No one ever became wicked suddenly.
Donald Trump’s return to the White House, four years after the collapse of his 2017-2021 Presidency and 2020 loss to Joe Biden, has to be one of the most astonishing political resurrections in American political history. Half of the country still appears to be in shock.
How did this happen? Racial politics made it happen, and the distinctively American feature of twenty-first century “racial politics” can be summed up with two African words – “Barack Obama.”Think about it. The year was 2004. An unknown, 43-year-old Illinois state senator gave a twenty-minute speech at the 2004 National Democratic Convention that catapulted him to national attention. Four years and three months later he was President-Elect of the United States having defeated the powerful Clinton machine for the Democrat nomination and easily dispatching the well-known, “war hero”-Senator, John McCain, in the general election. The furor, the maidens swooning at his rallies, the cult-of-personality, the fawning mainstream media coverage that swirled around him in 2008 and lifted him above mere mortals and into the Oval Office, all of these, stemmed from one and one thing only – he was black.
Those who had not caught the contagion knew this, of course. But about black Americans, “permission” granted to whites to speak frankly about them is, shall we say, very limited, and without it, the penalties for violation can be very severe. One no less than the first woman Vice Presidential candidate (1984) Geraldine Ferraro was unceremoniously cast out of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 primary-planning inner sanctum for stating what was painfully obvious to many of us – without permission.
From NPR:
[T]alking to NBC about the Obama campaign, which questioned a statement she made. [Geraldine] Ferraro said this week that Barack Obama would not be where he is today if he were white.
The doctrine of “the superior virtue of the oppressed” (SVO), the moral foundation of Karl Marx’s “class struggle” philosophy of history had, post WWII, been insinuating its way deep into the way Americans were coming to think about their country’s racial history. That way of thinking was a key element in “the Long March through the Institutions,” a phrase coined by Italian, communist, Antonio Gramsci and promulgated by West German student radical, Rudi Dutschke in the 1960s.
By the early 2000s “the Long March” through American institutions had been long underway.
White America had been primed by the 1960s cultural revolution, the civil rights movement and the major opinion shaping institutions with the SVO doctrine. White guilt was sufficiently high as to make possible the political ascent to the highest office by a black man who would help America atone for its original sin of “racism.” Of course, since white people were lacking in SVO (in fact, they were the cause of the ‘O’), only a black man would do. Geraldine perhaps understood what was going on.
Yes, only a black man would do. But for white America to jump on board it had to be the right kind of black man, not the angry, black radical type of the 1960s like Eldridge Cleaver or a hectoring shyster like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson of the 1990s.
Barack Obama was the right kind of black man at the right time. At the beginning of his quest for the Presidency, Obama knew that Jewish Hollywood and white lefties (wild enthusiasts of the SVO doctrine) would be smitten with him. However, he needed to pitch his act to those “white folks,” in the middle who would like to take a chance with a black man who wasn’t too black – wholesome, sophisticated, well-spoken, family man, Harvard graduate – who would, as no white person could do, bring racial healing to America. Finally, white America could be free of the guilt of racism. How do you spell “relief”? “O-b-a-m-a.”
Obama’s 2004 speech to the DNC convention was a setup, white America was the mark.
Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America – there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.
Reading the entirety of this speech given twenty years ago, one cannot but be deeply impressed by the utter cynicism and the cunning behind the drafting of it – probably with help from David Axelrod. To get elected Obama needed to convince white Americans that race relations could be fixed without punishing them, which meant dissimulating the emotionally charged racial resentment that fueled his Marxist-tinged, black radicalism. The ample evidence of it from his autobiography and his long, association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright were ignored by the mainstream media. Obama knew what “white buttons” to push, and the speech was wildly successful.
With his election to the U.S. Senate in the Fall of 2004 he began planning his run for the Presidency in 2008 and polishing his Wunder-black, race-healer image. The charmless harridan, Hillary Clinton, discovered to her sorrow in the 2008 primary that young, black and rock-star billing trumped old, dumpy and been-there-done-that feminism. “First black President” had way more clout with the SVO votaries than “first woman…” With the soulless Hillary shoved out of the way, America was finally ready for its black savior. Feckless Republican, John McCain was just a road bump.
Here then to consider, if you will, is a “chain of events,” (2008-2024) in which, with each link of the chain, racial politics would come to play a central role and change for the worse in the next link. The virulent racial politics that now plagues twenty-first century America is a race to the bottom. It was set in motion and perpetuated by Obama.
- (2008-2012) Obama the “race healer”
Euphoria swept over the country with outcome of the 2008 Presidential election. White America had elected a black man who would preside over the longed-for racial atonement. He was likened to JFK in charm and intellect and to FDR in political acumen. Such were the expectations for this colossus of Hope and Change that the Norwegians awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after his inauguration. What actual “peace” he had achieved anywhere was a mystery. But being a black American President made him an object of unquestionable adoration, so no honor was too great to withhold.
- (2013-2016) “Racism in our DNA,” Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, BLM creation
With Obama reelected for his second term, white America, discovered that the, “There’s not a black America and white America … there’s the United States of America” was a bait and switch; the 2004 “we’re all in it together” shtick was ancient, forgotten history. There was in fact a “white America” that held a monopoly on the American promise, “white privilege,” as it was called, and the “racism,” that enforced that monopoly was, as the President put it, “in our DNA.” By “our DNA” he meant white DNA. And, he took pains to point out: “We’re not cured of it. Racism we are not cured of, clearly.” Clearly, the “race healer” act was Obama’s opening dog and pony show to fool white people until he and Michelle would park the Black Resentment Express in the White House Garage. When he left office in 2017, white America was still on the hook for “racism,” with the “cure” sometime in the far future, administered exclusively by blacks who alone would get to say when and if it was working. In the meantime, let’s break out a rousing chorus of “We Shall Overcome.”
- (2016 election) “Racist” Presidential Candidate DT
With the 2016 election some white Americans had figured out that Obama was a fraud, a race-grievance man like Al Sharpton, just more sophisticated, less slimy. His tapped successor, Hillary Clinton was stupid enough to be upfront with the ruling class’s contempt for the conservative “racist” white Americans who supported Trump, calling them “deplorable” and ‘irredeemable.”
Donald Trump was the Presidential candidate that represented white voters’ “Obama buyer’s remorse,” which put him in the pantheon of the “racist” Gods, joining Hitler and Associates. He has remained there ever since.
- (2017-2020) “Racist” President, DT, Charlottesville, BLM surges, George Floyd riots
The “racist” candidate was now the “racist” President and the full fury of the American establishment – MSM, Republican party, Inc., academia, Hollywood – was unleashed upon him and continued unabated throughout the four years of his Presidency. First, there was Charlottesville, the BLM was surging, and finally, the riots and anarchy following George Floyd’s untimely demise.
Former President Obama cleared out the Democrat 2020 Primary field for the decrepit Joe Biden who announced that he was running for Presidency because of what he saw at Charlottesville.
- (2021-2025) Joe Biden’s four year reign of racial revenge on white America
Biden would continue Obama’s racial revenge project, this time openly and flagrantly, confining appointments for high level position exclusively to black women (Vice President, Supreme Court, etc.), opening the borders to continue the regime’s plan for white replacement and announcing “white supremacy” as the greatest threat to American democracy.
(2024 election) “Racist” President DT decisively defeats black Kamala Harris
With the approach of the 2024 Presidential election, Joe Biden’s dementia and the incompetence of his flunkies, who were blowing away the debt ceiling, tanking the economy and taking us to precipice of WWIII, had badly shaken the confidence of the electorate. He had to go. To continue the program of racial revenge, Biden’s affirmative action VP stooge was hastily press-ganged into the role of his replacement with backroom machinations by Obama. The hope was that she would be the “female Obama.” Once again white voters would be snookered, this time to put the first black woman in the White House.
But alas, Barack’s black “magic” was “non-transferable,” and anyway had long since faded. The “female Barack Obama” was a bust: talentless, clueless, mindless, verbally handicapped and intensely dislikable, even her own party stalwarts could only manage a half-assed job of pretending she was capable and competent. On the campaign trail she was a one-trick pony – “Trump is Hitler.” Hitler-fatigue had set in, however. Making it worse, and quite confusing, was that Joe Biden’s good buddy, the Boss Man in the land of the Chosen People, was said by a lot of people to be doing a first-rate imitation of the original Der Führer over yonder in Gaza. Keeping track of the “Hitlers” was becoming a challenge.
Donald Trump is back, and white Americans can take some consolation and hope from his defeat of the odious Kamala Harris.
The Democrats continue down the path set by Barack Obama sixteen years ago.
During the Democratic National Committee’s [post-2024 election meeting] final chair candidate forum in DC, every single candidate to take over the chair agreed that Kamala Harris lost the election to Donald Trump because of “racism and misogyny.”
What then to make of Obama, the man, twenty-years after he stepped onto the national stage with his signature racial politics? One word, I believe, captures the man and his career – “fake.” His early two books, about his favorite subject, himself – fake, most likely ghost-written. “Constitutional scholar” – fake. As student editor of the Harvard Law Review, he never published a single article; as a law professor, published nothing. “Race healing” was fake. Hope and Change was smoke and mirrors. Even his sexuality is in question. Rumors now swirl around his being “gay” and the possibilities of a divorce from Michelle.
Like his predecessors, Jackson and Sharpton, Obama was a race-hustler. Unlike them, he was far more accomplished. His self-promotional skills were of the highest order. The black savior turned black into green: he got rich beyond his wildest dreams and now flits back and forth between his many mansions. The man from wherever it was he was supposed to be from – Hawaii, Indonesia. Chicago, Kenya – poisoned American politics in a unique and lasting way.
If Heaven had looked upon riches to be a valuable thing, it would not have given them to such a scoundrel.
–Jonathan Swift
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I think you have the makings of a series that amounts to an exposee. Obama doesn’t get anywhere without a massive amount of enablement. Vast sums of money are required to get to the Senate and then to the presidency. This requires an extensive network of extremely powerful people with access to huge sums of money. Moreover, his book about his father’s dreams did not hide his anti-White animus. It was quite overt. Then when the mask came off with Trayvon Martin the revolution got into full swing. This is not something that a puppet and ceremonial personage can pull off on his own.
Who funded him in Illinois? We know that his right hand man at least in his first term was Rahm Emmanuel. Of course that ties him directly to Pritzker. Then there is the military and bureaucracy purge. For the military, John Goldfein was a long time advocate for the ethnic cleansing of White men from the military. Obama started this project the minute he got in to office.
It seems that Reconstruction 2.0, should we succeed in making Americans understand that this is what this was on steroids, gave all of America a taste of the real agenda of the leaders of blacks in America. It is South Africa. It is Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. It is the apex of Reconstruction 1.0. It is important that the people far more powerful than Obama lifted him to prominence, ignored his past, ignored his present, and massively funded a violent racial revolution in 2020 and viciously squeezed Americans and America by the throat for four years.
Another thread to pull at is why Americans feel the need to apologize for something that they didn’t do, and why so many are so spiritually broken that only a black person can tell them they have atoned. Only a fool would put themselves in that position. If we are spiritually healthy 1965 – 20?? cannot happen to Americans.
Finally, as you say there are no signs of this abating. The once wolf by the ear smelled weakness and has now tasted blood. Moreover, many have been bitten. Can the genie be put back in the bottle? I doubt it.
Nice article. A full exposee would make for an interesting read and good material to send to people who might learn from this.
A lot of dark money? You’re making the same point I once made about J.D. Vance. One doesn’t get a book, then a movie, then a quick stint a a U.S. Senator from Ohio and of course his place now as the Vice President without some powerful people behind him. He is obviously going to be the republican candidate in 2028. What motivates his backers? We’ll find out.
Even Vance’s career in VC is astro-turfed. Before his Senate campaign that firm and its track record was garbage. It was the equivalent of a University of Phoenix degree – at best. During it, it got an upgrade. Now it is, like Obama’s racial hatred, nothing to see. Interesting that even the Left did not dig around in there. Just like nobody has punished Vivek not just for the H1B scandal, but just as big of a scandal, which is how he made his fortune. Now Vivek will take the Ohio Senate seat and there will not be a single word about that massive pharma company fraud. Maybe the Dems will make something of it.
Aduril just announced a massive Ohio factory that is going to be next to a massive Intel factory. If Springfield is not reverse ethnically cleansed, and more Haitians and third worlders work those factories, we can piece together our answer. It might also tell us a lot about the opportunism or even double dealing that took place in ’20.
In all liklihood, the coming war, (cold War, Oceanic war ???), with China is going to work out as poorly for Us and as well for “We”, as the Cold War and the GWOT did. Still, we must not despair. We have to sharpen our elbows and force our way in to every single opportunity to strengthen ourselves, our families, our greater people and our long term prospects and cause.
It’s actually Jon Husted , the Lt. governor that RINO governor DeWine appointed to senate. Vivek plans to run for governor. I’m going to write in Stephen Paul Foster in that election.
From what I’ve read about the Intel chip factory is that plans have been put on hold because they couldn’t meet diversity requirements. So it’s wait and see.
Jon Husted will be a reliable Republican Inc. and sign up for AIPAC money. From my neck in the woods, he’s never held a real job, as contemptible and worthless as DeWine, but unfortunately, much younger.
I realized that the America I grew up in was dead and gone when a 70% White electorate put this creature into the White House for a second time. Even after seeing him in action, enough of our people voted for someone who clearly loathes us.
Our only future is a White ethnostate, an America 2.0, carved out of the expired body.
Trump can give us space and time, but the demographics doom the old USA.
I’ve heard rumors that he was one of 50 people groomed for political roles by Soros. (The WEF does the same thing, but openly.) Other than that, there’s just so much about Obama that remains a mystery – the birthplace controversy, the Frank Marshall Davis thing, what he was doing in college, what he was doing on that trip to Pakistan, etc. All those topics could make for a big monologue. When he got elected in 2008, the public knew him less than they knew any other President in the past.
He was a real dark horse.
Yes. There is also his cozy relationship with Andre Carson – a Muslim congressman who is rumored to have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. The list of absurdities about the entirety of the GAE’s ever more incoherent ruling class seems endless.
A terrible thing about democracy is that in the end Obama and Biden get named and get blamed. How many know Mayorkas’ name and role and affiliations? The circus rolls along and the fleas hop in and out of the tent.
Great article. I was shocked the night they installed the obviously homosexual Barry Soetoro into the White House. My European relatives couldn’t wait to call and make fun of the “new” America. Look at the cost of your healhcare now, thanks to that empty suit. He was owned outright by the insurance industry and used to control blacks. They made a lot of money off him. But they almost killed the golden goose when they installed Biden.
The ONLY presidential candidate that could have of saved the old America, would have been, Gov. George C.Wallace! Besides our patriotic organizations (ie. C-Currents), America is doomed…yes? No?..goodbye?
Did anyone else notice the shoddy work being done at the Obama presidential library? One of the usual suspects. A lot of cracks in the walls.
It’d be funny if there were constant chirps from faulty smoke detectors and actual crack hidden within the cracks but marion would’ve stolen it by now.
But about black Americans, “permission” granted to whites to speak frankly about them is, shall we say, very limited, and without it, the penalties for violation can be very severe.
In his 1991 book, The Content of Our Character, half-Black writer Shelby Steele outlined the racial deal we’ve lived under since at least the 60’s.
In order to be granted absolution from them for our racism, Whites grant Blacks “license and deference”. We can’t criticize their behavior, with the possible exception of when we blame ourselves for it (eg Black family collapse due to the legacy of slavery) and in matters of race, they are the unquestioned experts and oracles, ourselves the penitent students.
Of course we have discovered that absolution was conditional at best and in the end, impossible, since we have been revealed to be evil by nature. Most of us are still bound, though, to keep our end of this fool’s bargain.
Some of us have realized that if we are to be condemned no matter what, well, the hell with the bargain. Time for the truth about them.
Among those of the liberal persuasion there has always been a search for a messianic figure to lead them to the promised land of equality. It may be a rabble rouser like MLK, a convicted terrorist like Nelson Mandela, or a career criminal like George Floyd.
The actual policies of any of these figures are really besides the point. It’s what liberals believe they are going to do. There is a quasi-religious aspect which goes beyond ideology. This goes back to the Millenarianist and Transcendentalist movements of the 19th century, bringing about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. And if one messiah does not deliver the goods, well, some new figure will come along. Barack Obama is within this lineage.
Something which is rarely considered is that perhaps certain groups are “oppressed” for good reason. Because if you let those groups run free they will destroy your civilization. Check of proof: South Africa since apartheid was abolished.
Since smug libroid mutants always need black man approval to sanction anything racially daring, what would they say to the South African blacks (albeit a minority) who want apartheid and baasskap back to ensure a social order? They’d probably call them the black face of ‘White supremacy’ and here we go again. When White victory is assured, close down 90% of the universities and convert them to Broadmoor-Arkhams for bewildered mattoids.
Something which is rarely considered is that perhaps certain groups are “oppressed” for good reason.
Yes. The behavior of all the oppressed and marginalized groups, once emancipated, has revealed in stark relief why they were oppressed and marginalized in the first place.
Chesterton’s Fence.
What’s with the droopy jowl Tatsu-puss face on obama? ‘Community organizer’ always sounded to me like handing out free lunches to the homeless downtrodden, distributing books to yoof, and paintball as substitute for gang shootings. It’s a fraud term raceless Whites eat up, like ‘activist’ or ‘journalist’ to believe in the lie of self-declared legitimate expertise by quacks. At least obama wasn’t seen on camera holding out a chair to his master netanyahoo in the most sickening goyslave display. How about trump fellate the boss and wipe his ass as well? Nothing says ‘america first’ like being a buckbroken toady bitch to jewish terrorists.
Strong stuff, Uncle Semantic! But, yes — yes, indeed, on all points.
“Obama was a race-hustler;” “a fraud.” That sums the half-White mongrel up. Thanks.
Uncle Semantic: February 5, 2025 … ‘Community organizer’ always sounded to me like handing out free lunches to the homeless downtrodden, distributing books to yoof, and paintball as substitute for gang shootings. It’s a fraud term raceless Whites eat up…
I’m no raceless White, nor are my associates. We’re organizers of an exclusive White community, so was pleased to see that term popularized by the HNIC.
Previously, when asked by someone, “What do you do?” I might answer, “I’m an artist,” or “retired,” or “none of your business,” or “why do you ask?” Now, depending on who’s asking, I might respond: “I’m a community organizer” — like your 44th president was, except only for our White community, excluding his.
Accceptable, defensible job title for what we do.
Accceptable, defensible job title for what we do. Yes, for what we do. Whites who seek to nurture and build an actual community composed of racio-ethno-tribally ‘us’-ness, not a shooting gallery for the night people. Same with activists (political soldiers to awake or interest the White lost), journalists (brutal truth by Jim Goad and Lothrop Stoddard), professors (K-mac and Ricardo Duchesne), or experts (CCommentator Scott on his very detailed tech-knowledge). These terms are actual life for proWhites, not fictional brands good goys identify as fo’ gibs. Thanks.
Excellent summation of the Obama phenomenon! I remember when his first Presidential campaign began, the unstoppable tsunami of adoration that the media created and the masses religiously replicated…Black people, everywhere, wearing t-shirts with a deified, haloed version of BHO; school children enraptured by him, even though they were ineligible to vote. Like it was the second-coming of Jesus Christ; Black Jesus, of course. I *saw* this for what it was, (even as culturally liberal as I was at that point in time) and for what it, indeed, turned out to be. “Race” wasn’t going away, it was being institutionalized as a weapon against Whites, and it was here to STAY. That cold, creeping feeling of inevitability; and knowing in my bones: Whitey’s gonna’ pay for this — big time.
Barak Obama is responsible for awakening my then-slumbering, healthy pro-White instincts from the dream state that the majority culture had anesthetized me into. There is that; although in 2015, I was still naive enough to be stunned that a sitting President was demonizing candidate Donald Trump, basically for not being anti-White and more fundamentally, for speaking the White people like me.
The first time I saw an “Obama” campaign sign, when I lived in rural Illinois in 2004, I thought it was a tasteless exercise in black (“black” as in dark, not racial) humor. At the time, the American empire was on a worldwide search for the terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. I figured that someone, for whatever reason, had invented the name Obama as a joke, because it sounded like Osama. Later, when I learned that a person with a Mohammedan name like Obama really was running for the U.S. Senate, I figured that he didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in the Central African Republic of winning. Obama…Osama… too close, too soon. Yet, the Chicago Machine and its state political cronies can perform wonders when they realize they will profit handsomely. Too bad that original Obama campaign sign hadn’t been only a joke.
AOA: February 9, 2025 The first time I saw an “Obama” campaign sign, when I lived in rural Illinois in 2004, I thought it was a tasteless exercise in black (“black” as in dark, not racial) humor. At the time, the American empire was on a worldwide search for the terrorist leader Osama bin Laden…
Interesting. That could explain why Obongo didn’t include his middle name in his campaigns? The Muslim vote wouldn’t have been enough to carry the half-White mongrel <ahem!> “community organizer” across the finish line.
Yet, the Chicago Machine and its state political cronies can perform wonders when they realize they will profit handsomely…
I don’t recall who said it, but in describing Obama’s 2008 presidential victory, he blurted out that “it was a victory of Chicago Jews over New York Jews.” Sounded right. I was pulling for Ron Paul, but he didn’t have any Jew machine behind him.
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