This is a response to Asier Abadroa’s “Is Ethnonationalism Compatible with Genetic Interests in Practice?” His answer is, on balance, no. He argues that ethnonationalism is often connected with romantic ideas about faraway oppressed peoples that are not based on fact, that peoplehood is hard to define, that ethnonationalism is often connected to bad ideas such as chauvinism and Marxism, (more…)
Tag: globalism
The following text is adapted from remarks Ruuben Kaalep gave at the 20th American Renaissance conference on August 12, 2023. Mr. Kaalep is a politician with the Conservative People’s Party of Estonia (EKRE), and a former member of the Estonian Parliament. He is also one of the founders of the EKRE’s youth group, Sinine Äratus, or Blue Awakening. (more…)
If there’s one fascinating thing about the progressives, it’s that they never really pause on the road to progress. And even when the discovery of their new advances leads us to believe that their model is not sustainable, so devoid of common sense does their madness seem that, paradoxically, this permanent progress tends to prove them right: Progress ostensibly knows no limits. (more…)
There is a growing sentiment, particularly amongst Christian conservatives and reactionaries, that the men of “The West” should — indeed, must — form an alliance with the Muslims who have flooded into our countries. Together we can wage a Crusade/Jihad (a Crusihad? A Jihsade?) against the degenerate drag queens and the libs on TikTok. (more…)
The French-language news portal Breizh-Info has published a long interview in French with Hungarian Member of Parliament László Toroczkai, who is the leader of the opposition nationalist parliamentary group Mi Hazánk Mozgalom. The following is an English translation.
László Toroczkai has been a leading figure in Hungarian nationalism for 25 years. His biography has few equals in this political milieu. He began as a young parliamentary assistant working with the Hungarian Justice and Life Party, or MIÉP, in the late 1990s, which was a nationalist party that had parliamentary representation between 1998 and 2002. (more…)
English original here
Alain de Benoist
Contre le libéralisme: La Société n’est pas un Marché
Monaco: Éditions du Rocher, 2019Název nejnovější knihy Alaina de Benoist Contre le libéralisme (Proti liberalismu) je polemický, zatímco podtitul La société n’est pas un marché (Společnost není trh) by klidně mohlo posloužit jako velmi případný slogan demonstrace. (more…)
For the past two and a half years, the world has been gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic response. The disease itself, which broke out in China, turned out to be a bit of a nothingburger. Not exactly “just the flu, bro,” but not quite the doomsday plague many were hoping for. (more…)
2,180 words
Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)
Christopher Lasch
The Revolt of the Elites & the Betrayal of Democracy
New York: W. W. Norton, 1995Christopher Lasch (1932–1994) was an American historian who taught for many years at the University of Rochester, authored a number of important books, and spoke beyond academia to the broad, educated public. (more…)
In times of great stress, allies must focus on what binds them together. Allies will remain allies if what binds them together is more important than what could break them apart. If allies can agree on what these things are, then all else can be dismissed as mere distractions or treated as issues of legitimate controversy. If allies cannot agree on what these things are, then they cease to be allies. For the Dissident Right to continue on its path to political relevance, it would therefore be best for it to codify such in-group/out-group distinctions now that we have entered a time of stress with regards to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
So what do all Dissident Rightists have in common regarding recent events in Ukraine? Certainly not the fervent desire to keep Western boots off the ground. I know such a statement will raise a few eyebrows, so let me rephrase the question: (more…)
Boris Johnson and colleagues enjoying some wine at Downing Street in May 2020, when the British police were using drones to harass ordinary citizens who weren’t following social distancing guidelines and lockdown measures.
3,502 words
Now I can say that I’ve lived in a plague house. Everyone caught the coof here. I became one of the critics of The Narrative about COVID-19 who caught its latest incarnation. Normally this sort of thing is a great occasion for critics of the critics to throw around a lot of snark. Not so fast, though — I caught it from a boarder who is double vaxxed, and of all of us, seems to have had the worst of it. (more…)
Part 1 here
Those who want a quick refresher on the basics of game theory may wish to review my first article on the subject, which applied game theory to race relations. Game theory is even better suited for describing international relations, and can be used to make sense of the complicated border crisis between Poland and Belarus and how it fits into a broader geopolitical conflict. (more…)
Arguing the case for nationalism is a thankless endeavor. The powers-that-be provide instant gratification, while the negative externalities take years or decades to materialize. “Free trade” and “open borders” are the dogmata of our times; international capitalism and Left-liberalism are the two faces of the same globalist beast. Last year, it was threatened like never before. (more…)