If there’s one fascinating thing about the progressives, it’s that they never really pause on the road to progress. And even when the discovery of their new advances leads us to believe that their model is not sustainable, so devoid of common sense does their madness seem that, paradoxically, this permanent progress tends to prove them right: Progress ostensibly knows no limits. (more…)
Author: Ferenc Almássy
Emmanuel Macron shown attending an Elton John concert on the first night that extreme violence broke out across France recently.
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At the beginning of July we witnessed further rioting and looting across France. President Emmanuel Macron, with the nerve and arrogance only he is capable of, pretended to find this event surprising, despite the fact that everyone had been expecting it at least since 2005 and the last large-scale riots in the suburbs.
No sensible, informed person with common sense was surprised by this week of chaos. (more…)
Immigration has become a major issue in Central Europe since 2015, whereas since the fall of Communism the primary social issue in this region had been emigration . But a lot has changed since the famous “migrant crisis” along the Balkan route — and the faces you see in the streets of Warsaw, Budapest, Prague, and Bratislava are changing, too.
Over a few weeks in the summer of 2015, a veritable migratory route was set up stretching from Turkey and Greece to Hungary, the guardian of the Schengen Zone’s southeastern border. (more…)
“There can be no Russian networks in Europe that split the EU from within, those that are trying to help Russia make as much money as possible even now. Everyone knows very well who in the European Union opposes humanity and common sense, and who does nothing at all to help establish peace in Ukraine. (more…)
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At the end of summer, Ruuben Kaalep came to Hungary at the invitation of the Hungarian nationalist party Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland). Ruuben Kaalep is one of the main advocates for the Intermarium project, a political and geostrategic plan aiming to regroup the Baltic countries, the Visegrád 4, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovenia, Belarus, Moldova, and Romania, forming a kind of a triangle between the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, and the Adriatic Sea. (more…)
A series of demonstrations have taken place in Hungary opposing its conservative Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán. Its trigger was a vote in Parliament approving changes to the labor laws. Both the Hungarian and the foreign media who are typically hostile toward the illiberal Prime Minister and his party, Fidesz, have painted a terrible portrait of the situation. The progressive, liberal, and socialist opposition radicalized its discourse and actions, and they have carried out numerous agitprop operations. Let us summarize the facts:
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The teaching of “gender studies” is no longer allowed in Hungary. This is part of an important cultural and ideological war that is redrawing the political, cultural, and intellectual landscape of the country.
It happened in the middle of August: Students who have begun a course in “gender studies” at a Hungarian institution will be able to finish it, but no new courses will henceforth be permitted to start. (more…)
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Brexit was a shock to some, especially in the soft and capricious West. But in Central Europe, living historical events from the inside has almost become a common thing. All the current Central European leaders remember or even took part in the regime changes that happened a quarter-century ago. These men and women lived under communism and worked to end it. And this experience is useful today as Europe faces a major turning point. (more…)