Nostalgia: something we all feel. For some of us it is most poignant when we feel nostalgia for a time we never even knew. A time when our cities and countries were majority white. A time before the family was under daily assault. A time when some things still made sense. We, of course, are cursed to know that the seeds of our own destruction were already being sown in these times. We look back at such eras both fondly and with annoyance. How could our fathers and grandfathers betray us as they did? What are we left with but to pick our way through the ruins? (more…)
Month: August 2022
Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon
New York: Harper & Row, 1980In his landmark 1980 work The Socialist Phenomenon (first published in Russian in 1975), mathematician Igor Shafarevich recounts dozens of socialist doctrines throughout history to demonstrate how their common features, even among those from many centuries ago, can still be found in the repressive socialist states of the day. (more…)
Dark Enlightenment was host Nick Jeelvy‘s guest on the latest broadcast of The Writers’ Bloc, where they discussed urbanism, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
The 2011 film Contagion is truly a movie for our times, especially now. It’s quite peculiar how the battle against infectious disease, ongoing for a century and a half, suffered a staggering setback in merely two years. For posterity’s sake, I’ll digress a bit about the present historical context in this rapidly-changing situation. (more…)
Africans selling other Africans into slavery, which was an integral component of the transatlantic slave trade.
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The recently completed royal tour of the Caribbean has provoked debates about Britain’s participation in the transatlantic slave trade. Animated by propaganda, such discussions obscure the slave trade’s complexity. (more…)
Host Greg Johnson welcomed British activist Kate Fanning, a.k.a. Bubba Kate Paris, back to the show to discuss the state of nationalism in the United Kingdom, and it is now available for download and online listening. (more…)
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Major Record Label Drops Virtual-Reality Rapper for Being Realistically Black
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In her latest article at VDARE, Ann Coulter recounts a recent outrage in which a pair of good Samaritans attempted to help a black motorist in distress and paid dearly for their mistake. On Sunday, August 21, Adam Simjee and Mikayla Paulus, two college students in their early 20s, were driving in eastern Alabama when they spotted Yasmine Hider waving them down so that she could ask them to help with her broken-down car. (more…)
Ari Fleischer
Suppression, Deception, Snobbery, & Bias: Why the Press Gets So Much Wrong — & Just Doesn’t Care
New York: Broadside Books, 2022Ari Fleischer was George W. Bush’s Press Secretary during the lead-up to the Iraq War. He was not involved in planning the war, but he did sell that (optional) conflict through his many press briefings in 2002 and 2003. (more…)
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Georges Eugène Sorel died 100 years ago today at the age of 74. Born in Normandy and educated in Paris, Sorel was an engineer by training who took an early retirement to devote himself to philosophy and politics. Although conservative by temperament (he defended the patriarchal family and martial virtues), Sorel became a Marxist, albeit an increasingly heterodox one, and a revolutionary syndicalist.
Although Sorel had an elite education, on all essential matters he was an autodidact. (more…)
August 29, 2022 Alex Graham
Američtí průkopníci ochrany přírody
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English original here
Počátky hnutí za ochranu přírody byly v Americe neodmyslitelně spjaty s podporou vědeckého rasismu, eugeniky a snahami o omezení imigrace. Ochrana prostředí i eugenika tehdy byly nedílnou součástí myšlení progresivního proudu. V tomto článku bych rád stručně představil pětici předních ochránců přírody, kteří zároveň vyznávali rasový realismus a eugeniku. Většině čtenářů se nejspíš okamžitě vybaví jméno Theodora Roosevelta, zdaleka ale nebyl jediným – (more…)
August 27, 2022 Greg Johnson
This Weekend’s Livestreams
Trading PlacesThis weekend, due to travel, Counter-Currents Radio and The Writers’ Bloc are trading places.
On Saturday, August 27, 2022, Nick Jeelvy will welcome Dark Enlightenment to The Writers’ Bloc to discuss urbanism. The Writers’ Bloc starts at noon PST, 3 pm EST, and 9 pm CET (more…)
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Things continued briskly for the Counter-Currents fundraiser over the last week, and we got 1% closer to our goal of raising $300,000 this year. Since our fundraiser started on March 10th, we have raised $129,188.50, which is 43% of our goal. We thank all of those who have given so far. Full information on how to donate is below, but first, here are a few words from Mark Gullick on what led him to Counter-Currents, and what makes us special. (more…)