1,078 words
In her latest article at VDARE, Ann Coulter recounts a recent outrage in which a pair of good Samaritans attempted to help a black motorist in distress and paid dearly for their mistake. On Sunday, August 21, Adam Simjee and Mikayla Paulus, two college students in their early 20s, were driving in eastern Alabama when they spotted Yasmine Hider waving them down so that she could ask them to help with her broken-down car. Hider pulled a gun on them and ordered them into the forest in order to rob them. When Simjee pulled out his own gun, they exchanged gunfire. Despite hitting Hider several times, Simjee was struck dead with a single shot.
Such a turn of events is not surprising to a race realist who understands the genetic source of intelligence, temperament, and impulse control, of course. It is also not surprising to anyone who knows how to play the odds. It is common knowledge that blacks commit more violent crimes than any other racial group — for whatever reason. There is therefore a greater chance of ending up as a victim of a violent crime when encountering a black than a non-black.
John Derbyshire had presciently made this very same point in his now-famous TakiMag essay “The Talk: the Non-Black Version” from 2012. It was rule 10 (h), actually: “Do not act the Good Samaritan to blacks in apparent distress, e.g., on the highway.”
This is the article that National Review editor Rich Lowry smeared as “nasty and indefensible” and used as an excuse for the Derb’s unmerited dismissal. To her immense credit, Coulter links this latest act of barbarism to Derb’s article just to show how the old race realist had been right all along. In typical Coulter fashion, she provides recent examples of non-black good Samaritans being victimized by blacks. She also takes a few sarcastic digs at Lowry and the National Review, which, as usual, are fun to read.
My point is not so much to underscore blacks’ criminal nature as to chide Coulter for a slight inaccuracy in her approach. After noting the irony of the how the Democrat strategy of being soft on black crime has increased danger and suspicion among blacks themselves, she writes:
This is a cautionary tale for black people. The Democrats’ Free All Criminals policies have hurt black people in myriad ways — mostly by getting more of them robbed, assaulted and killed each year — but also in other, more subtle ways, like this.
As Senate candidate Blake Masters of Arizona said — and the media lied about — it is blacks, frankly, who suffer the most when criminals aren’t locked up. And the Democrats don’t care.
Yeah, and neither do blacks. If they did, they would vote Republican.
Coulter’s mistake here is to repeat common sense to black people as if such simple reasoning hadn’t already occurred to them. Yes, blacks may have a lower average IQ than non-blacks, but the ones who know how to vote — let alone read Ann Coulter articles — understand well enough the connection between putting criminals behind bars and having safe neighborhoods. This isn’t rocket science, and whenever a smarty-pants Republican like Coulter offers them ding-dong logic as if they’re Socrates in the agora, it comes across as condescension. Make no mistake: Blacks see it that way, and they resent it.
The assumption Coulter makes is that blacks who live in black neighborhoods want safe streets above all else. They don’t.
What they want — primitive tribalists that they are — is space for their race. I have expounded upon my Space-for-Race theory in previous Counter-Currents articles such as “If I Were Black, I’d Vote Democrat” and, most recently, “Democrats are the Real Racists (and Why Blacks Don’t Care),” and will do so again here.
All things being equal, the majority of blacks are more loyal to their own diaspora than they are to themselves. Given this parameter, it makes no sense to appeal to blacks over what can help them as individuals, if what is buried in that appeal is something bad for their diaspora.
Of course, Coulter makes a good case for blacks benefiting as individuals if Democrat-run cities were to ever crack down on black crime. (Really, not a hard case to make, given that the vast majority of victims of black crime are also black.) What she doesn’t do is stress how going soft on black crime actually helps the black diaspora in America. How? Because high crime is a tried and true method for the black diaspora to provide and maintain physical space for itself. And without space — that is, space which is effectively black-only space — the only remaining alternative is assimilation into the non-black population, which would eventually spell death for the black diaspora.
When neighborhoods, precincts, and whole cities are crawling with black criminals, non-blacks tend to stay away, thus keeping these neighborhoods, precincts, and cities black. This invariably results in these areas having black politicians who have a certain amount of prestige on the state and national levels, and who will then further black interests in various ways. This twin benefit of black crime certainly outweighs the upside of safer streets, better schools, and buses that run on time. Blacks on average are fairly low on empathy and life expectations, so having safer streets and all these other perks was never much of a selling point with them to begin with.
If Ann Coulter and others like her had their way, these black areas would actually become nicer places to live in. This would then attract non-blacks back into them, where they would eventually crowd blacks out of the halls of power. I’m sure this prospect strikes more fear and loathing in the black Democrat elite than gangbangers shooting each other to pieces in the latest drive-by. Punks probably had it comin’, anyway. And if the occasional six-year-old gets wasted while playing hopscotch, so what? There are levels to this thing.
That’s something the voting, literate class of black Democrats have always known — and none so much as the ones actively engaged in politics who determine how the black masses will vote. That the GOP and conservative pundits like Ann Coulter don’t understand this and instead unwittingly promote policies that harm the black diaspora is the main reason why black Democrats treat them with such visceral contempt.
Perhaps this is also the reason why black criminals like Yasmine Hider prey upon good Samaritans.
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Mud shark Ann Coulter, voice of the 94% that believe negroids are white people clad in a wetsuit.
You’re 100% spot on. Blacks couldn’t care less about high crime in their neighborhoods. Miss Coulter made an absolutely laughable comment in that article. She said it’s only a small percentage of people doing the crime. I’m guessing she probably inserts absurdities like that just to stay mainstream.
Excellent article Mr. Quinn. However, I am not sure how sincere AC is about the race problem. A friend of mine attended the 1994 AMREN conference and she was there and he met AC. This was before she was famous. I think she knows the entire truth about the NQ (Negro question) but just doesn’t want to come out and state it.
I live in the Deep South too, and I’ve had that experience several times over the years. Blacks waving me down on the highway and I drive right by. It may be cold, but the risks are simply too great with that demographic. Sometimes I’ll make a little joke and say,”oh, should we go back and help them?”, and everybody else in the car cracks up. Once I had a black woman with a babe in arms frantically waving me down at night! It couldn’t have been more obviously an ambush. It’s hilarious that we even have to use that sort of language in an advanced civilization, but there it is.
These young people are brainwashed by the television set that tells them they are racist and causing George Floyds to happen. They want to be forgiven, hence…
Short. To the point. Like a throat-punch. Bracing stuff.
I have to admit as heinous and typical of this crime is I am not as bothered because it did solve at least 2-3 problems that I will leave to your own research. But the basic details are often overlooked by even race realists because black female crime is also off the charts. It isn’t just black men. They do this under the pretext of ‘I gotta feed my keeds.’ She let this Pajeet work on her car for an hour in the middle of nowhere before leading him to the woods and killing him. You have to wonder just how much of the other violence within the hood they are directly tied to because they take ‘femme fatale’ to another level. So anytime a Cuckservative tries to minimize black violence by saying it is really just 3% doing 50%, remind him that this is dangerously misleading. The actual violence is just the tip of the iceberg. The externalities and knock-on effects are much worse. Commerce goes underground, property value plummets, accreditation sunders and basic services shutter into a tragedy-of-the-commons just from the mere proximity of even a few of these primitives. Critics never focus on the other half of the ‘white flight’ ledger, which is ‘black blight.’ The good news is this is sort of reaching a positive demographic endgame because their fertility rates are collapsing faster than ours. All we have to do is outlast them in this postmodernist war of attrition.
You do realise 20 per cent of black America are new African imports. Do keep up ..the oligarchs have this unending black immigration problem solved. So the sub Saharans can claim endless quotas and gibbemedats forever
Fake stats. If you actually ‘kept up’ yourself you would see that relatively few Africans are brought into North America. But even then they are assimilating rapidly into degeneracy and low-fertility. I can tell it’s too much for you to take in because you’re a doomer.
Is your penultimate sentence true? I believe that in my mother’s lifetime (she’s 90, soon 91) blacks have gone from 7-8% of the country to 13-14% of a much larger population. I believe the absolute number of blacks in the country has increased threefold since WW2. This is due to their having more pregnancies than whites, with their women’s low-natality feminist commitments, and then the white idiot’s welfare/healthcare state enabling most of those pregnancies to reach adulthood. ‘
We aren’t just importing, we’re breeding, our own replacers. What fools about one half of whites are! Moral: we need white nationalist nationalism. We focus on the salvation of our people – prowhite-whites.
It would be nice if our side had higher aptitude when it comes to this info, but it just doesn’t sell for some reason. This isn’t difficult to research. Their numbers have grown, but there is something called momentum, which changes constantly. Classic tale of Tortoise and the Hare.
This explanation also seems too high IQ for blacks. I think the collective IQ of this group is even lower than most people can even imagine. It’s practically a mathematical equation to deduce that Putting violent criminals behind bars will remove these criminals from your neighborhoods, which then lowers the likelihood of future violent crimes in your area. The future doesn’t even exist in their minds. Even that is too much for them. What goes through their mind IMO is “police, law, order = white people, and we don’t want none a dat round here.” That’s it. Then the brain returns Back to sex, drugs and rap music.
Yeah, it’s the “round here” part they want to preserve. If they have too much law and order, this “round here” will start getting diluted with Hispanics, Asians, or Lord forbid those awful whites. It doesn’t take much IQ horsepower for the black elites to figure this out, and then convince the black masses to vote the one way that will keep the “round here” black. This is less about the low IQ black masses than you think, although I am sure even they think about such things as well.
Agree with you, Spence is giving too much credit.
I thought Coulter’s article was just right. With a movement as marginalized as this one, I don’t see the merit of critiquing small points. Also I don’t imagine Coulter wrote it hoping it was going to be shared by The Root or Worldstarhiphop. She is savvily trying to persuade swing voters or moderates who take a frequent progressive stance when the left distorts the truth to look like victims. And Heather MacDonald has a ton of columns with the stats that it is fraction of the black community that is committing and outsized amount of crime — against other blacks. I think it is more complex than to claim blacks living in black neighborhoods don’t want safe streets. While plenty in the ghettos are running game many have simply bought into leftist ideology and routinely vote against their own safety interests (the same way that many liberals subscribe to “Passover syndrome” and in denial that their policies are a long term investment to their safety).
Coulter just knows the rules of the Late Imperial House Style — tell part of the truth but always drop back and pirouette with twaddle like “the only race is the human race” .
Since the empire’s time may run out sooner rather than later, the prospect of Annie becoming obsolete should be considered. The current corporate right might find themselves in Eric Hoffer’s category of people exquisitely trained for a world that no longer exists.
No matter how much we cuss about the freeway system in L.A., it blessedly lifts us up above, or walled off from, the Black neighborhoods through which it passes. And if you break down, you can pull over and wait for the real police to arrive to help.
Spencer Quinn is usually razor sharp, but there’s a little detail that he has managed to leave out. The instant I read this I thought, “What kind of a name is ‘Simjee’, anyway?” A bit of googling, and we discover yet another alien – and worse, one with a not bad-looking white girlfriend. To me, that aspect of the tragedy is far more important and concerning than the act of highway banditry, racial cautionary tale though it may be. Whites are probably not going to be slaughtered into oblivion (not for at least a century, anyway). But condoning this type of behavior (not that I think Quinn does so, but most whites shortsightedly do) will put us on a sure path to extinction within a century or so – and to political impotence and physical subjugation and financial enslavement long before that.
Hi Lord Shang,
Yes I noticed the interracial relationship. I didn’t mention it because it was beside the point of my essay. And it isn’t like white couples don’t fall for such schemes. They do, as Coulter points out. I wanted to highlight, rather, what a profound shift in understanding of human nature it would be to go from Coulter’s way of thinking about blacks to ours.
But everything you write above is correct, of course. Thanks.
“Whites are probably not going to be slaughtered into oblivion”
There is no need to slaughter them as they will miscegenate themselves into extinction, well at least the lot that live in the “west” will.
The white race’s biggest threat in the west is white women. All manner of civilization and morals are being destroyed in countries where the horrible things are allowed to vote. Just this morning a news headline indicates that newly registered voters in time for the November elections are overwhelmingly young women and there is only one party they’ll be voting for and promising their effeminate young male friends a blowjob if they do likewise.
Abortion is their single most important issue to allow them to f**k with complete abandon. I’ll bet minimum 20% of white Americans were not fathered by him who they call Dad and a maximum of 20% of blacks were.
I stopped reading at “the horrible things.” Is this some sort of therapy for you? Sorry, that’s not what this site is for. You are no longer welcome here.
A lot of people are saying things like what you wrote above nowadays. Tempting to think that way. But I don’t think this is right. If anyone is betray the race it is white men. All this focus on greed, career, saying the right things even when one knows better. The cold truth is nearly all of us are traitors.
This self-flagellation is what makes me sympathetic to his argument. I’m so sick of this gynocentric misandry, especially by people like you clearly posturing for obvious reasons. It is why simp-shaming has become a thing. Your logic is that everything is the fault of men for ‘letting this happen,’ yet you criticize men for trying to rectify it. You can’t have it both ways. Either we have control or we don’t. The greatest plague of the right wing is its liberal priors. It simply can’t shake its egalitarianism or individualism to save its life. You are blinded by masochistic gallantry, which is not leadership. I want to hear just one of you explain why so many of you reflexively default to this bizarre disposition. What exactly are you gaining or preserving?
We have control. I ask you, who is the greater race-traitor: Kim Khardasian, or it is her father, Robert? I know you will say it is a stupid question. Robert K was trained as an attorney and used his education and skill to help out some dark-skinned murderer, knowing all along he was on the wrong side. And I really think it is the mildest of examples. White men all over the world betray our ideology in all sorts of disgusting ways. The female vote has become the vehicle by which western politicians stay in power. This student loan bail-out and the old abortion canard are undeniable proofs. You can call me simp-whatever as I can see this is a sensitive subject for you. I just your conceptualization is way too simplistic on this topic.
What does Kim Kardashian or student loans have to do with this? At least you admit that you are a simp, but it is much worse than that. You’re a male feminist. This is the crux of the matter. You guys actually think women are our equals, while at the same time shielding them with Victorianism. They are not treated as equals by the law or by society, so they get the best of both worlds. We have no control whatsoever over that and to deny that is a huge cope. I ask again, what are you personally gaining by this white knight nationalism and what are we collectively gaining by it?
I agree that some men deserve some of the blame here. The system is set up that white guys are allowed to have a position of power but they are expected to ‘earn it’ by giving affirmative action at the cost of white guys. Look at the blackface former Virginia governor, Northam. No Republican would have kept his job over that but Northam was able to by promising a litany of left wing concessions. Even without ‘blackface’, white guys are frequently intimidated by this business/department/entity is too white and the leadership chooses themselves over enacting policy that affects many.
Left leaning womyn are their own collection of problems, but blaming all women is a good way to renew an incel license and repel women realizing that the system shafts them a times too.
Very true. It’s not just about crime tho. Just smoking weed on the street and playing loud music signals that it is their territory, and if you complain about it, good Samaritan whites will screech at you: “It’s just music, why are you so racist?!” Nah, they get it, you don’t.
I’m skeptical that blacks have the mental horsepower to construct the theory posited here, but they certainly act as if it is true.
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