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“We don’t take kindly to joggers around these here parts.” (Cue dueling banjos)
Let’s get right to it. I’m a blue-collar southerner. Greg and Travis McMichael could literally be my brothers or cousins. (more…)
858 words
858 words
“We don’t take kindly to joggers around these here parts.” (Cue dueling banjos)
Let’s get right to it. I’m a blue-collar southerner. Greg and Travis McMichael could literally be my brothers or cousins. (more…)
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Three weeks ago, soon after the first “shelter in place” orders were being handed down by governors throughout the nation, I made a decision to start wearing some kind of “mask” when in public or around others. (more…)
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I have lived in this middle-class, predominantly white, aging metropolitan subdivision for nearly 15 years. Despite the palpable demographic changes in the local community, I feel safe and comfortable here. (more…)
It finally happened. Donald Trump has been impeached by Nancy Pelosi and her army of malcontents in the House of Representatives. Trump joins just two other presidents in all of American history to hold this distinction, the other two being Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.
There is something far deeper and more sinister at work here than a sitting US President being indicted by Congress for a criminal act. (more…)
He advanced to the council-table:
And, “Please your honors,” said he, “I’m able,
By means of a secret charm, to draw
All creatures living beneath the sun,
1,495 words
Most Americans’ lives, from cradle to grave, are spent immersed in clichés about “American values.” We are force-fed egalitarian propaganda and glutted with hyperbolic mythologies about historical people, places, and events. Few ever question the All-American operating system that their hard drives are programmed with, and fewer still find the courage to “buck the system.” (more…)
If you took the opportunity to read my introductory essay, “Coyote Ugly,” you will recall my thesis that Western institutions are as much, if not more, to blame for our demise as a people than any historic or current tribal conflicts. (more…)
I spend a good deal of my time pondering the many patterns and complexities of human behavior that have spawned our current state of affairs. Itʼs quite a mess to untangle – a daunting problem with no easy solutions. (more…)