Jim Goad has produced a short film to accompany his latest essay, “Buttocks-‘n’-Basketball Bash Banned in Blacktown,” on the cancellation of and fallout that followed from a high school event featuring a group of lard-assed black women in bikinis dribbling and twerking in the school gym for cash prizes in a basketball competition called “Nuttin’ But Az” in that all-American town of Newark, New Jersey. (more…)
Month: June 2024
June 30, 2024 Jim Goad
Buttocks-‘n’-Basketball Bash Banned in Blacktown
June 28, 2024 Greg Johnson
Editor’s Update
Our 2024 Fundraiser, Francis Parker Yockey’s Imperium, & #ZeroSeats on Counter-Currents Radio358 words
There’s always a lot going on at Counter-Currents, and this week is no exception.
1. Our 2024 Fundraiser
This year, Counter-Currents is raising $300,000 to sustain and expand our work. We had a slow start to the campaign because of debanking, but we have caught up. Thus far we have received $72,949.68, so we are almost one quarter of the way to our goal! Our deepest thanks to everyone who helped out.
If you have not given yet, please do today. Full donation information is at the bottom of this post. (more…)
3,945 words
IT will be seen that this mere painstaking burrower and grub-worm of a poor devil of a Sub-Sub appears to have gone through the long Vaticans and street-stalls of the earth, picking up whatever random allusions to whales he could anyways find in any book whatsoever, sacred or profane. . . . — Herman Melville, “Extracts (SUPPLIED BY A SUB-SUB-LIBRARIAN),” Moby Dick
The intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. – F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (more…)
1,993 words
James Duane
You Have the Right to Remain Innocent: What Police Officers Tell Their Children about the Fifth Amendment
New York: Little A, 2016.Most Americans know very little about police interrogations. If a police officer wants to ask you some questions, and you know that you have not committed any crime, then you should have no problem talking to the police, right? (more…)
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
A vast majority in American society remain confident in so-called First Amendment values. (more…)
June 28, 2024 Greg Johnson
Nowa Prawica przeciw Starej Prawicy
Rozdział 12: Biały nacjonalizm a żydowski nacjonalizmEnglish original here; Translations: Estonian, French, German, Russian, Slovak, Spanish
Część 14 (Rozdział 1, Rozdział 11, Rozdział 13)
Przemówienie Guillaume’a Faye’a na konferencji American Renaissance w 2006 r. było dość burzliwe. Większość ludzi słyszała o niesławnym incydencie z Michaelem Hartem.[1] Ale według mnie coś o wiele bardziej znaczącego wydarzyło się podczas wystąpienia Faye’a – coś, co później uznałem za objawienie. (more…)
When you hear “NBA,” do you think “National Basketball Association” or “Nuttin’ But Azz”?
Newark, New Jersey, that bleak post-industrial mega-ghetto posing as a city, doesn’t have a professional basketball team, so all signs point to “Nuttin’ But Azz.” (more…)
David Zsutty of the Homeland Institute was Greg Johnson‘s guest on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, where they discussed the Institute’s latest poll on immigration and deportation issues as well as other current things. It is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
Urban myths are insidious enough when they are false. But when they assume universality in the broader culture — while reflecting negatively on that culture — then they can cause people to lose faith in themselves. This is one way in which civilizations begin to decline.
For the last 60 years, one such myth is that of Kitty Genovese.
Thanks to the New York Times reporting of her grisly 1964 murder in the Kew Gardens neighborhood of Queens — during which 38 people supposedly watched and did nothing while she was stabbed to death — her name has become synonymous with bystander apathy. (more…)
3,393 words
In Europe there are very few black metal festivals that are genuinely free of censorship. In the Czech Republic there is one such festival, which is held in an attractive and dark natural location: Eternal Hate Fest, organized by Daniel Beherit Bílý. I always go to this festival even if it is far away from my home, as it is always worth it. (more…)
1,927 words
The year was 2016. Donald Trump had just stunned the world by getting elected despite the entire media establishment being against him. The only support Trump had during his campaign was on the Internet, particularly the Alt Right, which was spreading across social media like a virus and pied-pipering the youth into White Nationalism. (more…)
Election special
There is only one game in town at the moment in the Disunited Kingdom, and it’s the imminent General Election. Until a month ago it was as dull as ditchwater, with Labour expected to trounce that loose collective still inexplicably using the name “Conservative Party” and take the uniparty baton from the oldest political party in the world. There was nothing of interest other than the scale of the drubbing. (more…)
Colin Wilson
The Angry Years: The Rise and Fall of the Angry Young Men
London: Anova Books, 2007When Colin Wilson sat down in 2006 to write his own history of the “Angry Young Men,” it was mainly a matter of settling accounts. There had been at least two other similarly-named books on the subject, and they were informative and entertaining. (more…)