People, have you ever asked yourselves: Is there a switch-out going on right in front of us? Now, you can take it any way you want to. But I’m asking the question: Is there a switch-out? You see, maybe the powers had to wet our whistle and, okay, we get Donald Trump up in there. But toward the end, there’s some special person in here allegedly in the mix. And y’all not see it coming. And he gone give him a whole lotta money, and he gonna be in, my friend. … Plenty movies, plenty articles, plenty books, sitcoms about, hey, keeping your friends close, your enemies closer, but sometimes you have that person who’s like an unannounced VP. That you, for some strange reason, don’t vet. And you let him close to you. You have no idea there’s a dagger coming.–Franchot Pearson
Given the fact that I’ve just worked my way through volumes of membership lists of Alsatian Freemasonic Lodges from the early 1900s for a research project – and yes, if you’re wondering, Jews were overrepresented – it seems appropriate to indulge in a little bit of conspiracy theory.
YouTube recently recommended a video to me. An astrologer had made a chart for Elon Musk. Not that he was the first to do so; it seems everybody and their mother are doing charts or Tarot readings, channeling the spirits, or getting visions from God about the guy. That in itself doesn’t bother me so much. In fact, I enjoy watching it. My problems are the wildly differing conclusions, or, more precisely, the interpretation that German-speaking creators in particular give their findings.
While the “based Elon” narrative has come to an abrupt halt in the USA ever since the H-1B debacle, this news still hasn’t filtered through to Germany, it seems. To the mainstream media, he, as an ally of Trump, is still the enemy. No surprise there. But it’s the right-wing crowd that worries me quite a bit. It started out with the euphoria of X as a “free speech” platform, but it has reached epic proportions since Elon Musk began endorsing the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). I don’t mind him doing that, not at all. It gives a much-needed boost to a maligned nationalist movement. But therein also lies a problem. Said nationalist movement has become so used to being attacked, de-platformed, vilified, that the endorsement by a high-profile person like Elon Musk immediately elevates him to hero, if not savior status.
In a strange echo of the biased mainstream press, the right-wing “alternative” media now keep mum about anything that might damage that narrative – hence the noticeable silence about Musk’s stance on H-1B visas or the ongoing censorship at X. I understand their reasons, and I can sympathize, but that is no way to go forward.
Elon Musk seems to be aiming at becoming a modern-day kingmaker. In addition to the AfD, he is supporting Reform and just now has gotten busy in Poland. Apparently, he’s also getting along well with Italy’s Giorgia Meloni.
May I ask the question: what is Elon’s game here? I’d love to believe in his good and pure intentions, but his actions are ambiguous, to say the least. He may be a radical at times (anyone who calls for the removal of Republicans who happen to disagree with him from the party “root and stem” certainly deserves that label), but he’s not a nationalist, so why is he backing those right-wing parties and candidates all of a sudden? Is it about the potential ban of X in the European Union? Is it about market shares? Investments? Is it as base a reason as that?
MEGA (Make Europe Great Again), as I have written before, is incompatible – at least for the time being – with President Trump’s vision for the USA. The last thing Trump wants and needs is a strong Europe, especially in terms of economics. So what exactly is going on? Is Musk working against Trump? Is he working for him insofar that nationalist governments might invest in their military and would thus allow US forces to withdraw from Europe, as Trump demands?
Is it about weakening or even abolishing the EU through those parties that already favor an exit from the organization? Which, of course, would make Europe less of a cohesive block and thus easier to deal with. Divide and conquer. Whether it’s for economic or political reasons doesn’t really matter.
Then there is the fact that the ADL – for crying out loud! – protected Elon Musk after he gave what is now being called the “Elon salute”, instead of demanding his head. Is there some connection between the organized Jewish community coming after him not so very long ago, his ritual humiliation, and his sudden support for Trump? Was the latter a part of some deal that was struck in order to get ADL & Co. off his back? Or are we in a real-life Game of Thrones scenario where Musk plots his revenge through long-term strategy? (That would be worth watching, I admit.)
Elon Musk, a champion for healthy nationalism? Musk has already betrayed MAGA. I predict he won’t hesitate to do the same with AfD, Reform, and whoever else he is supporting at the moment.
You don’t have to go to the lengths the above quoted Franchot Pearson does – for some truly batshit crazy stuff, go watch his channel, especially his interview with a lady who claims to have been Elon Musk’s babysitter. (Omenesque happenings ensued! Hey, Elon, if you really want to go to Mars, why not just open a portal? Much more cost-effective.) But I think it’s legitimate to ask questions about Musk’s motives and plans.
Sometimes I look at people – it’s not always like that – but sometimes I look at people and I almost feel like I can see their character. … [This] Elon Musk, that’s a guy – boy, I’d be really scared of him.-
-The “Stuttgarter”, a contemporary German seer. (No, that’s not his name, and no, he’s not Jewish. But he is right-wing, which makes him a pleasant exception to the rule of Musk-worshippers.)
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Musk certainly does make life more interesting, but I appreciate how robustly and quickly right-wing American Twitter turned on him after the H1-B thing. It’s a healthy and refreshing lack of sycophant…ism…
On the whole he’s doing good things, but I hope we can hold him to the straight and narrow path.
I really want to like him and believe that, overall, he’s doing more good than harm. I just can’t ignore several red flags – hence my many questions. And the hero-worship I’m currently seeing in Germany is unsettling. (The German soul, I guess: It’s always all or nothing.)
If I am wrong with my suspicions, I will publicly apologize to him. (If I can remember my X log-in, that is.) That’s a promise. You can hold me to it. 🙂
Well, they could both be true. “More good than harm” doesn’t mean there aren’t significant problems. That said, your article brought up several Europe-centered questions that hadn’t even crossed my mind, given my parochial American perspective, so it’s entirely possible that he’s doing more harm than good the Old World. He’s not running a DOGE for Europe, for example!
Even on our side, there are clear downsides, like the H-1B thing, which he seems to have persuaded Trump to support (when he acted against it the first time around). Like Trump, Musk seems to be an agent of chaos whose primary value lies in disrupting the uniparty consensus, which had locked the public out of any influence on and even knowledge of many aspects of what exactly our government is doing, like what exactly USAID has been up to, some of which is coming to light and being shut down thanks to the DOGE.
I fully expect that the Deep State will mostly survive Musk and Trump, but it’s being wounded, and sunlight is shining into places it hasn’t shone in decades.
>YouTube recently recommended a video to me. An astrologer had made a chart for Elon Musk. Not that he was the first to do so; it seems everybody and their mother are doing charts or Tarot readings, channeling the spirits, or getting visions from God about the guy. That in itself doesn’t bother me so much. In fact, I enjoy watching it.
Most paranormal researchers view channeling spirits as an *extremely* bad idea. Joe Fisher, Joel Whitton, William Baldwin, Robert Bruce, Carl Wickland, and many others have all warned against it.
The general belief is that the only spirits that attach to the living are those of eartbound entities – who are typically either addicted to earthly life, mentally ill, narcissistic, or unhinged. Such entities are known as pretas in Dharmic religions and can be thought of as being similar to astral parasites. They will masquerade as anything from angels to famous kings to demons. They’re responsible for many contradictory past life claims, visions, and other such phenomenon.
I’m not saying that people reading this have to believe in a spiritual plane of existence, just pointing out that if someone is interested in this then its best to read the experiences of those who have researched it. These men all eventually come to the conclusion that something paranormal is happening (in some cases) but that no useful information is ever gathered.
If one believes in these things, then the fact that so many New Agers promote a form of hyper-tolerant Leftism is also only natural as the parasitic entity’s main goal is to lower natural barriers and maintain its connection to the living host (who acts as its battery). Ideologies that reinforce psychological co-dependence are therefore preferred. These cases also typically involve either A) Explicit permission given by the host, such as allowing channeling B) Severe emotional wounds weakening the host’s ‘energy field.’
I always assumed that all of this stuff was nonsense until I met a girl who had dabbled in the paranormal for years. There were many odd things that happened around her, but she unfortunately never seemed to realize that it was her own behavior that allowed the phenomenon to continue.
I happen to agree. Still, I find it interesting to hear what messages are coming through, whether those are real or mostly come from the person’s imagination.
Is this a serious comment? What is “channeling” spirits?
I’m not being smarmy. I’m a genuine agnostic, open to but not credulous about unexplained phenomena. I would like to return to the Christian faith of my parents, who certainly did not believe in ‘spirits’, unless it be the third person of the Trinity (Holy Spirit). The Old Faith was wonderful inoculation against ‘spiritualism’ in all its silly and obscene varieties.
Channeling is when a person enters a trance as part of an effort to allow to allow a spirit to speak through them. Joe Fisher wrote a book detailing his research on it. He argued that many channelers were scam artists but that some could generate information they had no logical reason to know (the others I mentioned documented similar cases).
I would like to return to the Christian faith of my parents, who certainly did not believe in ‘spirits’, unless it be the third person of the Trinity (Holy Spirit). The Old Faith was wonderful inoculation against ‘spiritualism’ in all its silly and obscene varieties.
To be honest, I think that believing in spirits, in the way that Fisher did, is far less of a stretch than believing that God incarnated as a human man, born to a virgin, and that refusing to believe in this man will result in eternal residence in Hell.
That’s a deep post. Thanks!
One thing I would like to add is that drugs play an important role in opening “gateways” and “messing up energies” (if this expression be allowed) and we know just how massively irresponsible the left-of-center have generally been in that regard since the days of “Drop Acid not Bombs”.
When I look at history, I see the 1950s Beatniks being junkies followed by the 1960s acidheads of the Counter Culture, followed by the mainstreaming of drugs, punk rock excesses and stoner culture, followed by 2020-era Antifas looking like demon-possessed methheads on mugshots.
I seriously wonder – regardless what one thinks of the spiritual dimension of drug abuse – how much of the Far Left today would still exist in recognizeable form if it weren’t for weed, LSD and shrooms – and the ensuing jumbled thought processes and paranoia!
Thanks, I agree about drugs. It’s unfortunate that pop culture / Hollywood glamorized the use of them.
Sincerely I don’t really trust Clarissa research and conclusions about geopolitics since i remember unfortunately that she was pushing maybe knowingly or unknowingly literall fsb disinfo “intelligence reports ” about the WEST occupying Ukraine and making excuses for putin. Elon is the single White billionaire on the planet who openly warned about the genocide of White people in SA and allowed freedom of speech (not for groypers thanks God) on Twitter. That’s enough for me to respect him
Not to be an apologist for Russia, but don’t deny/belittle American imperialism.
I know arguing about this is a waste of time, since everybody has strong opinions on this matter; so I’ll only say this once, and then I’m gone. If you look at what I actually wrote, it was that NATO and, through it, US interests were not innocent in this war, for which there is ample evidence. I do not believe Putin is the good guy. I don’t believe said US interests are the good guys, either. Wars are never black and white. The Ukrainian people are simply caught in the middle, which is a tragedy and a crime, in my eyes at least.
That being said, I find it somewhat bizarre that some White Nationalists still keep defending Zelensky, the corrupt Jew who refuses to hold elections unless the West pays him to do so, and who just “lost” – what was it? – about 100 billions dollars in US aid.
My views are very similar, I’ve noticed that people often take one side or the other (Putin vs Zelensky / Russia vs the West) and don’t see that both sides have severe issues.
Addendum: Two articles from JNS for your consideration. I only found them after submitting this essay:
The devastating but ambiguous Musk effect
(“Oh, if only he would work his magic for the benefit of Israel!”)
Why Trump-haters need to believe that Elon is a Nazi
(So… they protect him to protect Trump? I thought Trump would be able to survive such a hit. But maybe those in the know have better insight into how established or not his power really is.)
On the eve of imperial restructuring in Europe Musk is likely running his own little psychological war to rattle the EU elites that try to (pathetically) re-assert themselves. To this end he’s giving away cheap endorsements to any politicians that have some kind of spat or became known for bickering with the EU establishment. It won’t hurt if they become indebted to him.
Tarczyński in Poland is just a minor political celebrity who became more known in the US thanks to his more unfiltered language on (illegal) emigration. That doesn’t prevent him from hugging Pakistani (legal) migrants in Poland and waxing over their assimilation prospects. Just another happy comprador for the Yankee Empire.
I just find elon to be an embarrassing goof and that musk salute was as sloppily done as disheveled dei military shuffle marches. I think the adl might’ve approved it as a headscratcher WTF gesture to reel the goylings into a ‘musk is based’ moment.
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