President Donald Trump’s ascendency to the throne of the most powerful country on the planet went off with nary a hitch. The seemingly unending peaceful transition of power finally culminated in official inaugural proceedings amid freezing temperatures in Washington, DC. Observers and citizens alike were quite rightly trepidatious about what would happen in the days leading up to January 20th as well as the day proper. Frigid weather and undisclosed security concerns moved proceedings indoors as much of the itinerary for the day was transferred to the US Capitol Building and Capital One Arena. Amid all the pomp and ceremony of the day, President Trump set about signing a vast number of executive orders. This set the tone for the rest of the week as key initiatives in the Make America Great Again (MAGA) program were set in motion.
One of the most helpful executive orders from a dissident right perspective involves freedom of speech. Although the Left, led by certain ethnic-religious groups and allied racial aliens, want nothing more than to silence Right-wing critics of globalized multicultural modernity, Trump has signed several significant orders in the last few days that will have a positive impact on the way people are able to express themselves online. Is it perfect? No, but it gives those of us on the dissident right much needed breathing room: we can continue to push our metapolitical message out into the culture.
On inauguration day, Trump signed an executive order entitled “Restoring Freedom of Speech and Ending Federal Censorship”. Its stated purpose is encouraging:
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, an amendment essential to the success of our Republic, enshrines the right of the American people to speak freely in the public square without Government interference. Over the last 4 years, the previous administration trampled free speech rights by censoring Americans’ speech on online platforms, often by exerting substantial coercive pressure on third parties, such as social media companies, to moderate, deplatform, or otherwise suppress speech that the Federal Government did not approve. Under the guise of combatting “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation,” the Federal Government infringed on the constitutionally protected speech rights of American citizens across the United States in a manner that advanced the Government’s preferred narrative about significant matters of public debate. Government censorship of speech is intolerable in a free society.
While some regimes, like my home country of Canada, have seen the rise of leftist authoritarian state control over speech and the internet, Trump has taken tangible steps to counter that trend in the United States. This is a good thing.
Trump also took several significant steps to stop the invasion of the United States. Deportation flights, ICE raids, military deployments to the southern border, in addition to foreign aliens self-deporting have already begun. One could argue that from an immigration patriot’s perspective this is the most momentous start to any presidential tenure in the history of the United States. For a comprehensive analysis of the executive orders that directly bolster enforcement at the southern border please read Alex C’s insightful piece entitled “A Nationalist Look at Trump’s Executive Orders” at the White Papers Policy Institute.
Even nomenclature changes have done wonders to boost American morale. Trump signed an executive order on inauguration day entitled “Restoring Names that Honor American Greatness” to rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America and restore the name Mount McKinley to America’s highest peak. By way of contrast, in 2023, the Trudeau regime in Canada renamed the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway “Kichi Zībī Mīkan”, which is ludicrous and incomprehensible. It translates roughly to “Great River Path” in Algonquin, but means nothing to the vast majority of Canadians who would rather pay homage to Canada’s first prime minister.
On Thursday, Trump spoke to the World Economic Forum (WEF) via video link. Even though I do think that the WEF is a malevolent organization that spreads nothing but multi-racial misery across the Western world, Trump’s appearance by video link is not an endorsement of the WEF in any way. His remarks were a condensed articulation of the MAGA program for the United States. He was essentially asserting his commitment to an America First policy position. So, for all of those who would automatically see his appearance addressing the WEF as an admission of complicity with their destructive and rapacious mandates of dismantling the western world, you would be mistaken. It is a shot across the bow of the globalist ship. A sorely needed wake up call for the globalist meddlers who care nothing about sovereignty and everything about their nightmarish transglobal, transhuman, genocidal schemes that are leveraged to enrich themselves and their nihilistic compatriots. It is extremely heartening to see the most powerful country on the planet embrace a populist nationalism that is the only counterweight able to oppose the forces at work in so many of the West’s embattled countries. Trump has put them on notice.
Trump even visited hurricane ravaged North Carolina and firestorm scorched California in the same day on Friday. During these visits, the newly inaugurated president showed a genuine affinity for the average citizen as he listened to their individual stories that relayed their experiences dealing with the storm and the difficulties getting assistance from the abjectly corrupt Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), insurance companies, and levels of government. When he appeared alongside Los Angeles’ incompetent mayor, Karen Bass, he promptly put her in her place.
A former fundraiser for the Obama administration, Allison Huynh, acknowledged that Trump “has done more in four days than [former President Joe] Biden did in four years.” She went on to say that
This morning he was in DC. Then he flew to North Carolina to visit the devastation from the hurricanes. Then he flew on Air Force One to LAX, took Marine One to the Palisades to talk to the victims of this awful biblical fire. . .He [Biden] never even visited North Carolina. Kamala Harris, just right before the election, she finally went to visit the border. This is what competency looks like. I know we’re not used to it in California. We’re not used to it in the United States, and I know that people are just shocked how much he’s getting done.
Pete Hegseth’s confirmation as United States Secretary of Defense was another victory for Trump and America First. Hegseth was subjected to the same vilification campaign that democrats and cuckservatives of the Washington swamp have employed against anyone that opposed the globalist-neoconservative-leftist program. Hegseth remained stalwart despite wrap-up smears and other attacks. After a voting deadlock in the senate, JD Vance, Trump’s Vice-President, broke the deadlock with his deciding vote. Revolver news reported on the proceedings and even stated that longtime republican turncoat Mitch McConnell was seen crossing the floor and shaking hands with democrats.
Trump’s pick for Secretary of Defence, his biography states, in part, as follows:
Hegseth was commissioned an infantry officer into the U.S. Army National Guard upon graduation from the ROTC program at Princeton University in 2003. His deployments include Guantanamo Bay, where he served as an infantry platoon leader; Iraq, where he served as an infantry platoon leader in Baghdad and Samarra with the 3rd Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division; and Afghanistan with the Minnesota Army National Guard as part of a NATO Training Mission. Hegseth also served in multiple staff positions in state National Guard units.
With his extensive combat experience, Hegseth is the right choice to revivify the United States military. By jettisoning politically correct woke ideology, America’s armed forces will be able to refocus on warfighting and lethality. His tenure will hopefully be a marked departure from neoconservative forever wars on behalf of Israel and the Israel lobby.
While President Trump’s Secretary of Defense pick has been tasked with purging wokeness and preferential diversity hiring in the military, Canada’s so-called top soldier Gen. Jennie Carignan, Canada’s chief of the defence staff, reiterates that the northern nation’s military will continue to be “inclusive”. Carignan said that it was necessary to leverage the “great potential of 100 per cent [sic] of our citizens.” In other words, Canada’s military will remain in a weakened condition.
Republicans held a press conference that spoke to Trump’s executive order ending birthright citizenship. The order entitled “Protecting the Meaning and Value of American Citizenship” states quite rightly that “The privilege of United States citizenship is a priceless and profound gift.” It goes on to state:
But the Fourteenth Amendment has never been interpreted to extend citizenship universally to everyone born within the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment has always excluded from birthright citizenship persons who were born in the United States but not “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
In other words, Trump has curtailed birthright citizenship by ordering federal agencies and departments to no longer recognize citizenship of those people born in American to illegal immigrants, temporary visitors or residents. As the White Paper Policy Institute has explained, Trump has “limited birthright citizenship only to those foreigners born to a parent with Lawful Permanent Residence (a Green Card).”
He then held a rally in Las Vegas on Saturday to announce his decision to eliminate taxes on gratuities and to thank his supporters in Nevada. Workers in the service industry will no longer be required to pay taxes on tips. Another populist measure that many will appreciate. Although the rally’s focus was on this policy change, he spoke to other key platform points as well. Overall, the Las Vegas rally was more jovial and celebratory.
Trump has done more for the American people in one week than most politicians have done in an entire career of supposed service. By way of his pace and endurance along with his knack for taking tangible steps to enact policy has been acutely apparent. Deportation actions are already underway, military forces were deployed to the southern border, victims of the calamities in North Carolina and Los Angeles have already seen improvements, and despicable globalists of the WEF have been put on notice. It has been a remarkable week of winning and to say otherwise is a denial of reality.
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I wouldn’t let your guard down. But the anti-Trump resistance seems more dampened this time than after his first election. Right after his first inauguration there was talk of how to get him impeached. I’m certain many Democrats (both politicians and non-politicians) have grown weary of DIE/DEI/IED and lived in fear of their own job replacement. Many are quietly breathing a sigh of relief and want to be back to work pushing things leftward, but not so far as to jeopardize their job or their kids college prospects.
Republicans have behaved the same way. Many do not want abortion made illegal but talk the talk.
Winning is good. I just want to point out that the weakening of the military is not a side effect. It is a desired goal, but I don’t believe it is the primary one. The primary goal/intent is to purge White men from the militaries of White men’s countries. I believe the guys at New Culture Forum are explicitly calling this ethnic cleansing of the military. That is the proper course. Our people are not sufficiently alarmed by this project. It is all fine and dandy to call it Woke and to call it weakening the military, all correct, but we must use the most descriptive language. This is an intentional reduction of White men’s enrollment in the military and participation in the officer’s corps.
During the inauguration ceremony I noticed the ceremonial firing of US Army branded cannons. The regime previously aimed those cannons right at Donald Trump and the MAGA movement but he came through their fire unscathed to again become the commander of those cannons. I’m sure he will brighten up the complexions abs attitudes of the MEN behind those cannons.
I hope they rename Ft. Liberty back Ft. Bragg!
And I don’t have anything against the former President ─ Eisenhower hospital has long operated on the post ─ but Fort Gordon (the home of the U.S. Army Signal Corps) needs to revert back to its true namesake. Lt. Gen. John Brown Gordon (CSA) was a U.S. Senator and Governor of the state of Georgia, so it is not like he was just a cryptic Confederate hero with a pointed hood.
You promised, President Trump!
I served at both Fort Hood and Fort Gordon. I cannot convey in words how f@cking angry that I am about their name changes. There is absolutely nothing shameful about honoring men who fought valiantly, even if they were “enemy” combatants. The juvenile “good guys-bad guys” paradigm about war is for the intellectually deficient. I do not object to statues of Stalin, Pol Pot, Marx, Lenin, Chairman Mao, or any other vanquished “foe”, or landmarks bearing their names. (And I truly despise communism). They existed, they impacted history, and in some cases their ideas were not all bad. Same for Genghis Kahn, Kublai Kahn, Attila the Hun, Gaiseric, Alaric, or any other significant figure in history.
Changing a name in the way that the libtards have done is tantamount to surrendering to an enemy and adopting their heritage. Enough is enough.
Connor McDowell: January 30, 2025 I served at both Fort Hood and Fort Gordon. I cannot convey in words how f@cking angry that I am about their name changes… Changing a name in the way that the libtards have done is tantamount to surrendering to an enemy and adopting their heritage. Enough is enough.
Don’t be angry, Conner. Just ignore the anti-White PC dipshits. I served at Fort Hood also. To me it will never be Fort Cavozos, or whatever. And my time at Fort Bragg will always be my time served at Fort Bragg. never Fort Liberty. Fort Lee, Fort Polk, Fort Benning. What was next Fort Jackson, named after President Andrew Jackson?
Let’s rename MLK boulevards to WLP Boulevards and see how the nignogs like that.
Until we start setting 5-10 thousand illegals being shipped out every day it’s far from “winning”.
For context Obama deported more people per day than Trump did in his first term.
Also his order on birthright citizenship will be challenged and overturned by the courts, even his picks Kavenagh and Coney Barrett won’t save him.
Basically, you are a conduit of the talking points put out by Fuentes and paranoid wignats like the TRS and NJP people. That’s useful.
Answer me this: What sort of evidence would you take as proof that you’re wrong?
The “birthright citizenship” executive order is on shaky legal ground, and the “jurisdiction” argument is weak. Wanting it to be otherwise doesn’t make it so. True, the 14th Amendment was ratified before the advent of cheap overseas airfare, but the language is what it is.
What we need is a Constitutional ammendment making clear that babies born here without at least one citizen as a parent don’t qualify for citizenship. We may as well get on with the campaign, rather than waste time arguing about who’s a bad guy.
The EO will be litigated and end up in the Supreme Court. If need be, the Constitution can be amended.
You’re stuck within the mindset that first asks, “But what about muh constitution?” That is not the mindset of a revolutionary, but one of a slave. Even if Trump did manage to deport all illegals, what of the remaining non-Whites that are citizens? Will Trump strip them of citizenship and deport them too as this is necessary for White racial survival? Of course not, because that is not Trump’s function. Trump’s function is to stabilize multiracial ZOG, not destroy it. For our race to live ZOG must be destroyed. Red State secession is the answer.
“You’re stuck within the mindset that first asks, “But what about muh constitution?” That is not the mindset of a revolutionary, but one of a slave.”
Not exactly. All successful Revolutions borrow the machinery and institutions of the past to a great extent ─ or else they descend into anarchy and chaos, and collapse or are crushed.
Che Guevara was better practicing his creed in the salons and sidewalks of Paris than as the bandito refrito on the altiplano.
Ultimately it will take a Constitutional Amendment, or a new charter altogether, to rid ourselves of Birthright Citizenship. But the process begins with Trump’s Executive Order, and the inevitable court challenges. It is up to us to maintain the momentum in the state legislatures and the Swamp and to keep Trump’s eye on the ball. When the momentum is there it isn’t impossible to amend the Constitution
And I am not dismissing Red State Succession ─ it is an engaging prospect ─ but I question if any of them could stand on their own in the modern world. This is not 1900, let alone 1800.
Sadly, I agree with you re “birthright” citizenship. It is an utterly moronic concept, rarely practiced in history (or in the world today), and the Ethnostate will certainly not legislate it, or put such nonsense into any of our founding documents or state charters. But on this issue the Court’s “originalists”, even if secret conservatives or nationalists, may find themselves hoist on their own jurisprudence. The plain text of the 14th Amendment is clear. Everyone knows it was meant for the benefit of the newly “freedmen” (black slaves), in order to keep them among us instead of returning them to their ancestral continent, as so many Americans, including the much-maligned Lincoln, preferred. Unfortunately, the 14th Am’s authors didn’t simply specify that its scope was limited to Negroes (and Indians, if that was a concern then).
But what’s today’s “strict constructionist”, especially “textual literalist”, to do?
Our side cannot very certainly argue along the lines of the US not having “original jurisdiction” over illegal aliens because jurisdiction covers our soil – ie, anyone on US soil for any reason is the class who has traditionally been considered to fall under US jurisdiction. Thus, a tourist who criminally victimizes an American can be tried, convicted, and imprisoned here in the US.
Our side has only two possible approaches (yes, the Constitution can be amended – but perhaps we should say, could (and should) have been amended, because I highly doubt that any amendment repealing the birthright citizenship clause could ever garner the necessary number of states to become law (at the very least, not any time very soon)).
The first and easiest approach (though not at all likely to be easy in fact), would be to argue that the children of invaders who are born on US soil do not fall under the birthright clause. That might work in the inevitable SCOTUS case, but it’s not clear that SCOTUS will prove willing to define illegal aliens as “invaders” as opposed to mere criminal trespassers. “Invader” in the military sense has to have a connotation of armed incursion with hostile intent. I just don’t think that SCOTUS will determine that unarmed trespassing with intent to scrub floors at Taco Bell is equivalent to Putin’s incursion into Ukraine. The end result may well be the same (ie, both Ukrainians and Americans suffer the loss of their countries), but the means involved are very different, and that matters to linguistically parsing and precise judges.
The second approach is astronomically more difficult in practice than in theory, and that is to persuade SCOTUS that the 14th Am was never properly ratified due to the extreme circumstances obtaining at the time of its enactment, the Confederate states having been coerced by armed power into ratifying it. As an Old Constitutionalist, I agree with this anti-14th Am argument. I also know that not even Clarence Thomas would rule the 14th Am unconstitutional, if only for pragmatic reasons.
Therefore, I believe that Trump’s anti-birthright EO – made with the very best of patriotic intentions – will not long stand (indeed, it’s already been put on hold by a judge).
Let us hope, rather, that Trump comes to grasp the IMMIGRATION INVASION as a whole. The goal is to halt all nonwhite immigration (legal, illegal, permanent, temporary). But there are many strands encompassing so seismic an event as comprehensive population replacement. Trump must focus coldly and not emotionally on whichever strands can be attacked most successfully. The “mass deportations” strand is 100x more important than the “birthright clause” strand because there are no Constitutional impediments to deporting illegally present non-citizens, and as there are so many more illegal aliens than “anchor babies”, the faster we deport the former, the fewer of the latter we’ll be stuck with.
Moreover, attacking birthright citizenship is a bit neo/faux-connish; it implicitly focuses on the legal rather than racial scandal, and thereby misses the forest for a rather tiny tree. Commonsense normiecons like Trump are justifiably outraged that foreign swindlers are gaming our immigration system. But their arrogant disregard of our nationhood and sovereignty is not nearly as outrageous as the sheer scale of the Great Replacement. What is more consequential: 80,000 annual anchor babies, or 2 million lawfully admitted nonwhite immigrants, and another 4-5 million nonwhite illegals?
A better way to deal with the birthright disaster is to “de-anchor” the anchor babies; that is, to finally change our goddam legal immigration policies, first, by reducing the number of annual legal admittees for any reason(s) as much as possible, but also second, by eliminating “family reunification” policies granting an anchor baby’s parents automatic rights of immigration and eventual naturalization. Just because birthright citizenship is likely to survive constitutional scrutiny doesn’t mean Congress + the President cannot pass legislation eliminating automatic family reunification, and radically reducing annual admittees more broadly. Indeed, to what should Trump devote his immigration reform energies: stopping a few tens of thousands of annual “birth tourists”, when that approach might be unconstitutional anyway, or mass-deporting FORTY MILLION illegal aliens, for which the statutory authority is already there, along with halting all legal immigration (or say, minimally, reducing annual in-flows by 50%)?
This is a numbers game, and our task is to decelerate the unGreat Replacement by as much as possible. Building the Wall and mass deportations will be hard enough to effectuate, despite being easy to legislate, and having majority public support. Let’s pick all the “low hanging fruit” first. Trust me: having observed the never-ending invasion for the past 45 years, actually removing 40 million people from America and sealing the border permanently will be enough accomplishment for one President.
When Trump retweeted the Jeffrey Sachs video he threw the whole establishment off balance and set the stage for his subsequent triumphs.
Long term victory requires changing the intellectual ethos of society. Most important is the purging of universities to clean them of the bolsheviks and their ideology. Social sciences require a paradigm shift from hard environmentalism to a balanced hereditarianism. If these things are not achieved, it would seem reasonable to assume that liberalism will be able to survive and remain a constant danger.
The Trump administration has some good people who understand these things, Stephen Miller for example. The Project 2025 document had some measures related to federal funding, but I hope they start to aggressively investigate the universities for anti-white racism as well. Also, federal research grants could be directed towards research that goes against the liberal paradigm, for example criminology based on the hereditarian paradigm.
Purging DEI from federal institutions on day 1 was great. Now on to killing it and its ideological basis for good everywhere.
Reg: Hegseth
“His tenure will hopefully be a marked departure from neoconservative forever wars on behalf of Israel and the Israel lobby.”
Hegseth, the Trump’s pick for Pentagon job, has a Jerusalem Cross tattoo, a sign of a Christian crusador. He once told the Israelis to build the 3rd temple in Jerusalem in the Middle East (this would include demolishing the Muslim holy site, the Al-Aqsa Mosque).
Are we to believe he does not know, or nobody told him, that according to the christian Holy Bible it would be a throne for the Antichrist (a jew, a jewish messiah, a destroyer of the world), acting in Christ’s place before his Second Coming.
Now those fellas go bananas every time they hear of their messiah coming:
No wonder all mullahs chant “Death to America !” after every prayer.
Oddly, Hegseth and Trump are hated by the neocons. My question is: What sort of evidence would be required for people to stop claiming that war with Iran/dying for Israel are right around the corner?
A low intensity war is already happening. If this war ends, I will believe that it won’t be escalated.
Military foreign aid to a belligerent power is a form of warfare. Economic sanctions are also a form of warfare.
That was how FDR dragged America into WW2. He gave ever-increasing military foreign aid to Britain, China and the Soviet Union, while imposing ever-increasing economic sanctions on Japan, until eventually Japan and Germany lashed out at America.
Military foreign aid to Israel is a form of warfare against Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Syria. Military foreign aid to Ukraine is a form of warfare against Russia.
Currently existing economic sanctions are a form of warfare against Russia and Iran.
Furthermore, there are severe defacto US economic sanctions in place against Yemen, Gaza and Lebanon. The Houthis control northwest Yemen, where most of the population is. Hamas controls Gaza. Hezbollah leads one of the two large blocs of parties in the Lebanese parliament. The fact that these three militant groups are listed as terrorist organizations, despite the fact that they have never targeted the American homeland, has severe consequences for trade with Yemen, Gaza and Lebanon.
But one group that should not be normalized is Al-Qaeda, a genuine terror group which did attack the American homeland. The Biden administration began the process of normalizing relations with HTS (aka Al-Qaeda), and Trump has not yet reversed this process. Genuine terrorists who murdered Americans are being coddled because Israel finds them useful against Iran and Hezbollah.
Maintaining a garrison in a foreign country contrary to the will of that country’s government and people, as the US is doing in Iraq and Syria, is also an act of war. Also, the only reason for US military presence in Jordan and Israel is to provide Israel with anti-rocket protection during an exchange with Iran, as Biden did twice.
Maintaining a formal military alliance with an aggressor nation is also a form of warfare. Under the protection of our NATO umbrella, neo-Ottoman Turkey helped Al-Qaeda seize control of Syria, and they also helped Azerbaijan ethnically cleanse 100,000 Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh.
Therefore, the following steps should be taken to extricate ourselves from the war we are currently involved in:
End all military foreign aid to Israel and Ukraine.
End the economic sanctions against Russia and Iran.
Bring home US soldiers from Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Israel.
Remove the Houthis, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian resistance groups from the terrorist list.
Expel Turkey from NATO if they don’t stop supporting Al-Qaeda in Syria, and/or if they don’t allow the Armenians to return to Nagorno-Karabakh.
Operation Timber Sycamore was blatant treason against the American people at the behest of the Israel Lobby. Everyone involved should have their security clearances revoked.
So . . . America was already at war.
(Figured I’d put that there to copy/paste, save the NTJs some time, so they can get back over to X and keep discouraging everyone.)
Still at it with the ‘NTJ’ attacks… Was it not the very leader of this organization who called in his WNM for their return to their own land due to centuries-long demonstrati0n of incompatibility with our vision of society? How much more NTJ can one get? – aside from that one thing, which I am definitely not in favor of.
But fear not, Mr. K. Your hero has just signed an executive order yesterday that may well see us all silenced and locked up.
I’ve explained what I mean and what I don’t mean by “NTJ.”
Recognizing and calling out Jewish subterfuge is good. Jews’ living outside of white countries is good.
White Nationalists (or WN-adjacents), on the other hand, who think in all-or-nothing terms, can’t recognize progress when it’s happening, countersignal incessantly, and think the only problem Whites ultimately have is the Jews, are toxic, not to mention deluded.
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