Trump’s Triumph: What’s It Got to do With the Price of Eggs?
After surviving two assassination attempts, a dubious criminal conviction, years of targeted lawfare, and ceaseless onslaughts of disparagement and calumny that would have crushed a hundred million frailer men, Donald Trump’s comeback has been so bombastically theatrical that even Sylvester Stallone couldn’t have scripted it. Although Stallone called himself “Rocky,” Trump appears to be made of rock. He is indomitable, indefatigable, and an epochal political figure.
Sifting through the post-election analyses of why Trump won, the most uplifting difference from four years ago is that at least everyone is admitting that he won. His opponents threw in the towel overnight and proceeded to start howling in pain.
What a lingam-stimulating contrast that is compared to 2020, where it took several days of tense intrigue, stark denial, malicious scheming, evil plotting, and coldblooded deceit before Biden was declared the victor. But on November 5, 2020—two days after Election Day and when it still appeared that Trump would win, I slapped together an analysis of exit polls and noted that the only major demographic where he lost a smidgen of support compared to 2016 was with white guys. That was a mild shock, seeing as how white guys were supposed to be his only constituency.
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Audio PlayerTrump’s supporters will say his victory was a resounding repudiation of unbridled wokeness, unearned white guilt, runaway racial tokenism, unfettered feminism, and the wholesale mutilation of boys’ penises in the service of trans ideology.
Trump’s opponents will state unequivocally that the Hitlerian misogynistic transphobic Trumpenreich they’ve been warning about for years has finally come to pass, so don’t say they haven’t been warning you about it for years.
Exit polls, just like polls in general, are notoriously unreliable not only because they consist of people who are so lonely that they’ll actually engage with some random stranger who suddenly emerges from the ether to start grilling them—the respondents may also be lying out of malice or spite. People lie. It’s in their blood. Exit polls are flawed, but they’re all we have for the moment.
So what did those lonesome voters tell the pollsters?
NBC News, ABC, CBS and CNN are all part of a “consortium” that compiles polling data via Edison Research.
NBC News uses bar graphs from exit polling that show how multiple factors, whether immutable or ideological, influenced a voter’s choices. CNN uses graphs illustrating how different demographics switched their votes between 2016, 2020, and 2024.
Based on gender alone and ignoring all other differences, men (55%) voted for Trump and women (53%) for Harris.
Whites showed up as 71% of the electorate this time compared to 67% in 2020—impressive given that they are dwindling in numbers yearly. White men and women both leaned toward Trump—but men (60%) more so than women (53%). Support of Trump among white males stayed about the same as it was in 2020, whereas it slipped three points among women.
The only white age bracket to split evenly between Harris and Trump were those between 18 and 29; white voters 30 and over went for Trump by large margins. Among blacks, all ages went for the cackling mulatto woman by absurdly large margins.
The only racial group with ambiguous results were those anomalously defined as “Hispanic/Latino”—overall, they went for Harris (52%) over Trump (46%)—almost a tie. They were also the only ethnic cohort whose women voted blue (60%) while the men voted red (55%). Most significantly, they were the racial cohort with the wildest shift over the past three election cycles—from 2016 to 2024, Hispanic men lurched rightward by 43 points and Hispanic women by 22 points.
What to make of this Turning of the Bean? Is it because, as Republicans have been insisting for years, Hispanics are “natural conservatives”? If so, why did they vote so hard against Trump eight years ago? Oh, right—the thing about Mexico sending rapists and criminals. But this time he’s vowing to deport illegals.
Might the colossal shift have something to do with…the economy? According to the pollsters at Edison Research:
There is one group that exhibited a very dramatic change over the last election that accounts for some of the increases Trump achieved – Hispanic/Latino voters in general, and especially Latino men. While it will require more research to understand the change fully, it’s worth noting that 40% of Hispanic/Latino voters named the economy as their most important issue from a pick-list of five possibilities, nine points higher than the voting population overall.
Writing last Wednesday for The Independent, Eric Garcia says:
I’ve never felt entirely at home in the Democratic Party. Maybe because after I graduated from a prestigious university and moved to Washington, I realized that a lot of Democrats inside the political machine lived in a bubble disconnected from the needs of real people…. Survey after survey shows that Latinos vote more with their pocketbooks than on immigration.
When accounting for no other variable besides annual household income, very poor families (under $30,000) and ones making over $100,000 went for Harris, whereas the in-betweens went for Trump. A full 70% of respondents who said that the nation’s economy is “not so good or poor,” as well as 81% of those who said their family’s financial situation is worse today than it was four years ago, voted for Trump.
Despite being Bernie Sanders, Bernie Sanders nailed it when he posted on X the day after the election:
It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them.
While the Democratic leadership defends the status quo, the American people are angry and want change.
And they’re right.
I was surprised to see many left-leaning news outlets blame the Democrats’ elitism for Trump’s victory rather than Trump’s racism, sexism, xenophobia, etc.
“Democrats keep forgetting the working class,” writes Jamie Dettmer in Politico:
The former and now future U.S. president’s demagogue genius got him so far, but the Democrats offered him yet again the opening because they’ve increasingly lost touch with their traditional constituents: working class and lower-middle-income voters, who have very different preoccupations than those of most of the party’s leadership and activists…. The Democrats have consistently failed to understand the reasons for working-class disaffection — let alone find remedies to offer them….The cleavage between Democrats and the working class has long been in the making, stretching back to the late 1960s when Richard Nixon assembled a resentful populist coalition of working- and middle-class voters with a blue-collar strategy based, in his words, on “character and guts.”… Trump’s increasing strength among working-class voters and nonwhite Americans helped grow his share of the vote almost everywhere.
Nixonian populist resentment was echoed in 1968 when the great George Wallace maligned “pointy-headed professors who can’t even park a bicycle straight” and opined that “Any truck driver’d know right off what to do at the scene of an accident, but you take a college professor, he’d just stand around lookin’ and gettin’ sick.” Wallace wound up winning five states in the general election.
An article in The Guardian titled “‘They say Democrats look down on me’: Trump win spurred by populist backlash” alleges that the snobby left became deaf to real-life economic woes because it became too consumed with flexing its authoritarian personality:
In the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, millions felt a distrust of authorities that ordered them to wear masks, close schools and go into lockdown. They felt frustrated by post-pandemic inflation that pushed up the prices of groceries and petrol. They felt they would never be able to buy a house, that the American dream was slipping away. They were looking for someone to blame – and for a champion who could fix it. …
[Trump’s] sense of grievance struck a chord with people who feel left behind and sneered at as “deplorables” or “garbage” by Democratic leaders, journalists and Hollywood celebrities…. They have come to be seen as the party of the highly educated who earn more than $100,000 a year and live in big cities such as New York and Washington.
Allentown, PA is a rusted-out former factory town immortalized in a corny Billy Joel song recorded in the 1980s when Allentown was over 90% white. This was back around when Bruce Springsteen was bemoaning deindustrialization in songs such as “My Hometown.” Over the years, Springsteen has seriously lost the plot, just as it seems the left has lost the working class. Allentown is now majority-Hispanic.
A post-election BBC article about “Trump’s working-class coalition” says:
Donald Trump has soared to a decisive election victory over Kamala Harris, lifted up by some of the very voters that Democrats once relied on[…]
In his victory speech in Florida, Trump – who is set to win the popular vote too – credited the result to “the biggest, the broadest, the most unified coalition” in American history.
“They came from all quarters. Union, non-union, African American, Hispanic American,” he told a roaring crowd. “We had everybody, and it was beautiful.”
Did they cut out the part where he mentioned whites, or did he leave them out again? The article continues:
In Pennsylvania, the prized battleground state, Trump benefited from a huge swell of support from the state’s growing Latino population.
“It’s simple, really. We liked the way things were four years ago,” said Samuel Negron, a Pennsylvania state constable and member of the large Puerto Rican community in the city of Allentown. …
“Out here, you pay $5 for a dozen eggs. It used to be $1, or even 99 cents,” Mr Negron added. “A lot of us have woken up, in my opinion, from Democratic lies that things have been better. We realised things were better then.”
When I saw Trump speak in Atlanta in early 2016, he didn’t say a word about white people. His focus was economic nationalism. He’s racially irreverent in endearing ways. He has also taken great pains to distance himself from ever addressing white people as an interest group.
What does Donald Trump’s historic electoral triumph have to do with white nationalism? In explicit, overt, and undeniable terms, hardly anything.
What does it have to do with the price of tea in China? Probably not a lot, either.
But it might have a little to do with the price of eggs in Allentown.
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Yup, he’s not our guy. I liken America to that weird submarine that guy built that imploded a few years back.
It’s like a “country” that has either a novel construction or uses novel materials that are talked about more as a novelty than as something that can hold up a submarine. But no one is allowed to say that the new building materials are doubtful or they are called evil.
Leaks are springing all over the place but no one will call it out.
Except of course us raysiss’s
Although Trump never mentions whites, and is clearly not a white advocate, sometimes actions speak louder than words. His appointment today of Tom Homan as Border Czar is definitely a pro-white move, Homan is good as one can be on the border in Washington (he stops short of a moat with alligators and piranha, which would be my first move). It would appear Trump is not lying about his plans to deport.
On the other hand, Trump’s appointment of Elise Stefanik to the UN post also speaks very loudly. It says “Israel First!”
DAIN (Deport All Illegals Now).
Hold POTUS 47 feet to the fire.
Mass deportation will provoke massive resistance, especially, like last time, using Democrat judges to gum up the works. But his choice of Tom Homan shows that he is willing to try.
“Mass deportation will provoke massive resistance,”. Not mass but all. The “massive resistance” is welcome as Whites need to decide if they want their homeland back.
Democrat traitor obstructionism will be a real problem, but one that easily can be overcome via Congressional legislation limiting or eliminating all their lawfare byways. Trump must lean on Congress for this.
Note: I’m not confident that Trump will be very good for any aspect of our cause. But he mostly won’t be an affirmative menace to us, either, as Kamala would have been.
The single most absurd aspect of the election may have been the Democrats claiming Trump was a “Threat to Democracy”. At the same time they put forward a candidate who skipped the 2024 primaries and was not chosen by the electorate. She was appointed the candidate by the elites. And it wasn’t the first time. Biden vowed to pick a black woman VP candidate, even after Harris called him racist in the 2020 primaries… amazing how that word works. Democracy in action… perhaps inaction would be more appropriate.
DC voted over 90% for Harris. It preaches at the altar of diversity but stores its black people on the other side of the Anacostia river. Philadelphia and St. Louis used their rivers to do the same, but at least had the dignity to allow those black cities to govern themselves as Camden and East St. Louis, respectively.
A sizable number of Hispanics are for immigration restrictions. In this Pew survey, a more popular idea is amnesty for those already here. The less popular idea is encouraging more immigration.
Well, by happy exception for once, your column title The Worst Week Yet is inaccurate.
Moments to appreciate.
“Did they cut out the part where he mentioned whites, or did he leave them out again?”
A few days ago I saw a headline from a Jewish publication that said “Donald Trump thanked a ‘historic coalition’ for his election. He didn’t include Jews.” It went on to say Trump listed “Black voters, women, Hispanics, and Arab and Muslim Americans”. I could only reply, mostly to myself, “He didn’t thank white voters either, even though, unlike black voters, women, Hispanics, Arab and Muslim “Americans”, and Jews, we actually voted for the guy. So quit your kvetching already…”
Yes, if exit polls are to be believed, close to 85% of his votes came from White America. And about 57% of us voted for him. Yet he maintains the GOP’s virtual silence on us, The Race Which Dare Not Speak Its Name. And continues the regular flattering of non-Whites. Yet the most common slur hurled at him is “racist.” Everyone knows who his base is. It is the premier reason why he is hated.
I know of no other similar event in history where a leader refuses to recognize or hardly mentions the group on which his power entirely depends. Or any other group that would countenance such an insult. It is indicative, diagnostic actually, of the profound cultural illness we are living through.
Even if it is pragmatically necessary to reach out to non-Whites, I see less and less reason for this absolute embargo on mentioning us. I would love some day if he would just say, “It’s OK to be White.” Of course, our enemies would have apoplexy (fine), but it would be a culture-changing moment.
As a European, I am still wondering why the Democratic Party did not field a stronger candidate against Donald. My impression has always been that the Democratic Party has the entire liberal media establishment behind them. They could have fielded a TV personality like Opprah or charismatic elitists like governor Newsom or Cathy Hochshul. Why did they pick a clumsy midwit like Kamala? Was their obsession with DEI the only reason?
Perhaps they ran a patsy. Hard to see any current Democrat beat Trump in 2024, especially after the assassination attempts.
Mainly because she is the dimwit. Easily pliable to mold in their preferred image. They don’t want strong candidates. They want empty suits. Clearly pantsuits as well. They cut the legs off Sanders because he was dynamic in his own rumpled way. The question to those who voted for her: why?
Here’s my guess, as an American. When they realized Joe was actually senile and had to resign before Trump ate him alive again, how could he resign and then say, “And, oh, by the way, I am gonna throw my woman of color daughter of immigrants (here all bow heads and genuflect at the mention of the Holy Names) vice-president under the bus in an open convention” and not endorse her? It would be The White Male betraying dark-skinned wimminz. Unthinkable.
So yes, I think it is the racial/sexual victim hierarchy on which the Democrats have based their whole project for many years, metastasizing recently into DEI, that trapped them.
(Imagine an emoji here for a wide wide grin.)
Kathy Hochul is charismatic???!
You must be joking. Oprah? Newscum who destroyed my state and is nationally reviled? Hochul? Harris had the advantage of being completely opaque, with no convictions or thoughts or brains. But all of this is beside the point that she was installed illegitimately.
Just wanted to highlight the brilliance of “what a lingam-stimulating contrast”. Jim has the words down pat.
So far Trump has been making or signalling many good moves that only professional contrarians, punks, and compromisos could countersignal.
But like Father Murphy said, you will know them by their fruits, not their disclaimers.
The goal remains raising racial consciousness and organizing to promote our interests. Pointing out the obvious (Trump won’t say “white”, the cast of The View should be gassed, etc.) is not part of this program.
Another Trump term could retard progress towards racial consciousness and yet provide time and space for organization. Only time — and his ability to overmaster the security apparatus — will tell.
What would Machiavelli do?
Sieze the initiative and apply pressure to the tranny tar baby hung round the neck of the globalists.
Trump could do this by rescinding Biden’s first EO. But since he seems to lack a killer instinct, and would rather be loved than feared, this will fall to the trolls.
This target is both morally licit and politically expedient. It is the kind of target Alinsky would have picked, if he hadn’t been a subversive parasite. And so of course the cuck right won’t touch it.
But this might even get our guys out of their silos and working together towards something everyone should be able to agree on.
In which case, maybe ye will know the informants by the absence of fruits…
From what I’ve been told, in many prisons a White-Hispanic coalition keeps the peace and prevents blacks from reeking havoc. We’re probably at that stage of American history. Soon, very soon, we’ll be just another Latin American country. Intermarriage between Whites and Hispanics looks to have reached the same levels it reached between the Spanish and the Indios South of the Rio Grande. King of Spain wins.
As much as we grumble whether a US administration is going to say “White”, I’m not holding my breath. But investigations can be done to see if liberals, democrats, progressives in the US or abroad are saying White in a negative way.
Perhaps start with an investigation of how FEMA handled Hurricanes Milton and Heline, the latter called the “deadliest to strike the mainland US since Katrina in 2005”. Katrina was the topic of several movies and much politicizing, but these hit many Republican areas and received much less coverage.
The 2022-2026 FEMA strategic plan lists 3 goals:
Goal 1: Instill equity as a foundation of emergency management
Goal 2: Lead whole of community in climate resilience [sic]
Goal 3: Promote and sustain a ready FEMA and prepared nation
Wow, so the actual goal of emergency management is #3, behind DEI and climate change. I’m looking at my calendar right now to make sure it isn’t April Fools Day.
And then there is this story that somehow managed to be buried until after the election:
FEMA employee fired for telling workers to ignore homes of Trump supporters during hurricane relief efforts
Also at HBCU, Tuskegee University, someone converted a glock into a machine gun and lit up the homecoming festivities…. As they say in politics, there is much work to be done.
Republicans already seem poised to take the wrong lessons from this election. I imagine Susie Wiles and her ilk will probably be in for a shock when all those non-White swing voters go back to voting Dem once the economic outlook is less dire. Either that or the economic outlook continues to get worse and they go back to voting Dem to punish the GOP incumbents. Either way, it’s not a sustainable strategy. There is one demographic which does vote for them consistently, but it’s the one they dare not mention by name.
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