The mass deportations promised by Trump and Homan are off to a good start, but the numbers need to go way up. Both ICE and the Left have been publicizing them for different reasons, ICE to encourage people to leave, and the Left to mobilize their people. This has caused ICE to become victims of their own success. Because the subjective shadow cast by the deportations is bigger than the objective facts, many illegals are staying home. Multiple videos continue to pour in of empty stores and job sites, although some of these are probably fake.
In addition to proving our suspicions that the true number of illegals in much higher than officially claimed, this is also making it difficult for ICE because they can’t just barge into people’s homes or other private places on a whim. For arrests on private property, they must provide a name and articulate specific facts to a judge to establish probable cause for a judicial warrant. In contrast, it is much easier for ICE to arrest someone in public because they can use an administrative warrant from an ICE officer and don’t need to establish probable cause.
It was always a fact that a large chunk of mass deportations were going to be voluntary self-deportations. This was always part of the plan. But the threat of involuntary deportations is necessary to encourage voluntary deportations. Voluntary and involuntary deportations must not only continue, but increase in number.
The following four intertwined strategies should be used to increase deportations: seizing drivers license databases, enacting a federal version of Prop 187, transitioning from taxes to tariffs, and mass roundups of protestors who break the law.
Use Drivers Licenses for Illegals to Track them Down
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a database full of the names, faces, and addresses of illegal immigrants which we could use to establish probable cause for judicial warrants? The Left has actually done us a huge favor and provided us with precisely that. Nineteen states and Washington DC offer drivers licenses to people who “are unable to provide proof of legal presence in the United States” such as California’s AB 60 license. The only real reason why someone would opt for such a drivers’ license instead of a regular license is because he is illegal, so that should more than establish probable cause.
Not all illegal immigrants have such licenses because they aren’t exactly big on law and order. But since they became available in 2014, California has issued 1.2 million AB 60 licenses. That’s more than enough to jump start mass deportations. For reference, a June, 2024 Homeland Institute poll I conducted found that among white voters 67.9% of Republicans, 43.4% of Independents, and even 24.3% of Democrats would support prohibiting illegal immigrants from obtaining a driver’s license.
If ICE raided these databases, it is likely that a subversive judge would issue an injunction against using the data. Trump could then either litigate the issue and probably win at the Supreme Court, or use the nuclear option of ignoring the injunction. Trump could also initiate legal proceedings demanding that the states hand the data over. Another way to forestall an injunction may simply be to make the databases publicly available to everyone. Regardless of the outcome, simply taking action on illegal drivers licenses in one form or another would encourage some illegals to self-deport, because it would show that the administration is serious.
Enact a Federal Version of Proposition 187
In 1994, California voters enacted Prop 187 which would have denied non-emergency public services to illegals. However, a subversive judge, Mariana Pfaelzer, struck it down on the grounds that the federal government has exclusive jurisdiction over matters relating to immigration.
The Left can’t have it both ways. If the federal government has exclusive jurisdiction over matters relating to immigration, then a federal version of Prop 187 could deny not just federal services and benefits to illegal immigrants but also forbid state governments from providing non-emergency services to illegal immigrants, even if those services are entirely funded and provided for by the states. For reference, a November, 2024 Homeland Institute poll of white voters found that 73.1% of Republicans, 53.7% of Independents, and even 21.8% of Democrats would support a federal version of Prop 187.
With illegals staying at home instead of working, they will eventually run out of money. At that point, they would ideally self-deport. However, its more likely that blue states will further lavish them with welfare paid for by the predominantly white and Republican tax base. A federal Prop 187 (coupled with criminal charges for conspiracy to violate federal immigration laws) should be a priority to prevent liberals from doubling down on making us pay for our own replacement.
Aggressively Transition from Taxes to Tariffs
The Left is currently whining about how tariffs will raise the price of groceries. This is a feature, not a bug. Except for sneaking small items past customs, nobody can evade the effects of tariffs. In contrast, illegal immigrants are notorious for being paid under the table and not paying income taxes.
Currently, illegals can obtain free public services which they don’t pay for. By combining a federal version of Prop 187 with tariffs, illegals will pay for services they can’t access. Reversing these incentives would unleash a tidal wave of remigration.
Furthermore, the transition from taxes to tariffs, from globalism to autarky, and from illegal scab labor to honest white labor will be painful. Its best to embrace the pain of a Little Leap Forward now so that we can begin to reap the long-term benefits as soon as possible, preferably before the midterms or at least before the next presidential election.
Deport Illegal Aliens Who Protest
Protests have already begun, with invaders of both the legal and illegal variety along with their collaborators shutting down a busy freeway in California. Its likely that such protests will grow in size and intensity if the previous three policies are enacted. Despite an aggressive show of force, the Los Angeles Police Department unsurprisingly did not move in for mass arrests.
Ovid said “It is right to learn, even from the enemy.” The Left lured us into thinking that pro-white activists had the right to free speech before luring our people into a trap at Charlottesville. It may be wise to let these protests continue to lure the invaders into a false sense of security before kettling them when a large number of them cross the line from legal protest into “civil disobedience” a.k.a. breaking the law such as by shutting down a freeway or refusing to disburse after the Riot Act is read.
However, in politics as in war, one should not love manoeuvre for its own sake, and one should always seek to maintain the initiative. Playing 2d chess is fine, but not 5d chess. If ICE wishes to lure protesters into a trap, they should do so for the minimum amount of time before bringing the hammer down.
I don’t think it is necessary or advisable for our guys to infiltrate these protests to smear their optics, as a mysteriously undoxed man did at Charlottesville with his Nazi flag. Its high risk and low reward, especially with the language barrier. Besides, the current protesters have no understanding of optics and need no prodding to burn the American flag while waving the Mexican flag. All we need to do is record them as they make propaganda for us. There are already a number of tacky protest signs popping up which further clarify the Carl Schmittian friend-enemy distinction.
Under current law, ICE cannot arrest people merely for attending an immigration protest even if they can’t speak English. Thus, it is probably better to lull them into thinking they can break the law at protests without consequences. Of course, sovereign is he who decides upon the exception.
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Is heavily taxing or somehow interfering with remittances a viable option?
Having been active in the anti-immigration movement in California for decades, I endorse this article whole heartedly. Absolutely excellent. Keep up the good work.
Yes number need to rise and I believe they will. More important than dragging them out of their homes is destroying their ability to collect welfare, public benefits and to work here. Make it a crime to hire then and watch their numbers go down. They’re here for the money and nothing else and when the money spigot is cut off…many will self deport.
I think employers should be prosecuted as well. Alas there are many layers of political subversion to yank up and clean up before that could happen. But we work like ants – and this is praise from me. I respect ants. They NEVER give up.
Good point.
In 1986, the government mandated that all employers fill out the I-9 form to verify employee identity.
And because of potential liability issues, firms could not just have their low-tier Human Resources minions do this but actually officers of the corporation or deparment heads that could be held legally acccountable.
About ten years later, an E-Verify program came about to check the validity of these documents used for the I-9 form against various databases and flag any problems.
“All employers, by law, must complete Form I-9. E-Verify is closely linked to Form I-9, but participation in E-Verify is voluntary for most employers. After an employee is hired to work for pay, the employee and employer complete Form I-9. After an employee begins work for pay, the employer enters the information from Form I-9 into E-Verify. E-Verify then compares that information against millions of government records and returns a result.” (LINK ~ my emphasis)
But Chamber-of-Commerce Republicans were adamant that this was far too onerous for employers who should not be punished for their windfall of cheap labor derived from immigration fraud.
They dragged their feet hard, and one seldom hears about E-Verify nowadays. Lots of offending firms also claim to have used E-Verify when they are caught red-handed, so I wonder how viable the document-checking really is.
Yeah, there is no higher virtue than lower wages according to standard business practices and Chamber-of-Commerce Republicanism.
Sure, the fiscally-dour GOP didn’t like illegal aliens tapping into public resources like welfare, incarceration, education, etc., but they weren’t going to go after the golden goose by taking criminal actions against employers/donors.
Even Neocon John McCain when he was running for reelection as the U.S. Senator from Arizona, would stand in front of the border fence and shout for the cameras, “build the dang wall!”
Funny how immigration has been a top problem-issue for decades, but nobody can ever just “get ‘er done” short of Reagan’s Amnesty. Until Trump made it his signature issue, the pace of immigration reform has been glacial.
Hopefully Trump in his second go can unjam the ICE.
That’s crazy that only 67.9% of Republicans support prohibiting illegal immigrants from obtaining a driver’s license, what reason would the other third give for not enacting this obvious policy? :S
It’s also insane that they are even handed licenses in the first place, pure corruption.
>the numbers need to go way up
Way, way up.
To reach a measly 6 mil it would require over 4,000 humanitarian repatriations every day for the next four years.
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