen cities in the 1970s.
just try to watch one Right Wing American TV cop shows from the late 1960s, early 70s – Dragnet and Adam 12 – uptight , pole up their arses idiots obsessed that sone White college kids smoked MJ .
IMO this was as stupid as 90% ha wite European USA being obsessed in 1960 that John F Kennedy was horrors of horrors a Catholic Christian .
None Dare Call It Treason!
There was a time when a much dog-eared copy of John Stormer’s book could be found on every real American’s coffee table and prominent in the magazine bin. Not to mention boxes full of the paperback on the back shelves of second hand bookstores and the card tables of charity rummage sales.
Then there was former (?) G-man Dan Smoot and his Report, exposing communist infiltration into the United States government. You can still find video of his televised programs around the InterWebs.
And who can forget Dr Fred Schwarz and his Christian Anti-Communism Crusade? Schwarz published a newsletter, wrote books like You Can Trust the Communists (to be Communists), and even got big names like Ronald Reagan to address cheering crowds at sports arenas.
Thing is, in those days there was this mass anti-communist infrastructure with a propaganda apparatus and the ability to mass mobilize activists. But the flaw seems to have been that with the Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 too much of the apparatus got paid off and went home. The Free World had beaten the Communist Conspiracy once and for all, didn’t it?
Still, amazing that Stormer lived into the second decade of the 21st century. One wonders if he read Counter-Currents?!
Fantastic article as always, MvdC.
I particularly like the clearcut take on the Kennedies, the truth about Saint Jack and who killed him (hint: it was not the Joos). The Kennedies admirably supported Senator Joe McCarthy. And no, I never had anything against St. Jack for being Catholic. It was the least of Biden’s worries as well.
I think it is clear that softballing the JQ and Race might garner lots of respectable money from Conservatives, Christians, and the patriotic wealthy who correctly despise Communism ─ often without really understanding it ─ but “respectable” in this sense (no JQ or Race) is not where the real fight is. George Lincoln Rockwell had it all figured out long ago.
Most of us have tried to take that “1st Step” to “do something” about the racial, cultural civilization collapsing of our country etc. This “1st Step” is almost always something “Conservative” , “Judea Christian”, “Constitutionalist”, “Anti Communist, anti Socialist” that doesn’t’ mention race or …
The Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeews.
It never goes anywhere, but it’s a necessary 1st step to somewhere.
I highly recommend everyone here read, re-read, stupid the Great George Lincoln Rockwell’s “White Power” and especially his chapter “50 years of failure”, “It’s now over 100 years of failure, documenting how Conservatism in all it’s forms has failed us here in the USA/North America.
This blog “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, “The John Burch Society” etc – it’s all about that 50 years, now 100 years of failure.
I truly wonder what Mr. Stormer would think about the CCP in 2020s. Threat, or best trading partner we ever had? Am I the only one suffering from cognitive dissonance on China policy?
IMO this is THE most depressing blog, article ever on any remotely ha Wite identitarian, race realist, patriotic immigration reform, JQ aware, Black rapist and rioter aware web site, magazine (Amren, Installation Magazine etc) ever.
Worst of all it’s 100% true.
These head up their arses 1960s “Conservatives” back in their days when the United States of America, Canada were > 90% White European American wasted all that time on ridiculous, pointless obsessions, Christian church denominations, opposing all forms of “Socialism” like
Social Security for our poor old people
White union organization so White meat packers in Green Bay Wisconsin, Steel Workers in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, coal miners in Kentucky and West Virginia could earn a living wage and support large ha Wite families with a state at home mom.
IMO racially conscious, JQ aware White Europeans took back near total political and cultural control of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe as early as 1960! That’s why the loathsome J Trotsky Communists or just J Liberals in New York City supposedly had this great St Paul/Rabbi Saul (another horrible Je*) epiphany and converted almost overnight to the Commentary Je* Neo Conservative cult, anti Russian Refuseniks.
And the head in the sand, Paul up their arses Barry Goldwater (half Je*) “The Conscious of a Conservative”, “WFB *$&# Willian F***** Buckley – “God and Man at Yale”, “Up from Liberalism” , “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”, “race denying”, “the Negroes are only a problem because of Communism and liberalism blah blah blah and these dumb head in the sand Old Believer Conservatives wasted the 1960s, 70s and even most of the Reagan Bush 1980s fighting our racially conscious White Russian kinsmen in places like Afghanistan, believing all the Je* Hollywood anti White propaganda against the Russian Soviets same as they believed all the anti German Je* propaganda in World War I *”THE HUNS WERE CUTTING OFF THE HANDS OF BELGIAN BABIES” ah no)., Rambo III, Red Dawn (the White Racist Russian/Soviet paratroopers invade Eastern Montana. Just look at #*$&# map!
I’ve tried to hang out with these “we can’t take the 1960s with The Beach Boys Rock and Roll, MJ smoking” yeah Reagan’s idiot Secretary of the Interior James Watts said and did that! Nancy Reagan set him straight, she said she and Ronnie Reagan liked The Beach Boys Music).
I’ve learned from years and years of painful personal experience that there is no way to try to use REASON with these 1960s “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” head up their arse Old Believers. Don’t try to get them to read some honest race realist books like “Camp of the Saints”, “The Dispossessed Majority” or Grand Dad AH’s MK.
Nope only physical pain, Black violent crime, migrant plagues or Je* taking their pretty daughters might, MIGHT have some effect.
In the case of Ron and Rand Paul – Constitutionalist, Libertarian free market, hard money Old Believers even Antifa, BLM mob violence attacking Rand Paul and his pretty blond wife didn’t get R&R Paul to give up this race denying Constitutionalist, Free Market Libertarian Old Believer cult she&.
Rand Paul told TV interviewers that the Antifa, BLM mobs that attacked him and his wife were just mistaken idiots, because he Rand Paul was ON THEIR SIDE and had sponsored the “Justice for Breonna Taylor” (Black Heroin gangster mama) killed a police raid, shoot out.
We wrote about this at OD.
Oh God.
This CC blog was depressing – similar to the many, many hours I sat in boring, LDS “Don’t call us Mormon anymore that was RACIST” Church.
TPC radio Show
Eastern Europe , the USSR was a safe all ha Wite place to live n the 1960s , 79s – beautiful , not spoiked [sic] White European women , safe subways and great ice hockey teams.
Great place to meet those women standing in the bread line for 5 hours, too!
“Stormer also kept clear of Jewish issues throughout his career…Stormer was not a racial activist…”
Those two lines jumped out at me about Mr. Stormer. I didn’t make it all the way through Morris’s bio of him, but clicked on the hyperlink George Lincoln Rockwell to enjoy Andrew Hamilton’s C-C piece from 2013 of GLR’s 1964 book, This Time the World. Rockwell was a racial activist of the top rank, and did not steer clear of Jewish issues at all.
I was most pleased to see Dr. Johnson’s comment under Hamilton’s article:
Greg Johnson: February 13, 2013 … From my point of view, the Jews of today are our principal enemy…
The portrait of demi-Jew Barrry Goldwater reminded me that my uncle, Roy Elson (mother’s brother-in-law), just 34 at the time, ran to fill BG’s senate seat in ’64 when he vacated it to run for president. Roy was defeated by three-term GOP AZ Governor Paul Fannin, and again by Fannin in ’68. That ended his political ambitions but he went on to a successful career as a big-time Washington lobbyist. Years later I noticed Paul Lindley’s They Dare to Speak Out, that I had read by then, in Roy’s personal library, and quizzed him about it. He knew about the JQ, but like most political operatives, did not “speak out” about the powerful Jew lobby as courageous Congressman Findley had.
I would have been a high school sophomore in 1964 and just barely conscious about Jews until reading GLR’s Playboy interview two years later.
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