Within any political party it is doubtful that the donor interests and voter interests will be perfectly aligned. In the case of the GOP, they appear to be diametrically opposed on the issue of immigration. But as I will show, the interest of an oligarch who cares nothing for blood and soil, or culture and honor, is in fact perfectly aligned with the most strident of White Nationalists on immigration.
It is just as much in your interests, dear oligarch, to make sure that Trump follows through with mass deportations, ending birthright citizenship, and not following through with stapling green cards to diplomas as it is in our interests.
It’s no secret that oligarchs like immigration because it depresses wages. The iron laws of supply and demand are not magically suspended when immigration is involved. And oligarchs like immigration even more when the government subsidizes their underpaid labor with welfare, insurance, and housing as with the legal Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio.
This is playing with fire. Legal immigrants can legally vote. And the data from the 2024 election further reinforces our warnings that they will vote Democrat.
If you doubt this, how did you react on election day when you saw long lines of white men finally showing up to vote? You breathed a sigh of relief, because you knew exactly how they would vote. Some people tried to pass this off as being about men. Despite what the manosphere, groypers, and libtards might claim, the majority of white women also do not want to watch civilization burn just so they can sleep around without consequences.
While there have been gains among Hispanic voters, this is probably because they are aspirationally white and enjoy living in a white society. Being tough on immigration will earn their respect and is in their self-interest as they are already here. In contrast to Hispanics, Asians overwhelmingly voted Democrat. Granting green cards to Chinese and Indians will be rewarded with treachery at the polls. Furthermore, many of these Asiatic immigrants do jobs which can be done remotely from their homelands.
A white America is a red America. A brown America is a blue America.
Yes, less immigration will lower your profits due to higher labor costs. But this is more than offset by the benefits. For any business or investment (including yours) to be accurately priced it should have the risk of every possible loss multiplied by the magnitude of that loss subtracted from its value. For example, the price of a home in Nebraska should factor in the average risk and average destruction of a tornado (or in the alternative, the price of an insurance plan for tornados which should be about the same).
Not only does the risk of Democrat rule increase the more nonwhite America becomes, so does the possible damage of their policies. This is because the Democrat agenda will become more radical as their voter base changes. In fact, to appease their nonwhite base, they may determine that they have no choice than to be more radical whether the party bosses would like to or not. Jimmy Carter and the Democrat party of his day may have been bad for business, but they were nothing compared to Obama or Kamala, let alone AOC in 2032 on an alternate timeline.
When the constituents of these candidates talk about “abolishing whiteness” and “hanging the capitalists with the rope they sell us” what exactly do you think this would entail? Vibes? Policy studies? Threads on X? More like taxing unrealized capital gains, destroying generational wealth, heavy regulations, inefficiency, frivolous litigation, and onerous diversity mandates. The collateral damage their war on whites would cause to your wealth would be a bonus for them.
Do you really want to factor in the probability and damage of another 2020? Such category 5 chimp-outs make Nebraskan tornados seem like nothing.
What impact would you think that a Kamala victory would have on your stock portfolio and salary? Unlike the boomers, you will not be able to outlive the consequences of a browning America. If Kamala had won, even they might not have. In contrast, I assume that your finances are already looking better due to the effects of a Trump presidency being factored in.
Politics and economics affect each other, and demographics and politics affect each other.
Furthermore, it’s long been conventional wisdom that a stable, well-paying job and an affordable home deradicalize Leftists. For example, part of why so many of my fellow millennials are such insufferable Leftists is because of the 2008 housing market crash. (Neocon wars didn’t help either.) Immigration depresses wages and raises home prices due to the iron laws of supply and demand, thus increasing the number and rabidness of Democrats—and thereby the probability and magnitude of a Democrat victory.
Many you come from middle class families. You rose because you are smart, talented, and hard-working. But you also benefitted from a high-trust, individualistic, anti-nepotistic society, that gives talented outsiders a chance to rise based on merit. Be careful that you don’t destroy that society by importing clannish, nepotistic Asians and installing them where they will impede or strangle future generations of people like you.
You may be asking why so many of your dear fellow oligarchs are pro-open borders then.
Are such sophisticated people actually stupid? Some of them might be if their time horizon doesn’t go beyond a quarterly earning statement.
Many of them are probably Jewish, and on a deep level they don’t think of America as their homeland. They aren’t betting on their great-grandchildren still being Americans. And they vote like it.
Despite excessive pandering from Trump, 78% of Jews (as defined by religion) voted for Kamala. That number would probably be even higher if it defined Jews ethnically instead of religiously.
Of the 22% of Jews who voted for Trump, what percentage did so because they thought him good for Israel, as opposed to good for America?
I know there are some Jews who think they have a good life in America and want to preserve it as their homeland. But those Jews want to keep America white. It is in your rational self-interest to have a white society and a white electorate too.
It’s inevitable that Trump will face resistance to enacting his America First agenda, especially on immigration, but if you value your money even a fraction of how much we value our blood and soil, you should do everything possible to help Trump to tackle immigration—and especially legal immigration.
If you and your fellow oligarchs ever feel tempted to cut labor costs through open borders in the short-term, remember how you felt on election night.
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On Tariffs, Visas, and the Indian Programming Scam
Elon Musk, Wilmot Robertson, and the Question of White Immigration
How Economic and Ethnic Nationalism by White and East Asian Nations Raises World Living Standards, and How Open Borders and Multiculturalism Lowers Them
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The Counter-Jeethad on X
What White Nationalists Want from the Trump Administration – Part 2
The Great Replacement and Immigration Policies
POTUS Trump posted:
We believed him back in 2015, thus, we elected him to the White House the first time, but, he did not deliver. As Commander-in-Chief POTUS Trump required zero permission to build THE WALL as he already had the manpower & they are called the Army Corps of Engineers & the Naval Seabees, &, had virtually unlimited money by just placing a tax on the tens of billions of dollars that leaves USA every year called Remittances. Again, he did not build the wall, deport ALL illegals, & cancel birthright citizenship in 2016, the 3 basic items he should have done just to get America back on the recovery track, but, he DID NOT do it. The sheeple believed him (still do) while the INVASION of our homeland continues & the bodies are piling up. Well, we’re not fooled this time, this time you have till January 20, 2026 to complete that Wall.
“Within any political party it is doubtful that the donor interests and voter interests will be perfectly aligned. In the case of the GOP, they appear to be diametrically opposed on the issue of immigration.”
Too bad you can’t separate them, or our own consumer habits and market priority indecisions. Dilemma, Dilemma.
Is it possible that 78% of Jews voted for Harris? I can’t believe it. Jews in America are White. Have been since the founding of the republic. Could they possibly be so blind as to vote against their own and the country’s interests? I wonder if those polled who identify as Jews are just the more left-leaning of the ethnicity?
Are you joking?
Why do you read Counter Currents?
I was recently listening to a Michael Savage podcast. Savage is a very proud and ethnocentric Jew. He went on a 20 minute long rant about how the Jews have wrecked this country. He’s definitely an outlier, but he made the same valid points that you read here.
Any chance you could post a link or other reference to the MS show for the benefit of our catechumens?
Despite what the manosphere, groypers, and libtards might claim, the majority of white women also do not want to watch civilization burn just so they can sleep around without consequences.
Seriously. Apparently, Anthony Scaramucci was caught off guard by the fact that 46% of all women voted for Trump, because he didn’t consider the fact that White women might not appreciate the demonization of their sons by “the woke culture!” Does he not have a mom? How do you just temporarily forget one of the most fundamental facts of life (a mother’s love), make a bad prediction as a result, and still be taken seriously as a mainstream expert worthy of national media platforms?
You expect a certain amount of this kind of crackpot stupidity in a dissident movement like ours, but you would think the legacy medi
I’ll try to find it
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