3,502 words
Now I can say that I’ve lived in a plague house. Everyone caught the coof here. I became one of the critics of The Narrative about COVID-19 who caught its latest incarnation. Normally this sort of thing is a great occasion for critics of the critics to throw around a lot of snark. Not so fast, though — I caught it from a boarder who is double vaxxed, and of all of us, seems to have had the worst of it. I would’ve dropped a hint that the stuff doesn’t work, except that I’m getting tired of being called a Right-wing conspiracy theorist. Yes, I already know I am, thankyouverymuch.
I’m recovering pretty well, but what to do while I get over the Fauci Cooties? I could write a modern Decameron; the thought has crossed my mind more than a few times over the last couple of years. For now, though, I’ll keep criticizing The Narrative.
The news is always the same
Every time I open my browser’s start page, for the most part I see the same thing. A little under two years ago, other than repetitive “orange man bad” articles, it was:
Covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid
It especially kicked into high gear around March 2020, when The Narrative suddenly switched from “downplay the bug” to “declare the end of the world.” A year ago, other than crocodile tears about a half-baked sit-in on January 6, the news was:
Covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid
Vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax
Lately, it is:
Covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid covid
Vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax vax
Omicron omicron omicron omicron omicron omicron omicron omicron
Sure, there are some creative twists on that. For example, to the LA Times there was “Letters to the Editor: Why do anti-vaxxers even show up at hospitals when they get COVID?” Oh, golly jeepers! Well, back in the 1950s, why did any ladies in a family way even see a doctor if they had doubts about that newfangled thalidomide stuff? Why did anyone bother to consult a psychiatrist when you could just set aside the cares of the world by getting a lobotomy?
It’s all so tiresome. Much of the mainstream media is still trying to stir up FEAR FEAR FEAR. Although there are some signs that it is tapering off, as of right now, we’re still getting “the end is near” stuff. Really, it’s become fairly obvious that although this Omicron variant is pretty catching, it might well be wimpier than the Wuhan Virology Lab’s original recipe. (It hit me harder, but your mileage may vary. It’s a drag, but not exactly the tortures of the damned, and I had much worse cases of flu as a kid.)
How many WORST EVER variants has this been by now? They’re already starting to talk about a new one, “BA.2,” which I suppose might be pronounced as “Baah, baah.”
False hopes
First up, I do trust the scientific method. However, I do not trust corporations, politicians, bureaucrats, globalist NGOs, or the mainstream media. They have agendas. Anyone who doesn’t understand this still has a long way to go toward enlightenment.
The COVID-19 virus has been overhyped for political reasons, including misclassifications of deaths to drum up more fear. The net effect has been to panic the public into trading liberty for safety, a compromise that proverbially always ends badly. (If arbitrary Orwellian diktats weren’t bad enough, some of the security theater is very uncomfortably starting to approach certain End Times prophesies, but that’s another matter.)
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 vaccines available in the United States have unacceptable risks of serious short-term side effects. The government waived customary testing requirements for the manufacturers, along with product liability. Even so, two vaccines have been withdrawn already, and the manufacturers should go back to the drawing board with the other two until they have something that’s safe and effective, doesn’t require dead baby parts for research or to manufacture, and doesn’t modify the patient’s DNA.
Lately, The Narrative downplays vaccine side effects, just as they overplayed the virus. Some presstitutes are trying to tell us that most of the COVID-19 vaccine side effects are imaginary. For those who died, got heart conditions, acquired Bell’s Palsy, and so forth, surely it’s a great comfort to know that it’s all in their heads. Another article announces, “Fact checking a strange new Covid conspiracy theory: Athletes dying from vaccines.” (That one’s from CNN, which neglected to disclose its advertising relationship with Pfizer, but I’ll fix that for them.) But what about all the teenagers and young adults in top physical shape suddenly dropping dead — were they just having a bad day or something? Well, boy howdy, since one of those fact-checker journalists called it a conspiracy theory, surely there was a mass resurrection and they’re alive and well! There’s nothing to see here; move along . . . This is why I love journalists so much — they’re so goddamned smart, they need cooling towers for those big brains of theirs!
For those who haven’t suffered short-term side effects, or known anyone who has, they lucked out, but most assuredly, there have been others who did not. As for long-term vaccine side-effects, all that’s clear so far is that the public is being pressured into an unprecedented mass biotech experiment, and at this point we can only pray for the best. If the official numbers are reliable, over 200 million Americans have been injected already. For those who hoped it would be a ticket back to the way things were, they got fooled; that wasn’t part of the plan.
The vaccine’s cost-benefit analysis sucks
Last year, I was thinking of going on a cruise. Then I found out that the carrier is under a vax mandate, which apparently came from a government diktat. Oh, well; I’ll just spend my money elsewhere, then. Later, one of their ships had a COVID-19 outbreak — their vax mandate worked out great, didn’t it? Then a month ago, there were outbreaks on 89 cruise ships, despite their compliance with security theater protocols, prompting a Senator to call them “petri dishes of COVID-19 infection.” (Since when have cruise ships not been floating containers where hundreds or thousands of passengers and crew share cooties in close quarters?) In response, some cruise companies are discussing requiring boosters. They just don’t get it, do they?
Likewise, an outbreak happened at Cornell, despite the fact that this Ivy League university was under a vax mandate. It doesn’t work! What’s the point, then? It gets worse yet: People have been kicked off transplant lists for not taking the poison vax, and some sadists have suggested denying any sort of health care as a penalty for not conforming. They just don’t get it, either. Everyone surely hoped for better results early on. However, it’s pretty obvious by now that their research chemicals aren’t really going to rid the world of the Wuhanic Plague, and are hardly more effective at this purpose than wearing a good luck amulet, using superglue for pomade, or masturbating with a cheese grater.
Polio was defeated with vaccination and is now limited to a few remote parts of southern Asia. They did the research until they got it right. Smallpox was also eradicated this way. (This is despite Bill Gates saying that it could return from extinction. Does he know something we don’t? Did his buddy Jeffrey Epstein drop a hint?) Besides a lousy safety record, however, the COVID-19 vaccines don’t work this same way like people assumed they would — at least not the batch offered in the US and many other Western countries. They are ineffective at preventing someone from catching COVID-19 or from spreading it.
Although the manufacturers don’t claim that they do these things, the mainstream media and the politicians don’t discuss this vital bit of information very often; that would ruin The Narrative. The intended benefits are partially protective, by reducing symptoms if one happens to catch the virus. (So if that much is true, then I might be dealing with only half the snot right now if I’d allowed myself to be injected with research chemicals. No, thanks; I’ll stick with my favorite over-the-counter remedy.) It’s therefore hysterical poppycock to claim that the unvaccinated are guilty of mass murder. Any of the actual, limited benefits begin declining after a few months. This necessitates what’s going to be a potentially unlimited number of boosters.
This, of course, is despite Resident Bidet’s earlier promise that two shots would be enough. On that note, he also promised to end the Wuhanic Plague, though he obviously lacks any ability to do so. How’s he going to stop an airborne virus that’s gotten around the world if he can’t even stop a loud fart from escaping his nether mouth in front of the Duchess of Cornwall? On that note, that doesn’t bode well for his ability to limit pollution or greenhouse gas emissions.
Since these don’t have the preventative effects that most people associate with vaccines, any rhetoric from the mainstream media about public safety is misinformed or dishonest. Any diktats from the politicians restricting the freedom of citizens, or attempting to deprive them of their livelihood if they won’t comply, are tyrannical. The more cajoling and bullying these dimwitted memebots and shameless liars are about unsafe and largely ineffective vaccines for an overrated respiratory bug with a 99.98% survival rate, the more suspicious all this looks. It also doesn’t inspire confidence that one of the top fright peddlers also has advocated for massively depopulating the planet.
Still, the tyranny goes on
It should be obvious to anyone whose eyes aren’t glued to the television set that all the security theater is ineffective. It serves only to pump up biotech profits, let the politicians make a show of “doing something,” and open the door for vaccine passports — which some countries already have. This can conveniently be converted into a Chinese-style “social credit” system with merely a software update. If we don’t put a stop to this before it gets to that point, they’ll tell us it’s all for our own good.
Last fall, Resident Bidet issued an executive order to the Department of Labor to force a nationwide vax mandate on workplaces with over 100 employees. Sure, citizens are free to refuse an experimental medical procedure, as long as they don’t mind losing their livelihoods . . . Fortunately, the senile pretender’s diktat failed a Supreme Court (SCOTUS) challenge, but they did allow it to pass for healthcare workers. I haven’t looked up the majority opinion, but this strongly suggests that these great minds of the Supreme Court hadn’t taken the obvious step of asking what evidence there is that the COVID-19 vaccines actually prevent catching or spreading the disease.
Moreover, it’s doubtful these Solomonic philosopher-kings considered that Bidet flagrantly exceeded his authority. The public has lazily become accustomed to the idea that a President – who is normally a real one, of course — “runs the country.” That’s not how things are supposed to work under the Constitution, however, and schooling SCOTUS about the separation of powers doctrine should be like teaching Grandma how to suck eggs. Although Bidet is an illegitimate usurper installed by globalist puppet masters, that doesn’t mean his word is law, as if he were a dictator. For those who slept through Civics 101, the legislative branch makes laws.
He lost credibility with all this — not that a puppet with a malfunctioning brain, whose good days are marked by not falling asleep during a speech, and who epically bungled retreating from Afghanistan has all that much more credibility to lose. Really, an egregious stunt like that is an impeachable abuse of power, but who’s counting? Anyway, it seems he’s moved onto his next brilliant act, trying to provoke the Third World War by inserting his proboscis into the Russia-Ukraine mess. What are his handlers thinking?
Reaching the breaking point abroad
In countries that already did introduce vaccine passports, tyranny marches on. French politicians are darkly promising to tighten the screws. Italy has already has done so. Conditions in Austria have become unlivable, no matter what one’s status is, and now they’ve just made it illegal to refuse the poison vax at all. (Austria used to be such a freer country, 80 years ago!) In my estimation, this seems calculated to leave the general public bankrupt and destitute, completely dependent on the government and forced into accepting whatever collectivization scheme the arch-oligarchs in Davos wish to impose. As I understand, conditions are similarly tyrannical in Australia, except that they have gulags as well.
Something that should haunt the dreams of the globalist billionaires is that the public isn’t taking this lying down. Massive demonstrations have occurred in these countries and elsewhere. (This has been somewhat downplayed in the mainstream media, since they’d rather cover demonstrations by immigrants complaining about being insufficiently pampered.) In my estimation, Australia may be very close to the point of revolutionary ferment. This is significant, because the next domino to fall would likely be nearby New Zealand, which is almost as fed up and also happens to be the location of all those hidey holes for oligarchs.
France is another likely hotspot. The French sure do know how to put on a revolution when things come to a head, now don’t they? From what I’ve heard, the enthusiasm of the gendarmerie for busting up demonstrations and otherwise enforcing the will of globalist politicians has run rather thin. In that case, characters like Macron and his retinue should be wetting their pants about now. They’d be well-advised to have a change in heart about how they’ve been treating the public.
I should mention that all this isn’t a recommendation, but rather an observation.
A glimmer of hope
There are some subtle signs that high-level enthusiasm for milking the crisis for everything it’s worth might be wavering a bit. Last month, Bill Gates the Wanker was saying the US “could be entering the worst part of the pandemic.” Now, Old Bilgey is being remarkably sunnier in his outlook. To wit: “Once Omicron goes through a country, then the rest of the year should see far fewer cases, so Covid can be treated more like seasonal flu.” Even Anthony Fauci, the drum major of the coronavirus, is showing a bit of optimism lately. There are also some signs of moderation appearing in Leftists, the folks who have been the most badly rattled thus far and panicked into going along with The Agenda.
Most surprisingly, the W6rld Ec6nomic F6rum may be changing direction, going back to naming global warming as the world’s greatest threat. Although their Gr6at R6s6t idea gave globalist politicians a big stiffy, the public thought the idea was about as appealing as a big meal at Sawney Bean’s Long Pork Buffet. Note that this came from the fine gentlemen at Davos who’ve been trying to sell us on the benefits of deindustrialization, eating bugs, drinking sewage, foraging weeds, living in pods, “you’ll own nothing and be happy,” and all the rest of the stuff meant to humiliate and impoverish the First World. (Are any of the globalist oligarchs supposed to be subjected to these measures for the peasants, or will they keep their porterhouse steaks, caviar, champagne, mansions, yachts, private jets, and gigantic land holdings?) So then why go back to scaring us about climate change? Did they figure out that too many people are getting wise? Did someone — ahem — look into a crystal ball and notice a large crowd gathering at the Place de la Concorde?
Speaking of all that, our good friends at Salon discussed an open letter by several millionaires and billionaires that was apparently aimed at the W6rld Ec6nomic F6rum. Noting the tremendous increase in poverty over the last two years, as well as the tremendous increase in the personal fortunes of the world’s wealthiest, they advocate getting serious about fixing income inequality. At first glance, that seems like tigers advocating vegetarianism, but they note that this sort of thing doesn’t end well. “It’s taxes or pitchforks,” their letter warned, and also, “History paints a pretty bleak picture of what the endgame of extremely unequal societies looks like.” Ça ira, ça ira, ça ira, les aristocrats, on les pendra . . . There were a couple of sour notes in the letter, but I can’t complain too much; it’s about time we got some high-level dissent about all this. They see that societies characterized by vast extremes of wealth tend to be unstable, and they’re just not keen on necktie parties. They have a point: peace is better!
According to one report, the United Kingdom’s Boris Johnson is backing down on security theater. Hopefully this is the real deal; the British public has suffered from too much anarcho-tyranny already. This might be a face-saving measure for BoJo the Wanker. He has been called out for attending a number of BYOB parties unmasked, contrary to the rules. On our side of the pond, we have politicians breaking COVID rules all the time: attending restaurants, parties, and hair salons during lockdowns, taking off their masks when they think the cameras have stopped rolling, and so on. Granted, complaining about hypocrisy in politicians is like complaining about bad breath in buzzards. On the other hand, there’s another takeaway here: They wouldn’t be disregarding their own rules if they felt they were in much danger.
What if the New World Order types do decide to tiptoe away from the abyss? It would be somewhat like if a tightly-knit group of bent-nosed Sicilians who are on a first-name basis with the District Attorney and who have an affinity for the Fifth Amendment were to get together and suddenly decide, “We’re sick of all the hassle; let’s just open a department store instead.” One can only hope that this is indeed a turning point. It certainly would be the prudent course of action for them; pushing around the public works until suddenly it doesn’t. Again, peace is better.
The fact is that The System bit off more than it could chew. When The Narrative collapses, this one’s going to go down hard. Still, one can expect there to be efforts to soften the blow. A highly visible fall guy or two — and I have some guesses as to who they might be — will get thrown under the bus. Maybe someone might get arrested and suffer an unfortunate mishap in jail before he can get talkative. Most of the guilty will expect to laugh all the way to the bank, however. There may be some mainstream journalists who come out of the woodwork when it’s safe to try to grab some glory, claiming they were speaking truth to power all throughout. (This was, of course, back when these NPCs were spewing venom on those who actually were going against the grain.) The System will otherwise try to go back to business as usual. They think the rules don’t apply to them, and that they can just walk away from what they did.
We can’t let them get away with this, and we won’t. Think of all the hundreds of billions sucked out of the working and middle class. Then there were the countless ruined small businesses, gone with shattered hopes and dreams. Remember those destitute and isolated who couldn’t take it anymore, overdosing or otherwise ending it all. Never forget what this has done to our youth. The globalists would’ve done a lot more to us if things had gone their way. Finally, there’s a possibility that COVID-19 happened in the first place because someone tampered with nature, and that it may even have been released deliberately.
Note well that although there were failures from the health care system, much of that was because of vast pressure from the very top into conforming to The Agenda. There were good doctors and researchers throughout, swimming against the tide. Likewise, the problem wasn’t about common scolds (“Karens,” if we must) or busybodies. Some were just concerned, but even those on a petty power trip were hardly the worst. The mainstream media — practically serving as an Orwellian Ministry of Truth — played a much larger role.
Ultimately, we must remember that this was foremost a problem with globalism. Those oligarchs and their unelected NGOs just had to have their pestilential Gr6at R6s6t to usher in the New World Order, no matter what the public thought about it. Are we going to let them go back to the drawing board to plot their next big move, or are we going to hold them to account?
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Lots of food for thought, but early on, you make a point I don’t agree with. You say “First up, I do trust the scientific method. However, I do not trust corporations, politicians, bureaucrats, globalist NGOs, or the mainstream media. They have agendas.”
Fine. But that doesn’t mean the opposite is always true. Let’s just say that I generally trust the weather report… I predict we’ll see the restrictions go away. Covid will pass, without our help or input, and we can own or dismiss that it was a monumental wasted opportunity for the right (as has been argued here in a dissident opinion).
Finally someone with some sense. These vaccines have doomed us. Soon they will be vaccinating children under five. Pure madness to gamble with their health in this way. We need to destroy this COVID narrative, yesterday. The Klaus Schwabite Davos set cannot be allowed to get it’s way. We must save ourselves.
I am well past being outraged about this; as a matter of fact I’m rather alarmingly blase that so many healthy young men are suffering myocarditis, or that reasonably healthy middle aged people are suffering strokes. What’s done is done and cannot be undone. Those who chose to believe the authorities, to not do their own due diligence, took their experimental shots and will suffer the consequences. There’s nothing that can be done to change that, as far as I am aware, and I think the number of deaths in the coming 5 years or so will be truly staggering (albeit lied about and hidden by the usual media and politicians), Alone of all pretend countries, America is preparing to mandate experimental vaccines for infants.
Like it or not, most of the people getting their children vaccinated or harrying their husbands into getting the shots are White people. Normies. Yeah, that great amorphous mass that some on the DR seem to think will suddenly awaken and join a great crusade for autonomy. Prior to 2020, of all the possible scenarios I envisioned for the hard division amongst White people, a bio-engineered super flu was not one of them, but such is life. There are those of us who’ve chosen not to comply, and then there is everyone else.
As far as making the purveyors of all the death and destruction ‘pay,’ well, best of luck. I’m much more concerned with trying to ensure the health and self-sufficiency of my family. Don’t misunderstand; if the opportunity ever arises for me to harm certain people, I will do so with alacrity and great joy, but I don’t ever anticipate that happening while living under their rules in current Clown world.
Have you seen the freedom convoy? It looks like Orania. We’ll be fewer, but better.
What I find ironic about the screeching for disallowing treatment for the unvaccinated, they would seem to be the most important patients to attend to if the vaccines were genuinely effective. It makes it all appear as political theater rather than scientific health based decision making. Dr fauxi never seems to get questioned about what the impact of altered DNA means for children and adults pumped full of this unproven vaccine. With our traditional vaccines we accepted the small risk of injecting a diluted virus to help us build immunity. This doesn’t help with that and also is ineffective for protection or stopping spreading. It’s like forcing us to acquiesce to their dictate’s is the ultimate goal rather than “protecting the children” or flattening the curve. From 2 weeks to 2 years and running.
Longest two weeks ever!! Hahaha!
I don’t think “covid tyranny” really exists anymore — if it ever did. Life has been pretty much back to normal in America since last summer. Even in liberal areas. Most people seem to have tuned out the media’s fear-mongering except for the antivax crowd, which has turned into its own subculture that feeds off covid.
Wow. This is a level of gas lighting I never really expected to see at CC. Just do a quick internet search of Canada and see what you find…
Canada might be different. In the US, Covid hysteria is something for people that are extremely online.
The US is a big country with many variations in rules and regulations. Sure, Florida may be a free state, but California and NYC and other jurisdictions are tyrannical when it comes to Covid measures. Not to mention the health care workers mandate which was upheld by Trump pick Kavanagh and 4 other black robes. Finally, even in VA where the new governor scrapped mask mandates on day 1, some rogue schools in Loudoun county for example still impose them.
Counter – Currents commenters remind me more and more of Amren (where I am essentially banned) every day – and unfortunately, I do not mean that as a compliment.
Disappointing to say the least. Oh well, I guess nothing good can last.
Sorry, I don’t spend my life creating a platform for jerks to insult me and my guests. You are now banned.
Greg, is this for real? It sounds like irony with a twitch of anger, but I am hoping you will clarify.
Hey, don’t you recall when “Ted Sallis” said that those opposed to vaccinations would be shot if he had anything to say about it? Me in particular is who he had in mind. This was about 5 years ago. Wiminz tend to remember stuff like this.
“At first glance, that seems like tigers advocating vegetarianism”
It is exactly that. The Coronavirus agenda has greatly advanced the weakness and division within states.
You may not be aware that about 92% of the S&P500 [to take one of many examples] to report on their compliance with Stakeholder Corporatism, aka “sustainability”. This construction is a direct descendent of the hegelian traditions passed down by Jews. This would obviously include intersectionality with its taxonomy of identities.
Sustainable development goals are set by investors and corporations under guise of being good neighbors. Effectively puts them in a position where they make a political plan, providing public service provider and regulations, a core part of their mission.
The aggressive “swarming” tactics by which large institutional investors have been freezing out corporations who do not play along, have given them latitude to leverage financial returns to advance a common political agenda. Although they are not [yet] as harmonized as they intend to be, participating agencies already represent holdings valued in the hundreds of trillions of dollars.
I lean more towards the theory that ritualized obedience has been one of the most important elements of the last two years. I take them very seriously when they discuss population reduction. Basic biology: constrain availability of energy in an eco-system. Time tested method: Make people form mass movements. And new methods: Big data mediated relationship with international governance.
Global warming does not have the psychological immediacy of a disease. But all they need is plausibility for policies state and trans-national governance to strangle out alternative policies.
Completely agree with about 95 % of this piece. The median age of people dying from covid is approximately 76. The average life expectancy of males in the U.S. is 72. Does anything else need to be said?? Yes. Approximately 75 % of those who died with covid had 4 co-morbidities. That is right, 4! Not 1, not 2, but 4! I could go on an on and on, but what is the point?
I do want to say that I don’t believe this tyranny will be over any time soon. The pharma companies are already working on 2nd and 3rd generation vaccines. Cities like San Francisco will not just drop their vax mandates if you want to go to a restaurant. They will require you to get the next batch of their glorified glam shot. Year after year after year, and by the way, the passports are already here!!! Meanwhile, your immune system which has been around for a couple hundred thousand years will be completely shot out and you will be dependent upon pharma to keep you alive for any number of ailments that are bound to rule and take over your everyday life.
The only thing that may put an end to all of this is an all out World War III which is actually right over the horizon because the “civilized” world has learned absolutely nothing from the first and second world wars. Alliances with any other country are dumbest things ever conceived, at least for all of us slaves, not our masters.
Can you cite the evidence of how your immune system is shot? Do you know how many vaccines you get by 15 months and 18 years? And yet, my children live and thrive. Affirmative action, endless left wing media bias, unchecked immigration, anti-whiteness, rewriting of established history… Everyone, put your glasses back on… these are the real threats, not having to wear a paper mask in the store, not kids having a 17th vaccination instead of 16.
The vaccines that we get as children are live culture vaccines. They have been around for decades with enough evidence to support their efficacy and safety. These mRNA “vaccines” have absolutely no long term studies, obviously, because everyone that got it is the study. I’m sure we will find out down the road here the effects of injecting yourself with the vaccines every 6 months from now until eternity. My point being, if you want to get the jab, wear a diaper around your face, and act like a paranoid hypochondriac around this flu, then go right on ahead. It used to be a free country. But if one wants to go to a restaurant, fly on a plane, or just walk into a retail store, you have to abide by these arbitrary mandates not based on any “science.” That would be tyranny and the antithesis of a free country.
With regards to these vaccines, let me ask you this. Why does the FDA want to hold back all of the data it has collected around the efficacy and/or safety of these vaccines for 50 years?!!! Can you give any logical or reasonable explanation for this complete disregard for transparency with the American people?
Now, all the things you mention are totally legitimate issues that we need to fight against, always, no argument from me on any of them. Though, to think that these bureaucrats handing down these asinine edicts demanding we all bend the knee isn’t an equal or bigger problem, then I think that jab has gotten to your brain. These things are all interconnected.
The vaccines that we get as children are live culture vaccines. They have been around for decades with enough evidence to support their efficacy and safety.
Only to those who haven’t done much reading or known someone whose baby was killed by vaccination. I do know one such mother. The cause of the child’s death on the death certificate was listed as “complications of vaccination”.
I was never trying to insinuate that vaccines are 100% safe, Nothing is 100% safe. The point in my previous comments is that these particular covid vaccines are still in experimental trials with absolutely no evidence one way or the other on the long term side effects. I personally would never even consider taking this “vaccine” as it stands now.
The video by Bjorn is fine, overall, but I’d like to remind everyone that getting the Corona or any other Acute Respiratory Syndrome is not automatically a sign of poor lifestyle. These kinds of socalled infections are nothing more than a cleanout, a detoxification, a total body reset, a discharge of old metabolic wastes and toxicities, not all of which are self-induced but the product of a poisoned world, and we should be damn grateful that our bodies still have the capacity to do this (even though the suffering may be considerable.) It is what is keeping us alive. The wretches who do die of corona 19 and other forms of SARS have reached a point of degeneracy where only one outcome was possible.
I didn’t make any of this up. People with two brains to rub together have known these things for a long time.
The “tyranny” has reached the level of getting carded to buy alcohol, of cops lurking at every corner to crush “speeding”, of taking off your shoes at the airport security gate. @matt marchi is right: It’s over. No one wore masks on a recent midwest trip. In the cities with mandates, you present a paper card (home-made ones work).
Sorry, I meant to agree with @Mike Ricci. – My exerience is that the US has dealt with it Covid an rather lax way. Just recently, the effort to keep the South African variant out amounted to zero.
This is a rather breezy, stream-of-consciousness piece whose sympathies are in the right place. One thing to note: vaccines didn’t end polio, nutrition and sanitation did. See RFK Jr.’s new book for more details on this fact.
Sesto, I thought RFK Jr.’s The Real Fauci difficult to read because I don’t have the medical or legal background to follow along or check everything he presents, but I certainly “got” one of the main points: the pharmaceutical and health industries & the regulatory agencies are all in bed together and have been for a very long time.
I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble with the book. It is very well-researched but touches on a number of damning aspects of the relationship between government and the pharmaceutical industry and even delves briefly into the difference between the germ and terrain theory of disease. Germ theory has become the primary means of understanding the cause of disease but it is completely wrong. To learn more about that check out the new book by Thomas S. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell entitled “The Contagion Myth”. Best wishes
Excellent article. I agree with absolutely everything you say. However, I have 2 things to say.
First, my wife and I live in Hungary and our PM, Victor Orban, is probably the best leader in the white world. However, he is terrible on Covid. Not as bad as Austria or Australia but bad nevertheless. They are talking about vaxing small children here. We are not vaxed and I will probably have to get radiation treatment for my prostate cancer in late March and we don’t know what the hospital rules will be then. Hopefully, it will just be a negative test.
Second, it seems to me that it is or some day will be virulogically (if that is a word) possible to create a super-bug that is not only highly infectious like omicron but also highly lethal so instead of being only 1% lethal, it will be 50% lethal. If that is the case, we are fucked.
Hi Jud
Just to reassure you,the more infectious a virus the less deadly and the other way round. Its a perfect law of nature,biology,virology,medicine…however you want to put it. I have some medical background. I personally think the only option globalists have is a HUGE market crash. After this horrible experience many(or enough) people have woken and are on standby/aware of further bullshit.
Thanks D.
I have no background in medicine or biology. I remember reading (I don’t remember where) that there was no relationship between degree of infection and degree of lethality and so I assumed it was true. Good to know you are correct and with your background you should know.
“Victor Orban, is probably the best leader in the white world. However, he is terrible on Covid.”
Terrible was last spring, when intensive care units were running at 150% of capacity, all non-emergency surgeries were postponed, operating rooms were converted to makeshift ICUs, and the death rate shot up from 20% to 90% because we didn’t have enough specially trained doctors and nurses.
“They are talking about vaxing small children here.”
The official line is that parents should “consider” vaccinating their children. Some parents _demand_ vaccines for their children, and Orbán wants their votes too.
“We are not vaxed and I will probably have to get radiation treatment for my prostate cancer in late March”
So you don’t trust the Hun medical profession when they say vaccines are safe and effective, but you trust them with radiating your prostate, LOL.
“we don’t know what the hospital rules will be then. Hopefully, it will just be a negative test.”
Currently it is 2 negative tests for the unvaccinated: a PCR which you have to make a couple of days in advance — call the hospital, not all PCR tests are accepted because of omicron — and a quicktest when you check in. You’ll have to pay for both (total around $100).
Hospitals are still closed to visitors. I recommend opening an electronic “government window” account (Ügyfélkapu) if you haven’t done it already, and making sure your family can access your medical records (EESZT). It’s hard to follow what’s going on with our loved ones behind the closed gates.
Best wishes to you.
Hungarian Fashionista,
Thanks for your advice and your good wishes.
Yes, I understand that Orban wants as many votes as he can get. But everything I know, and I have read quite a bit and watched quite a few videos which suggest that children have the best possible immune systems of all people and the vax is very dangerous which is something you didn’t mention.
Concerning the Hungarian doctors and the Hungarian medical system in general, my view is very positive. My wife went through chemo for her breast cancer and her oncologist was very impressive. Our family doctor is very good as is my urologist who discovered my cancer. My surgeon in Debrecen was also very good. But, when it comes to vaccine recommendations, I don’t rate the Hungarian medical profession nearly as high as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Scott Atlas, the signers of the Great Barrington Declaration and many other virologists, vaccinologists, this gist and that gist. I read new stores every day from numerous sources describing young men women who are in great shape and die one day after the second shot or the booster. So yes, I do trust the Hungarian medical system for my cancer treatment (I really have no choice, do I?) as radiation therapy is well known and well understood. But this new experimental vaccine is not. Another good source I recommend to you is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Along with writings and videos of the doctors listed above he is a very impressive man. He has a speech impediment so it takes a little while to get used to him but you quickly catch on. I have his book on order concerning Fauci, Gates and Big Pharma. Call me a tin foil hat guy if you want, but I think I can back up the idea that the reaction to the epidemic by governments all over the first world were coordinated with the lockdowns, vaccine mandates, etc. etc. Even the US government admits that the VAERS database shows 23000 people and counting have died from the vaccine and that is most certainly an under-count.
You sound like you live in Hungary. If you are ever near Eger, and would like to have lunch with my wife and myself, please try to get in touch with us. Since you are a CC reader, I think we can have a very interesting conversation. I am afraid to put my email here for fear of being doxed. Maybe I am paranoid but that is how it is. I am sure you can figure out a way to meet. Maybe just leave another comment on one of my comments and we can schedule a lunch.
Jud Jackson (pseudonym)
I have high school biology and studied math and statistics for only 2 years at university. I’m nowhere near qualified enough to have an informed opinion about vaccines.
Why are these dissident experts trying to sell their ideas to me? They should convince their peers, not the general public.
I’ll keep you in mind next time I go to Eger.
I think they are trying to sell their ideas to everybody, not just specialists and not just ordinary people like you and me. Hope to meet you some day in Eger.
The term “nether mouth” made me laugh far longer than it should have.
Look at this, a mad lib of sloppy COVID conspiracies with no nuance. Tyranny? No. At times histrionic COVID response, yes! Those of you who plan to routinely reject western medicine (which you invented), will be removed from the voting rolls a bit prematurely. We just lived through our equivalent to the 1918 flu pandemic, and hopefully it is going to be an extra yearly cold/flu going forward. Sadly trillions of debt was accrued by insisting people stay home when they might have done a better masking up.
Maybe Austria is being too dictatorial in its approach. The stronger the dictum, the more conspiracies and resistance will follow. But hey, if you’re so sure its going to collapse, why not plan for an ethnostate there… surely it’s all over for them.
The mRNA vaccines are not DNA and aren’t designed to modify it… This isn’t Cas9/CRISPR. I work in an entity tens of thousands in size and I don’t know anyone who had a problem. Vaccines don’t fully prevent infection. The major outcomes from the studies have been that they reduce serious illness, death and likelihood of transmission to your grandma. I got vaccinated because I didn’t want to sicken a number of older relatives, nor did I want to miss that much work if I contracted one of the early virus strains.
Additional sloppiness stating that the polio vaccine wasn’t released “until they did their research and got it right”. What exactly does that mean? Even after introduction there were competing live and inactivated vaccines, followed by subsequent iterations over nearly 50 years. They were tweaking it into the 1990s. And yes there were occasional serious side effects like Guillain barre syndrome there. Hopefully counter currents isn’t going to evolve into a dissident version of histrionic Jezebel magazine.
Pfizer documents (obtained by FOI request) reviewed by Dr. John Campbell (March 9 2022). I know current events have overtaken the debate, but this latest video by the above questions the risk/benefit analysis and the global medical advice given over the last two years. … Sobering stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YOD9drZasM
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